When Do You Cross The RUBICON?
Many of us reside either in valleys, peaks or even along the coastal lines. Some of us reside in landlocked cities while some live in either islets or in bigger islands like Hawaii OR Long Island. Regardless, one day, we'll be asked this one: When Do You Cross The RUBICON? Will you dare to accept the challenge and argue that NO way you'll cross it one day? Be forewarned dude, just DON'T eat your words because in our life, it is a given that from time to time, we need to make decisions, even for decisions we tried to avoid and delayed📗📙📘
I can personally attest countless times WHEN I did bear witness to people WHO dared NOT to cross the RUBICON, avoiding making decisions and WHERE it CAN'T be avoided, delaying and delaying the game. Alas, as the old cliche goes, YES YOU CAN HIDE BUT YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY. Such is the harshness of life. NEVER run away from life's turmoil's and travails because one day, it will catch up on you💧💧💧
Relationships are good case studies. There is this utter false belief that things will fix by itself, THAT you DON'T need to be confrontational, THAT you DON'T need to be hot-headed, THAT you DON'T need to be that impatient because one day, one night, the starts will align and voila, you would have overcome that lingering problem that you did avoid through the weeks and months. If you will challenge me of stories that there were 'horror stories' that turnaround around favorably, those are outliers dude!!!
The analogy of decisions in life that do frighten people can be pegged to real-life situations WHEN people WHO come across large bridges would be overwhelmed with fear. Technically called GEPHYROPHOBIA, that's the abnormal and persistent fear of crossing bridges. Mix that with ACROPHOBIA, that fear of heights, crossing the bridge can become a terrifying experience. Let's map that to our decision-making💦💦💦
Our takeaway: WHILE it is not easy enough to grapple with decisions that may have its far-reaching implications, allow me to share HOW I handled that dilemma before. I talked to myself and I challenged myself to have, at the very least, two options, like it's a go OR not, a yes OR no, a push OR pull. And I DIDN'T give myself an option to skip OR avoid making a decision. Obviously, I always reminded myself that I need to arrive at an INFORMED DECISION, devoid of assumptions and guesses. And lastly, I reminded myself that WHEN I CROSS THE RUBICON, there's no turning back❗❗❗
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