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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Don't Disappear Into the WOODPILE

Don't Disappear Into the WOODPILE

True, there will be extreme and stretched circumstances in our life when we may just disappear altogether but it should not be caused by a one-off thing.  Otherwise, the stern reminder to us all is:  Don't Disappear Into the WOODPILE.  Why ?  Simple.  Unless it is the 'end of the world', then it is NOT yet the 'end of the world'.  And if it's not, why do you need to Disappear Into the WOODPIL ?  No one deserves to end up in ignominy unless nothing can be worst than you.

Breakups.  Bankruptcy.  Controversy. Crisis.  Medical Illness.  Natural Disasters. Tragedy. These are all givens in life but not anyone of these should cause us to Disappear Into the WOODPILE because that is akin to raising the white flag.  But still, this is just not acceptable at all.  Why give up when you've got an ounce pf energy yet ?  Why throw everything to waste when you have invested so much time, efforts and probably $$$$$ ?  Why let everything that have been exerted, spent and exhausted suddenly go down the drain ?

BTW, you may have not [yet] disappeared underneath that WOODPILE but if you are just one of those books inserted incognito in the endless run of bookshelves, that does not make things much different because INCOGNITO mode is still INCOGNITO.  But after going through all the chalenges, do you deserve to be in INCOGNITO ?

Why do we need to suffer in IGNOMINY ? Even if our fuel tank is almost running empty.  You still got a liter or two left, right ?  At worst,  you've got that fuel tank with you.  Truth of the matter is that things usually feel out of control when we begin to neglect or ignore the things and people who matter to us, even if it is temporary.  It's at those times that we start wondering how to to get our life back on track.  It is also about understanding that once you let one thing slide, it will become easier to let other things go, which will cause us to feel off balance.
So how do we get back our life back to track ?  This is no simple formula but whatever it takes, you got to anyway.  So how ?  DO A LIFE AUDIT.  You need to figure out what things are running out of control.  Sometimes when life takes over and the frenetic fluidity takes place, we tend to neglect the vital areas that cause us to sacrifice our health, and even overcompensate our time and energy in relationships and things that aren't serving us.  Regardless, please Don't Disappear Into the WOODPILE❗❗❗

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