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Thursday, May 25, 2023

[Like It Or Not] Turn Things Up A Notch

[Like It Or Not] Turn Things Up A Notch

Let's look back to your past.  Have you been in those 'deep s____' situations when and where your back was against the wall?  Oh, I'll volunteer to raise my hands because I'VE BEEN THERE, DONE THAT, whew.   And those were situations I'd like to look back to reinforce my self motivation [to keep me goin' till now] but situations I dread to face all over again.  No man, no way.  So, how did I do it.  I had to Turn Things Up A Notch⏳⏳⏳
After we graduate from university, that's the time we take our plunge into the job market  At that point, we're at ENTRY-LEVEL and during the job interviews, even if we're asked a hundred times with interrogatives like ARE YOU WILLING TO DO THIS or THAT, a hundred times we'll willfully nod and agree.  BUT do you know that many of us do get stuck up at that ENTRY-LEVEL mindset even after years at work❓❓❓
It should NOT be the case though.  Even within the baseball diamond field, you CAN'T remain at the first base on your choice.  You've got to 'move your ass' [pardon this for lack of a better word] as otherwise, your next teammate is about to move up in the sequence of plays.  Such is the case NOT just in baseball but in life.  Eventually, you got to UP THE ANTE and there's no other option๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
How often do we ever challenge ourselves because we feel life has got to be more interesting?  THAT you need a 'SHAKE UP' because it's just so dull and you're NOT making the most of your life?  Yesirrrrrs we all have days like that.  Maybe you sit there and count your blessings.  Or you start to scribble a note of gratitude and thankfulness to remind yourself.  Try it [for those who never thought of this].  That thorny question of making life more interesting?  WHAT can we doto make life more FUN, more of an adventure?  Especially when you DON'T have much money to spare or maybe those very recent pandemic years when we're NOT so mobile much as we want to.  WHY not challenge ourselves a CHANGE THAT DELIVERS?  One way of ensuring that we are resilient enough to cope with the STRESS of CHANGE is to get used to CHANGE.  Just like vaccination.  We get immune to stress๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
One way of ensuring we are resilient enough to cope with the stress of change is to get used to change by challenging ourselves to change.  Doing a challenge literally changes our world because it changes the way we think.  Be like this boy at the goal post, So, let's practice and embrace challenges for us to TURN THINGS UP A NOTCH❗❗❗

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT........

You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT........

No sirrrrrs. our thread today is NOT related to animal science but still in life, You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT that's about it.  You CAN'T force the horse to drink at all.  Very much true in our life, wherein we can raise our kids the rightful way, with the correct core values, instill the discipline we want, share our best practices in life and do all the cajoling till you eventually dig deep in your perseverance and eventually, leave things to fate, how things will shape up.  Indeed, a painful experience for us when we have squeezed ourselves high and dry only to end up with outcome and results that fall short of what we want to achieve

Indeed very very true.  Either as a parent OR as a leader OR as a teacher/mentor OR even as an entrepreneur [for your own business], you can infuse and pour out all your wisdom and inputs to your child, your students, your team members, your employees/workers.  But exasperation and frustration creeps in when those outcomes you expected NEVER happened.  WHY?  Because all along, we STILL expected that You Can Lead A Horse To Water ... and let it drink too❓❓❓

So WHAT's worth dissecting are the root causes as to why, as much as we impart our wisdom and shared lessons, the end result[s] DON'T seem to match our expectations?  First answer here is that you got to RESET EXPECTATIONS.  For all we [DON'T] know, we took the wrong first step when we falsely raised our expectations that our 'protege' or 'student' will end up based on our expectations.  Besides that pitfall of falsely RAISED EXPECTATIONS, the second aspect is quiete tough.  Likely, we were NOT 'IN SYNC' with our protege or student insofar as self-motivation and absorbing the wisdom and lessons we imparted.  If your protege or student is NOT 'IN STEP' with you in terms of drive and motivation, there is a very high likelihood that both of you will end up in different pages.  The worst nightmare here is that by the time you will become aware of the huge gap between your EXPECTATIONS versus OUTCOMES, you're done with your mentoring๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Of course we DON'T want to end up, us ending up as forced to drink instead of the horse, right?  But that is the harsh TRUTH in life.  Sometimes, because of our OVER-HYPED expectations for the outcomes.  Lesson is, let us NOT ram through the throats of others regardless if they are our kids, our students, our team members or workers/employees in our commercial initiatives✅✅✅

So what should we do?  Let us sharpen like pencils whoever we are training, molding or mentoring, sharp enough to approximately end up close to our expectations.  And while OPTIMISM is laudable, temper that OPTIMISM with REALITY.  In that way, you will NOT fall flat with your face on the ground.  Just DON'T forget that You Can Lead A Horse To Water BUT...... you CAN'T LET HIM DRINK❗❗❗

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?  Sadly, this seems to be an irrelevant question because everyone values him/herself unilaterally, based on his/her own algorithm or as simple as arithmetic.  Two decades back when I signed off to the job offer from one of the biggest global bank, the then 'top gun' of the commercial banking group asked me 'WHAT AM I BRINGING TO THE TABLE?'.  And without mincing words and NOT even batting an eyelash, I told him straight to his eyes that I am bringing VALUE for MONEYTHAT I deserve the job offer they tendered⏳⏳⏳

A most common scenario is the job market where your MARKET VALUE is an estimation of HOW MUCH you should be earning based on your job title, years of experience, skills and even location.  Doing some research to determine your WORTH before walking into a salary negotiation can help you get the outcome [and INCOME] you want.  BTW, these days, you can go to MICHAEL PAGE or KELLY and request for their country-specific SALARY GUIDEBTW, what you can't find in those SALARY GUIDES will be your INTANGIBLES [as all those can only come from you]๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Now, WHAT's your PRICEPOINT?  Frankly, that is a tough question because you DON'T get the answer on-the-fly straight from the ceiling.  You need to sit down and run a thorough SELF-ASSESSMENT of each of your INTANGIBLES before you run a SELF-VALIDATION to ensure that you DON'T end up with rubbish INTANGIBLES๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Yes, we can compare ourselves to that gladiator who, before being deployed at the battle front, he gets assessed if he is WORTH HIS SALT.  Quite a letdown but many of us tend to end up with PRICEPOINTs whose MARKUPS do NOT seem to be commensurate to one's capabilities [and that includes the INTANGIBLES].  One time when my previous company was bidding for the project management services of one of India's biggest banks, they established a pricing baseline.  Unfortunately, they cannot get embedded in the sales proposal the services that can justify the bid price.  NOT until they pasted and embedded my credentials into the proposal.  Voila, the proposal was signed off✅✅✅

Oh yes, there are no mathematical equations to be solved here.  It's all the X's and O's and as a candidate with a VALUE-based proposition, we DON'T need to get into rocket science because as long as you CHECK ALL THE BOXES, then you're good to go.  BUT if you are the hollowed proposal with the weighing scale NOT tipping in your favor, you can easily be THROWN UNDER THE BUS.  You're TOAST. BUT not to despair as long as you never miss the benchmarking question:  ARE YOU WORTH YOUR SALT❓❓❓

Monday, May 22, 2023

How Far Is Success From Failure

How Far Is Success From Failure

There is this age-old fallacy that there is a huge differentiation between SUCCESS and FAILURE.  And I'll be the first one to shoot down that fallacy because in real life, SUCCESS and FAILURE are siamese twins.  WHY?  Every time we initiate and commence our journey, we all emanate from the same starting point.  There's even no way to distinguish from where we all start because in life, there is PARITY at the take-off points.  I DON'T buy that crap that someone started off with a handicapping advantage.  So, the question is: How Far Is Success From Failure๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

And this is where most of us end up falling prey to fallacies.  Instead, what is expected from us is to be absolutely clear on our CHOICES we need to make everyday.  Most of us have good ideas as to what we need to be doing to keep us ON TRACK toward our goals.  Yet many of us have been side-tracked [me included in the past]⏳⏳⏳

Instead of getting dejected, let's face it.  Everyone of us did commit dumb choices in the past.  We commit dumb mistakes that eventually led us to that FAILURE at some point.  And NOT to scare you, those slip-ups are bound to happen AGAIN.  So. what's our hard lesson here?  It is to minimize our FAILURES by coming up with good decisions as we trek down that tricky road to SUCCESS๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

One most common mistake we commit is to measure our SUCCESS by other people's standards.  If some of your classmates ended up with degrees from the Ivy League in the U.S., ask yourself, ARE YOU ON THE SAME LEAGUE❓❓❓

Thereafter, let TRUTH guide you in your decisions.  A safe roadmap for making good choices should NEVER deviate from your personal values.  Those choices have to come from deep within and speak your TRUTH.  When you know you are truly are and what your TRUTH is, choices are easier to make based on how you naturally behave and see the world on the basis of those values and beliefs, and NOT someone's else.  Remember, SUCCESS is just next to FAILURE.  One misstep, you're toast✅✅✅

Sunday, May 21, 2023

You May Get Away But Are You Really Free?

You May Get Away But Are You Really Free?

You May Get Away But Are You Really Free?  Oh NO sirrrrrrs, today's piece is neither about crime nor action pictures.  Instead, we'd like to highlight situational aspects in life where we're either legitimately entitled to GET AWAY or even those situations when it becomes circumstantial for us to GET AWAY even if it's NOT on our own volition.   Let's start off with responsibilities we own NOT by choice but as a natural obligation.  Heard of folks who turned their backs from their responsibilities, [wrongly] thinking that they can just GET AWAY with it?  Or those who end up causing affliction, casualty or impairment only to GET AWAY from responsibilities?๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

And do we remember instances in the past where a responsibility has fallen on our lap and even with apprehension and FEAR, we just DON'T even have that singular option to OPT OUT?  Example of which is taking care of a parent at an advanced age and if that parent falls ill, you have NO choice but to do the needful?  Another very common mix-up is ACCOUNTABILITY versus RESPONSIBILITY.  Understanding and differentiating these two situations can help us avoid getting into a MIX-UP.  To clear up, ACCOUNTABILITY entails your actions and their effects while RESPONSIBILITY includes efficiently completing tasks you're required๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Like it or NOT, we got to develop that differentiation because there have been zillion operational problems at the workplace because of the blurred [OR worst, incorrect] understanding of it.  So while ACCOUNTABILITY occurs after a serious situation or problem arises and HOW someone responds to the issue that determines the outcome⏳⏳⏳
Whereas RESPONSIBILITY has broader coverages.  The family's 'HEAD of the FAMILY' carries the heaviest burden on one's shoulder.  Heard of HEAD of a family who simply GOT AWAY?  But did that make him FREE?  Literally, YES but surely, he can have sleepless nights✅✅✅
Our insight for today?  While we can enjoy all our freedom, there are those limitations and constraints ESPECIALLY those turfs or areas where, on our own volition, we stepped in.  Those are the ONE-WAY roads where there is no turning back, NOT because of force or coercion but because of responsibilities one [by default] embraces once he/she steps into an AREA of RESPONSIBILITY.  Lesson here is that sometimes YOU MAY GET AWAY BUT ARE YOU REALLY FREE❓❓❓

Saturday, May 20, 2023

How To Handle False Starts?

How To Handle False Starts?

No sirrrrs, our piece today has got nothing to do with Usain Bolt or anything about sprints and the Olympic track and field runs.  Instead, this is How To Handle False Starts [IN LIFE].  Now, before we move on, I am assuming that NO one will claim that he/she has had NO false start in life?  I myself I have to openly admit I had FALSE STARTS along the way and those spate of FALSE STARTS could have easily doomed me to fail with NO reprieve.  Alas, i had a trick or two to extricate myself out๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Sadly, there are bad days way before it even starts.  Sometimes, there are those moments when a bad day seems to begin and on the surface, there seems NO WAY out of it and you seem doomed to fail till the end.  BUT indeed it does end and trcik to making that happen a little sooner involves one part 'time travel' and one part humor.  Oh yes, most bad days start with a FALSE START [or even a combination of it].  One too many scenarios for this⏳⏳⏳

One morning you get up late [when you should be early on your feet].  And when you rush to your car, you realized you forgot something.  Then you start driving with the fuel gauge at a low but sufficient until you hit a huge traffic gridlock that's a mile-long and you realized your car is running low on fuel.  And when you wanted to call for help, your mobile phone just conked out๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So, how do we handle such FALSE STARTS?  If it seems 'emergency' in nature, tap your helpline.  If your back is against the wall [i.e. your mobile phone is DEAD as well, whew], that's when you need to approach even strangers, hoping you will find a Good Samaritan.  If your FALSE START is in your workplace, fix things PRONTO and if you need guidance from your SME [Subject Matter Expert] or your leader, DON'T hesitate and DON'T waste time dilly-dallying because you hardly have ant 'wiggle room' left [NONE in fact] once your locomotive journey becomes a train wreck✅✅✅

For brevity, the key things to consider in handling FALSE STARTS are as follows:

  • URGENCY of the situation
  • VERY LIMITED options for such urgency
  • SWIFT decision-making is a MUST
  • Reach out to your HELPLINE, asap
  • NO ROOM for ERROR during false starts

Since there is no one size that fits all, our recommendations are as generic as possible. Bottom-line, fix your FALSE STARTS ASAP❗❗❗

Friday, May 19, 2023

Think Things Through

Think Things Through

Do we really Think Things Through?  Uhmmm, some may say, SOMETIMES.  Others would react, LET'S NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT IT.  But hey, WHY is THINKING THINGS THROUGH so hard to do?  Procrastinate on thinking out important personal problems and you will [probably] doom yourself to repeat them. Of course, if you wait long enough, your problem MIGHT go away.  REALLY❓❓❓

Sweeping problems UNDER THE RUG is a formula fpr continuing to feel burdened by unresolved problems and/or conflicts.  And that is SO EASY to do.  THINKING THINGS THROUGH can be hard to do.  Thus, it is EASY to skip [frankly, to IGNORE] it.  BUT, dodging problems carries a PRICE TAG.  You'll probably [and VERY LIKELY] keep repeating the same problem [over and over again].  You may then likely to accumulate more pain over time than facing to resolve the problem early๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

On the other hand, resolving problems can feel LIBERATING.  You'll gain a big benefit.  And you'll likely have fewer painful recurring problems.  So, here I am, have grabbed this 'THINKING IT THROUGH' sheet.  Very practical, no frills.   But the challenge is whatever cheat sheet you have, you got to commit yourself to follow through it no less.  This is NOT a piece of paper for semantics and documentation.  This is here to likely compel you to do things the right way๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

If ever you count yourself amongst the millions who selectively put off thinking out and resolving some of their personal problems, the chances are that you may end up to fictionalize reasons for delaying.  In exploring this ART of MISDIRECTION, this does NOT lead you away and farther from that hated world of procrastinators.  Now, let's be fair and square here✅✅✅

That big, huge gaping hole that traps many of us is PROCRASTINATION.  And despite your awareness of PROCRASTINATION, you have your VALID reasons.  MAYBE you DON'T want to stir up unpleasant emotions. MAYBE you feel uncertain about how to approach a problem.  MAYBE you're engaging yourself in defensive tactics.  So, do THINK THINGS THROUGH❗❗❗

Thursday, May 18, 2023



Our thread today has got nothing to do with road infrastructures.  Neither is it about DRIVING.  I just grabbed this round-about picture [a.k.a. ROTONDA or ROTUNDA [in Italian] referring to round infrastructures.  Instead we'd like to zero-in on that huge gaping GAP between INTENDING and DOING.  WHY?  Our journey in life is shaped and impacted by the extent of that huge GAP between INTENDING and DOING.  What we are TODAY versus WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN could be totally different 

I myself, I am farthest from being perfect but with all humility, I can attest that while I am NOT in that big league of the business magnates, I can comfortably admit that WHAT I am today could have been ten times worse had I missed out in reducing the huge gap between INTENDING and DOING,  If my intentions was kilometric-long and my 'DOING' plate was empty, things could have been utterly different

Oh, this is a very picturesque poster I grabbed but beyond the surface, this highlights people WHO did WHAT others were simply INTENDING.  The differences between such two segments of people could be ten times wider when the Red Sea waters parted.  But this tells us is that in life, what matters is the DOING because that leads to RESULTS

Let's do a quick REWIND with the recent pandemic wherein around 20 percent of those who fell ill with the Covid coronavirus NEVER complied with the health and hygiene protocols at all.  But let's give them the benefit of the doubt.  Let's NOT assume thst they were opposed to such protocols.  It's even likely they wanted to comply but DIDN'T have the means to comply

Yesirrrrs. we agree everything starts with I-N-T-E-N-T but even if such is done in good faith, STILL, it does NOT matter because at the end of the day, it's either a BLACK or WHITE, DONE or NOT DONE.  Sadly, I have witnessed people who got STUCK and STALLED because for the longest time, they had all the best INTENTIONS but they never pushed themselves to bridge the GAP from INTENDING to DOING❗❗❗

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

The Wisdom of STEVE JOBS

The Wisdom of STEVE JOBS

STEVE JOBS is a household name both in the business and technology spaces but for those unsure,  STEVE JOBS was an American business magnate and inventor who co-founded the very successful APPLE company [who has not heard of iPhones, iPads? and MACs?].  Why does STEVE JOBS really deserve today's space for our thread?  I thought this is long overdue for us to share and dissect some of the most substantive and messaging-heavy words STEVE JOBS has left for us to ponder.  For the doubting Thomases, sharing The Wisdom of STEVE JOBS WON'T cost us even a cent because he bequeathed all these to us before he died๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Dying at the very young age of 56, on his death bed, STEVE JOBS blurter:  WHAT's the difference between a wristwatch worth $30 versus $300 when both will show you the same TIME?  What about a purse worth $30 versus $300 when it may have the same amount?  And if you drive a car worth $30k versus $300k. both can cover the same journey, distance and destination๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Please DON'T get me wrong.  there is NOTHING wrong if from time to time we do SPLURGE.  When we achieve some of our milestone successes, we do deserve to REWARD ourselves for us to enjoy the fruits of all our hard work and labor.  But to SPLURGE and REWARD ourselves from time to time is NOT akin to those who are so enamored to peg their [default] standards to the top tier luxury brands whether it's for watches, cars, perfumes, bags, name it.  WHY?  Let us just go back to the words STEVE JOBS' words of wisdom whether it's all about cars, wallets, watches๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Even for things SIMPLE versus COMPLEX, STEVE JOBS had very insightful words for it as part of his mantras.  He espoused FOCUS and SIMPLICITY amongst his mantras but he forewarned his believers that "SIMPLE CAN BE HARDER THAN COMPLEX".  WHY? It's because, to quote him again, "YOU HAVE TO WORK HARD TO GET YOUR THINKING CLEAN TO MAKE IT SIMPLE"✅✅✅

To our counterparts at the workplace, here are strong words from STEVE JOBS: 'THE ONLY WAY TO DO GREAT WORK IS TO LOVE WHAT YOU DO'.  If I may piggy-back on these words, allow me to extend these words to almost anything and everything you'll do in life.  THAT's why two weeks ago when I drove back for vacation in the countryside, it took me fifteen [15] hours driving one-way but did I get tired?  Of course I was.  BUT I did I regret getting into that quagmire?  NO, not at all.  WHY?  It's because 'I LOVE WHAT I DO'❗❗❗

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR]

Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR]

I am no linguist here as My Latin is putrid and my Espanol is pidgin at best.  Having said it, Quid Pro Quo [DAR y RECIBIR] is worth our piece today because in life, there has been one too many negotiations, horse-trading and the like.  And that's just normal and a given but we need to revisit the essence of Quid Pro Quo [which in Espanol means DAR y RECIBIR]๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Whether we're talking commercials or the intangibles, 'VALUE versus PRICE' should be at the core of our thought process way before we make up our minds to reach to an INFORMED DECISION.  IN fact, this infographics is a no-brainer.  Simply put, if the PRICE outweighs the VALUE, it is a NO GO.  Whereas if the latter weighs heavier, that should be the input and trigger for your INFORMED DECISION๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

BTW, in the Untied States, one of the most rewarding career is to be a LOBBYIST, a legitimate party who will push hard and so goal-centric that they will do what it takes to meet his client's marching orders.  Obviously, in the U.S. landscape peppered with lawsuits any and everywhere, such QUID PRO QUO need to be legal and legitimate✅✅✅

Swinging back to our own lives, in many instances, that option to uptick is driven by our desire for MOREMORE security.  MORE happiness.  MORE peace.  MORE stability.  And for the more responsible ones, the 'MORE' is a motivation if it will be for his/her spouse, loved ones and family, which are all very laudable.  Bottom-line is, you should NOT get short-changed when you're willing to pay that EXTRA in exchange for an uplift๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

So, where you are that lobbyist at the U.S. Capitol or an Espanol focused on DAR y RECIBIR, everything should be equitable, fair, just and reasonable.  DON'T emulate the high-stakes games at the Las Vegas Strip where the high-rollers go for the max, NEVER TAKE THAT PATH, dude❗❗❗

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