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Friday, January 22, 2021

Being as STUBBORN as the Virus, YES Let's Replicate That !

 Being as STUBBORN as the Virus, YES Let's Replicate That !

⏳ If there's something we can replicate from this Covid virus, it's that being that STUBBORN, that's all, period.  From where else can we replicate that damn stubbornness but from this pandemic !  Because if there is one huge irony between the human race and the Covid virus, it's that huge gap in being STUBBORN.

The problem is, or rather, OUR PROBLEM is that we are weaklings, we are faint hearted. We vacillate as soon as the first strong wind blows us off.  We teeter as soon as the first sounds of thunder runs up its decibels.  We teeter rather in a snap when the slightest threat surfaces upon us.  The mother of all blunders is our constant changes in our pre-set goals.  With the slightest nudge, we can set aside priorities.  It doesn't take an effort for you to set aside for tomorrow what you should have done today.  Why can't we be akin to that stubborn camel ?

The thing is, we can't skip stops.  Otherwise, you will be reciting HAIL MARYs till you end up out of work.  At work, you gotta find passion for you to reach that point where all work will not be work anymore for you.  Isn't that beautiful ?  Working passionately and oblivious of the ticking time ?  You gotta find that HARMONY because it's all about MEANING.  Whatever you're into, it has to be that useful, to you personally.  Be that nimble and robust so you could be able to take those punches.

Yes folks, the mother of all ironies, for us raising our kids or even those with doting nieces, we tend to succumb to their charm.  But hey, as this poster goes, these kids need us to be that STUBBORN ! Note that our lives and the adversities in life are Siamese Twins.  You can be down there, on the lowest strata of society or you could be one of the world's top billionaires but if there is a common ground, it's those adversities.  We just gotta lean towards our future.  Adversity leads to success [and this is not a sales pitch].  This is the gospel truth we gotta live with.  And this is where being 

stubborn really kicks in.  You gotta stick to your goals.  Never get enamored by seasonal temptations.  When food retail business sprout around in the shopping malls, you decide to plunge into those unknown waters where you don't know anything about that business, not from Adam.  When everyone goes for culinary courses leading to culinary jobs, you dump your academic courses and pronto you shift to culinary arts. all because you got enamored by that 'gold rush' kind of thing.  Why can't we be like this young girl, so firm, so sure of what she wants, she's standing on firm ground ?  Stick to that notion of projecting yourself forward, and that works for clear decisions, even for decisions revolving around your family.  Taking a long-

term point of view will lead you to realize that hey, you can live for the NOW and at the same time think of the expanse of time way down the road.  There are just too many paths to achieve that sense of satisfaction in life.  You gotta find what really works for you.  Be focused not just on the darts board.  Be firmly glued at the bullseye.

Elon Musk, the world's top billionaire today went for the unthinkable.  The electric cars.  The Space X Project.  He failed a thousand times.  He lost millions of hard earned dollars but he what set him apart from the pack was his utter stubbornness. He was relentless in his pursuit.  His persistence was at his very core.  He always reminded himself NEVER TO GIVE UP UNLESS HE IS FORCED TO GIVE UP. Indeed, what a mantra.  Who else could fail ?

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