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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

When The Concrete Collapses

When The Concrete Collapses

No sirrrrs, today's piece is NOT about structural engineering as that is not within my domain.  Instead, I'd like to compare life's worst trials and tribulations to those times when the concrete collapses.  What this tells us is that regardless of the strength and sturdiness of the building materials, there remains that probability that one day it could tilt and later on, even crumble and collapse.

Certainly, when the concrete collapses, it becomes akin to the worst trials in life.  When we receive a failing mark in school.  When a serious health issue hits our family.  When we are in very dire financial straits.  When all so suddenly, we are out there, jobless in the street.  When our entrepreneurial initiatives end in very disastrous way that spirals as it ends impacting us not just financially but sometimes, our mental and physical health.  Or you can be a law-abiding citizen throughout your life but somehow you get jailed because you were at the WRONG PLACE at the WRONG TIME.

But to borrow word from J.K. Rowling, the very successful British author, more known for the Harry Potter Series, 'ROCK BOTTOM BECAME THE SOLID FOUNDATION ON WHICH I REBUILT MY LIFE'.  So, without going deep into her Bio, she did hit the worst of the worst rock bottoms one could ever get hit in life but rather than to dampen or deter her from moving forward, she leveraged on it to become the very foundation from where her life-rebuilding journey leveraged on.  

And before Forbes' named her as the world's highest paid author, she had to endure it when her mother died of multiple sclerosis, her marriage failed and she had to live and depend on state assistance as she slowly picked up all the broken pieces in her life.  And in her Bio, she admits that a few times, she was just about to give up in life because she was convinced that she won't be able to rise up again after all the double and triple-wammies she went through in life.  If there's anything we can pick up and learn from J.K. Rowling, it is for us to realize that nothing and nothing should be a show-stopper for us to rebuild and recover our life even if we really felt we were squeezed fatally hard when the concrete did collapsed

So, how do we survive when the concrete collapses?  First off, identify the feeling that envelopes you.  Is it anger?  Grief?  Sadness?  Then, GO AHEAD & CRY.  Nothing to be ashamed of it.  You got to LET IT OUT.  Now, re-examine deeply close enough and ask WHO COULD YOU HAVE DONE IT BETTER?  At that point, be forgiving whether to yourself or to whoever is the culprit.  Then find your close coterie of trusted people and just UNLOAD everything but if there are moments you need to be alone, go for it, you deserve those moments of solitude.  Lastly, PRACTICE PATIENCE especially when pain takes time to resolve❗❗❗

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