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Monday, October 2, 2023

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving

Looks Can Be Deceiving but this is NOT a new realization because this thing is as old as I am.  However, I came across this from Quora.com wherein there's this 'grumpy' old WWII veteran surnamed Mr Buck who went on a daily basis at LUBY's, a cafeteria style restaurant in Texas.  For seven straight years, Mr Buck religiously went to LUBY's and ordered his meals and earlier on, various restaurant workers tried to serve him on rotation❗❗❗
BUT he was such one of the toughest customer such that all the restaurant workers at LUBY's would prefer to attend to other chores rather than serve him.  EXCEPT for one named Melina Salazar who, for seven straight years, dutifully served him despite all his fault-finding, his grumpiness and his high demands and expectations from whatever he ordered.  Like his sandwhich, it should be hot straight from the microwave.  Like the steaks, it has to be sizzling right in front of him✅✅✅
Across all seasons for seven years, Salazar never missed out serving Mr Buck not just with the decorum and body language expected by Mr Buck but with his very high standards of expectations in his ordered meals.  All of the colleagues of Salazar were surprised with Salazar's stretched patience in serving Mr Buck BUT none of them envied Salazar.  They thought serving Mr Buck will likely spoil their day at work until one day after seven years, Mr Buck did NOT show up at LUBY's anymore. And that worried Salazar.  Come next day, still, Mr Buck DIDN'T show up.  On the third day, Salazar decided to buy a local newspaper and went straight to the Obituary.  And right away, he saw Mr Buck's obituary information, having died three days ago.  Her heart really sunk deepπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
A week later, Salazar received am unexpected call from a lawyer who introduced himself as Mr Buck's lawyer tasked to contact her in view of Mr Buck's WILL.  So when they met, the lawyer explained that Mr Buck willed that his favorite car + $50k will be given to Ms Salazar.  After she recovered from this shocking surprise, she accepted it, realizing that the old WWII veteran Mr Buck indeed appreciated and even reciprocated her for all her services to him.  So would you agree LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING❓❓❓
So indeed, LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING.  One day that time I was working @Shell Oil, when I stood up from my office desk cubicle, my colleague across happened to stand up as well and he asked me, WHY ARE YOU ANGRY?  And I didn't waste time, I rushed to the Men's Room and realized that by default, I seem to be frowning but that DIDN'T change me or my persona.  Till to date, I always agree that indeed LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVINGπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Sunday, October 1, 2023

That RAZOR EDGE Between Winning And Losing

That RAZOR EDGE Between Winning And Losing

Everyone loves WINNERS and who loves LOSERS [except oneself and your immediate family support]?  But we have to agree that The RAZOR EDGE Between Winning And Losing is a fact and NOT a fallacy.  Now, as an exercise, can we rattle off POSITIVE words like PURPOSE-DRIVEN, GOAL-SETTER, MOTIVATED, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR, EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT, we can go on and onπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Problem is, most of us tend to [mistakenly] think that WINNERs are enormously better than everyone else.  BUT the truth is, WINNERs are just a LITTLE BETTER.  We can easily draw an analogy with a horse race because in most cases, the winning horse was likely ahead by a second or even a fraction of it.  And that RAZOR EDGE of a difference dictated as to who is the WINNER versus the LOSERs.  In the NBA, the Miami Heat Team is #1 in total CLUTCH GAMES which is defined as score margins of five points or less within the last five minutes of a game✅✅✅

So, here we go.  If we're going to be a WINNER, we need to know the importance of the RAZOR'S EDGE and we need to know put the RAZOR EDGE's difference at work, in our life, in our relationships.  In a nutshell, that RAZOR's EDGE is simply doing a little bit more than you used to, a LITTLE BIT more than the others, a LITTLE BIT more than the expected and a LITTLE BIT more than expected.  At the end of the day, the gap of the end results could be as huge as between the sky and the ground. give or take a hairline❗❗❗

Oh, one thing I have read from numerous experts.  DON'T SETTLE FOR THE BASICs.  You could have mastered reading but you got to advance.  You may be comfortable with arithmetic but have you gone to advanced financials to cover BUDGETING, SAVING, INVESTING, amongst others?  Once you have gone BEYOND THE BASICs, aim to be an EXPERT, an SME [i.e. Subject Matter Expert] on something [and that something must NOT be rammed through your throat but something that you would passionately grow as an EXPERTπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So, why do we push for us all to be SMEs, be experts in your selected field or area?  Note that experts or SMEs tend to receive the most recognitions, even the most incomes, and frequently, achieving the highest satisfaction in his/her endeavor[s].  This should now egg us to realize and go ALL-OUT for that RAZOR EDGE advantage to end up as a WINNER [instead of a LOSER]πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

How Was Your Moments In The Sun?

How Was Your Moments In The Sun?

How Was Your Moments In The Sun? Crazy and insane question, you might retort.  Indeed, life can be either a beautiful journey, a crazy ride and a big adventure which can end up either on a positive note or otherwise.  But it can also be a living nightmare, a constant struggle and even a 'HARD TEACHER'.  Now, it's all up to us, to YOU.  In each moment, we choose which side of it to embrace and that affects our mind, body and soul.  Moreso our present and future
But the question rarely asked of us is, 'HOW WAS OUR MOMENTS UNDER THE SUN?'  Of course, we all agree that the GOOD LIFE is a process, NOT a state of being.  It is a direction and NOT a destination.  When we imagine a GOOD LIFE, the first things on the top of our head may be a room full of friends, partying, travelling the world without any worry and endless days packed with exciting activities.  That assumes we live the GOOD LIFE
Obviously, living the GOOD LIFE is much relative because it can mean a myriad of things.  My definition of what GOOD LIFE is, would be different from your definition to that third party's own definition.  In its basic form, though, a GOOD LIFE explores the things and feeling that give us JOY and SATISFACTION.  It's all about finding PURPOSE and HAPPINESS to what we do
Our GOOD LIFE is a state where a person has a high standard of living while adhering to moral and ethical laws.  However, for some, GOOD LIFE may mean basking in nature every single day.  For others, it means dedicating their life to be of service to others.  There are also other people whose definition of GOOD LIFE means playing video games and eating wantonly, UNLI at that
Having said that, GOOD LIFE is NOT a sprint.  It's an exerting marathon of PURPOSE, PASSION, PATIENCE and PERSEVERANCE.  It's the road where FAITH + HARD WORK meet.  It is where truth becomes a belt and integrity gets shielded.  It is knowing our lane and running in our own race though it's a road loathed and less traveled by most men.  But to hell, as long as we're doing things right especially when our MOMENTS IN THE SUN become most fulfilling❗❗❗

Saturday, September 30, 2023



To borrow a favorite American expression, 'sometimes a funk is more than the sum of its parts.  And many more times in our life, circumstances and situations tend to get so intertwined leading us to ask if we Are In A 'DOWNWARD SPIRAL'?  And in most cases, that self-prognosis is just damn right.  So what makes it right?  It's because at the end of the day, most of us are aware that it is HOW we react specific situations that tend to exacerbate thingsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So, in many cases, we should have NOT ended up in those situations causing our downward spiral.  You just DONT have to go and take that path.  It is NOT the events or the circumstances but it is the way our mind reacts to them that causes a seemingly minor annoyance to sometimes snowball into an ell-encompassing 'black mood'.  In short, the glimmer of hope is that while we CANNOT control a lot of things, we can control the way we react to situations.  Factually, DOWNWARD SPIRALS are often provoked by jumping to the worst case conclusions✅✅✅

Try making a beeline from a boss's critical email right to "I'M GOING TO BE FIRED".  OR you take a friend's failure to call as a 'SURE SIGN' she DOESN'T like you anymore.  But we need to realize that probably, the boss's email is simply part of BUSINESS AS USUAL while your friend was probably distracted by a problem in her own life that has got NOTHING to do with you at allπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Numerous studies have shown that humans are 'HIGHLY EVOLVED PROBLEM SOLVERS'.  No sooner do we experience a negative emotion than we then feel compelled to fix it, fast, pronto.  Usually, that 'URGE' goes with the assumption that there's probably SOMETHING WRONG with us for 'FEELING BLUE', which, unfortunately, tends to only compound that imminent depression✅✅✅

Another complexity that seems to commonly worsen things is that by trying to think our way out of a certain predicament [e.g. sadness, depression], ironically we tend to fuel and worsen it.  So, the more we FEED this DOWNWARD SPIRAL with attention, it then becomes very likely that we tend to unconsciously allow it to proliferate.  In the end, such NEGATIVITIES will just continue to multiply, spinning from one thing to two things to ten things.  So, if you are in a DOWNWARD SPIRAL, arrest that skid and turnaround❗❗❗

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!

RETHINK If You're 'Bout To GIVE UP!  Yes, those are strong words because we just WON'T and CAN'T hold back and just tap your wrist if you seem to be going wayward.  As studies have proven time and again, what matters most in the midst of our struggles is the ELEMENT of TIMEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Yes, we DON'T end up quitting because we find ourselves facing too many obstacles or obstacles that may be too strong.  We then end up quitting because we're too weak. However, deep inside me, the inflection point at which we can no longer avoid paying attention to the idea of quitting, that is, the point of which our strength fails us, can be changed.  We can become stronger by challenging our weakness even if at first we DON'T succeedπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Increasing our RESILIENCE, both mental and physical, will be an arduous process that's very rarely linear.  That is, it is a process filled with STOPS and STARTS, periods of either progress and periods of regression.  If we're running in a marathon and with leg cramps we decide to quit halfway, quitting that marathon halfway through should give us the BENEFIT of the EFFORT we made while still in that marathon up to the point where we decide to quit.  Those efforts should strengthen us enough over time as long as we DIDN'T allow our quitting to stop us from going back out the next❎❎❎
That same principle should apply any time we make an effort to break new ground in any new arena or endeavor.  The KEY to SUCCESS is simply to keep coming back for more, even if you quit short of your goal several times over, until you find yourself strong enough NOT to give in WHEN your body OR your mind are telling you to.  Just because you do quit, even a hundred times in a row, the experiences you have up until the various points at which you do are the very things that develop the RESILIENCE you need to win in the end❗❗❗

It os true that the risk of becoming grounded in SELF-DEFEATING thoughts when you're defeated by yourself [because you chose to GIVE UP] , we should note, is far greater than when you're defeated by something else.  It may very well be psychologically easier to get yourself to try again in the latter case than in the former you're far more likely to buy into a narrative that defines YOU as a QUITTER and thus, undeserving of SUCCESS.  So, you got to RETHINK IF YOU'RE 'BOUT TO GIVE UP✅✅✅

Friday, September 29, 2023

Never Bid Against Yourself

Never Bid Against Yourself

When we start looking into the market out there, it's all commercials.  That's when $$$$$ 'TALKS'.  So, once you plunge into the market [whether as a jobhunter or as an entrepreneur], gentle reminder here:  Never Bid Against Yourself unless yours is an outlier of a storyπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Years back when I was 'ACTIVE' in the job market [thanks to my headhunter], I knew my PRICEPOINT like the palm of my hands.  YET, each time, I would take a PULSE CHECK of the job market and do a mapping as to where I stand vis-a-vis the market.  If and when there is a gap between my PRICEPOINT and what the market benchmarking shows, it won't take me a second to succumb to reality as pragmatism creeps in, all because of commercials.  And this narrative runs true to entrepreneurs as wellπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Now, let's swing over to the other end of the spectrum.  WHAT IF you worry too much.  WHAT IF you are pessimistic of your chances in the market.  WHAT IF you are approaching that DESPERATION point.  WHAT IF you're inching towards raising the WHITE FLAG.  That's when you play devil's advocate and question yourself why you seem to be pricing yourself way below the bottom-floor of the market.  Are you that DESPERATE❓❓❓

Unfortunately, when you're out there playing within the market, you got to wear the hat of a boxer, shielding himself and covering up his vulnerability and YET, he's ready enough to throw the wicked punch once he sees that slightest opening from within his end.  If you carry yourself with the traits of a typical boxer, you've got one foot by thenπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Borrowing this poster from the now defunct but popular PRICE IS RIGHT TV shows, this says it all.  You got to button hole yourself with the PRICE is RIGHT.  Challenge is, the definition of 'RIGHT' is very relative.  What is RIGHT for you may be too low from my perspective.  So, this is when things become a bit trickier.  Now, whether you're into entrepreneurial or job market forays, be cautious enough.  NEVER BID AGAINST YOURSELF⏳⏳⏳

Has Extra-Marital Issues Reach An Alarming Level?

Has Extra-Marital Issues Reach An Alarming Level?

Has Extra-Marital Issues Reach An Alarming Level?  Unfortunately, the most recurring issue but the LEAST TALKED one are extra-marital issues which has been creeping across, regardless of economic strata or even religion or culture.  Just today, I watched TED Talks and the agenda was no less extra-marital issues.  Today as well, I stumbled on a similar thread from ChannelNewsasiaπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Truth is, from whatever perspective we look at it, most divorces are triggered by infidelities.  Unfortunately, infidelity is the ultimate betrayal  but does it have to be?  So why do people cheat this way and unpacks affairs in a traumatic way?  In most cases, they threaten emotional security although without defending parties at fault, psychologists point to that expression of LONGING and LOSS as the most common triggers of infidelity✅✅✅
And I can't disagree more with Esther Perel from her recent TED Talk.  No less than in tiny but stable Singapore, the kettles percolated the recent weeks when two key politicians from both the rulling [PAP] party and the Workers Party both had to quit, lest they will end up destroying and causing irreparable damage to their respective parties❎❎❎
Overriding question is, why do people succumb to it?  In these times where there is human diaspora [yes, even in the United States, the diaspora happens across states] and that emotional distance from a spouse leaves someone feeling 'UNVALIDATED or UNAPPRECIATED' at home.  So, when a colleague shows empathy, that''s when the seeds of percolation get plantedπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
So is there a FIX?  Yesirrrrrs.  SET BOUNDARIES.  Work and personal life CAN'T get mixed.  Try living a life with NO LIMITS, you can guess where you will likely end up.  Second, AVOID PHYSICAL TOUCH.  Imagine the 'RIPPLE EFFECT' when a make colleague constantly holds a lady's elbows or even across shoulders.  Third and the most IMPERATIVE step:  COMMUNICATE with your spouse, pronto!  Then take the next step, SPEND TIME with your spouse [even virtually if you're 10,000 miles away.  Let's hope the infidelities will simmer down at leastπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Thursday, September 28, 2023

What Separates The DOER From The DUD?

What Separates The DOER From The DUD?

Before anything else, please allow me to clear-up things.  While I admit I'm a self-proclaimed DOER, there is NO intent here to put down [or worse, push down] the DUD because I was a DUD too several times in the past.  So, What Separates The DOER From The DUD?  I think this deserves space in our thread today if only to continue encouraging the DOERS to continue sustaining their SUCCESSES and enlighten the DUD that they are NOT approaching the END OF THE TUNNEL, yet

It is a GIVEN that there is a sizable percentage of the population who were born with a silver spoon but those are outliers.  So, what's the best ever advice we would receive from practically almost all experts and inspirational gurus?  INVEST IN YOURSELF, period.  Their main argument is that ANYTHING THAT IMPROVES YOUR OWN TALENT is the best ever investment you can infuse.  This advice revolves around the idea that KNOWLEDGE is our ultimate asset✅✅✅
Let's take a sneak preview of the common habits of the successful names across industries.  They admit spending a considerable slice of their time everyday READING, LEARNING and STAYING INFORMED about various markets and industries. If we're an entrepreneur, we can apply this principle by embracing continuous learning and staying updated in the goings-on.  Investing to LEARN equips and leads us to reach INFORMED DECISIONS, and even spot opportunities and adapt to the rapidly changing landscape these days❗❗❗
INVESTING in oneself is NOT limited to learning new things.  Let us expand that to include SELF-IMPROVEMENTS which can encompass building SELF-CONFIDENCE and continuously improving your skills.  As our journey is filled with challenges and risks, and worst, uncertainty.  By investing in our personal growth, we'll develop SELF-CONFIDENCE, boldness and resilience to face these obstacles head-on and overcome them when we face obstaclesπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
One gaping hole that is buried deep beyond the surface is for us to identify and leverage our strengths as it becomes critical for us to understand our unique capabilities which can help us focus on areas where we excel.  BUT there's a flip side to this though.  We need to develop that SELF-AWARENESS to know what tasks to take on and what tasks that fall outside your expertise to delegate to others who can handle them better, thus optimizing your time and your efforts as well.  And DON'T forget to INVEST IN DOING WORK YOU LOVE because the biggest lesson here is improving ourselves as it stands gthe test of time and is even apropos in this age of QUITE QUITTING.  You just got to know if you're a DOER or a DUD❓❓❓



Yes folks this should not be bothersome,  It's OK To Fail [BUT DO IT RIGHT] but this could lead us to a pandora's box. All of us, barring the transparent ones, will admit that all along, they have been DOINT IT RIGHT but the catch-22 question is, how often have we FAILED and how often those FAILURES seem a recurring thing?  Doesn't that merit us to look back and re-examine if we are DOING IT RIGHT rather than having recurring FAILURES❓❓❓
When we try new things and FAIL, that is experimentation.  And we DON'T have to be Lab Specialists to learn from the 'EXPERIMENTS' in life.  Conversely, when we deviate from a proven practice maybe because of 'INATTENTION', that is NO less a MISTAKE.  So, it is imperative for us to know the difference and create that 'WORKSPACE' when and where we can feel psychologically safe to take on smart risks.  So, what should we do after we FAIL?  Taking a POST-MORTEM is no less than the next step to take and it has to be done thoroughly with the ROOT CAUSE pinned down no less❗❗❗
Bottomline is a previous FAILURE should NOT and NEVER repeat itself.  To quote experts, ' A FAILURE, EVEN AN INTELLIGENT FAILURE, IS NO LONGER INTELLIGENT THE SECOND TIME IT HAPPENS'.  Now, what poses a tougher question is how do we handle things we're doing the first time.  Can we just FAIL because it's the first time✅✅✅
So, is there a mitigation to reduce FAILURES of first attempts?  Yes, there is and such first-time stuff need extensive EXPERIMENTATIONS no less and there's NO other way around it.  NO one can debate that EXPERIMENTATIONS are exercises in futility.  Remove it from the equation and expect for the worst of the worst FAILURES to recur over and over again.  EXPERIMENT and we guarantee your HIT RATE to shoot up❗❗❗
Let's look no farther than competitive sports.  It's true more than 90% of aspiring sportsmen FAIL but why do we have the sports greats regardless whether it is in basketball, boxing, tennis, swimming or athletics, what do they have in common?  They all poured thousands of hours  to reach the level where they have reached.  So, IT'S OK TO FAIL [BUT DO IT RIGHT]✅✅✅

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

So, Why Do We Give Up?

So, Why Do We Give Up?

Let's admit it [and I'm one of those openly admitting this].  We give up SO EASILY when the going gets tough primarily because we're afraid to FAIL.  So, Why Do We Give Up? It becomes like our defense mechanism simply because we're afraid to FAIL.  Indeed, we all come across a point in our life when we FAIL numerous times and NOTHING else we do seems to work in our favor, NADA❗❗❗ 

This chart says it all, it lists down the eight most common reasons WHY DO WE GIVE UP [sometimes so easily].  Those times we FAIL are the times when we need to push ourselves the hardest and tap into our mental strength to see those FAILURES eventually rolling up to become our SUCCESSES.  True, to develop that habit of THINKING POSITIVELY will take years because it NEVER happens overnight✅✅✅

Not to further weaken the weak hearted, it takes years of training to THINK POSITIVELY and for our brain to have that mental strength.  There is lot of HARD WORK involved and it is something that people are afraid of WHEN it comes to following their dreams.  No one is willing to put in the required TIME, EFFORT and PATIENCE to endure the hardships aheadπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

UNTIL we willingly accept the fact that NOTHING COMES WITHOUT A PRICE, there will be fewer SUCCESS stories and more people listening to them.  IF we think we have little time to develop our mental strength owing to our regular job OR any other work, let's RETHINK again.  As we are all given an equal number of time in a day, it's only a matter of utilizing it to the bestπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

IF you are surrounded by discouraging emotions and 'negative' people, hearing negative things about your capabilities can lead many of us to [wrongly] believe in them till we become WEAK and ready to GIVE UP [so easily], sometimes even without lifting a finger.  So, WHY DO WE GIVE UP if we can envision ourselves to be someone akin to this successful guyπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Straight from my thought processes...

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others]

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others] Fear and anxiety about life are challenges for every individual.  And talking about ...

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