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Thursday, February 1, 2024

Skepticism Vs Cynicism

Skepticism Vs Cynicism

Skepticism Vs Cynicism are often getting mixed up because of the very thin line that separates them.  BUT before we get mixed up, we're all skeptics and CYNICS in some aspects of our lives.  Having a 'jaundiced' view of politicians is quite understandable BUT in a business or in relationships, CYNICISM can be a deathknellπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

While a SKEPTIC questions the world about him and seeks the truth while basing his own opinions on the most recent, most credible facts.  In contrast, a CYNIC feels NO need to seek the truth because they believe they already possess it.  Yes, CYNICS are without faith, yet they have absolute certitude of the validity of their beliefsπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Skeptical contrarians question conventional wisdom, where appropriate, BUT not as a reflexive response.  They ZIG when everyone is ZAGGING.  A SKEPTIC accepts conventional wisdom until presented with information that leads him to a different opinion.  In contracts, CYNICS reject conventional wisdom outright, without analysis or a studied critique.  Being SKEPTICAL of conventional wisdom is healthy and can lead to the discovery of opportunities.  However, studies show that CYNICISM seem to automatically reject conventional wisdom is intellectually lazy and foolishπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

And according to researches, the highest form of SKEPTICISM is to be a SELF-SKEPTIC.  Successful entrepreneurs accomplish this by overcoming confirmation bias which psychologists define as "A TENDENCY TO SEARCH FOR OR INTERPRET INFORMATION IN A WAY THAT CONFIRMS ONE'S PRECONCEPTIONS, LEADING TO ERRORS".  Unlike a CYNIC who is certain everyone is wrong, the only thing a self-skeptic is assured of is that they might go wrong✅✅✅

But let me clarify this out.  At some points in our life, each of us could have been either a CYNIC or an SKEPTIC.  As humans, we CAN'T deny that we are vulnerable to let our own pendulum swing, sometimes from one end to the farthest end.  BUT I was far more a SKEPTIC many times as against being a CYNIC because being a CYNIC will bring me nowhere while as a SKEPTIC, I'm cocksure to still be able to more than just MOVE THE NEEDLE ❗❗❗

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Surprise, Surprise - BENEFITS of EXERCISE

Surprise, Surprise - BENEFITS of EXERCISE

You'll be SURPRISE, the BENEFITS of EXERCISE goes way beyond our HEALTH.  In fact, studies have mostly come to the conclusion that BENEFITS of EXERCISE befits its tagging as the HOLY GRAIL OF MOTIVATION.  While to many people, 'EXERCISE' is offensive, fact is, a significant percentage of people [and I'M ONE OF THE GUILTY ONES!] find little reason to EXERCISE at allπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Here's like a worldwide perception that Americans are EXERCISE buffs but a study by the CDCP [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] says only 28% of Americans are meeting physical activity guidelines as set by the agency, whew.  What percentage can we guess from the Third World Population which according to UNCTAD [United Nations Conference for Trade And Development] comprises 83% of the world population as of 2022πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Back to EXERCISE, the most obvious reason [where these should be consensus] is that it improves our HEALTH as it strengthens our body, helps manage our weight, and enhances our everyday abilities.  Now here's the BONUS stuff.  Being fitter and healthier is a great MOTIVATOR.  Often, people DON'T jump out bed in the morning ready to work towards their goal because they simply DON'T feel wellπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

That link between physical strength and mental strength is well established across as is the link between a healthy diet and mental health.  Aside from the obvious health benefits, the act of EXERCISING can feel good and give you a BOOST.  Studies show that during the EXERCISE, our body produces dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, chemicals released in our brain when things are PLEASANT✅✅✅

Studies further revealed that these mood-boosting chemicals also improve our ability to focus and alleviate negative emotions as they are essential part of one brain's 'REWARD SYSTEM'.  These hormones are also produced WHEN we do things we love such as eating our favorite food, laughing at a funny joke, getting positive recognition. among others.  NOW, I have to admit that I have to 'WALK THE TALK' given these BENEFITS of EXERCISE lest I be misconstrued of a double-speak❌❌❌

All Good Things Come To An End

All Good Things Come To An End

True, All Good Things Come To An End and everything we experience and do encounter will NEVER last forever, though there are times it does feel like it lasts FOREVER.  Still, life goes on.  It is inevitable and NO one ever can avoid it and honestly, do we want LIFE STOPS for us WHEN good things come to an end?  In this sense, we would get the feeling that we have more time to recover from it.  It may be true that we'll recover in the endπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

BUT here's the downside.  Life stops which means NOTHING will ever happen then.  NOT now.  NOT ever.  It may feel soul sucking to go through several losses which are good things to begin with.  Like a cousin WHO used to play with during our childhood BUT ended abruptly, NOT knowing WHY he never came again to your house to play, which in the long run has turned us into strangers WHEN we have become adults ourselves.  Of course we WON'T have any idea WHAT happened to his dreams.  And we WON'T have the slightest idea WHAT kind of person he has turned outπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
BUT hold your breath.  ALL BAD THINGS COME TO AN END TOO.  The self-doubt which I constantly felt in high school, like, AM I SMART ENOUGH?  Then,, we could be more conscious about our appearance BUT which teenage DOESN'T?  I never would dare to thought that all these SELF-DOUBT would go away at some point.  Maybe NOT all at ones BUT until this day, the worries just became different than before thoughπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
When GOOD THINGS come to an end, there is space again for other GOOD THINGS to happen, right?  We would then collect memories from the GOOD old days and place it somewhere safe WHERE no one can touch it, and you would make new memories again while you live through it.  On the other hand, when BAD THINGS come to an end, there is space again for other BAD THINGS to creep in and happen, right❌❌❌
We would then collect life long lessons from our previous experiences and look back at to remind ourselves to NOT make the same MISTAKES and yet we continue to learn while making other MISTAKES while we live through it.  It's true ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO AN END but lest you forget, SO DOES ALL BAD THINGS❎❎❎

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment

Living In The Moment reminds me of this story shared in Quora.com wherein a friend was walking n the desert when he found the telephone to GOD.  A phone booth in the middle of the desert with a signage "TALK TO GOD" was a surreal sight.  So, when GOD was on the line, the guy asked 'HOW CAN I LIVE IN THE MOMENT?' A soothing mail voice replied "BREATHE'.  And GOD continued: 'WHENEVER YOU FEEL ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE OR YOUR PAST, JUST BREATHE'πŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

So. life unfolds in the PRESENTBUT so often, we let the PRESENT slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized. , and squandering the precious seconds of our lives as we worry about the future and ruminate about WHAT's past.  Indeed, we're living in a world that contributes in a major way to mental fragmentation, disintegration, distraction OR decoherence.  We're always doing something and we allow time to practice STILLNESS and CALMπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation and then on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks.  We tend to dwell on intrusive memories of the PAST or even fret about WHAT may or may NOT happen in the FUTURE.  We DON'T appreciate the LIVING PRESENT because our 'monkey minds' seem to vault from thought to thought❎❎❎

Frankly, most of us [even myself in the past] DON'T undertake our thoughts in awareness.  Rather, our thoughts CONTROL us.  Effectively, the ordinary thoughts course through our mind like a deafening waterfall.  And in order to feel more in CONTROL of our minds and our lives, to find the SENSE of BALANCE that eludes us, we need to step out of this current, to pause, to FOCUS ON JUST BEING☝☝☝

We really to LIVE MORE IN THE MOMENT, that state of active, open, intentional attention on the PRESENT.  And when we become MINDFUL, we will realize that we are NOT your THOUGHTS.  Then, we become an OBSERVER of our own THOUGHTS from MOMENT to MOMENT. without judging them.  MINDFULNESS involves being with your THOUGHTS as they are. , neither grasping at them OR pushing them away.  Instead of letting your life go by without LIVING it, we can awaken the experience.  Yes, studies proved that MINDFUL people are happier, more exuberant, more empathetic and more secure.  All because when we are LIVING IN THE MOMENT✅✅✅

Why GOAL-SETTING Is Not Enough

Why GOAL-SETTING Is Not Enough

Have we ever wondered why sometimes [or likely, MANY TIMES] we hear from people we know that they're struggling to achieve their GOALs?  Many of them have planned a lot before, wasting so much time and with the plans laid out, well written.  And maybe they would achieve one or two goals. So,  Why GOAL-SETTING Is Not EnoughπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

If you swing things over to me, it's true I have NOT achieved all the goals I set BUT with humility, I'll confide that I did achieve most of my GOALS.  So, this brings us to the PITFALLS of GOAL-SETTINGHOW can we plan effectively, and avoiding those PITFALLS along the wayπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Now here's the most common PITFALL.  We get excited when imagining the GOALS.  Then we get excited when we feel like we seem to have achieved it [BUT just in our mind].  This explains WHY we fall into the TRAP of fulfillment rather than using the motivation from your GOALS to make progress.  Problem is that it will become much easier to feel guilt.  The next you want to set a GOAL, you will DOUBT yourself and think that you CAN'T achieve it.  You will then start to use negative mindset mindset and NOT really try to make progress towards your GOALπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

And this is when things become a little touchy because it is very dangerous once we feel depressed and start to think that your life seems USELESS.  We have to be mindful that we need a SENSE of CONTROL in our lives.  And the more you achieve your GOALS, the more you will feel CONTROLLED in life.  WHICH increases your confidence to achieve your remaining GOALS.  Let's be constantly aware that we DON'T have to set 'BIG GOALS'.  In fact, we can set 'MIDDLE GOALS' or even 'SMALL GOALS'.  it all now depends on you and how you really feel about achieving them✅✅✅

Our takeaway?  We DON'T need to set BIG GOALS.  Instead, MIDDLE or even SMALL GOALS are good to start.  It depends on you and HOW you really feel about achieving them.  You need to know WHAT you want to achieve and WHEN you will achieve it.  Most interesting is that "SMART' planning tool where GOALS need to be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, REALISTIC and TIME-BOUND❗❗❗

Monday, January 29, 2024

How Can We Leverage SOCIAL MEDIA?

How Can We Leverage SOCIAL MEDIA?

Heard of admissions and confessions that he/she was once a 'professional waster'?  And that the 'WASTE PLACE' was SOCIAL MEDIA.  Does all these sound all too familiar?  Binge-watch Instagram reels AS IF that was one's profession and someone is going to transfer hundreds of dollars for seeing random people doing random things completely unrelated to you?   How Can We Leverage SOCIAL MEDIA❓❓❓

Now, let's scrape the surface what that leave us? EXCESSIVE BOREDOM because IT SEEMS that SOCIAL MEDIA is more fun [?] than dealing with REAL LIFE. So obviously, reality starts to seem dull and boring.  Next, how is it FEELING GUILTY for wasting your time?  And then, subconsciously registering details of others' lives and end up feeling JEALOUS and then you start comparing WHAT and WHY we DON'T have the same things as others do❔❔❔

Then, your brain starts to numb to a level that we start to act like an addict.  After every few minutes, we get that feeling of PHYSICAL ITCH to use your mobile phone again [EVEN IF just to open and lock it again instantly]!@#$?  Now having spoken how SOCIAL MEDIA impacts our brains and lives, how do we leverage SOCIAL MEDIA by getting out of it❎❎❎

So HOW?  With that pandemic now behind us, how about prioritizing face-to-face interactions?  There's nothing magical about genuine human connections that NO amount of virtual interaction can replace.  Consider nurturing our relationships by engaging in deep conversations, creating lasting memories, and truly PRESENT IN THE MOMENT.  Obviously, this is NOT feasible if there's geographical distance❌❌❌

To cap it off, can we consider cultivating a mindful lifestyle?  Those practices will help you slow down, be more aware of your thoughts and emotions.  To be clear, I am NOT advocating that SOCIAL MEDIA is to be ignored.  NOT AT ALL.  We got to do the balancing act for us to LEVERAGE SOCIAL MEDIA❗❗❗



How's Your EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS?  Please DON'T get me wrong though.  I'm asking this question NOT to feign a teflon life because I had my fair share of all those unwieldy EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS.  And when EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS happen in relationships. that could be a real pain.  Imagine your partner/spouse said or did something struck your nerve❓❓❓

It's just normal to manifest that SURGE OF ANGER, just like a volcano about to erupt.  BUT instead of letting it out it's best that we stuff it down, lock it away in an EMOTIONAL DUNGEON and just shut it down there.  And then you would think you have matured by avoiding unnecessary fights BUT you will be proven WRONG though.  And that WON'T be helpful because that's a 'ticking time bomb'πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And when you got a 'ticking time bomb' with you, definitely that will go off, leading to much bigger [and probably] messier arguments.  So HOW do we deal with our EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS?  First, let's agree that EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS are events, situations OR even words that cause intense emotional reactions within usπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

And we got to understand that a lot of those EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS can stem from past traumatic experiences, negative beliefs or fears.  Sadly, they can have a significant impact to our life because they can lead to emotional distress, relationship conflicts and worse even physical symptoms. By,  understanding EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS, we can gain insight into our reactions and patterns of behavior❎❎❎
This awareness should help us gain insight into our own reactions and patterns of behavior and correspondingly allows us to take more CONTROL of our emotions and respond in a healthier and more constructive way.  'SELF-REGULATION' is essential in managing EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS because it gives us the power to pause, reflect and choose how we want to react.  It empowers us to make conscious choices rather than being driven solely by emotions✅✅

Sunday, January 28, 2024

You DON'T Need MUCH $$$$$ To Live A Good Life

You DON'T Need MUCH $$$$$ To Live A Good Life

Please allow me to start our thread today by sharing this SAD observation wherein I've seen countless people struggling to PROVE that they're making good money and living a GOOD LIFE.  Oh Oh.  WHEN will people understand that To Live A Good Life, you DON'T need to make good money.  BUT please DON'T get me wrong because WHO does NOT want to have good moneyπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

And we're NOT saying that money is NOT that important.  In fact, it is.  Money is the fuel that you need to drive your life.  BUT what's the point of having that fuel if you're using it only to show people HOW pretty your life car is, right?  I mean, in that case, you're NOT enjoying the ride anyway.  Very frankly, you're just stalking people with that money fuel to show off!@#$%?πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Now, let's call a spade a spade.  NOT to be a kill-joy [a.k.a. KJ] BUT that 'life car' you're so proud of is also a 'RENTED' one.  Once your 'LIFE LEASE' is over, you gotta hand over it NO MATTER how pretty or beautiful it is.  And also, it DOESN'T matter how much money fuel you've got in your bank.  That just DOESN'T matter.  Because eventually you'll just have to let go of all of thatπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
So, WHAT'S our takeaway for today? WHY don't we ENJOY LIFE while your LEASE [of LIFE] is still up?  Furthermore, NOT to mention, the biggest mistake people make is thinking that their life car runs only on "MONEY FUEL" @#$%?  No sirrrrrrrrrrs.  WHAT about 'TIME FUEL'?  You can still push your 'LIFE CAR' even with no 'MONEY FUEL' left, yes you can✅✅✅
Without 'TIME FUEL', you can only use your 'LIFE CAR' and 'MONEY FUEL' until you have got the 'TIME FUEL' in your stock.  Once that stock is finished, so is your 'LIFE LEASE', LIFE CAR, and MONEY FUEL.  And what's our worst mistake [and which mistake I was once guilty in the past]?  They are using precious and priceless TIME FUEL to chase MONEY FUEL.  Genuis, right?  BUT i DON'T want to commit that same mistake again.  In a nutshell, let us STOP living in the FEAR of missing out and START living in the joy of missing out because YOU DON'T NEED MUCH MONEY TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE❗❗❗

Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO?

Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO?

It's true, it's easier said than done.  I can keep pitching for LESSONS IN LIFE but it seems damn easy for me because I just need to BLOG IT OUTBUT WHAT IF you need to say NO to something?  Ironically, this two-letter word is one of the most difficult words to be translated into ACTION.  For many of us [and that includes moi till now], saying NO is packed with guilt.  BUT If You Don't Like It, Do Something About It, right❓❓❓

In many cases, we are afraid of disappointing someone especially if that someone is your BFF, your spouse/partner, your boss, your client.  OR maybe we happen to be a 'people pleaser'?  NO matter the reasons, learning how to say NO is an important skill for your own well-being.  Our time and energy are precious resources that we should use wisely.  And that means we CAN'T do everything.  WHAT we need to agree on is declining certain requests is sometimes better than just saying a token YES!@#$%?πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

To figure out our struggles in frankly saying NO, sometimes it stems back to our childhood when from an early age, children are taught to be polite and forthcoming.  If a parent or teacher asked a child to do something, saying NO was interpreted as a form of disobedience.  In some cases, refusing an adult meant punishment or a negative reinforcement.  However, this can cause issues around communication and self-assertionπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Being raised to say NO is bad makes it difficult for children to communicate their preferences.  For example, this inability to SPEAK UP for themselves continues into adulthood [and this is alarming].  Another reason you may find it difficult to say NO is doubt❎❎❎

Psychologists have coined 'IMPOSTER SYNDROME' as something that impacts a good number of people as it is that condition of feeling anxious and NOT experiencing success internally. despite high-performing in external and objective ways.  At the end of the day, we got to break up our inability [OR hesitation] to say NO even for the most valid reason.  Saying NO is To Tough BUT What If We Got To Say NO❓❓❓

Saturday, January 27, 2024



LIFE Is SHORT.  Why Live It The BORING WAY.  BTW, most of us DON'T want to live life the boring way BUT unconsciously, many end up on the wrong side of the road by simply NOT being aware.  WHEN people want to do what everybody else is doing.  WHEN they want to take that old path.  WHEN they want to be part of the crowdπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Unfortunately, more often than not, the outcome is the same.  It is all because we care too much about other's OPINIONSWHEN we live by other's OPINIONS, we end up taking DECISIONS by keeping the OPINIONS in our mind.  We even end up with that FEAR what others will tell us.  And eventually, we become that obedient, nice and good guy in the community.  WHAT happens next?  Nobody cares as in NOBODY.  Because so many people are just the same.  So you are in the crowd of some directionless sheep that's just doing WHAT the majority is doingπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

And, the mother of all ironies is that we still expect the world to care about us?  One writer said:  ON YOUR DEATHBED, THE ONLY THING YOU WILL CARE ABOUT IS NOT PEOPLE'S OPINIONS AT ALL.  That will matter the least.  The only thing you will look up to is your JOURNEY and IF that DOESN'T make you happy, fulfilled and proud, you will have NOTHING other than a bucket full of regrets on your deathbedπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

The very hard core reality we need to face is that the ONLY thing you will have is your JOURNEY  and we should make sure it is worth remembering.  And to quote a poet, THE UNIVERSE REWARDS A REBEL.  One who DOESN'T give a 'shit' about people's opinions.  One WHO lives life on his OWN TERMS.  And one who is up for 'something crazy'.  You may NOT like them BUT you DO respect themπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So what makes our life BORING?  We're satisfied with OUR job, OUR income, OUR relationship, OUR plan.  So when we're satisfied [which supposedly is fine], we end up okay and contented.  Flip side of it, we being to abhor GROWTH, simply because we fear CHANGE.  And that makes our life terribly BORING.  But hey, your GROWTH has NO limits, NO boundaries.  Our final thoughts:  WE ALL HAVE TWO LIVES.  THE SECOND BEINGS ONCE WE REALIZE WE HAVE ONLY ONE LIFE❗❗❗

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