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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Are You Just HUMMING ?

Are You Just HUMMING ?

How is it ?  How are you steering your life along the road?  Are You Just HUMMING?  Hmmmmm per se, there is nothing wrong with humming at all because in the first place, it manifests that you are aware of the goings-on and indeed you are trying to go along with it.  But what is quite disconcerting is if your humming has become your default such that most of the time, Are You Just HUMMING?

The analogy here is that in our life, when we Are You Just HUMMING, it's those moments of passiveness when you are exerting less efforts, burning less energy and that is perfectly fine more as an exception.  Example, after a whole day of work, you sit back, sip coffee and start to be HUMMING. Or you're a homemaker, after non-stop house chores, you take a  break and start to be HUMMING.  What is approaching alarm levels is if most of the time you're HUMMING.

With giraffes, they do spend a lot of their evenings HUMMING but that's them.  For us, HUMMING reflects passiveness and when you are in that passive state, if you're angling for something, your passive approach will take you longer, if at all, to achieve that goal.  Whereas, the active [or hyper-active] one should get things it done by a mile ahead of you.  If you're in a marathon, yes you might still reach the FINISH LINE but after everyone went home by then.

Indeed with technology today, you can just do the HUMMING and the apps will identify the song you're HUMMING but that's music.  In life, if you're a jobseeker and you're just waiting for job opportunities to knock on your door, so sorry Senor, it doesn't work out that way.  True, your bff will go all the way to your doorstep to bring the good tidings but that's a longshot to say the least.

Frankly, if you have been HUMMING most of the time, it's about time you take over your life in a much aggressive stance than ever.  You got to take matters in your own hands WITH CRITICAL URGENCY.  It is true that human nature dictates upon us to prioritize tasks which are urgent BUT how about the IMPORTANT ones ?  We just need to ACT AGAIN and aggressively act AS IF your back is against the wall ⌛⏳⌛

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