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Friday, December 25, 2020

Keep on Stacking Good Days

 Keep on Stacking GOOD DAYS 

🎅Merry Christmas ho ho ho !!!

What do we gift ourselves this Christmas ?  A lot, dude, as in, a lot [and you don't have to spend a penny at all].

Guess everyone will agree.  We have good days and bad days but over time, it's been more good days than bad days, right ? What does that mean ?  KEEP ON STACKING GOOD DAYS, dude.

Got a scrumptious cake ?  And another cake ?  Hmmm, keep stacking all those good stuff.  And those lots of good days ?  Keep on stacking such good days.  Why ?  Because when those bad days come in trickles, when your spirits are dampened, you need to hark on those positivities you built over time.  It's akin to sports, whether it's that tough golf course during the recent LPGA U.S. Open or that buzzer-beating NBA game opener yesterday.  As you keep achieving small successes, albeits footnotes per se, continue turning something out beyond just energy and effort.  Endeavor to OVERachieve and OUTperform.  Be more reflective than celebratory.  

And that harpoon ?  Keep sharpening it.  There's no way you should put down that harpoon for anything as mundane as a fishing pole.  And if there is a particular element of disdain for me, it's that notion that someone else is so set up to succeed in life that it is not worth competing.  That's defeatism.  And that capitulation is unacceptable even if there is major roadblock ahead, down the road.  The worst part is in most cases, we are unconscious that indeed we are capitulating and giving up.

Overachiever.  How is it defined [NOT by Mr Webster] ?  That's a person who aims to achieve 4.0 when achieving 3.99 is just as good.  That snapshot of a goldfish jumping out of its fishbowl launches a thousand ships.  This analogy may be akin to both a gift and a curse as you want to accomplish something so much that you'll do anything even if it means hurting yourself in the long run.

Don't get me wrong.  This is NOT an Amazon sales pitch.  No need to buy this book from Amazon.  Just accentuating that stacking on good days can be habit forming because habits do stack up.  Be mindful that what's lurking in the dark are our [bad] habits too and they're damn sneaky.  Before you know it, your [bad] habits have taken the reins all over you and you will end up as another train-wreck.

Not to dwell into bar graphs and statistics but if you keep collecting brownie points, picking up and harvesting even those low-low hanging fruits, every drop in the bucket will add up till your pail of water finally gets filled up.  By that time, all the positivities you have earned have rubbed off on you, enough to boost your spirit and motivation when the dark clouds come hovering again before another heavy downpour.

As Sean Combs, that famous American rapper says, 'My mind is always racing and always going and  always working, and its a gift and a curse'.  Well said and to piggy-back on that, I humbly admit that I seem be [somewhat] aligned with that mindset.  Because while my sheer intention today was to greet you a MERRY CHRISTMAS, I realized I may have that gift and a curse in me as well.  MERRY CHRISTMAS ho ho ho !!!🎅

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