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Thursday, February 11, 2021

Don't Get Too Caught Up Too Much...

Don't Get Too Caught Up Too Much...

Don't fret.  Don't regret.  Don't pin yourself down if you get too caught up too much on something until you realize getting stuck up.  Indeed, a very common pitfall in life.  Sometimes we get trapped.  Probably we look up so much on a role model who then does not end up the role model you were looking up to.  Sometimes it's all because of the bandwagon.  When everyone moved up to university with that popular academic course, you enrolled in that course too, regardless of anything.

Sometimes, it's after we stumbled hard.  When we rose up, dismissing the bruises as mere scratches, we went on 'panic mode', suddenly so obsessed turning things around overnight.  This is the 'panic attack' we always feared because when you get too caught up to do a catch-up, there is a good likelihood that you'll stumble a second time around probably harder than the first time around.  Remember those times in school when you were not doing so well in one subject.  Then you tried to be dismissive by assuring yourself that this too shall pass, that you just need to wait for the next academic term.  Until that previous academic shortfall will seem to haunt you down the road because your low rating gets carried over in your records

Of course you need to catch up.  So where's the pitfall.  That pitfall is the mindset of looking up to the leader of the pack, so way ahead of you, you don't have even a china man's chance to catch up. Take this from Dr Kerry Petsinger @ https://www.lifehack.org/630925/feeling-stuck-is-not-fun-this-is-how-i-never-feel-stuck-in-life-again, a very insightful piece that confronts you 'why you're stuck, how feeling stuck screws you up [secretly]' and sharing us the recipe to get unstuck by resetting/revisiting your goals, relook at your mindset, 'get out of your comfy zone' and lastly, another resonating message I heard a thousand times, 'surround yourself with people' who either have done for what you aspire or are the very inspirations you need to trudge on.

Rachel Ann Nunes, one of America's best-selling and award-winning authors says: 'when you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.  Let's face it, sometimes we need an 'electric shock' to get into a realization.  And let's face it, more often, we are caught up with things.  In school, we were too caught up down to the last quiz in class.  At work, we got too caught up with $$$ until we realized we were so damn bored with our daily routine, pushing us south-bound, skidding fast in our performance at work.  In our homes, we got too caught up with the regular cart-ful of groceries, settling bills left and right till you end up nurturing the relationships that matter most, with your immediate family, your loved ones.
The thing is, it's never late to catch up but hey, please run at your own pace, your own capacity.  Worst thing is you're keeping up with the Jones'.  If they are bonafide members of the 'big league', get both your feet back to the ground, realize and revisit what you are, where you are and what's your potential.  Are you still for a 42km marathon ?  Or are you good enough for the last lap ?  Or are you gasping for breath, having that feeling of an almost empty tank anytime now ?  If that's the case, do revisit Dr Kerry's piece @ https://www.lifehack.org/630925/feeling-stuck-is-not-fun-this-is-how-i-never-feel-stuck-in-life-again.  You can have that lease of life you deserve, trust me BUT do trust yourself first more than anyone else.⏳

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