Yesirrrrrs we are all aware of the LAW of GRAVITY and we can't defy it. But that's NOT our thread for today. Instead, we'd like to tackle whenever we go up against GRAVITY, Are You Being DRAGGED DOWN? Absolutely, various circumstances can really cause to get us DRAGGED DOWN. And here's the challenge. We need to figure out those DRAGGING us DOWN which we CAN control versus the uncontrollable ones. And the damn GOOD NEWS to us all is that, YES WE CAN have countermeasures to 'nip in the bud' many factors that may seem to DRAG us DOWN in life⏳⏳⏳BTW, can you guess WHO is the #1 culprit who can DRAG us DOWN over and over again? You bet, that one DRAGGING us DOWN is our own self. Does this sound familiar, when we get that habit of 'making excuses' because it is that kind of narrative that defines us. If we create an empowering story about life, and what we will do with it, it will become our reality. However, if we cannot change our own narrative, then a negative narrative consumes us, that will DRAG us DOWN πππIf there is anything we got to realize, it is the fact that our negative stories will NEVER inspire us. They DON'T help us to reach our potential or break through our fears. Instead, they keep us SAFE but that seems NOT to be a GOOD SAFE because it seems a SAFE that is unsettling because we aren't living what we could otherwise live if we'd take risks. In short, there is a long list of controllable things DRAGGING us DOWN caused by us❗❗❗ Now let's rattle off those that we instigate to DRAG us DOWN. WHEN we say, OH I DONT HAVE THE QUALIFICATIONS, SO I CAN'T EARN A DECENT INCOME or I'M TOO OLD TO START or I'M WORRIED EVERYONE WILL LAUGH AT ME or I'M TOO BUSY or I'M WAITING FOR THE RIGHT TIME or IT'S TOO DIFFICULT or THEY MADE IT BECAUSE THEY'RE DIFFERENT and so on.....πππSo, can we be on the same page and agree that give up nursing hopes to turnaround people DRAGGING us DOWN because we have a long list of NO-NOs where we our own selves are the very culprit causing us to get DRAGGED DOWN. If only we can rectify all the NO-NOs we ourselves are causing, then we would have won half the battle in our life✅✅✅