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Sunday, April 24, 2022

WHEN Democracy is 'UP FOR GRABS'

WHEN Democracy is 'UP FOR GRABS'

Everyone in this planet all clamor for DEMOCRACY but what could explain why our whole planet of communities are NOT consistently GREEN ?  Yet everyone of us do hunger for Democracy. Ironically, DEMOCRACY  is 'UP FOR GRABS'  but again we got to work hard for it because it is NEVER served on a silver platter.

Let's see how and where DEMOCRACY now stands across the globeOh I envy the Americas and even South America. From north down to south, it's almost all GREEN except for Venezuela and some countries in Central America.  But what explains why a big chunk of the Americas are all GREEN ?  

Hmmmm well the answer is pretty simple.  YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.  If there are dictators and strongmen lording it over the country, very likely, the people themselves have acquiesced to such autocratic rule, if not necessarily asking for it.  Even in Singapore where I resided for over eight years, it may be debatable as to where it stands as a democracy but to keep this discussion simple, I'll argue that Singapore is a democracy because the democratic bodies all function true to form.  

Obviously, it is beyond argumentation and debate that the United States is the very bastion of democracy.  But so does all the FIRST WORLD countries name it, the U.K., Sweden, Norway, they lead a mile-long list o democracies countries.  So what happens to the THIRD WORLD?  

And what, when and where is our best channel towards DEMOCRACY?  It all starts by  exercising our RIGHT to VOTE during elections.  The U.S. citizenry are our role models for that exercise.  Their campaign events will have the candidates fight an acrimonious battle but whoever wins, the eventual winners are the people, the electorate ❗❗❗

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