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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Turning Around that 'MESS'

Turning Around that 'MESS'

Life may not be always what it is but often, it's in the optics, the messaging piece, the way we create the ripple effects that even shape things up. Be it at home or at work, your workmates or even your family members can pick things up not from what you speak but instead by the ramifications of what you really end up doing.  In life, there is just no room for double-speak but you dare breach the threshold of things, even aberrations will become visible on the surface.

Never underestimate the ability of people to see things because it's all in the 'optics'.  People have one too many viewfinders to know the 'real score', too many channels to drill-down and and get the least distorted picture.  But in case you fall to this trap, the reality of that mess therein can't be ignored.  Take it from https://www.98point6.com/getting-back-on-track-with-healthy-habits-when-it-seems-life-is-derailing-you/.

Diane Passage assures us @ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/5-signs-your-life-is-a-mess-and-how-to-fix-it-fast_b_7991022 that regardless of the mess one may be embroiled in, there is still a way out but before putting the cart ahead of the horse, you need to know that you're in a mess.  How ?  Do you have that negative attitude ? Do you feel that 'burn out' ?  Either your home or desk is literally a mess ?  You've got health issues ?  You don't get that focus you need to.

Bleak horizons ?  That streak of light will eventually sneak but if you want to hasten that second of life, you've gotta dump off everything that's loathsome and detestable.  Else, if you remain stubborn to recycle your chameleon-like persona, poor you, you might end up in the murky and stagnant 'dead waters'.

Jane Fonda, the very respected American actress and political activist can be best quoted: "It's never too late to start over, never too late to be happy".  And to ride on a much older cliche, 'success stories do not have timelines and deadlines,  But as a word of caution, that vicious cycle CAN'T go on forever.  You gotta stomp your foot down and shape up. ✅

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