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Friday, June 3, 2022

Do Opposites Attract Or Repel?

Do Opposites Attract Or Repel?

Well, do opposites ATTRACT Or REPEL?  This could lead us to a wide open debate because these two schools of thought have been at loggerheads as far back.  Let's start with the traditional definition that when two magnets are together, opposite poles will attract but like poles will repel each other.  Let's swing over to our human-side realities.

To be honest, many of us do get caught and squeezed in between because we tend to listen more to the behavior of magnets.  But hey, I strongly disagree to that dissertation because that just can't be downright applicable to us humans. Not even to birds and animals.  With too many variables in life, there is just NO ONE SIZE THAT FITS ALL because this is more than just X's and O's.  

Truth of the matter, we should not even show our countenance to another person via our body language and all that stuff.  Relationships are NOT this is me and that is you.  Relationships are NOT to pre-define each persona from his or her own silo.  Relationships were NOT meant to be fitted together like nuts and bolts.  But instead, relationships are what it is and for each party to first assess the disparity and disconnect between the two parties.  Where there is a HUGE DIVIDE that is simply impossible to hurdle, let us accept things as where they stand at that point when that HUGE DIVIDE was assessed.  Can you imagine a scion of a billionaire marrying a homeless pauper?

Do we now have the catch word to a fix, if at all?  Yes, it is for a couple or partners to get into the BALANCING ACT.  Even among entrepreneurs, at the start of that 'bright idea', they were all singing the same tunes but after the honeymoon was over, the business partners find themselves in an acrimonious TUG of WAR.

So what's the formula is all coined in the Triple 'A' acronym which becomes an aggregate of ADAPTABILITY + ADJUSTMENTS + ACCEPTANCE. At the start of things, figure out to ADAPT to each other as far as both can.  Where both parties need to ADJUST [and that's a HUGE SACRIFICE], cut the cracp and DO WHAT IT NEEDS TO BE DONE.  Where all cards have been laid down and gaps remain within a relationship, mutual ACCEPTANCE is the last recourse.  I rest my case✅✅✅

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