When You Keep ENCIRCLING, WAITING. supposedly this is NOT a 'talking point' but trust me, this really is and this deserves a space in our thread today. WHY? It's simply because thousands and thousands of hapless souls on our planet have been ENCIRCLING and WAITING, for their respective expectations to COME INTO FRUITION. But is this mindset really warranted❓❓❓Now, before get stuck with the unwarranted reasons, let's take things positively. So, WHEN exactly is it warranted for us to keep WAITING and ENCIRCLING? Yes we can. WHEN there is CERTAINTY with what you're WAITING for. WHEN there is a high probability and that thing is urgent. WHEN the probability maybe 50-50 but this is the first time you'll be waiting, so why NOT give it a fair chance. And last longshot reason is if your back is against the wall and you have ZERO OPTIONS left except to keep WAITING, ENCIRCLING❎❎❎Grabbing this 'boring' poster is an EYE-OPENER as it CAN'T be farther from the truth, to quote. 'IN THE END, WE ONLY REGRET THE CHANCES WE DIDN'T TAKE, RELATIONSHIPS WE WERE AFRAID TO HAVE AND THE DECISIONS WE WAITED TOO LONG TO MAKE'. To summarize this long-winded sentence in one 6-letter word, this all points to 'REGRET' when a hell lot of time has slipped past, numerous opportunities have by now dissipated and even relationships you aptly deserve end up as part of your FRUSTRATIONsπππ
Of course, there is day every week I constantly waited for and that's every FRIDAY but who does NOT love FRIDAYs? But other than superficial stuff like those FRIDAYs, anything else in life where you are contemplate to keep WAITING and ENCIRCLING should be challenged NO LESS by yourself. You DON'T want to end up scratching your head as part of your regrets. You DON'T want to keep learning lessons over and over again but with NO lessons applied. Our FIX for today: VALIDATE your decision before you to decide to keep ENCIRCLING, WAITINGπππ