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Monday, March 3, 2025

Any Unfinished Business Yet?

Any Unfinished Business Yet?

The worst thing in life is for us to inherit Any UNFINISHED BUSINESS .  WHY?  Because UNFINISHED BUSINESS means an issue has not been resolved.  In short, there is NO closure to it.  You would hear someone saying, "I NEED TO TALK TO THOSE FOLKS BUT I CAN'T".  WHY?  All because of that UNFINISHED BUSINESS.  That's WHEN things are left hanging and/or open up in the air.  Time can lapse through and that  UNFINISHED BUSINESS  will hardly die its natural death, so to speak.  Instead, it will thread out and thread out.  Of course, the worst part are life's tragedies that are way beyond our control.  LIKE the sudden and unexpected death of a family member.  That throws everything in shambles.  Nevertheless, UNFINISHED BUSINESS creates a gaping hole๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
UNIFINISHED BUSINESS lingers for all of us.  Especially WHEN tragedy strikes, we DON'T get that chance to SAY ENOUGH.  For the worst part, UNFINISHED BUSINESS can leave a hole in a relationship with someone else.  Even beyond and outside those immediate family members, I've witnessed friends WHO were like 'blood brothers' or 'blood sisters' BUT all because of a one-off snafu in the past, they cut off the umbilical cord that did bind them through all the years.  Sad, indeed sad.  As an analogy, ISN'T it an eye sore to see buildings whose constructions are unfinished.  AREN'T they an eye sore, cluttering up the horizon.  BUT going back to relationships, what counsellors do advise us is writing letters.  It's amazing HOW many people resist spending the time to actually follow through.  I would surmise they DON'T imagine that that measure could be helpful๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
Sometimes, people WHO resort to writing letters end up finishing those letters BUT oblivious of WHAT  their purpose was.  YES, they wanted to hear an apology, they wanted a clearer understanding for their own point of view and they want their truth known WHETHER OR NOT it makes a difference OR they want to be heard more.  In the end, NOT every letter written gets sent.  Some letters get revised and sent.  BUT the truth is the sender of that letter CAN'T expect, hope OR want any response❎❎❎
Often, it is more useful to write the letter to your own self.  WHAT matters is that you learn with greater clarity WHAT is that will help you feel 'FINISHED' OR 'CLOSED' so you can move on more wholeheartedly.  In concrete BUT simpler terms, UNFISHINED BUSINESS is always dubbed as those unnecessary clutter in life.  That old cliche 'OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND' are all hollowed words, nothing more than that because dissecting it, there is NOT substance beyond those words๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
Our takeaway:  Deep down into our personal lives, we MUST and NEED to account for UNFINISHED BUSINESS, period.   Otherwise, they will continue to be lingering in your life, and they WON'T taper off from weighing down on you.  You might NOT be consciously aware of this because you may seem so used to that 
energetic weight, UNTIL you start taking care of UNFINISHED BUSINESS one by one and all of a sudden, you will feel how a weight is being lifted off your shoulders. Think about it, dude, that UNFINISHED BUSINESS, if at all๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

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