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Friday, April 15, 2022

Aiming For a Spot @Mount Rushmore?

Aiming For a Spot @Mount Rushmore?

Aiming For a Spot @Mount Rushmore?  That's NOT a bad idea to aim for.  Aiming for a spot at that historical national memorial @South Dakota would have made you a laughingstock fifty or more years ago.  Today, however, looking at the landscape, there is room for a fifth face and that could be YOU [alongside famous American Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.  Of course, the immediate reaction you'll get is: 'ARE YOU CRAZY'?

No sirssssss, it's NEVER crazy to dream having your place [or at the very least aiming for a spot @Mount Rushmore?  Why?  That historical monument should serve as an inspiration to humanity [yes sirrrrrs, NOT just to Americans] because each of these presidents etched a place in history under difficult circumstances.

Now, to lighten up our discussion, let's get away from that pensive mood cracking our brains how a non-American like me can even dream [CRAZILY'] to have a spot @Mount Rushmore.  Now for trivia, do you know how the flip side of Mount Rushmore looks like?

Now for fun facts.  This is the backside of Mount Rushmore.  NOT BAD.  What this magnifies and tells us is that although the former American Presidents are historical figures in their own right, they are all JUST HUMANS.  There is always the human side in them.  And this brings me back full circle, egging us all to AT THE VERY LEAST to dream and aim for a figurative spot @Mount Rushmore.  And we can accomplish it within our respective lives but eventually reaching the zenith as our commonality. 

Oh, I'd like to quote Elon Musk, the 'ultra mega' successful American billionaire brutally saying: "NO, I DON'T EVER GIVE UP.  I'D HAVE TO BE DEAD OR COMPLETELY INCAPACITATED".  Whew!  That was a mouthful to munch and digest.  In the simplest terms, what he meant, once he aims to achieve something, he'll NEVER STOP till he achieves it [even if he fails over and over again, if you get to know the story behind his SpaceX venture which costs him several billions of $$$ in failed attempts].  Back to our lives, it shouldn't be a HARD SELL for us to digest [and hopefully] translate into concrete action these Elon Musk's compelling words.

Now, what is it 1% DO [to SUCCEED] and 99% of us DON'T do [to FAIL].  #1 TAKE ADVANTAGE of INTRODUCTIONS.  Top people never miss out on this because some intro's may to lead to future opportunities.  #2 CONSIDER THE LITTLE THINGS.  Many times I remember meeting a CxO-level guy for the Nth time and he would ask me like, "HOW WAS YOUR PROJECT in INDIA?" [when he's got nothing to do with it].  #3 CONSISTENTLY READ/LEARN.  That NEVER STOPS in life.  #4 DON'T FORGET to SET GOALS and SURROUND YOURSELF with other GREAT people.  This is NOT to look down on people but ask yourself, if you spend the hours of idle time with kibitzers, busybodies, gazers intruders, peepers, snoopers.  Think of your LOST opportunities to hear and even learn of sensible things relevant to your life [instead of 'senseless stuff'].  Oh, DONT forget to aim for a spot @Mount Rushmore❗❗❗

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