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Wednesday, January 26, 2022



This may be a topic discussed a zlllion times but this just deserves to be discoursed over and over again because in our life, the MAIN THING is to Keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING.  You go off-track and offline, you will lose grip of the top of the topmost things that need your utter focus.  End result ?  You will fail to achieve your target, your goal.  You will fall short of what you zeroed-in to achieve.  BTW, this seemingly redundant and verbose statement is widely quoted from Stephen Covey, the respected American who authored 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE
This poster may be an exaggeration but says it all in one shot.  That is, if you need to do something because that's the most important task to perform at that point in time, keep your sharp and consistent focus.  Taking a leaf from Stephen Covey, he rattles off the 7 HABITS of HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE and topping that list is to BE PROACTIVE.  And that couldn't be farther from my mantra.
Being PROACTIVE tops because of its one too many obvious benefits.  It let's you avoid that potential CHAOS if things go off track.  You SAVE TIME, MONEY and even EFFORTS as opposed when you end up as REACTIVE.  By being proactive, it gives you that elbow room for flexibility [as against if you are catching up].  And with a proactive approach, it allows you to better plan for the future.
No pun intended but to quote Stephen Covey, the key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule but instead, to schedule your priorities.  I'll let out the cat out of the bag. What is that single mistake which we [yes that includes myself] have been committing over and over again until this very day ?  It is our human tendency to spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.
Oh I love this cute poster likening life to the camera.  Indeed, LIFE IS LIKE A CAMERA.  FOCUS ON WHAT'S IMPORTANT AND YOU'LL CAPTURE IT PERFECTLY.  Problem is, we are so vulerable.  We easily get distratec and disrupted.  If we're watching a movie in the film room, when someone steps in or out, many of us tend to look over that seemingly minor commotion.  The key here is FOCUS because once we compromise our FOCUS on the important things in life, before you know, it's GAME OVER for you, dude ❗❗❗

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