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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Keep An Eye On The Ball

Keep An Eye On The Ball

Funny sharing in Quora.com [Posted by Rebecca]:  Two croupiers are sitting bored at the roulette of THE CASINO.  Suddenly a very attractive blonde woman enters and bets $20,000 on a roll, saying "I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND, BUT I FEEL VERY LUCKY WHEN I PLAY NAKED".  With that, she unbuttons the zipper, takes and dress and underwear off, throws the dice and yells "COME ON BABY, MAMA NEEDS NEW CLOTHES".  She looks with agony and as soon as the dice stops, starts jumping UP and DOWN screaming, "YES YES YES I WON !"  She embraces one by one of the dealers, taking on her profits and clothes and disappears.  The guys  are looking dumbfounded at each other.  Eventually, one asked, "DID YOU SEE WHAT DICE SHE ROLLED?"  The other guy retorted, "I DON'T KNOW.  I THOUGHT YOU WERE WATCHING".  Whew, can we just Keep An Eye On The Ball PLEASEπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Yes, even when you play Pokemon, you got to Keep An Eye On The Ball, so to speak.  In fact, way and beyond gaming, in life itself, we got to keep an Keep An Eye On The Ball unless you got to catch a nap or really go on a full break from your work or chores.  Otherwise, this very old mantra Keep An Eye On The Ball Keep An Eye On The Ball is as relevant practically anything anywhere anytimeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Rule of thumb here is that for you to Keep An Eye On The Ball, you got to figure out WHERE TO FOCUS.  Whether it's a work task or even if you're playing baseball or even a board game like chess, figuring out WHERE TO FOCUS just CAN'T CANT' CAN'T be compromised at all.  A big chunk of slip-ups, mishaps and even failures in life are attributable because less than 100% efforts were exerted for the FOCUSπŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜
Thing is, it's NOT just in competitions and sports events where you are really expected to Keep An Eye On The Ball.  It could be giving the full FOCUS when cooking at the kitchen [lest miscues may happen therein].  OR when you're driving, the FOCUS just CAN'T CAN'T be less than 100% because the safety measures will be compromised.  OR you could be drafting the monthly report to be submitted to client.  Client demands an error-free report, period❗❗❗
if you're in the service industry, whether you a front sales counter personnel or a Bank RM [Relationship Manager], your pinpoint FOCUS on the accounts you manage just CAN'T be compromised. Swinging to our relationship with our partner/spouse and our families, your FOCUS on them just CAN'T be less than 100%.  Shave off your focus, expect a consequence that will likely be NOT favorable to you.  In a nutshell, whatever you undertake,  Keeping An Eye On The Ball should be your mantra✅✅✅

Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions?

Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions?

Short story here:  A college student dated a classmate in college.  Went for dinner, had a few drinks, interacted well and thought he was having a 'GREAT CONNECTION' with the girl.  When it was getting late, they called it a night BUT before parting, he went for that 'GOODNIGHT KISS' but was stopped cold.  The girl was emphatic that that WASN'T happening.  Are We HARD WIRED With Assumptions❓❓❓

The truth and the fact is, many things in our life end up awry all because of ASSUMPTIONS GONE WRONG.  Our human frailty is making ASSUMPTIONS about something and then, accepting it as TRUE without actually finding PROOF.  We human beings are just naturally hard wired this way, mostly due to 'safety reasons'.  Imagine if we saw a scary looking biker standing in a dark alley.  We'd probably ASSUME that that person was dangerous so you'd stay away.  BUT do we realize that making ASSUMPTIONS can lead to some REAL PROBLEMS✅✅✅

Surely you'd agree that there are endless stories where ASSUMPTIONS would lead to more problems and headaches than it ever solves.  To hit the nail on its head, let's rattle off the many downsides of ending up with the wrong ASSUMPTIONS.  On a first-hand basis, let me share a reverse ASSUMPTION.  When I moved to a new company, I wanted to bring along our Network Specialist but he was hesitant and doubtful because he thought he WON'T fit. Fast-forward, when I recommended him, he got hired and signed off a job offer with a 600% salary increase compared to his existing salary at that time.  This is REVERSE ASSUMPTION❗❗❗

Now, for that 'KNOCKOUT PUNCH' that will floor you down with the WRONG ASSUMPTIONs.  Taking action based upon ASSUMPTIONS seems like the sure-fire way to make a bad decision.  After all, you got to realize that you're NOT working with all the FACTS so your next decision will likely doom youπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Oh yes, I've met a lot of people who have many places they're wanting to go but they NEVER did because they perceive travelling as dangerous.  In some Third World countries, they tightened the immigration rules such that travelers had to be scrutinized.  Talking about old age, many septuagenarians and octogenarians refuse to travel because of OLD AGE ?!@#$ In our home, my 76-year old father-in-law has been in tow with us in all our overseas travels [even prior to the pandemic].  He simply defied ASSUMPTIONS.  So, if we're HARD WIRED with ASSUMPTIONS, CUT THAT CRAPπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Monday, October 23, 2023

Of Trials and Tribulations

Of Trials and Tribulations

Today, American teenager Coco Gauff mounted a fierce comeback to win the 2023 U.S. Open Women's title and claim her first ever grand slam title.  To quote Coco Gauff:  "YOU KNOW THAT FRENCH OPEN LOSS [in last year's finals] WAS A HEARTBREAK FOR ME BUT I REALIZED THAT GOD PUTS YOU THROUGH Trials and Tribulations AND THIS MAKES THIS MOMENT EVEN SWEETER THAN I CAN IMAGINE"❗❗❗

While Trials and Tribulations get frequently link to the Bible, to God and even Christian Life and even Islam, trust me, this has got nothing to do with them but even to an atheist, Trials and Tribulations are a FACT of LIFE to be dealt with.  Without referencing Christianity, even Mohammad Yunus, a clinical professor of medicine at Florida State University, referred to the Quran and the Sunnah as to WHY we do face Trials and Tribulations❓❓❓

Oh indeed when Trials and Tribulations do hit us, it should be pretty normal when bad things happen in life, even the thoughts we have about them have a big impact on how much they [may] harm us BUT rather than struggle and whine with our Trials and Tribulations, do consider these basic self-reflecting questions, if any of these are relevant and worth asking✅✅✅

Questions like: IS THIS GOING TO MATERIALLY HURT ME OVER A PERIOD OF TIME?  [If not, then I should NOT be upset].  OR IS THERE SOME HIDDEN UPSIDE i DIDN'T NOTICE?  [OR this may end up beneficial to me?]  OR is this the kind of bad thing that I should have anticipated❓❓❓

OR COULD SOMETHING EVEN WORSE HAVE HAPPENED THAT DIDN'T?  [OR are there other people who've ended up much worse than me, which makes me LOOK LUCKY?  And, WHAT UNEXPECTED 'GOOD THINGS' HAPPENED TO ME THAT OFFSET MY 'BAD LUCK'?  indeed, regardless of faith and religion [and even to an atheist],  Trials and Tribulations should NOT be the death knell of our lives❎❎❎

Forgetfulness, Anyone?

Forgetfulness, Anyone?

Forgetfulness, Anyone?  Does it bother you?  Oh oh oh, as we mature, it's but natural that we do get to miss out a thing or two, getting mixed up with A versus B, and so on.  BUT the challenge is that many maturing adults do worry about their memory [and, lo and behold, even their thinking abilities].  As an example, they might be concerned about taking longer than before to learn new things OR they may sometimes forget to pay a billπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

BTW, those changes are usually signs of 'mild forgetfulness' which, according to experts, are often a normal part of aging and really likely, NOT related to serious memory problems.  Which reminds me, we have an octogenarian neighbor who has been living by her own self [to my personal knowledge, the past twelve years ever since we became neighbors].  And just last week, we noticed her unit was eerily dark in the evening for consecutive days.  Only to find out that her electricity source was cut-off by the local electricity provider because of unpaid bills.  Despite being an octogenarian, that's likely FORGETFULNESSπŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜

So, this question bothered me a bit.  As to WHAT really is the difference between normal, age-related forgetfulness and a serious memory problem?  Indeed it is normal to forget things once in a while as we age [last week, we drove out-of-town and coming back to the metro, I missed out the highway EXIT so I ended up driving further down by another ten miles, but I won't tag that as forgetfulness].  BUT what is dreaded are serious memory problems❗❗❗

As I cannot FAKE myself up as an expert, my sage advice is, go and seek medical advice where things get marginal, WHEN you seem to ask the same question over and over again.  WHEN you get lost in places a person knows pretty well.  WHEN you're having trouble following directions.  WHEN you're getting confused about time, people or places✅✅✅

Meanwhile, our FIX today is some D-I-Y tips.  TRY learning a new skill.  TRY following your daily routine.  TRY planning tasks.  TRY preparing a TO-DO List.  TRY putting your wallet, purse, keys, phone and eyeglasses in the same place each day.  TRY getting enough sleep [yesirrrrreee, we are all advised to take AT LEAST eight hours of sound sleep everyday].  Here's hoping that your FORGETFULNESS, if at all, is a one-offπŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’™

Sunday, October 22, 2023



I stumbled across this sharing in Quora.com last August 31st wherein the person was claiming he was so DEPRESSED because he is still living in that  Southeast Asian country [apologies I am unable to identify that country].  He claims he's depressed because he's seeing many fellow citizens migrating.  Is it true that the GRASS IS GREENER AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE❓❓❓
So, that writer was implying that the GRASS was indeed GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE?  Someone retorted that the writer as to WHAT is/was causing his DEPRESSION.  And the respondent went on to share the fact that he has seen residents in the Third World who were living way below the poverty lines BUT looked happy WHEREAS, he has seen the reverse in the First WorldπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Yesirrrrrs I can attest to that response because I was born in a Third World country and once in my life, I did live in a First World country [for about nine years].  I lived, breathed and ate on both worlds and that first person attestations CAN'T be farther from the truth.  Living and mixing it up with people who were living even below the poverty line.  And living with legit first world citizens BUT by and large, I saw them as an UNHAPPY lot✅✅✅

So, allow me to quote this captivating one-liner:  THE GRASS IS GREENER WHERE YOU WATER IT.  Exactly, you got to take care of the grass, water it, nurture it.  And that is where the parallelism with our life lies.  IF ONLY we dutifully take care of our life, IF ONLY we nurture and water it, then, it is NOT far fetch when one day, we will be singing Hossanahs to vouch that living our life now is the bestπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Now here's my sharing.  If I did venture over and lived in that First World country for nine years, it was because I firmly believed that the very 'high goal post' I set for myself can be best achieved in that First World country.  BUT once I did achieve my pre-set goals in that First World country, the next thing I did was to go to my native country's embassy to REACQUIRE my previous citizenship and [on the same breadth], renounce my citizenship ⏳⏳⏳

Is Fatigue A Talking Point?

Is Fatigue A Talking Point?

Is Fatigue A Talking Point?  YES and NO.  It is NOT a TALKING POINT if you just went through you daily morning exercise and it is NOT a TALKING POINT if this is NOT the fifth time you're feeling it this week.  YES it is a TALKING POINT if you feel as though you're dragging through your days feeling weary, weak and listless, then YES, FATIGUE has arrived at your doorstepπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

BUT our challenge is to distinguish that fine line between being FATIGUED versus merely TIRED.  Generally, FATIGUE means NO amount of sleep helps you to feel refreshed.  It's akin to barely getting through the day without becoming that exhausted.  And while getting TIRED and FATIGUED does overlap, when everyday things like walking to the bathroom or doing the dishes wear you out, that's itπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

It is true you might chalk it up to getting older since FATIGUE is commonly viewed as a normal part of aging instead of a symptom of a possible underlying ailment BUT often, somethin' is amiss.  WHEN it lingers for weeks or months, FATIGUE is a problem that needs to be solved.  And there's a long list of conditions that lead to itπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

I am NO medical expert but my limited viewpoint as a layman points to a short list of causes.  What scares me is when FATIGUE creeps to become chronic, with those prolonged tiredness, fever and aches.  Being a layman, my recommended FIX is fairly logical and practical.  Go and seek medical consultation when things really turn 'DEEP SOUTH' because that trending should alarm anyone no less.  Take the simple things like you can't climb the stairs OR you're manifesting a shortness of breath OR if suddenly you're nodding off in the middle of the day [WHEN you never used to]. those are BIG warning signs that will only go BIGGER as you turn your attention the other side of it❗❗❗

Now, here's my add-on FIX which you may kindly consider.  WHEN you're TIRED,  the last thing you may feel like doing is exercising BUT that's exactly WHAT can help break that cycle of persistent FATIGUE to reboot your energy levels.  To quote a medical study i stumbled across, EXERCISE can beat FATIGUE because by increasing the blood flow to the muscles and organs, releasing FEEL-GOOD chemicals called ENDORPHINS.  So, it is due, FATIGUE is our talking point✅✅✅

Saturday, October 21, 2023

BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships

BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships

Heard of Warren Buffett?  He is a 93 yr old American business magnate with his latest NET WORTH pegged at USD 120 Bn., whew but we won't meddle to deep-dive into his financial arsenal but instead piggy-back when he was quoted recently "I JUST SIT IN MY OFFICE AND READ ALL DAY'  but what was left unsaid is that what catapulted him to his financial chest is his dogged pursuit for BUILDING Knowledge + BUILDING Relationships throughout his lifetimeπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

Without replicating OR cloning Warren Buffett [because that's next to impossible], what the close coterie of Warren Buffett all say in unison is that this ultra successful business magnate simply 'ATTACHED HIMSELF TO EVERYONE WHO COULD HELP HIM AND COATTAILED ANYONE HE COULD FIND AS SMART'.  In two words, Buffet shares his secret to his SUCCESS in two wordsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So the real OPEN SECRET to Buffet's SUCCESS has been KNOWLEDGE and RELATIONSHIPS.  Knowing WHOM to call and WHAT to ask.  Knowing WHOM he could help and WHO can help him led him to gain insights in his dogged pursuit for KNOWLEDGE.   And the most admirable trait here is that he NEVER waivered in his pursuit for KNOWLEDGE in his lifetime✅✅✅

There was this short study of two groups assigned with the topic "WHAT IS GLUTEN?'  One group was given internet access while the other group was NOT.  The end-result was shocking.  That 'GOOGLE GROUP' overrated their understanding and this was explained by experts that searching the internet for explanatory knowledge creates an illusion whereby people mistake ACCESS TO INFORMATION as KNOWLEDGE, what❓❓❓

And that's WHEN and WHERE relationship building comes in.  Having Buffett as our role model here, let us endeavor to 'ATTACH' ourselves to people WHO can help us which is as important to people WHO we can help.  So folks, nothing fancy here.  BUILDING KNOWLEDGE + RELATIONSHIP BUILDING are the cornerstones we need to put in place in life❗❗❗



Yesirrrrrs we are all aware of the LAW of GRAVITY and we can't defy it.  But that's NOT our thread for today.  Instead, we'd like to tackle whenever we go up against GRAVITYAre You Being DRAGGED DOWN? Absolutely, various circumstances can really cause to get us DRAGGED DOWN.  And here's the challenge.  We need to figure out those DRAGGING us DOWN which we CAN control versus the uncontrollable ones.  And the damn GOOD NEWS to us all is that, YES WE CAN have countermeasures to 'nip in the bud' many factors that may seem to DRAG us DOWN in life⏳⏳⏳

BTW, can you guess WHO is the #1 culprit who can DRAG us DOWN over and over again?  You bet, that one DRAGGING us DOWN is our own self.  Does this sound familiar, when we get that habit of 'making excuses' because it is that kind of narrative that defines us.  If we create an empowering story about life, and what we will do with it, it will become our reality.  However, if we cannot change our own narrative, then a negative narrative consumes us, that will DRAG us DOWN πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

If there is anything we got to realize, it is the fact that our negative stories will NEVER inspire us.  They DON'T help us to reach our potential or break through our fears.  Instead, they keep us SAFE but that seems NOT to be a GOOD SAFE because it seems a SAFE that is unsettling because we aren't living what we could otherwise live if we'd take risks.  In short, there is a long list of controllable  things DRAGGING us DOWN caused by us❗❗❗


So, can we be on the same page and agree that give up nursing hopes to turnaround people DRAGGING us DOWN because we have a long list of NO-NOs where we our own selves are the very culprit causing us to get DRAGGED DOWN.  If only we can rectify all the NO-NOs we ourselves are causing, then we would have won half the battle in our life✅✅

Friday, October 20, 2023

'FLASH IN A PAN', Anyone?

'FLASH IN A PAN', Anyone?

More for alignment, let's agree what 'FLASH IN A PAN' is.  Some believe that 'FLASH IN A PAN' did originate during the Gold Era when miners would pan for gold.  And many failing time and again all in hopes for that one-off, 'FLASH IN A PAN'.  In the film industry, it would refer to films that were either a success or marginally successful.  Either way, no one expects that film to hit the 'BOX OFFICE' level of expectationsπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Regardless of how the expression 'FLASH IN A PAN' came about, the underlying meanings symbolize similar transitions in which SUCCESS was sought and FAILURE occurred.  In real life, you can ask me if I've been a 'FLASH IN A PAN' [even once].  I'm sorry to disappoint anyone expecting me to give an affirmative reply because frankly, I've never been a 'FLASH IN A PAN' because to me, living life like a 'FLASH IN A PAN' borders on the absurd.  I would rather fail than pursue my life like a 'FLASH IN A PAN' πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So let's rattle off some behaviors and manifestations that are akin to 'FLASH IN A PAN'.  WHEN you extend a helping hand without being sincere.  WHEN you work for the sake of impressing your boss or your client.  WHEN you profess your love to a girl you're wooing EVEN IF you DON'T mean it.  WHEN you pursue your commercial/business initiatives, seemingly to enamor and lure your customers but with NO deep-seated customer-centricity.  Those are NO LESS akin to a 'FLASH IN A PAN' πŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

Even during those years when I was active in the job market out there, I readied up myself for grueling interviews but I can assure you that those efforts were NEVER'FLASH IN A PAN'.  In truth, if your specific performance or delivery is a 'FLASH IN A PAN', it becomes unlikely you can replicate it given a REPEAT of the situation❗❗❗

Even greeting your next-door neighbor come next morning should and need NOT be a 'FLASH IN A PAN'.  When we go on to live our life, what really matters is the aspects of genuineness and sincerity.  Take away those criteria, you're akin to a dead fish in a waterless aquarium.  With me now facing the mirror, I can claim with a clean slate that the first reason I'm still very much relevant is because in any endeavor I pursued, I ensured that every single effort was exerted with genuine sincerity.  Not to frighten the 'chameleon-like' creatures, 'FLASH IN A PAN' will NOT PAN out [no pun intended]✅✅

Just Stop OVER-THINKING, Period

Just Stop OVER-THINKING, Period

Anyone OVER-THINKING?   Yesirrrrrrrrrs, I 'WAS' guilty of it many times in the past.  BUT when I realized I was off-track then I thought I must Stop OVER-THINKING.  Unfortunately, this cruel world we live in, always taught us that BEING BUSY is like a BADGE OF HONOR.  It's just that so many of us define ourselves by WHAT we do.  So, we end up OVERDOING, OVERWORKING❗❗❗
BUT hey, we got zillion reasons why our BRAIN NEEDS A BREAK !  I remember in the past, once I got stuck doing a crossword puzzle, setting it aside and then later coming back to solve it after doing my chores.  BTW, that was NO accident.  It's just that our brains are LIKE sponges.  They can only SOAK up so much information before they get saturated, then drying a bit laterπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Hey, dude, our brain needs a rest now and then.  A little downtime is essential for our own health.  And studies have shown that taking BREAKS can improve our mood, boost our performance and increase our ability to put more impetus and focus on what we need to.  And when we DON'T give our mind a chance to PAUSE, it does NOT function efficientlyπŸ“™πŸ“—πŸ“˜
Heard of BURNOUT ?  Or CHRONIC STRESS ?  Those are just two most common manifestations arising from an overworked brain.  This reminds me of people I know up close.  Physically, they're as steady as you can see.  They're NOT even fidgety.  BUT for them to take the next move, they would spend time thinking, analyzing and over-thinking before deciding to rise up and prepare his coffee.  ISN'T that both unhealthy and unacceptable❓❓❓
Another fellow I know up close.  He's NOT your typical intellectual because he never ends up analyzing and analyzing things until he gets stuck in ANALYSIS PARALYSIS.  Before he takes the next step, his brain would seem to run through an iteration program that seems looping.  UNTIL he gets 'OVERTAKEN BY EVENTS'.  Pitifully today, it seems he has slackened in his OVER-THINKING because he's near destitute✅✅✅

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Hey, Being AVERAGE Is EXTRAORDINARY! In a big chunk of my life, I witnessed everyone [and that includes moi] in quest of SUCCESS and swatti...

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