NOT too long ago, leisure was seen and perceived to be prestigious enough. Going out for your tennis, badminton OR zumba schedules after work meant you just ended a long day at work. Today, that perception has been turned on its head and BUSYNESS has even become as the new status symbol. With mixed feelings, BUSY people are considered important and impressive and many of us tend to be rewarded BUT Are You PRODUCTIVE Enough? Or Simply BUSY!@#$%?
There's that anecdote of a new immigrant in the U.S. WHO was busy grappling to learn English fast enough. So, WHEN he often heard people to be BUSY, he thought BUSY meant GOOD, so he was impressed that there were many GOOD people in America. Researches were also made and by all counts, nearly eight out of 10 would reply that they were BUSY. Those researches further bolstered the fact that these times around, our days are becoming increasingly jampacked, literally and figuratively speaking. And shockingly, researchers often heard "NEVER HAD ENOUGH TIME' for close to 90% as recent as this year. NOT to blame technology but BUSYNESS has even been likened to the multitasking of a Bluetooth device who seems to be in that multi-tasking cycle no end💧💧💧
Shockingly, recent studies in the United States, France and South Korea showed that people WHO exerted 'high effort' were considered 'MORALLY ADMIRABLE' regardless of their output, whew. Alas, in the business world, BUSYNESS is NOT a virtue anymore and it is long past time that organizations have stopped lionizing it. Evaluating employees on HOW busy they are is a terrible way to identify the most creative and productive talent💥💥💥
Ironically, studies showed that WHEN some organizations [fortunately, our company is NOT one of them] tend to overload employees and base their incentives primarily on the amount of time they work, and excessively monitor their activities, productivity and even efficiency really dropped. Exhaustion among employees can even contribute to attrition, so in the end, this misplaced metrics will backfire to the organization❌❌❌Our takeaway: Another insightful research did hit me hard WHEN I remember one of their statements that 'SCARCITY, WHY HAVING TOO LITTLE MEANS SO MUCH' and the analogy is with a person whose car has problems and the repairs mean he has to fork out $1,500 [BUT alas, he does not even food on the table, so to speak]. So, WHAT happens next is that he ends up with decisions that are dumber than ever and this analogy carries over to the person constrained with TIME. The lesson learnt here is that WHEN we have too little of something that is important to us, we tend to become a little dumber, and even less disciplined and we end up with poor choices. This helps explain, among many other things as to WHY poor people end up with 'greedy loan sharks' WHEN they should know for a fact that they just end up deeper in that hole. Final question dude. ARE YOU PRODUCTIVE ENOUGH? OR SIMPLY BUSY???
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