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Sunday, July 30, 2023



Do we need our WHEELS for LIFE?  Absolutely YES.  Go over the long roads and highways to trek in our life.  How far can your life go and reach without having your WHEELS TURNING?  Figuratively speaking, your WHEELS IN LIFE are your own catalyst from within that will the motivate you to start and ignite the engine before you start stepping on the gas.  There are many real-life analogies wherein our parents, our mentors, our spouse/partners and all those who care for us would trigger us to position ourselves for our WHEELS to START TURNING💎💎💎

For most of us, the most common [and I'd say UNPOPULAR] problem that comes up early on is setting [in a NO NONSENSE approach] one's goals.  Admittedly, setting up our goals is already a BIG first step forward improving our life.  BUT for today's thread, we WON'T spend time on that dilemma of setting up goals.  Instead, we're assuming that one has set up the goal[s] and what preoccupies us now is really to have those WHEELS to START TURNING📌📌📌
But let's admit that following through to achieve what we've set out to accomplish can, at times, be daunting and challenging [especially during those days WHEN MOTIVATION WANES.  So how do we follow through those commitments when we DON'T feel putting up work❓❓❓
Admittedly, we all lose our MOTIVATION [from time to time].  So what's our FIXes? First off, please CALENDAR your goals.  You DON'T need Microsoft Office Tools for that.  Done that?  Start attempting to have those WHEELS START TURNING.  Make working toward your goal a habit.  Remember though that HABIT FORMATION is another small hill to climb, but let's reserve that thread for another day to tackle❗❗❗
Now, before we get into the freeways, set SMALL GOALS to build momentum.  In the F1 race, they are those PIT STOPS.  And as your WHEELS START TURNING, do track your progress.  You CAN'T go on a snail's pace.  And as you start to achieve those 'SMALL GAINS', do pat yourself on your back, then keep grinding till you achieve a solid milestone. Meanwhile, keep ensuring that your WHEELS KEEP TURNING✅✅✅

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