I think everyone will agree that for the longest time, we were always shaped and influenced by the discipline-centric approach our parents, teachers and mentors always inculcated in us [as part of our progressive growth]. And as we get into adulthood, we would hear left, right and center, everyone talks PRODUCTIVITY and as a confluence of events, PRODUCTIVITY and DISCIPLINE get tied-up and mapped. How often do we hear: I FAILED TO BE PRODUCTIVE BECAUSE OF MY DISCIPLINE but Does DISCIPLINE Top It All???
In the end, we would harp and tell ourselves that we want to be DISCIPLINED in WHAT we're working on, WHETHER it's being at work OR as trivial as waking up early OR performing our other daily routines. So, I did think that to be consistent and productive, the key was DISCIPLINE, DISCIPLINE and DISCIPLINE and simply doing my thing. In the past, I have to admit that I ended up forcing myself to just keep working HARD by using and pushing my WILLPOWER to deal with intermittent procrastination and frankly, sometimes even laziness WHEN it creeps. And frankly, that was a despicable situation for me when sometimes I did procrastinate, finding myself getting dragged into my old despicable old habits, WHICH sometimes I realized things were getting worse💥💥💥
End result? I got stressed no end until it reached a point WHEN it seemed that I DIDN'T enjoy my work [at that time, and that was quite a donkey years ago]. And WHAT followed next was the dominos began to fall one by one. I started to sleep late, even struggling to wake up come next morning. And even after I would wake up, I would end up scrolling my Blackberry mails until I feel 'READY' to start my day. Then the burnout comes in. Then, I end up telling myself that I'm burned out. Unfortunately, I started getting confused because I was doing a balancing act handling my concurrent projects. Even so, I failed to get back on track and by then I realized that I f*cked up❎❎❎
To deal with my dilemma, I thought I needed to find my inner self again and as an aftermath of my soul searching, the lesson I learned is that being DISCIPLINED, consistent OR even productive in our daily work is actually more about LOVING the work than merely working HARD! And that reinforced my belief that if you LOVE YOUR WORK, you will mostly do the HARD WORK WITH EASE, OR even if you DON'T notice it, by then you already have WORKED HARD ENOUGH. So, I reckoned that this boils around on loving WHAT we do and that egged me to even plan HOW to make my work FUN by making my favorite coffee blend with a mix of music before I work😌😌😌
Our takeaway: Let's dice and drill here. WHAT are the pressing reasons to do WHAT WE LOVE? Enjoying your career should be a priority over earning a high salary OR a flashy title BUT that may NOT have been the case WHEN you first considered WHAT you wanted to do for a career. NOW, WHAT do we expect if we will LOVE the work we do? Topping the list is, we are almost assured that we will feel more FULFILLED. As the lines between working life and personal life blur, a job is as much about personal fulfillment and growth as it is about a paycheck, right? YES, I can assure you HOW I felt when I started loving my work then. I felt MORE productive. NOT because I worked less then BUT because I started loving WHAT I was doing. Bottomline here is that the main reason to do WHAT we love is our HAPPINESS. Finding that place will NOT only provide contentment BUT also make us more motivated and yes, more productive. Word of caution though. We're NOT dumping the need for DISCIPLINE, dude!!!