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Sunday, June 12, 2022

Chime In Anytime

Chime In Anytime

No sirrrrrrs, we DON'T live our life based on a script, based on a screenplay.  To live life consistent with truism, the question as to when to Chime In Anytime is moot and academic. It's NOT even a talking points at all.  UNLESS we are incapacitated.  UNLESS we are coerced.  UNLESS we are inhibited. UNLESS we are incommunicado.  UNLESS we have waived and raised the WHITE FLAG of SURRENDERUNLESS you have zero cards left on your deck.  UNLESS you have become a non-entity.  UNLESS you are defaulting from all your rights and privileges attendant to your existence.  UNLESS you are succumbing to this basketful of UNLESS 'exit routines', then you need to have that gumption to Chime In Anytime you need to take an initiative, Chime In Anytime  you need to take a PRINCIPLED STAND, Chime In Anytime you need your voice to be heard in an impartial and fearless manner, Chime In Anytime you need to 'RIGHT the WRONG', Chime In Anytime you cannot accept an act that is either deplorable, despicable and disgraceful act or language by anyone against your hapless persona.

Can we imagine a couple in an impasse, in a damn hard deadlock after locking horns over and over again, with neither party willing to give way.  What happens if neither couple chimes in anytime?  Obviously, that kind of doomed relationship will have its 'curtain call' sooner than the optimists can expect. 

Without sounding political, let's swing back and quickly banner the latest NOBEL PEACE PRIZE winners in Russian Dmitry Muratov and Maria Ressa And what is their common denominator?  As journalists, Day-in Day-out, they never feared when to Chime In Anytime, for them to be the messaging channel as journalists despite being under constant threat by their respective governments in Russia and the Philippines.

So I salute the diehard  followers of Donald Trump even if some segments are part of the ultra right  I salute as well the dyed in the wool Democrats for NOT waivering when they had to take a stand along party lines.  Anyone I abhor and loathe?  Yesirrrrrs, I detest those fellows who are intellectually upright but have obviously defaulted to let their voices heard with regard their respective political stands.  And when sometimes they do chime in, it is TOO LITTLE TOO LATE. Indeed, what a HUGE WASTE.  Being intellectually upright but intellectually INUTILE to 'SPEAK THEIR MINDS'.  Instead they prefer to some subtle SABER RATTLING in social media.  So in life, please do Chime In Anytime

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