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Monday, February 24, 2025

How Often Are You Late?

How Often Are You Late?

Supposedly, being LATE should never be a talking point, right?  How Often Are You Late?  Many psychologists do warn us to NEVER downplay and NEVER under-estimate that issue of being LATE because according to them, there are deep-rooted personality characteristics at play, making lateness a very difficult habit to break.  A blunt analogy is, telling a late person to be on time is like telling a dieter NOT to eat muchπŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜

By a stretch, if it were that easy, then we WON'T hear about 'weight watchers'.  NOW, to tackle the bull by its horn, if being LATE is an issue, let's ask ourselves, WHAT KIND OF LATE are you?  The first step towards laziness is self-awareness.  Sit down and go over your own patterns.  Are you LATE to everything OR just some things? HOW do you feel WHEN you're late?  WHAT causes one to run behind?  Frankly, IF you're always LATE by roughly the same amount of time, that could be a psychological hurdle, right???

On the other hand, if your LATENESS is quite erratic, like late by 10 minutes at one time and by 30 minutes another time, your problem will more likely be 'mechanical' more than anything else.  Then, the mountain slopes DON'T seem too steep to climb because likely, it's your time management skills that needs to work. Surprisingly, there are various types of person that could be struggling with being LATEπŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•

There's the DEADLINER, one WHO enjoys the rush at the last minute, one WHO thrives on urgency and often claims to work best WHEN under pressure.  Oh, really?  Then there's the PRODUCER who needs to get things done in as little time as possible, one WHO feels better about oneself WHEN he's checking things off a massive TO-DO list.  And these PRODUCERS tend to engage in 'magical thinking'.  Then, there's the absent-minded professor vulnerable to distraction as they often lose track of time, misplacing the car key and even missing appointments❌❌❌

Our takeaway:  Let's agree on this baseline, that is, people typically identify with more than one LATENESS personality.  So, WHAT is making you LATE?   Watch yourself carefully to identify WHAT is actually making you LATE.  BTW, texting that "I'LL BE 5 MINUTES LATE" DOESN'T absolve you OR buy you any extra time.  So, HOW OFTEN ARE YOU LATE???

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