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Wednesday, April 6, 2022



In the NBA jargon, the 'PAINT' area refers to that 'restricted area right around the goal  and once you're there with the ball, you'll have a very high probability of putting the ball in the cup.  How do you turn yourself unstoppable in the 'PAINT' area?  Be a 'FREIGHT TRAIN' in the PAINT', you'll be unstoppable.
And here's a picture I grabbed from the NBA games.  Notice how crowded is that 'PAINT' area as everyone is outmuscling each other there.  To be an unstoppable monster in that 'PAINT' area, you got to be a 'FREIGHT TRAIN' no less.  Back into our life, do we need to be a 'FREIGHT TRAIN' in the PAINT'? Absolutely.  Why?  Because in life, you got to move in full throttle once you are all focused to zoom towards your goal.  And as a 'FREIGHT TRAIN' in the PAINT', everything's on your side.
Question now:  what should we do in life for us to be like a 'FREIGHT TRAIN' in the PAINT' [in life]?  Simple. MOMENTUM.  Gain that momentum, keep and sustain that momentum till the FINISH LINE because only MOMENTUM will carry you through your goal.  Can you reach the FINISH LINE with no momentum.  Yes you can BUT you might be one of the cellar dwellers.  
Bigger question, how do you gain that MOMENTUM in life? Start with the 'BABY STEPS'.  How exactly?  Practice ONE THING EVERY DAY.  Note we didn't say TEN THINGS.  Why one thing?  One thing alone that you practice daily allows your mind to FOCUS.  For every item on the list, a piece of your focus is taken away and that means the power momentum may elude us.
Having gained a modest momentum, let's commit to the long-term.  The misconception about momentum is that it happens quickly.  By committing to the long-term, you head down the path of MOMENTUM.  Focusing on the short-term will only make you obsessed with results that you haven't yet earned and then giving up when you don't see them.  In life, don't we want to be a 'FREIGHT TRAIN in the PAINT' ❓❓❓

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