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Monday, February 10, 2025

Still Anticipating Outcomes?

As the old school has taught us, there is always an answer to all the problems and difficulties that we do struggle with BUT because the answer is so obvious, we very rarely see it.  WHAT happens WHEN we DON'T see it is that we get locked into thinking about the problem we face, sometimes over and over again.  We then end up anticipating.  Really, Still Anticipating Outcomes?  That's the thing, we end up stuck in that vulnerable process and we end up in doing things WHICH DON'T actually help as such but instead, it just seems to produce more uncertainty, doubt and indecision📗📙📘

Even during those times WHEN we seem to be convinced that we know WHAT is going to happen next, we still DON'T let it go, instead we keep at it and at it like a dog with a particularly juicy bone.  Then, our 'mental jaws' just keep working away at the problem even WHEN we know we CAN'T fix it❌❌❌

if only we can break it and put to a halt our process of thinking about HOW bad a problem is, it DOESN'T actually help us at all.  Psychologists claim instead that the more they did re-run that scenario, the more terrible they felt.  And the more they did play with all the possibilities, desperately trying to 'find our way out', the more LOCKED IN and caught up we become.  Thinking about the problem becomes part of the problem, in fact.  We could even say that it becomes the 'biggest part of the problem' itself.  So, WHEN the problem is our own selves trying vainly to fix our problem, that problem becomes us ourselves in trying to anticipate WHAT happens next and driving ourselves totally cracked as we do so.  So, WHAT's the not-so-secret answer?  It is NOT and NEVER TO ANTICIPATE THE OUTCOME at all💥💥💥

Experts tell us that ANTICIPATING OUTCOMES is the fault, the glitch in the process that unfailingly ruins everything.  So, HOW do we ANTICIPATE OUTCOMES?  Now, if I say that I am NOT going to anticipate the OUTCOME, then it's likely that I already ANTICIPATED THE OUTCOME.   In the end, we could feel trapped in a closed loop of 'ANTICIPATING THAT WE WILL NOT ANTICIPATE' and that whole loop ends up as nothing else but another round of ANTICIPATION.  On the other hand, the other school of thought is that ANTICIPATION gets associated with a sense of well-being and even mental health benefits.  And that the pleasurable release of DOPAMINE in the brain happens WHEN we expect good OUTCOMES in the future💦💦💦
Our takeaway:  WHETHER you end up with POSITIVE or NEGATIVE ANTICIPATION, fact is our mind is wired for ANTICIPATION and better still, we evolve to have an enhanced capacity to form accurate expectations about the future so we could make better predictions instead of ending up with NEGATIVE ANTICIPATIONS❎❎❎

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