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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Are You Just Humming [in Life] ?

 Are You Just Humming [in Life] ?

Not too bad, everyone hums I guess. And now, with Google Assistant, you can find that song by just humming.  Indeed, that kind of song search is a quantum leap.  BUT, we deter and discourage everyone to end up humming in life.  Why ?  Because a lot more stuff in our lives needs a stellar approach, a focused approach in everything we undertake.  Humming is fine BUT you shouldn't be humming every step of the way.  That 'humming' attitude has always been flagged down as one of the distractions in our lives, distractions that help us and instead, resulting in us veering away from the focus we need in life.

Work ethics, anyone ?  Obviously, every culture will defend its own work ethics.  My very first job was with one of the biggest global entities till to date.  And lucky enough, I had the edge of having bosses from The Netherlands, U.K., Venezuela and even a U.S.-bred Filipino.  With such a basket of cultures exposed to, I had to roll with the punches and dance with the tune BUT if there's one thing that's non-negotiable, it is your work deliverables.  NO ROOM FOR COMPROMISE.

Oh, we luv Mr. Bean but we just don't like everything about his traits, behaviors and discipline.  In one curt and blunt word, we loathe MEDIOCRITY.  In the hoops game, if you allow a score for every score you make, you're a moot point.  Your efforts will simply go for naught because it's negated.  And that's MEDIOCRITY.

You can even be a dancer but to be a professional one is least expected of you.  You can't be less than that.  You can't just be riding on, buying time so when a dancer calls sick, you could fill in.  You could be a worker or a student, if there's something common both must have, it's that fire in the belly because you must be able to lit a fire.  You can't just be going through the motions.  And by the way, we're not in a galaxy because we're in the universe though.

Life is beyond semantics. At the very least, we gotta 'walk the talk'.  We gotta live on what we preach.  We need to manifest everything we are pushing for.  And if there are dominoes to tip, just don't leave a single domino un-flipped. If there's a common culprit in our mediocrity, it is DISTRACTION DISTRACTION and DISTRACTION

In our digitally connected worlds today, researchers in cognitive science and neuroscience have concluded that media multitasking interferes with one's attention and memory.  We tend to be shallower, spottier.  Multi-tasking and other demanding tasks draw on that same region of our brain called 'prefrontal cortex'.  To quote clinical studies, "UNDER MOST CONDITIONS, THE BRAIN CAN'T CARRY OUT TWO COMPLEX TASKS SIMULTANEOUSLY'.  What's the fix for this conundrum ?  Social scientists advice that we intentionally remove 'extraneous devices' from one's workspace because that will drastically limit distractions and resist that 'itching urge' to respond to the device's every buzz or ping. Final fix? FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS in life folks❗❗❗

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