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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Frustrated With The BALANCING ACT?

Frustrated With The BALANCING ACT?

Frustrated With The BALANCING ACT?  BUT hey, 'BALANCE' is hugely overrated.  Like when you want to 'BALANCE' growth and comfort?  You really need to decide in choosing one.  You just CAN'T have the best of both worlds.  In a lot more 'nightmares' I witnessed some people WHO even want to focus in nine to ten things ALL AT THE SAME TIME, whew.  Fast-forward, WHAT happened?  In the end, they lost all the time and energy without making anything happen.  BTW, BALANCE  adds to CONFUSION, contrary to misconceptions💴💷💵

Thing is, things are totally different in every season, in every timing.  Priorities CHANGE.  Focus CHANGES.  Even mood CHANGES.  And CHANGES become the universal law in every season.  And throwing a monkey wrench, BALANCE just cuts off CHANGE.  Like WHEN you CAN'T lose the value of every season by inserting BALANCE into it.  It just removes the 'flavor of progress'.  Thing is, you DON'T have to quit a thing just because it ISN'T your priority.  It's true money can be your PRIORITY in the beginning of every year.  BUT that DOESN'T mean you cut off family time just that📗📙📘

Same thing happens WHEN family becomes the PRIORITY.   You DON'T cut off money from your life.  You just evaluate the importance of things in your life.  You never have to quit.  You just got to manage the LEVELSBTW, even REST can be a PRIORITY.  Yes we all live in a hustle world.  That's cool.  There ISN'T any short of ambition, energy and vision.  Undoubtedly, REST is part of that PRIORITY thing.  If you are the guy WHO thinks sleep OR rest is an enemy to ambition, you got to get over this 'shit' from your head.  BTW, REST fuels up ambition.  Anything beyond work is all you need to give a better meaning to life and get back to track with a horse-like FOCUS.  Thing is, PRIORITIES seems to kill that 'TRYING' thing.  A lot of folks NEVER make it because they believe they are trying stuff.  BUT hey, you just make things happen.  DON'T be that 'average guy' WHO tries a hundred different things BUT eventually gets nothing done.  BALANCE is like trying EVERYTHING❗❗❗

And PRIORITIES?  It just puts your head into a direction and gets you the things done.  At any given time, there are thousands of thoughts going on in one's mind.  And that typical day will tell you that NOT nearly all those things listed in your  To-do List are done.  But if we share anything, it is having that mind fulI of thoughts, questions and even uncertainties💧💧💧

Our takeaway today?  Life is a BALANCING ACT, more often than we acknowledge.  And we are all walking on  tight ropes, BALANCING each moment, each day, each relation, each personal and professional equation.  And as we grow older and our responsibilities increase the list of things to BALANCE also increases as we are walking so many tight ropes simultaneously.  The eventual CHOICE we all face could be any form from the numerous ones, e.g. marriage vs job, job growth vs raising family, job progression vs. stability, health vs long hours, mental stress vs growth and this goes on and on.  Still FRUSTRATED WITH THE BALANCING ACT?  It's all PRIORITIES, period✅✅✅



While I am NOT an avid showbiz fan, in my country, one of the most famous couple recently 'UNCOUPLED'.  WHY?  From the grapevine, it says the famous actress decided to cut loose from the relationship because she has been waiting for 'concrete plans' from the actor for the past twelve years, whew.  Not earthshaking BUT There May NEVER Be A PERFECT TIME.  Who knows the actor kept waiting and waiting for that PERFECT TIME and before he knew it, twelve years have lapsed!  While this is showbiz stuff, are we able to relate to it?  HOW often we hear people have grandiose plans BUT end up getting stuck.  STUCK with WHAT?  STUCK waiting for that PERFECT TIME to chime-in, unaware that very likely, there is NO PERFECT TIME to unfold even the next donkey years💵💴💷

Thing is, there is NEVER a PERFECT TIME for you to take action.  BETTER TIME, yes there could be BUT PERFECT TIME?  C'mon.   Whether it is to launch a new project, to buy a new home, to change your habit, there will be BETTER TIMES when it is compared to the worst timings BUT PERFECT TIME?  You just need to acknowledge this harsh truth.  Heard of "I'm too tired", "I don't have the time", "I am not capable", "Now is NOT the right time".  This loop will go on and on and it will keep looping📗📙📘

Frankly, it is easy to come up with excuses, and justify NOT starting or initiating on something.  The longer you fill your head with rationalizations and empty excuses, the less time you have time to take action.  Indeed, it is damn easy to say, 'I will start WHEN I have more experience, more money, more time, more resources.  By this time next year, you will have a lot MORE excuses, promise, trust me.  It is a vicious cycle and once you get caught in the loop, it can be difficult to break free and do something meaningful you care about.  Frankly, I commiserate with [some] people [I'm sorry I have to adamantly declare that I am NOT one of these people] are living their entire lives without ever standing up and stepping out.  BUT it is exciting to witness the very rare few WHO dare themselves and step out of their personal bubbles to really initiate and push for a CHANGE💧💧💧

Too bad, most of us live with that stubborn illusion that we will always have tomorrow to do today's work.  We consistently hold on to this belief and keep procrastinating UNTIL work becomes that of a heavy burden.  And WHEN left unchecked, we will always default toward a more comfortable path.  Your comfortable zone provides a state of mental security.  You can understand WHY it is so hard to kick your brain out of your comfort zone.  BUT until when you'll get stuck in your comfort zone❓❓❓

Our takeaway?  It is true that very likely, when you plunge into that path OR option you have, you will face a different set of risks.  BUT hey, this explains WHY we are expected to do our due diligence [and that includes the prudent risk assessment].  Unfortunately, many people still peg risk assessment only to the workplace.  NO sirrrrrs, even in your everyday life, in your personal plans, risk assessment matters because THERE MAY NEVER BE A PERFECT TIME❕❕❕

Friday, May 24, 2024

[Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder

[Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder

We're done with the 1st quarter of 2024, so maybe it's time to say HELLO, HOW'S IT GOING [with regard those perennial NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS]? NOT to be a naysayer but many of us [including moi [many times in the past], got stuck with such NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS and then brush it off to RECYCLE and REUSE come the next new year and the next new year.  So, how about [Quite] Effortless Habits To Ponder?  Hoping that somehow, we will make some headway instead of getting stuck with the vicious cycle💧💧💧

Let's rattle off some [almost] effortless LIFE HACKS here:

  • RISE WITH THE ROOSTER.  We are so spoiled with the alarm clock's SNOOZE button!  This is a sincere pleading.  Please forget SNOOZING
  • UNSUBSCRIBE from those newsfeeds NEGATIVITY + FAKE NEWS!  Please HIT UNSUBSCRIBE and surround yourself with things that UPLIFT + INSPIRE you everyday
  • MOVE YOUR BODY [with joy].  NO NEED to go to the gym. Walk every morning.  Stretch in the sun
  • HYDRATE LIKE A PLANT IN SPRING.  Ditch those sugary sodas and fill your glass with water.  That should lead you through the day
  • NOURISH DON'T PUNISH.  Hey, I'm guilty of this,  FOOD is FUEL, NOT a BATTLEFIELD.  As they say, a nourishing plate fuels your mind, body and soul, to leave you energized
  • DECLUTTER both your space and your mind.  Clear space, clear mind, clear path
  • WRITE like you're talking to a friend.  Journaling ISN'T about penmanship OR Pulitzer prizes.  It's about pouring your heart onto the page, untangling thoughts and witnessing your wisdom unfold
  • LEARN A NEW THING.  Challenge yourself.  GET OUT of your comfort zone.  Take a [FREE] online course, to expand your mind, broaden your skills
  • Say NO with grace, like a ninja of boundaries.  DON'T forget that you are NOT a human "YES" button.  Learn to politely decline requests that DON'T align with your energy OR values. PRACTICE
  • GRATITUDE [even for the small stuff].  Trust me, this will NOT only feel others good BUT you will feel so good for making others feel good.
These simple life hacks are [QUITE] EFFORTLESS HABITS to ponder, dude😀😀😀

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION]

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION]

Deadlines & Distractions [a.k.a. DESTRUCTION] have always been our common nemesis in LIFE.  BUT hey, there's NOTHING we can do about those DEADLINES because DEADLINES are DEADLINES BUT how about DISTRACTIONS?  Surely, there is a bagful of ways and means we can do if we're serious and dead set to address DISTRACTIONS.  And BTW, that is NOT a typo because DISTRACTIONS and DESTRUCTIONS are 'Siamese Twins'💵💴💷

So, yes we do consider a task, demanding a sequence of efforts that must be completed within a DEADLINEBTW, effort is NOT contractible.  Workers would often get shocked with the opportunities they have at hand which involves COST of TIME and worse, they even get DISTRACTED from work itself.  BUT to be fair, this is NOT a sweeping statement.  NOT all workers do face this predicament.  Some [and probably many] are DISTRACTED LESS and therefore, they become more productive when compared to colleagues📗📙📘

So, WHAT causes the differences between two people performing the same task OR activity?  The most common reason here is that anticipation of DISTRACTIONS induces some people to start earlier as a proactive and precautionary measure.  So, WHAT'S our issue here?  The issue here is that we have a PROBLEM and that PROBLEM is that DISTRACTION💧💧💧
How often you felt like the task is too much OR that you DON'T know WHETHER you will finish it OR not.  The bigger the task, the more you tend to procrastinate.  And the more you procrastinate, the more you lose confidence in finishing tasks.  Well, procrastinating sometimes could help you think again before taking action BUT a lot of the time, procrastinating makes us avoid our own work, whooo.  It then makes you feel disappointed by your own dedication OR work.  Then, we start to question ourselves about WHETHER we are capable of finishing it OR not.  You might have found your passion and your ambitious goals.  Then, you face a problem WHERE it actually doesn't really matter right now BUT you already think about it too much❎❎❎
THEN, you start feeling overwhelmed and start thinking that "MAYBE THIS IS NOT MY PASSION'  Then you fall into a TRAP like "I DON'T KNOW MY PASSION".  You only need to start working right now.  You can start with WHAT you can do  You DON'T have to finish a project today.  You can plan it and start working on it in small pieces or phases.  Our takeaway today?  Start BREAKING YOUR GOALS into small pieces or phases so that you will be MORE LIKELY to PROGRESS.  Remember, we are focusing on PROGRESS, NOT results [because those results will be coming in later, right?] ✅✅✅

Thursday, May 23, 2024



QUESTION:  Has there been a moment in our daily life when we decide to STOP moving and STOP the noise?  Unfortunately, NO.  For most of us, we're constantly moving, we're driving OR we're engaged with tasks and activities.  And when we're watching movies, sometimes, we're listening to it with our headphones and NOT satisfied with watching and listening, you remain fidgety, with your fingers busy on your smart phone, scrolling, browsing, sheer nonstop.  BTWHow's Your LISTENING SKILLS❓❓❓
BTW, do you know there is a complete guide HOW NOT TO IMPROVE your listening skills?  
And it's FREEBUT where does that lead you to?  BUT who wants to take that path?  I doubt it you want to regress, right?  So, can we dissect WHY, by nature, we seem to be constantly busy?  THAT tendency to be constantly ON THE GO or productive, filling every space with something useful or even entertaining📗📘📙
BUT WHAT IF we endeavor to be QUIET?  So, that we can LISTEN more?  Because definitely by being constantly in that movie or music binge and getting hostaged by social media, WHO else and HOW else can we LISTEN if we're constantly engaged with all multifarious activities EXCEPT LISTENING?  Please DON'T tell us that you can include LISTENING in your multi-tasking syndrome❓❓❓
BUT what happens if we try things out and something magical comes into fruition?  Then we will start to discover a new way of being alive and a deeper experience starts to reveal itself to us?  On the other hand, WHAT does it mean to be quiet?  Unfortunately. there is NO simple answer to that conundrum.  BUT not to despair because various studies led to some breakthroughs in improving LISTENING💧💧💧
So, WHY don't we piggy-back on the results of those studies which tell us that by slowing down for at least a few minutes, by refraining from moving around doing lots of things and refraining from a bunch of tasks on your smart phone BUT instead just sit OR come to some kind of stillness and slowness.  Studies tell us that your LISTENING skills will improve and that is GUARANTEED✅✅✅

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How To Keep Going?

How To Keep Going?

HOW do we cope with stress, overcome adversity and have better days ahead in life?  How To Keep Going?  NOT a daunting task BUT please DON'T get me wrong, this is NOT something patsy.  Life is NOT always smooth sailing.  THAT's probably NOT a surprise to most people.  Even then, it still seems to knock the wind out our sails WHEN life gets hard and even harder.  So, WHAT do you do WHEN things AREN'T going the way you'd hoped?  OR when you get broadsided by something unexpected❓❓❓

Let's join hands to explore HOW to weather the storm without a sinking ship.  First and foremost, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED since life is full of UPs and DOWNs.  So, that should NOT shock us with the UNEXPECTED when life gets hard.  Planning ahead and being prepared may help you to NOT be caught off guard WHEN problems arise.  As in literary prose goes, saving money for a 'RAINY DAY' fund can help with financial pitfalls.  Having other SAFETY NETS in place might even help lessen OR soften the blow and impact of things like an illness, a job loss, or even relationship problems.  Definitely, life will inevitably throw some challenges your way, so having a plan of WHAT to do can make it easier to navigate unpredictable circumstances.  Most people become more upset about things they DIDN'T see coming💧💧💧

IF you can adjust your EXPECTATIONS in such a way that you are aware of possible inevitabilities coming your way, it is likely that you will find it easier to deal with them when they come.  I heard this one-liner many times and it keeps resonating with the loudest decibels within me through the years:  'EXPECT THE BEST, PLAN FOR THE WORST AND PREPARE TO BE SURPRISED'.  Bottom line here is to ask yourself, 'WHAT IS IN YOUR LIFEBOAT?'  WHEN putting together a plan to prepare for hard times, WHAT type of preventive OR recovery measures would you include?  You might consider practices like saving money, proactively guarding your health with the reasonable nutrition and fitness, and being held accountable in your daily activities and work ethics.  Doing your best to stay on top of things and keep them in good working order might help prevent some of the difficult situations down the road💎💎💎

Lately [especially when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out], the world seems to be lurching from one crisis to another.  Ever since we went through that pandemic, dramatic changes as to how we conduct our daily lives, economic uncertainty and political [combined with social] turmoil as well as an array of natural disasters have all thrown us hapless.  You can add personal traumas that people are also dealing with, such as the loss of a loved one, declining health, unemployment, divorce, amongst others❎❎❎

What's our takeaway?  Regardless WHETHER the source of a disruption in your life is a global upheaval OR a personal tragedy [or even both], living through difficult times can take a heavy toll on your mood, your health and even your outlook in life.  It can even leave you feeling helpless and overwhelmed by stress and anxiety.  You may be painfully grieving all that you've lost, flooded by a slew of difficult, conflicting emotions, OR even uncertain about HOW to move on with your life.  And dude, you got to KEEP GOING❗❗❗



Does OBSESSION Help?  Dude, my answer is a categorical YES and NOYES for many reasons and NO for many reasons as well.  So, WHAT is the first thought that comes into your head WHEN you hear the word OBSESSION?  Are you seeing a semblance of someone WHO seems obsessed with something?  OR even someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD]❓❓❓

WHAT if we will hear from experts that most successful people on this planet are actually proven obsessive?  OBSESSED with becoming successful, OBSESSED with being the best they can, OBSESSED to consistently prove his/her supremacy by lording over the competitive field OBSESSED to be the #1 in his/her chosen field OR initiative, with a far second lagging far far behind?  NOW, before we get into a topsy-turvy situation, let's go back to semantics and align that OBSESSION is [JUST] a passion that has taken over everything.  Theoretically, this is a correct statement BUT we also have to make sure that the OBSESSION remain healthy and DOESN'T cross the fine line between HEALTHY versus UNHEALTHY📗📙📘

Now, here comes this conflicting overlap between PASSION and OBSESSION.  Are they synonymous?  NO sirrrrrs. Instead, OBSESSION is just a PASSION that has taken over everything.  Now, let us plot the most common demarcation lines.  WHAT IF you feel PANIC and GUILT if you DON'T do it?  A healthy OBSESSION is WHEN you want to do something and you will always make time for it, no matter WHAT💧💧💧

Late nights and early morning if you will always make time for it, NO MATTER WHAT.  It becomes UNHEALTHY when it DOESN'T happen for whatever reason and you feel PANIC and/or GUILT about it.  And WHEN you radically restrict your life, LIKE your parents are NOT asking you to be better in your choices in life BUT it is WHEN you say NO to actually going for dinner as you know that PANIC and GUILT will creep in.  What's our realization here?  You seem to focus ONLY on the short term and NOT on the long term.  So, DOES OBSESSION HELPYES absolutely so long as you DON'T CROSS THAT FINE LINE❎❎❎
Mother of all scares is when paranoia creeps in.  OBSESSION can greatly affect your mental health, till you become so focused on something that you close your mind off to many other options that could potentially offer you a much better balance in your life.  And WHEN you keep pushing yourself EVEN IF it is making you UNWELL, please DON'T ignore our bodies as studies show, they are 'GREAT INDICATORS' when something is good OR bad for us.  So, DOES OBSESSION HELPYES absolutely so long as you DON'T CROSS THAT FINE LINE❕❕❕

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Going Against The Tide?

Going Against The Tide?

Here's a challenge question for everyone.  HOW does your IDEAL life unfold?  WHERE does it start and WHERE does it end?  WHAT amazing things are you going to create with your hands and with your brilliant mind?  WHAT, if anything, are you just pining to do with your life for now?  Now, WHETHER to float with the tide OR Going Against The Tide, it is a choice we must all make consciously OR unconsciously at one time in our lives.  Sadly, few people get this💵💴💷

Let us look back. Think of any DECISION you've ever made which had a bearing on your future.  Either way it goes, I may be wrong BUT I DON'T see how it could have been anything BUT a choice.  NOT to forget that in life, there are times WHEN we'll find ourselves floating.  That will be those periods defined by UNSUCCESSFUL choices, the kind that leads frustration and unhappiness.  Let's admit there are DECISIONS we arrive at, NOT because we're 100% into it📗📙📘

If you're a sales OR account executive, probably you remember signing on a new client NOT because you were damn passionate with that opportunity BUT maybe you were trying to reach your quota.  THAT business partnership you entered into, probably you just want to go with it BUT NOT because it was the best strategic move.  THAT house you bought in the suburbs, you did it because it was the next logical move to do BUT not really because you 'fell in love' with that house💧💧💧

All these are what is commonly called as those FLOATING DECISIONS, making those decisions for WHAT life offers and NOT seeking out WHAT your soul craves.  Getting by with GOOD ENOUGH.  Saying YES to to an option OUT OF FEAR that nothing better will come along, rather than having that certainty that that CHOICE will move you in the direction of your goals.  NOT to point fingers BUT how many of us have lived and worked this way?  And HOW do we break out of this pattern?  Let's assume each of us have eight possible paths to follow and let's assume that we all CAN'T see any real purpose in any of the eight possible paths.  WHAT NEXT❓❓❓

Can we guess WHAT'S NEXT for us?  Dude, this all points us to look and explore for that NINTH possible path.  Admittedly, this is much easier said than done because it is NEVER easy as it sounds.  Especially since we all live a relatively narrow life, in fact, a vertical rather than a horizontal existence. So it ISN'T any too difficult to understand WHY we seem to feel this way.  Our takeaway?  WHEN crunch time comes, decide and make a CHOICE [NOT to scare, if you procrastinate in CHOOSING, circumstance itself will inevitably make the CHOOSING on your behalf].  Will you still be GOING AGAINST THE TIDE❓❓❓

Why GOOD NEWS Matters

Why GOOD NEWS Matters

Various researches tell us that even in these normal times [post-Covid pandemic], constant exposure to negative news can have a heavy impact on our mental health.  In the midst of that unprecedented Covid pandemic, people were NOT only faced with new challenges in their work and personal lives BUT also subjected to a constant barrage of troubling headline-grabbing news.  So, question is, Why GOOD NEWS Matters💴💷💵

Amongst others, according to medical experts, NEGATIVE news increases the level of cortisol, our body's primary stress hormone.  And continuous exposure to cortisol has been shown to cause severe side effects, including being unable to naturally regulate blood pressure.  Furthermore, NEGATIVE news stories have been shown to significantly change an individual's mood and mindset, especially if there is a tendency to emphasize suffering📘📗📙

Studies also show that when we are the harbinger of GOOD NEWS and then when people respond enthusiastically to our GOOD NEWS, we feel more grateful and closer to them.  Have you ever had something GOOD happen to you and felt like shouting it from the rooftops?  There's something about sharing GOOD NEWS that seems to enhance the positive feelings we get from happy events in our lives, which experts coined 'CAPITALIZATION'💧💧💧

'CAPITALIZING' on POSITIVE events by sharing them with others [and receiving enthusiastic response in return] has been tied to many GOOD outcomes, including closer relationships and greater HAPPINESS.  A recent study even concluded another identified benefit of sharing the GOOD stuff and that is more feelings of GRATITUDE.  The inquisitive question asked to the researchers is HOW sharing GOOD news leads to gratitude❓❓❓

The explanation friendly enough to a layman tells us that verbalizing GOOD NEWS calls attention to the GOOD things happening in your life.  Like when you are sharing to your friend that you had a good holiday, in recounting WHAT happened, you can 'RE-EXPERIENCE' the POSITIVE feelings and become even more appreciative.  Getting an enthusiastic response to your GOOD news is also important because it makes you feel recognized, validated and cared for in a way that strengthens your relationship, which leads to gratitude as well.  Our takeaway?  Let us learn CAPITALIZING from POSITIVE events because GOOD NEWS really matters❗❗❗

Monday, May 20, 2024

Does It Really Take Two To Tango?

Does It Really Take Two To Tango?

Does It Really Take Two To Tango? My honest answer is YES and NO.  I was in a conversation the other day and the topic was focused on a friend WHO was talking about his supportive spouse and that exchange started with the comment 'THEY HAVE A GREAT RELATIONSHIP',  to which I blurted out [by default though]:  'IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO, RIGHT?'  This then egged me to have this as our thread for today💵💴💷

As an after-thought, I pondered over my response that day and wondered [and challenged myself], is that really what I believe it was?  Does it really TAKE TWO to make or break a relationship?  How do we define a great connection that exists between two people?  Could it be that we've adopted a common myth as fact?  Indeed, I realized of late that this topic is worth discussing [if NOT debating] because I admit having this realizations, albeit too late in the day [BUT LATE IS BETTER THAN NEVER, right?]📗📙📘

In all our lives, whether they are yours or the lives of your relatives, friends and strangers, from time to time, there may be RED FLAGS [or at least potential ones] in relationships.  All it takes is for one partner to make a unilateral decision to destroy a relationship.  All it takes is one selfish person [unfortunately] to ruin a relationship and everything gets ruined💧💧💧

Problem is, we all have our own EGOs and sometimes, EGO gets in the way, especially during disagreements.  I'm NOT saying though that only one party is accountable and the other can get away scot-free BUT contrary to popular belief, it is merely a COLLABORATIVE effort.  In fact, personality traits affect how we emotionally connect to others.  A person WHO lacks integrity and empathy will make DECISIONS based on HOW it will make them look rather than HOW it will benefit others.  HARSH TRUTH❕❕❕

Our takeaway?  Let's face it, personality traits affect how we emotionally connect to others.  A person WHO lacks integrity and empathy will make DECISIONS based on how it will be favorable to them.  And they are incapable of validating other people's feelings and so, it becomes difficult for them to hold themselves to the commitment of sustaining a healthy relationship.  Let's agree though that we CAN'T change the personality of our partner/spouse's personality traits because personality flaws are UNCHANGEABLE from the outside.  We DON'T have control over the events that have come to shape WHO he or she is right now.  So, DOES IT REALLY TAKE TWO TO TANGO.  The answer is a YES and a loud NO  as well❗❗❗

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"Health Is Wealth" [EXACTLY]!

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