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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Yes, We Were Born AUTHORS of Our Book Of Life!

Yes, We Were Born AUTHORS of Our Book Of Life!

NO sirrrrrrs, I DON'T have a monopoly of tagging myself as a blogger/writer/author.  WHY?  It's all simply because des, We Were Born AUTHORS of Our Book Of Life!  There is NO WAY OUT of this lifelong responsibility on our shoulders.  BTW, you DON'T need to be fluent OR competent enough in crafting things into narratives because the way you breath and live your life, you will be spewing the very words that will contribute in your own BOOK OF LIFEBTW, WHAT's your narrative on that page 'ABOUT THE AUTHOR' by then dude???

This may seem a cliche BUT I mean it in more ways than just the typical 'YOU HAVE THE CHOICE TO DETERMINE THE END', albeit that's still part of it.  In some weird way, our life is our own personal novel, OR at the very least, a collection of essays.  Our memories are the stories that make it up.  The people we know, WHETHER we love them [OR hate them] are its characters.  And that includes people we cross paths💧💧💧

Every UP , DOWN, TWIST and TURN is another plot twist.  That leaves you to be the main character [and believe me, you CAN'T run away from it!].  So, DONT let yourself forget though that everyone around you is a main character [too] in their own story.  YES, each of our stories will start with an introduction.  And just like the characters in novels, once we get introduced, we somehow begin crafting our own elaborate story.  Some of us have very similar introductions.  We start existing, we have a name, and just like that we begin living.  Some of us, however, have a slightly more complicated introduction😁😁😁

Regardless of the complexity, we settle into this new life, and begin our stories just the same.  New experiences, WHETHER you remember them OR not, are part of your book.  Things that happen in your childhood will exist into adulthood because they are written into your story.  And while you may NOT exactly remember WHY you hated water OR playing out there under the sun, BUT if you could read far enough back, it's possible that you could have your answer😀😀😀

Our takeaway:  Lest we forget, both GOOD and BAD will be [ALWAYS] present for the rest of our life and even though the NEGATIVE experiences will vie for your attention more often than NOT, the beautiful experiences will still be there for you to lean on.  Just because there is part of a novel that is sad, it DOESN'T make your novel necessarily that 'BAD' because there will be more parts in your book that will make you happy.  YES YES YES, WE WERE BORN AUTHORS OF OUR BOOK OF LIFE❗❗❗

Monday, January 20, 2025

Begin With The End In Mind

Begin With The End In Mind

I DON'T intend to be a vehicle of Stephen Covey's popular book about 7 HABITS of highly effective people BUT at least for our thread today, please allow me to pick up his HABIT #2:  Begin With The End In Mind.  IF ever you're planning to build a house, do you directly start working on the ground OR create a blueprint first?  IF you have an upcoming speech, do you go to your engagement spontaneously OR do you spend hours drafting, crafting and finalizing your speech???

IF you're contemplating for a new business startup, should it NOT require first a well thought plan of action up front OR do you immediately take the plunge and start working on the nitty-gritty of things?  Absolutely, our answer is a loud NO BUT WHAT does that mean and HOW do we go about that?  Let's NOT look very much far back.  World-class athletes like Cristiano Ronaldo, NBA's Lebron James, Argentinian Lionel Messi, even Tennis great Roger Federer, they DIDN'T reach the peak of their successes by plunging into intensive trainings right on Day-1.  Instead, they should have sat down with their trainors and mentors to identify both their strengths and weaknesses and most importantly, to reaffirm their ultimate target success to achieve💦💦💦

In brief, these success stories had to plot their roadmap from point to point, from WHERE they stood at that point in time and WHERE they intend to stand within a rigid timeline.   Unless you and I will sit down to plot our roadmap, it will be too much to pitch that we BEING WITH THE END IN MIND.  In fact, studies show that around 80% do take pains to plan but easily, 50% of them fall flat right in their face.  WHY?  Because most of them did a damn sloppy job, [wrongly] thinking that things will go on 'auto pilot', which is farthest from WHAT is reality❎❎❎

BUT WHY is it hard for some of us to start with THE END IN MIND?  Now if you're on the road to nowhere, then you DON'T have a DESTINATIONBUT BEGINNING with an ENDING really does have its merits.  One of those being the fixed point it provides us with the work towards.  This point we can test against and check in with.  We can measure any decision against WHETHER the outcome will move us closer or further away😌😌😌

Our takeaway:  WHY does the END matter?  It can help orient our actions and efforts in the present.  An ENDING is a real destination, it's a tangible and concrete and we all know the benefits of having one.  So, WHY DON'T we begin with an END more often?  If you're NOT clear about WHAT your endpoint is, HOW can you invest your time and energy in working towards?  And if you DON'T know WHAT you want, that's NEVER going to change UNLESS you BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND???

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Is FIXING A Problem Means SOLVING It?

Is FIXING A Problem Means SOLVING It?

Is FIXING A Problem Means SOLVING It?  YES and NO.  Let's get glued to this picture and this gives away the answer.  IF you fix a problem superficially, YES, on the surface, you seem to have solved a problem BUT can you validate that your FIX was really applied to the very ROOT CAUSE of the problem? Problem is, many times, we commit these lapses [and I admit I committed these same lapses many times in the past].  As it is, problems do surface in specific manifestations OR behaviors and often. we get glued to that📗📙📘

The stark difference in solving problems  is essential because a fixed problem will likely recur and haunt you again UNLESS its very ROOT CAUSE was addressed with finality.  And a SOLVED problem can be gone forever. BUT experts have a recommended approach wherein we need to CHECK THE FIX.  YES, the start of every good problem-solving process is to develop a strong picture of the PATTERN of FAILURE around the problem💧💧💧

In theoretical terms, that means answering all of the 'WHO, 'WHAT', 'WHEN'. 'WHERE' and 'HOW' questions.  Examples would be:  WHAT does our FAILURE look like?  WHEN our people come to us with a potential solution to a problem in the workplace, we need to ask for an explanation HOW eliminating the ROOT CAUSE can explain the pattern of the FAILURE.  There should be NO 'holes' to the explanation.  All of the characteristics of the pattern of FAILURE should be explained by the ROOT CAUSE they have determined.  If NOT, we need to question the proposed solution to address the ROOT CAUSE❎❎❎

In a real-life workplace, we would often FIX a problem by changing a mechanical part of a piece of equipment.  And while this may make a problem seem to go away, it may NOT address the ROOT CAUSE of WHY that problem was happening in the first place.  WHEN we see a child misbehaving, do slap the child's wrist or spew all the possible words to the child?  Will that approach fix the ROOT CAUSE of the child's lapses?  And if you face cash flow issues, do you give your spouse-partner that 'tongue-lashing'?  And does that solve the ROOT CAUSE???
Our takeaway:  It's part of our human frailties WHEN we are facing a problem, we're tempted to find the SHORTCUTS but many times, those SHORTCUTS do CUT US SHORT!  Because sometimes, we ended up fixing the behavior, the manifestation, the surface instead of the very ROOT CAUSE of the problem.  Marital woes?  The guilty party will shower his/her partner/spouse with a surprise gift enough to floor him/her down.  Does that sole the ROOT CAUSE of their marital woes?  So, let's be mindful that FIXING a problem needs us to SOLVE THE PROBLEM itself❗❗❗

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Yes, Let's Play Our BALANCING ACT!

Yes, Let's Play Our BALANCING ACT!

Today, we all live lives of never-ending ironies and contradictions.  We hear booming economies, increasing GNPs BUT do the plain citizens have the peace of mind?  We would splurge in buying comfy beds BUT do we really enjoy a sound sleep?  True, we have the budget to buy medicines BUT are we healthy?  We are flooded with social media BUT we DON'T even know our neighbors.  Yes, Let's Play Our BALANCING ACT!!!

Without whipping down our governments and economic managers BUT the rapid globalization coupled with the cycle of migration and urbanization causing a surefire increase in professional competition, all these have contributed to our state of affairs today.  BUT, despite all these, I will always point my fingers in the lack of balance in our lifestyles.  And result is just too obvious.  Worsening health issues [I have witnessed constantly long queues in pharmacies here in my country [WHEREAS when I was in Japan, the pharmacy business seems to have reached its sunset as the pharmacies have stocked their stores with cosmetics filling up maybe 90% of their shelves]]💥💥💥

How often have you heard of people having heart problems, diabetes, degenerative diseases, besides mental health problems, stress and depressions is just part of a long list of manifestations that we are indeed losing our BALANCE.  YES, we are loosing BALANCE NOT only in our individual lives BUT also in our community and social life.  There is even that growing unrest, intolerance and even hatred among protagonies [look no farther than the Middle East and Ukraine regions].  Even our religious enthusiasts are competing with each other, thus exacerbating geopolitical conflicts.  So, everyone is losing the BALANCE😗😗😗

And that brings to a point that should make us comfortable enough to conclude that BALANCING is the ultimate principle of life.  In fact, I'll argue that it is the very essence of life itself.  Our human body is the classic example of maintaining BALANCE, following the physiological principle called HOMEOSTASIS which is defined as that ability to maintain a dynamic state of equilibrium, responding appropriately to heat OR cold.  YES, even the way we react OR respond to 'FLIGHT or FIGHT' is a BALANCING act in itself.  WHAT we need today is to find that 'right' BALANCE in almost every walk of life.  And our BALANCING act should embrace the whole gamut of our lifestyle.  And maintaining WORK-LIFE BALANCE [WLB] is definitely at the core of our day-to-day living✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  Let's face it, the challenges we face in this fast-paced world have become more of the norms than the exception.  It is equally challenging to correct the modern sedentary lifestyle affected by long hours of sitting, lack of exercise, erratic eating habits, and even disturbed and 'uneven' sleeping habits.  Alas, there are NO short cut solutions, only sure cut ones.  Let us end with an analogy that our life is like a motor car where wheel-alignment is a MUST do and after balancing all four wheels, we CAN'T even be sure if our drive will be smooth BUT at least, we mitigated the risks when we play our BALANCING ACT!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Problem With TIME?

Problem With TIME?

Problem With TIME?  BTW,  that's NOT news anymore.  We've been hearing that same refrain zillion times from every Tom, Dick and Harry.  BUT the bigger question is, WHY has this TIME problem become so recurring and chronic?  WHEN our timepiece has never shrinked at all and WHEN even our wall clock has remained as static as ever, giving us NO excuse to turn a blind eye towards it???

YET, much as we have been hearing Economics 101 or even Finance 101, NO one ever bothered to introduce TIMEBLOCKING 101 to us, which is dismaying because many of us [I was once or twice guilty of this in the past] continue [even as we speak now] to take this problem for granted by even tagging this as a non-problem.  BUT if you tend to be TIME-constrained every five business days of the week, you tend to hit the wall maybe two OR three times a week, ISN'T that a problem to be faced head on?  A one-off thing OR an outlier is a valid excuse BUT not when a constraint shows up its ugly head every now and then.  WHERE's the problem then?  Regrettably, if ever we acknowledge that as a problem, it is buried deep within our silo whose existence is even incognito💧💧💧

Regardless, WHETHER your work is a nine-to-five job OR you work remotely OR you're staying at home with your kids [OR EVEN IF YOU ARE A RETIREE NOW]!!!, everyone needs an effective method for managing their day.  The last word we want to hear is this snide comment that "I DON'T NEED TO MANAGE MY TIME" because one day, regrettably, you'll EAT YOUR WORDS [and that DOESN'T reflect well on you, dude] because after all, perfectionism, procrastination and the myth of multitasking are all very REAL dangers that can keep even the most productive people stuck in one place❎❎❎
So, HOW do you really take control of your schedule and really get things done?  This is WHERE TIME-BLOCKING a.k.a. TIME-CHUNKING gets into the picture.  So, WHY does TIME-BLOCKING help?  Taking control of your TIME by scheduling and breaking it into chunks OR blocks will make us productive.  And the easiest and most effective way to do that is through the TIME-BLOCKING best practice😌😌😌
Our takeaway:  Essentially, WHAT we're pitching here is setting aside BLOCKS of TIME to complete our important tasks or projects [if applicable at work].  At the end of the day, your schedule ends up broken into chunks of TIME WHERE you are focusing on one task or project at a time.  This brings us a full circle back to the indisputable tenet in life that we [and even machines] CAN'T and really just CAN'T perform multitasking, NOT in this real world even where the rat race prevails because dude, indeed we've got PROBLEM WITH TIME❗❗❗



SCAMS are everywhere, sad to say.   BUT before we get embroiled in the much larger and wider landscape of SCAMS, for today, our thread will share HOW to initiate that preemptive move of NOT [inadvertently] clicking a LINK sent via those SMS SCAMS which prey on our human nature to react instantaneously in the face of emergencies OR fears.  Surely, as we speak now, everyone has had his/her fair share of received SMS SCAMS with embedded links BUT in our [ADVISORY ALERT] Latest PRE-EMPTIVE Tip For SMS Scams thread today, we'd like to share that PRE-EMPTIVE move against those 'LINKS'📘📙📗

In your iPhone, go to SETTING ---->  APPS -----> MESSAGES then scroll down the screen and under 'MESSAGE FILTERING', enable it.  Besides sorting out messages WHO are NOT in your contact list, it will preemptively disable the embedded link in that potential SMS SCAM.  That preemptively fixes 90% of the most common miscues we end-users will stumble across when these SMS SCAMMERS will have those embedded links because they are 'piggy-backing' on the frailties of human nature WHEREIN we react [sometimes in 'PANIC' mode] WHEN the SMS message seemingly alerts you in various shapes and forms, e.g.:

  • THAT your online banking account got flagged and blocked
  • THAT your purported Fedex/UPS parcel is 'ON HOLD'
  • THAT your CPF account [in Singapore] needs attention
  • THAT your vehicle got flagged for a violation with penalties
  • THAT your ['named'] next of kin is now at the hospital ER

To quote BleepingComputer @https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/phishing-texts-trick-apple-imessage-users-into-disabling-protection/, the latest SMS ruse can be recognized by the way it tries to get you to reply with a 'Y' to enable a link embedded in the SMS text.  That message might also get you to copy and paste the link into SAFARI.  Replying to that message OR moving the link elsewhere gets around a key security measure in Apple's IOS [WHICH upon enabling the FILTERING option discussed above, links from senders WHO are NOT in your contacts list are DISABLED BY DEFAULT❗❗❗
That iPhone feature that preemptively disables embedded links from senders WHO are NOT in your contacts list is so critical to iPhone security such that you CAN'T simply toggle it ON OR OFF because it's a built-in part of the messages app WHICH we CAN'T change.  Giving you a 'Y' to reply YES [or another similar response] makes IOS think that you know the SENDER and once you restart the MESSAGES app [as the SCAM SMS will tell you to do so], that link will be 'tappable' and will then take you to some form of fraudulent and credential-stealing website, whew!@#$%?  THAT familiar trick of pushing the message recipient to act QUICKLY arising from the urgent OR emergency nature of that SCAM SMS.  Before we know it, it's 'dooms day'😡😡😡
Our takeaway:  Before you miss the point, PLEASE NOTE that even messages that appear to come from your 'TRUSTED CONTACT' can be FAKED!@#$%?  SO HOW?  Maybe an account impersonating them has been created!  OR maybe hackers have managed to legitimately get access to their accounts.  So, if you do receive a LINK from someone you know, pick up the phone, call and double-check with them that it's genuine before clicking that LINK.  WHAT's our BIGGEST PROBLEM now?  That SHARING feature of online posts is so damn easy to click.  And in the world's "SMS CAPITAL" [in terms of SMS volume], a big chunk of end-users will NOT even wait for another second to click a link WHEN he/she receives a SHARED link [even from his/her legitimate and valid 'TRUSTED CONTACT' and clicks right away!@#$%? 

p.s.  As we DON'T have Android phones here at home, I did a quick GOOGLE SEARCH for the similar preemptive security function for Android devices.  Please refer to this --------->.  I suggest you validate these screenshot's details because I am unable to validate that it's a functional equivalent of that IOS security feature.  To be forewarned is to be forearmed

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

One Need NOT Be A Candidate For Mount Rushmore

One Need NOT Be A Candidate For Mount Rushmore

Several days ago, the United States honored the late President Jimmy Carter with memorial services unparalleled given that President Carter was recognized for his achievements way beyond U.S. domestic affairs as for the past 40 years, his global initiatives impacted thousands of hapless people everywhere, from African countries reeling in poverty all the way to his mediations with autocratic North Korea📘📙📗

And in the eulogy from Andrew Young, one of the first 2 African-Americans elected to the U.S. Congress and a respected Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations stated that One Need NOT Be A Candidate For Mount Rushmore.  And he was referring to the Late President Jimmy Carter WHO he said deserves to be at the foothills of Mount Rushmore.  BUT hey, we WON'T spend this thread today talking about it.  Instead, let us focus on each of ourselves, for us to realize that we DON'T need to be heroes and even approximate 'superman' because WE DON'T NEED A CAPE TO BE A HERO and that HELPING ANOTHER IS ENOUGH💚💛💜
Truth of the matter, being a HERO DOESN'T mean performing grand gestures BUT rather being consistent and making an effort to be a better person, period.  That says it all, NO frills, NO bells, NO whistles.  Over in the NBA world, major ballclubs always lean to structure their teams with a Big 3 [of stars].  BUT WHAT does that guarantee?  NOTHING, NADA, KEINER.  EXCEPT those bloated contracts which explains WHY most of those major NBA ballclubs have either breached the first or second 'aprons' [apologies for this NBA jargon related to 'cap ceilings']💧💧💧
Through the years at the workplace, NOT once we ever touched discussions about someone at the SUPERMAN levels.  Instead, it's all about pooling team members together, combining their experiences becoming the key variable that proves shared capabilities are multiple times much better than having individual 'star-level' personalities in a team.  BUT setting aside workgroups, let's thing about it.  Even before we can envision groups collectively coming up together, it boils down to each member, investing in his capabilities and 'divesting' to share such capabilities to anyone WHO needs and deserves all forms and kinds of HELP we can possibly extend💥💥💥
Our takeaway:  NOT to impose things upon us BUT as we trek along in life, surely, we have reaped tons and tons of fruits [of course, thanks to our sheer determination to achieve those laurels] BUT think about it, WHAT better sense of fulfillment if we take that initiative to offload some of the 'blessings' we have had the past years over to the hapless ones?  NOT to call it PAYBACK TIME as it sounds imposing and harsh BUT just like the late US President Jimmy Carter, we may deserve to be at the FOOTHILLs [and NOT NECESSARILY AT MOUNT RUSHMORE]❗❗❗

Tuesday, January 14, 2025



Is NEGATIVE THINKING An Issue?  YES it is and it will always be.  Because while there are important concerns in life that may need one's attention, a NEGATIVE thought tends to distort the implications of our actions and decisions.  BUT think about it, much of WHAT we much worry about DON'T even happen.  And WHILE there is a lot about the current situation WHICH we CAN'T control, we can still control HOW much we focus on those NEGATIVITIES📘📙📗

The ace up the sleeves of psychologists is for us to STOP, THINK and QUESTION if your thoughts are actually TRUE and try to put in a different spin on your life and even your problems.  Looking at the Covid-19 Pandemic, the lockdown itself is NEGATIVE enough but if we put a spin to it, we will be thankful to contribute in terms of the safety of the people and public you interact with.  And you even get proactively protected as well✅✅✅
Studies show that quite often, the NEGATIVE things we tell ourselves are self-critical and sometimes unrelenting BUT ironically, we would be unlikely to talk to OR even think of a friend as harsh as we do it upon our own hapless self.  So, here's a NOT so big ask:  Can we treat ourselves in the same way you would treat a good friend and take the time to offer your own self the same POSITIVE reinforcement OR encouragement you might offer someone else.  I'll admit that in the past, I was guilty of this because here I was, counselling a friend BUT being tough on myself, WHICH is NOT just ironical but frankly, regrettable and totally off-track.  BUT I made those mistakes before😖😖😖
WHAT we are hearing from psychologists is that the mood of others can amplify OR even create NEGATIVE thought patterns, so the practical advice we're getting here is to endeavor surrounding ourself with POSITIVE people [even if it's a virtual setup via Zoom] BUT we got to make sure that those people WHO will surround us AREN'T also stuck in a similar anxious and possible NEGATIVE situation like you may be facing.  Consider removing yourself from NEGATIVE influences or social circles then❌❌
Our takeaway:  I've heard this before and let me quote, "WATCH WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING [or READING]" because as well as focusing on POSITIVITY in your social interactions is imperative, we need to be conscious of the messages we are exposed to through a variety of channels, including through the conventional media and worse, even via social media.  Watching, reading OR listening to ongoing negative coverage can leave you feeling further isolated and worse, depressed.  And worst, it may lead you to an increase of symptoms of acute stress.  To piggy-back on WHAT experts counsel us, let us aim to assess information critically and obtain such from a wide variety of sources [let us NOT limit ourselves] and different viewpoints as that will give us a wider perspective, wider viewfinder because YES, indeed NEGATIVE THINKING is absolutely an ISSUE❗❗❗

Monday, January 13, 2025

When Do You Pivot?

When Do You Pivot?

Many years ago, I DIDN'T know what I DIDN'T know [and I thought that was a good thing].  I thought my life would take a predictable path [BUT it DIDN'T].  Instead, lo and behold, life got messy, got complicated, and one day, before I knew it, I found myself 'in a creek without a paddle', whew!  YES, life is tough and there is NO definitive guide to rebooting in the middle of it all.  Instead, in those surprising and sometimes shocking episodes in our life, we end up unexpectedly PIVOTING.  So, When Do You Pivot???

YES, life is a [damn] tough sport and there is NO definitive guide to rebooting in the middle of it [at all].  In the end, we tend to be just improvising as we go, PIVOTING as needed, and doing our darn best.  And WHEN the proverbial sh*t hits the fan we face, we're in that receiving end for a spate of disappointments, health scares, and all sorts of unimaginable things.  So, the biggest question our face is now staring is:  HOW do we pull ourselves up by our bootsraps and get back on track???

YES, WHEN the going gets tougher, the tougher gets going and as they say, our only recourse left by then is to PIVOT.  We can take the experiences and lessons learned from life and turn them into something new.  And instead of living our lives predictably, we tend to fire them up, exploring our own potential and doubling down on achievements left undone, till we're left with turning the middle years into a time of opportunity, accomplishment and enrichment.  BUT the biggest challenge that remains at hand is always going from IDEA to ACTION.  Starting something new can be daunting [honestly, most of the time, IT IS!] and overwhelming and any weaker soul will tend to crumble down even before the track and field race start pistol sounds and fires.  Obstacles, both the imagined and the real, are peppered across the roads we will trek.  Worst, those obstacles may even block our way💥💥💥

Until, self-doubt rears its ugly head and undermines our confidence.  And sometimes, the hardest part may just be starting by then, especially if we are unsure of the desired outcome OR how to achieve it.  It is true, if we want our lives to be different than they are right now, we can choose to do things differently.  We can decide that this is our time, snatch the middle years from the jaws of mediocrity, then write down our own damn next chapter💧💧💧

Our takeaway:  Having my own life story, I had to own my part in WHAT WASN'T working, and free myself from unproductive behaviors and instead, get excited about the infinite possibilities ahead in life.  The things over WHICH I had NO control had to go, and I turned my energy and attention to WHAT I actually had the power to change and that was ME.  That became my starting point to PIVOT.  So that answers, WHEN DO WE PIVOT???

Sunday, January 12, 2025

How WORDS Matter In Life?

How WORDS Matter In Life?

Quite often, people would shrug off WORDS as just WORDS.  Some would even add weight to it by calling it empty WORDSBUT can we agree that the worst conflicts in life, whether it was during the World War II between the allied and axis powers, OR even if it's the Russian involvement in the Crimea Region OR in Ukraine.  BUT not to worry, we WON'T delve into geopolitics as that's a domain I CAN'T claim to be an SME.  Instead, we'd like to dissect as to How WORDS Matter In Life.  We can even stick it out with relationships.  Many of them eventually broke out and took their separate ways while some unions managed to get reconciled.  BUT akin to the wild swing of the pendulum, WORDS can trigger either the positive OR negative reverberations, sometimes being triggered by the decibels and many times, WORDS would carry the heaviest weight because of both the intrinsic and face values of WORDS itself.  When all hell will break loose, we can only pray to the Gods📗📙📘

In real life, it is so effortless to speak without thinking.  To NOT genuinely listen and connect with people, WORDS, when used in the wrong way can be devastating, without exaggerating things.  YES, WORDS are containers of power.  The world's superpowers, OR even the most vociferous celebrities we know, their primary tool is their WORDS, using it to either motivate themselves OR conversely, deflate the thoughts of people they are NOT aligned with❎❎❎

Frankly, WORDS have that enormous and bottomless pit of power to either excite, inspire, elate, sadden frighten, anger OR positively to give that glimmer of hope.  Fact is, your own language is your behavior itself.  WHAT you say matters and it does shape yourself inside out, your work, your life both your personal and professional lives.  Truth of the matter, WHAT you say has the potential to make OR ruin someone's day.  On the other hand, a simple act of kindness can transform lives💧💧💧

WHEN some of us would have hit 'rock bottom' in life, we can't give up of bouncing back in life especially when we would then benefit the healing elixir of WORDS of encouragements from our family and trusted friends.  Countless of people I know first-hand did have that 180-degree turnaround in their lives when people WHO cared for, really went to the limits to extricate him from that chronic situation.   Looking back, do we truly know WHAT someone else is going through?  Can we ever understand the emotional turmoil one is going through?  Sadly, NOT so palpable on the surface but each of us are going through with our own subset of problems and as outliers, some are grappling with top-heavy challenges in life that can knock them off anytime even as we speak now.  BUT do we leave a hapless fellow down???

Our takeaway:  Let us be conscious and more deliberate with WORDS.  We CAN'T just shoot from the hip.  Even 'off the cuff' WORDS CAN'T be an avenue to absolve us from that guilt.  We got to realize that there is NO one WHO can escape the matrix of vulnerability that we all inherently possess.  The least we can do is be compassionate and offer comfort.  It may even make their day.  OR it may just inspire them to think and contemplate HOW they can still improve their lot❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...


  WHO loves VOICEMAILS?  NOT me, NOT these days. Factually, VOICEMAILS were like my 'oxygen' at work many donkey years ago.  Every m...

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