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Saturday, June 18, 2022



Seriously, how's your TRAJECTORY as we speak now?  Not to be scared, there is no right or wrong answer but we need an answer, I'm serious.  Otherwise, if you tell me now that you are totally clueless as regards your TRAJECTORY as we speak now, that is so alarming because that tells me of fluttering RED FLAGS that need to be addressed with no less than an urgency

So, the biggest question you might dump on me is this:  WHO CARES about the TRAJECTORY.  Ooooops, we got to know our TRAJECTORY as we speak now because we got to pay attention to how our we faring in life.  Starting to build SELF-AWARENESS is the first step after all.

Seriously, it's hard to find our purpose because we DON'T really know ourselves.  We DON'T know what we genuinely like to do or why we do what we do.  We NEVER question what influences us.  We even end up in a career because our parents approved of it, because we thought it would be safe or because it was easy enough.
There are many ways to develop SELF-AWARENESS and it starts with APPRECIATION. Regarding careers, if we are so fixated with high pay and all that stuff, getting constantly focused on getting enough points to get to the 'NEXT LEVEL', we will miss out on everything.  Way back my school years, I knew I wanted to become a lawyer as I thought that will be me a 'CLEAR PATH' to 'MAKE A DIFFERENCE'.  Of course, I realized how fraught all those rosy intentions were.
Like me [BEFORE], you may still be trapped worrying about you're 'MAKING A DIFFERENCE' in an appropriately prestigious way.  You may still get trapped longing for all the stuff that are important to you.  Now, let us take a PULSE CHECK and WATCH OUR TRAJECTORY because from that will tell you how you will need to plot your NEXT MOVES, NEXT PLANS❗❗❗

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