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Friday, July 21, 2023

Playing Victim?

Playing Victim?

Nope, we're NOT into drama and all those scripts BUT surely, you have heard of circumstances when one seems to be Playing Victim?  Frankly, Playing Victim is a tactic that lots of people use, either consciously OR unconsciously.  Sometimes, they do so because they believe that painting themselves as the injured party could benefit them in a certain situation or even, life in general⏳⏳⏳

And this all boils down to NEVER accepting responsibility for their actions, blaming everyone else for things that go wrong, and complaining that they're always the one who suffers even when that couldn't be farther from the truth.  BUT let's admit.  At some of point in our lives, all of us did Play Victim maybe once or twice, all because it's really part of human nature.  And the sad truth is that very few of us have that mental strength to accept responsibility for our mistakes every single time we make themπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Having said all these, it can be frustrating and also a bit confusing to deal with someone whose default mode is the victim.  Now, here's an innocent question for us all:  HOW DO YOU KNOW IF SOMEONE's PLAYING THE VICTIM CARD deliberately?  And how do we deal with it?  Too bad people can be Playing Victim in all kinds of different ways.  How do we figure out one who's Playing Victim❓❓❓

So. what's our FIXes for this Playing Victim kind of thing?  Numero Uno, DON'T ever get dragged into emotions.  Problem is, when people start Playing Victim, emotions become part and parcel of the circumstance.  So, how do you deal with it?  Remain cool.  Be 'poker-faced'.  Just a single misstep can drag you into that quagmire.  Numero dos, DON'T BITE the BAIT as you may end up hapless victim by the Playing VictimπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Note that those playing victim do deal in judgments and 'shoulds' in interaction with others.  They tend to operate based on assumptions.  Worse yet, angry and victimized feelings seem to be bottled up inside and worse, that may even lead to depression.  Whether you may end up Playing Victim or ending as a prey of someone Playing Victim, be wary of this❗❗❗

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