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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Are You Standing on Slippery Ice ?

 Are You Standing on Slippery Ice ?

HAPPY SUNDAY 😀 ! How's things ?  Still standing on solid ground?  Or are you standing somewhere on slippery ice? Oh, that's not the best situation you can be in for now but on the other hand, that's no cause to hit the 'panic' button. You've got the whole nine yards to sort things out and extricate yourself out from that.  It may cost you an arm and a leg but if that's the best recourse, you gotta have the gumption to swallow that tough pill because getting back on your feet is a must do.

One immediate MUST-DO is to delete that 'panic' button on your keyboard, you don't need that because if you do reach a 'panic' mode in the future, you won't even need that keyboard because the whole system would go down the drain anyway and probably you'll end up with BSOD [blue screen on display].  Instead, it's grappling back to have some level of control of the current situation until you can steer things back and eventually gain traction.

Isn't this the place we just wanna be ?  That serene setting devoid of anything that may trigger any stress ?  Just 'lazying' things out and yet seemingly in full control of your life.  By setting your sights back to this 'TO BE' setting, you won't have to move mountains overnight but simply get back to the drawing board and re-plot your action plan for the near term until you gain that traction again.

Needless to say, 'moving the needle' should be your immediate goal.  Imagine driving in a muddy road and getting stuck in that mud.  Do what it takes to extricate yourself and turn things around.  If you may have summon everything that's left in you, do it fast so as you don't lose that momentum, that inertia you need to resuscitate yourself at the next corner.

Get motivated of those moments where you can just unwind and be in full control of everything, re-energizing yourself before you grind and grind.  Take it from Brian Evans in his piece @ https://minutes.co/working-to-move-the-needle-make-sure-its-the-right-one/ wherein he cautions that once you 'move the needle, make sure it's the right one'.  Otherwise, he reminds us that 'it's difficult to move the needle when you're UNFOCUSED and DISTRACTED' as these are the most common pitfalls that assures you to be in that deep morass.

Absolutely, surely, you need to sweat things out.  It will be a steep climb to be back on track but as long you're sweating it out, you can be assured that you will be inching forward, even if you're progressing at a snail's pace.  That kind of pace will still lead you back to the road where you can go full throttle after turning things around.  Over at our workplace, 'moving that needle' has to be collaborative between the boss and the employee.  Both have to agree what's the KPI's [key performance indicators] and how will that be measured within a period.  Enable that 'SYNC' option, pronto.✅✅✅

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