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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Play the Cards You're Dealt

Play the Cards You're Dealt

Everyone in life CAN'T deny that at any given time, we always have a deck of cards to work our way out in life but how often did you hear that the deck of cards they have is NOT enough.  Really? But that is NOT the way life is played.  No one guaranteed us a 'full house' of cards at all.  You can have just a solitary ace or even with no ace at all.  Yet you're expected to Play the Cards You're Dealt.  As this poster says it all: 'YOU CAN'T CHOOSE THE HAND YOU WERE DEALT BUT YOU CAN CHOOSE HOW YOU PLAY YOUR CARDS".  A most obvious parallelism can be witnessed at the NBA season where the head coach needs to play whichever players remain on the bench due to injuries and pandemic protocols endured by its star players.  It has always been on the 'LAST MAN STANDING'.

Let's look back into real life stories around us.  How many times have we heard retorts like.... 'Oh, not enough $$$', 'Oh no, not that kind of job', 'Not the country I want to go to', 'Not that food for our meal [when he has no $$$], 'I prefer our holiday @Maldives [but everyone has to wait donkey years because of $$$'].

When you are next to a parched, dried, arid tree or a barren land at that, do you have much choices in life?  Yes you may be right, eventually the time will come when you will have much more choices [as compared to today where probably all you have is one solitary option [AND NOTHING ELSE], whew.  If you have to wait when you will have all the choices on your hands, you could be counting not just years and probably a decade or more.

Oh, I like this poster which runs, 'TOO MANY PEOPLE UNDERVALUE WHAT THEY ARE AND OVERVALUE WHAT THEY'RE NOT.  In the most simple terms and to be blunt and frank about it, let us NOT be too harsh on ourselves.  If that's all your capabilities can handle now, if that's all the $$$ you can now afford, make do with what you, with what you are capable and what you can budget despite the meager resources.  NEVER [as in NEVER] stall things and STOP moving forward simply because it is 'NOT ENOUGH'.  Let us agree on one thing.  In life, things WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.

Yesirrrrrs, in life, it will NEVER BE ENOUGH.  Let's face it, human nature tells us that our wants and desires are just INSATIABLE.  Do we get satisfied?  Yes we do but it's so TEMPORAL, very fleeting and come next day, you will realize that your feet are back to where you where either yesterday, last month, last year or the last time around.  Point is, let us NOT get stuck up in a STATE of STUPOR, idle and with no significant progress at all.  Even if you are down holding on to just bread crumbs, let us realize that bread crumbs are much better than having nothing and nil at all.  Let's hope that from here onwards, everyone of us will Play the Cards You're Dealt❗❗❗

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