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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Today [and NOT Tomorrow] is What Matters Most

Today [and NOT Tomorrow] is What Matters Most

Not to spoil our weekend, I'd like to cover in this piece the discussion that more of Today [and NOT Tomorrow] is What Matters Most, hoping that we're more into consensus-building albeit this discussion could be debatable and sometimes divisive. The ADAVIC portal [@ https://www.adavic.org.au/PG-fact-sheets-procrastination.aspx#:~:text=We%20may%20delay%20and%20avoid,to%20achieve%20without%20losing%20face.] rattles off quite a long list of manifested procrastinations, amongst others:  not calling back your friend afer a missed call, postponing your sched to go to your dentist for a toothache bothering you for so long now, putting off paying your bills not until its deadline [spelt "D-E-A-D-Line] creeps, not making a decision for something which you should decide anyways and just one too many more.

Unfortunately, Thomas Edison didn't invent that light bulb so that we can procrastination becomes an endemic part of our character, our discipline, our persona.  No sirs.  That explains why I grabbed this simple pic to accentuate the fact that at any given time, there is only one bulb lighted on and that's today's bulb.  Why is there only a solitary bulb lighted ?  That's because we can control only everything and anything that's IN THE MOMENT.  Anything passed or upcoming are beyond our realm
Why do I keep pestering [pardon for lack for a better verb] you on this ?  It's NOT because you'll hit your mark today.  It's NOT because you will leave an indelible footprint today.  It's NOT because you'll hit bullseye, that dreamt jackpot right today.  But instead, let's immerse ourselves with this simple poster which says it all, 'SUCCESS is the sum of SMALL efforts repeated day in and day out'.  In a nutshell, for you to achieve succeeding on one goal, that could take a thousand steps, a thousand days or more.  What matters most is that you never wasted your time when you IN THE MOMENT [today].  I don't expect you to brag that even without lifting a finger today, you're nearer to your goal today than where you were standing then as of yesterday !
Do we need slogans to push us hard forward ?  MAKE TIME.  TODAY MATTERS.  MOVE AN IDEA TO ACTION [before your brain sabotages you [because to quote Denzel Washington, 'your brain is wired to kick you out'.  To quote this acclaimed American actor in that interview @ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/19/arts/television/denzel-washington-michael-b-jordan-black-panther-iceman-cometh.html, "Nobody's perfect.. we're just humans, we will keep making mistakes [and probably some more]... but you gotta learn from [those mistakes] And as Denzel Washington quoted his mother, 'keep it simple.  Cut the fat away'.  
I'm sorry folks, I may sound like a broken record now but so be it, if only to harp reinforce and let this message resonate across the room that the crux of the matter is that 'TODAY MATTERS', not yesterday, not even tomorrow.  Word of caution folks, the devil never sleeps.  And he's damn patient.  He perseveres whispering through your ears to rest [and put off things for tomorrow, whew !].  True, there may be tell-tale signs that you need some time off but DON'T be ill-advised to succumb to that !  Just NEVER give in to that immediate gratification that whispers through you.
Folks, not to be an alarmist but the truth is that we're all still stalled and caught in the quagmire of this pandemic.  BUT hey, to quote Neil DeGrasse Tyson, a noted American astrophysicist and planetary scientist, in that masterful interview at @ https://www.businessinsider.com/neil-degrasse-tyson-meaning-life-2016-4, to quote, 'a new level of hunger has descended upon us' and... lots of methods and tools will feed that hunger which are all accessible to us.  What perplexes him is that, 'many people are looking for that meaning of life, as though it's under the rock or under the tree'.  Folks, face the mirror, it's all within you, within your hands.  Move your ass IN THE MOMENT, today, NOT tomorrow.

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