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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

There's Meat in the Bone, there's some fuel left [even in an empty tank]

There's Meat in the Bone, there's some fuel left [even in an empty tank]

What does the future hold for us if we keep buying in to that myth that there's no meat left on those bones, no fuel left in that empty tank? Hmmmp, if we continue to cling to that belief, i'm afraid, we'll end up expiring before we're really expired or bluntly, we might end up 'dying' even before we're really dead. Thousands and thousands of failed stories ended up that way 'coz we EASILY GAVE UP!

At work, there could be tell-tale signs that you're 'south-bound'.  Pictures tell us a thousand words and this frustrating pic tells it all.  There are indicators which could be manifesting all over our workplace and as a first step, it's up for us to recognize and acknowledge it.  Beyond that, you've gotta 'face the mirror' so to speak and DON'T the other way around in a cowardice act because that's self-defeating.  Face things head-on, there's no other way to run next.

Working remotely the past year during this pandemic is tormenting, to say the least, if you're desolate and all by yourself in your work-home environment.  That will be tough but c'mon, that thing is 'fixable'.  It's not something to cause you to raise the white flag without squeezing yourself high and dry as long as you believe that THERE'S MEAT ON THE BONES, FUEL IN THAT EMPTY TANK.

Been there, done that.  Yesireeee, I can attest, i've been through those moments in the past when I thought an empty tank means zero-fuel, when I [wrongly] thought bones are just bare bones.  But I was proven wrrrrrrong through all those times.  David Donaldson shares his insights 
https://www.smartcompany.com.au/business-advice/burnout-in-the-workplace-when-theres-nothing-left-in-the-tank/ and DON'T miss out his thoughts on those 6 biggest factors behind burnout. But we'll be better off if we can be more predictive than reactive.  A lot of [emotional and psychological] losses will be averted if we're quite privy with those tell-tale signs.  Just a random sample here:  Have you become cynical or critical at work ?  Do you feel lethargic even at start of day ?  Is your patience running out, whether with your colleagues or worst, with your clients ?  Time to shape up, dude.
If the best 'shot in the arm' is a CPR-like action, so be it, go for it, you need to rev up your life.  Take it from Kristine Aletha, her story shared @ https://www.kristinegalli.com/post/10-ways-revive-your-life is a very real-life eye-opener even on the surface.  To understand Kristine's predicament: 'In 2018, I came to a tipping point.  Something wasn't right.  I was burned out, frazzled, depleted and deeply unhappy.  On the outside, everything looked perfect but something was missing.  Something had to 
change but I didn't know what or how to change.  I had lost sight of who I was and what I wanted for my life.' But guess what, Kristine managed to turnaround.  HOW ?  In a nutshell, Kristine shares to us that 'Anything worth doing  in life requires you to push past your fear and take a risk.  FEAR and EXCITEMENT are two sides of the same coin.  YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE.'📌📌📌

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