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Thursday, June 9, 2022



Yes, just a mundane question.  Do You 'STIR THE POT'?  If you're still in the academe, during group projects, are you just one of the team members and that's all?  In a relationship, is your spouse/partner running all the show by him/herself while you continue to ENJOY LIFE?  If you're a leader at your workplace, are you one who spends more time twiddling your pen or tirelessly moving your mouse as you browse tons of sites not related to your deliverables?  If you're the TOP GUN, are you at work just waiting for signoffs and approvals?

Yes folks.  Even these days where the supermarket displays offer you tons and tons of instant foodies which all you need to do is dump it all and voila!  Even then, sadly, somewhere along, you still need to 'STIR THE POT' when cooking because that's what's expected of you and from you.  No such thing as HANDS-FREE so you can dabble with your multi-tasking in life.  Oooops, BTW, a lot of our responsibilities in life just CAN'T be done HANDS-FREE.  You just got to grab that kitchen spoon or tong, whatever it takes, as long as you STIR THE POT because you got to STIR THE POT, period.

Frankly, this leads me to a quick discussion on being HANDS-ON.  In the old school in the corporate world, I can reminisce seating it up on my swivel chair, signing off and initiating approvals in between face-to-face meetings whether with stakeholders or clients.   At some point [and that was more than TEN [10] years back, I realized that that doesn't make sense anymore.  Had I resisted to change and re-invent myself, today I could be totally irrelevant [and INUTILE, frankly].  Today, even if you are at the CxO-level, you got to roll up your sleeves and deep dive and even micro-manage if that is warranted to either do a 'damage control' or to intervene and imprint your hands for an 'URGENT FIX'.  

If I have yet to swing you over with regard having an HANDS-ON mindset, let's swing over to the workplace and pick out the low hanging fruits of being HANDS-ON.  Primero, it is a major boost to EMPLOYEE RELATIONS.  When your team is made aware that you know your craft like the palm of your hands, what happens next?  TRUST is EARNED [and that is beyond debate I'm sure].
What else?  That will help you come up with INFORMED DECISIONS.  You can have a coterie of leaders reporting to you but once you signoff, NEVER SIGNOFF BLINDLY.  Bottom line is, every organization benefits when its managers assumes an active and HANDS-ON role at work.  The GOOD NEWS is, it doesn't require any special skill or training to become an effective and involved leader.  ALL YOU NEED is a no nonsense WORK ETHIC so please do STIR THE POT ❗❗❗

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