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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How Can We Be Special?

How Can We Be Special?

Allow me to share this Quora.com sharing from Mathew Vanderburg about that NAPKIN EXPERIENCE.  If you're hosting a party either at wprk or at home, try this experiment.  The first time, put the plain and regular napkins in a bunch for guests to use.  And watch the guests 'abuse' the napkins, pulling out wantonly, in any number and most people will take more than one.  And they will throw the napkins at the trash without care and get more as needed.  The next time you refill, try this.  NOTHING SPECIAL there, right❓❓❓

The next time you did refill the napkins, try refilling it with exactly the same brand, specs and quality.  Except for the colors which you chose pink.  Guess what happens next?  Notice the difference this time around.  People will tend to treat the pink napkins as SPECIAL, even pulling it out with care one at a time.  They will also likely preserve the napkins longerπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
What's the end result from this NAPKIN EXPERIMENT?  Safely, people tend to attach automatically an importance when something looks different or more sophisticated than they are used to.  This is also the same principle where well-dressed people get to be treated better.  Recently, our broker/friend confided the same recurring experience.  They really need to get attired impressively lest the clients they meet may look down on themπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
BTW, being SPECIAL does NOT just mean being exceptional or being better than others at some task, ability or skill BUT instead, being SPECIAL means being RESPECTED.  And if we want to stand out from the crowd and be recognized as a SPECIAL person, you can learn to start developing your inner self, giving it the RESPECT it deserves⏳⏳⏳
The cautionary advice here is NEVER pressure yourself to be that SPECIAL.  Simply put, be your natural self WHO remains steadfast to endeavor standing out where in a small room or in a crowd because that could lead you to be SPECIAL❗❗❗

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


To quote Indian Subodh R, Can You 'HOLD YOUR OWN'?  Somehow, this question seems as tame as it sounds BUT this question does bite.  To HOLD YOUR OWN means the world to us because this question challenges us as to whether we can HOLD YOUR OWN in the midst of all the challenges and tribulations in our lifetime journey, proven NOT to be that easyπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
This does NOT need any convincing or even nudging.  Fact is, to HOLD YOUR OWN means many things and everything in life.  It means HOLDING FORT.  It means RISING UP [from all the FALLS].  It means GETTING BACK ON-TRACK [after getting off-tracked].  It means picking up the broken pieces all over the floorπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
I vividly remember, I was safely ensconced in a decently paying job in Singapore when a headhunter literally HEAD-HUNTED me and did prey on me.  Long story short, they did prey on me because I surreptitiously accepted their "CAN'T REFUSE" $$$$ offer, only for that employer to literally abandon me 'HIGH and DRY' when the project bidding [where they literally USED my credentials in the BID] failed πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Only then I realized [belatedly] that life is no less a TUG-of-WAR as it involves all the PUSH & PULL which results with both WINNERS and VANQUISHED.  As an after-thought, I realized that indeed I can HOLD MY OWN once I'm grappling with a crisis whose severity level can't be worst than it is✅✅✅
So what's our insight for today?  Regardless of the support structure built around you, it is YOU and YOU YOURSELF you need to summon when you are in the midst of the mother of all crisis.  Others may FAIL you BUT you need to be strong and stern enough to tell yourself that regardless of the extent of your personal crisis at hand, it behooves that you HOLD YOUR OWN❗❗❗

Have You Dodged A Bullet Yet?

Have You Dodged A Bullet Yet?

No sirrrrs, I'm NOT into guns or bullets but BTW, Have You Dodged A Bullet Yet?  I believe that by the time we have graduated from university and plunged into the job market or commercial forays, you, me and most of us can take an honest personal attestation that at some point, we Have You Dodged A Bullet

BTW, for one to DODGE A BULLET is no fun thing.  Neither is it a foray for some weaklings.  BUT unlike the military personnel deployed by their respective countries in the world's 'HOT SPOTS', name it, Afghanistan, Iraq and the like, unlike those military specialists, surely NEVER in our lives are we harboring [at all] even that ever wildest dream of courting disaster by looking for a bullet which later you will attempt to DODGE.  Because apart from the military specialists, for us civilians, DODGING A BULLET is neither hoped or wished for [because we know it's fatal]

Problem is, DODGING A BULLET does NOT mean that you need to be at the level of Usain Bolt, the Jamaican who's the fastest runner in the world.  Because frantically running away to DODGE A BULLET does NOT require that kind of lightning speed and quickness.  Instead, it is a combination of handling a situation deftly and praying endless Hail Mary's hoping that the stars will align and will be by your side
With transparency, I'll admit that I did DODGE BULLETS a couple of times in my life.  And it is NO joke that all those bullets were fatal enough to lead me down six feet under the ground.  And some of those bullets were close shaves, those situations where I manage to save myself by the skin of my teeth, of course with all stars aligned during those dire moments❗❗❗
Oh yes, there were very low points in my life when and where I had to BITE THE BULLET [simply because my back was against the wall and I just ran out of luck] but again, BITING THE BULLET need NOT be that fatal ending.  Instead, it is your very last moments when and where you're clutching on thin and worn-out straws about to snap off BUT you still cling to it because those are the very LAST STRAWS.  Bottomline is, once you have DODGED A BULLET, learn the hard lessons and get it embedded in you no less✅✅✅

Monday, September 25, 2023

People Have Long Memories

People Have Long Memories

Yes folks, People Have Long Memories but this is NOT meant with any undertone BUT simply to highlight the mysteries of our MEMORY and how it impacts our life.  Till now, many mysteries of our MEMORY remains as a mystery. How are our MEMORY gets encoded within the neurons of our brain?  How distributed in our brain are the cells that ENCODE a given MEMORY? And HOW does our brain activity correspond to HOW we experience MEMORIES?  How MEMORIES are formed, stored and recalled, all these are puzzles that will never end confusing the typical layman like us.  BUT that's NOT our concern.  Our thread today focuses on the value of our LONG MEMORIESπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Indeed, there's no one place within our brain that holds all of our MEMORIES.  Scientists confirm that the different areas of our BRAIN form and store different kinds of MEMORIES and different processes.  Our emotional responses such as FEAR does reside in one specific region of our BRAINMEMORIES related to skills are associated with a different region of our BRAIN.  And another BRAIN region is crucial for forming, retaining and recalling declarative MEMORIES✅✅✅

So where does all our awareness of our BRAIN's MEMORY lead us to?  For practical reasons, let us ask ourselves?  Should I be more mindful in my interaction with others?  Should I minimize, where possible, unpleasant things in life?  Can I encourage more positive human experiences?  So HOW, WHEN and WHERE can I influence my own behavior more to my positive advantage❓❓❓

Given all these, does it make sense that we should cherish and treasure all the BEST things happening in our daily life?  It is being "IN THE MOMENT" and NOT distracted by either the past or the future.  Like these two little girls, they are in the midst of enjoying their "IN THE MOMENT" situation, oblivious that one of their BRAIN's regions is starting to store those bits and pieces of their ongoing "IN THE MOMENT" situationπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

On the other hand, let's face it, there are various INEVITABLES in life, especially those unpleasant moments and just to be up front to you, one of our BRAIN's regions will be storing those INEVITABLES. And as we move on in our daily regimen in life, our awareness of that "HUGE" capacity of our BRAIN's various regions to store all our past should encourage us to endeavor being a STEP AHEAD given people's LONG MEMORIES πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Life Is Perfectly Imperfect

Life Is Perfectly Imperfect

Do we all agree with this pedestrian statement that Life Is Perfectly Imperfect?  Yesirrrrrrs absolutely.  This reminds me of this joke from Quora.com [courtesy of Euterpe Muse]:  Rakesh is 35 yrs old and still single.  One day, a friend asked, 'WHY ARE YOU NOT MARRIED?  Rakesh replied, ACTUALLY I'VE FOUND MANY WOMEN I WANT TO MARRY BUT WHEN I BRING THEM HOME TO MEET MY PARENTS, MY MOM DOESN'T LIKE THEM'πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

His friend pauses and says, 'JUST FIND ONE WHO IS JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER'.  Few months later, they meet again and his friend asks, 'DID YOU FIND A PERFECT GIRL YET?  DID YOUR MOTHER LIKE HER?  With a frown on his face, Rakesh says, 'YES I FOUND THE PERFECT GIRL. SHE WAS JUST LIKE MY MOTHER.  MY MOM LIKED HER VERY MUCH'.  Then the friend asks, 'THEN WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM?' Rakesh replied, 'NOW MY FATHER DOES NOT LIKE HER'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Indeed, that's how frustratingly life can be imperfect.  Not even if you attempted AMERICA'S GOT TALENT.  Would you expect judges like Simon Cowell to give you a PERFECT 10HELL NO.  That's our problem with PERFECTION.  The desire to be PERFECT burdens many people and ironically dooms them to unhappiness,  At first, we might think that trying to be PERFECT is desirable.  Let's take a close look at that belief.  PERFECTION does suggest a state of flawlessness, without any defects for that matter.  Seeking PERFECTION at a particular task might be achievable and certainly, students can strive to attain a perfect grade✅✅✅

Yet Yet Yet, the goal of being PERFECT in life is altogether a different story.  Even a machine or electronic device may operate PERFECTLY [at least for a while].  Over time, it will wear down and require repair.  BUT hey, isn't it we humans were NEVER intended to be PERFECT!  That's part of the definition of being human.  Heard of the expression, "I'M JUST HUMAN".  We really need to remind ourselves that the goal ISN'T to emulate a machine BUT to embrace the imperfection of being human❗❗❗

Problem is, even in our cross-cultures, we move relentlessly towards greater emphasis on achievement and goal focus and when we do so, we seem to lose that capacity for wonder and awe.  Ironically, if someone ever could achieve that impossible state of PERFECTION, it is likely that very few people would accept that.  Again, it's all because LIFE IS PERFECTLY IMPERFECT➕➕➕

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Truth Will Set You Free

Truth Will Set You Free

Do we believe that Truth Will Set You Free?  Allow me to share this Quora.com post by Cruisepower, a pilot.  As a pilot, he never missed a flight while working for one of the biggest global airlines.  One day, he didn't wake up as for some reason, his phone alarm didn't buzz.  Next thing he did was to call his chief pilot and told him the TRUTH.  The chief pilot then told him he'll call back in 10 minutesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

That 10 minutes seemed like 10 hours [with all the agony of waiting].  Finally, the chief pilot said that a standby pilot took over his post for that flight and that incident should serve as his LAST WARNING.  Indeed Truth Will Set You Free,  And we can't argue further with this quote from Mark Twain, the father of American Literature:  IF YOU WILL TELL THE TRUTH, YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER ANYTHINGπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
This is neither about religion nor has this got to do with the Bible verses.  Many years ago, I did flop at my work.  How did I handle it?  I told my boss that I missed out one step of the procedure.  On another instance, I delivered output whose QUALITY was less that stellar.  How did I wiggle myself out of it?  Truth Will Set You FreeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So, what happens if we DON'T tell that darn Truth?  Obviously, there will be numerous consequences and implications.  First off, you are NOT achieving CLOSURE of that exception as you tend to cover it up or bury them under the bushel of oblivion.  Secondly, that issue arising from the exception may likely exacerbate and worsen instead of being managed and controlled.  Thirdly, by keeping that "PANDORA's Box" open, you are exposing yourself to undue stress and anxiety.  And at worse, it may even impact your health.  Isn't that mind-boggling?  Only Truth Will Set You Free but you got to grab the bull by its horns❗❗❗

So what's our FIX?  Fairly simple.  Stick to this mantra and never skirt it or five it a lip service:  Truth Will Set You Free and that will save you from tons and tons of unnecessary anxiety, stress and undue pressure [especially if you're guilty of that undoing].  BUT who doesn't make mistakes?  Think about this hardened TRUTH that Truth Will Set You Free✅✅✅

Get Rid Of Distractions

Get Rid Of Distractions

Do we agree that our common UNKNOWN and UNSEEN enemy are DISTRACTIONS?  Regardless of your vocation in life, regardless of your stratum in life, DISTRACTIONS are everywhere BUT the worst thing about DISTRACTIONS is that most of them exist INCOGNITO [NOT until when it strikes you down]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Statistics from the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA] has been keeping track of how often drivers report using mobile phones while driving.  And the numbers are terrifying.  Less than 500,000 drivers in the United States are using mobile phones while driving in the U.S.  And while all age groups were included in that statistics, teenagers were the age group most prone to use phone while driving.  And isn't this scary and terrifying❓❓❓
Now, while it is simply impossible to obliterate DISTRACTIONS in our daily life, the good news is that we can REDUCE it, if only to increase our FOCUS.  HOW?  Primero, always have a TASK PLAN [the night before] for your next day.  Whether it's office work-related or it's related to house repairs, you got to have a PLAN, period.  Segundo, TURN OFF DISTRACTIONS, if you can.  Controlling your devices and NOT having that technology with you will be a BRAVE action✅✅✅
Tercero.  GET COMFORTABLE.  That means something different but enough for your comforts, be it the clothes you wear, the music you're listening and even the room temperature if you're working from home.  Cuarto.  SET MODEST GOALS.  Big goals may be great indeed for motivational speeches BUT they DON'T help anyone focus on getting important things done.  Consider breaking down your goals to smaller ones so that you can achieve even small milestone successesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Quinta.  Use VISUAL REMINDERS.  Stuck at the top of your work computer's LCD the three words of 'FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS'.  I myself, whenever I face difficulty sticking to a task or I want to escape quickly and get into social media, I would look at that reminder and I'd even repeat those words loud enough for me to hear.  That cue did help me many times to GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS as much as possibleπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Saturday, September 23, 2023

What Happens Before FAILING Or SUCCEEDING?

What Happens Before FAILING Or SUCCEEDING?

What Leads To Either FAILING Or SUCCEEDING?  You might wonder, is that question either a riddle or a puzzle.  Neither because in these real-life circumstances in life, there is NO middle-of-the-road.  Simply put, we either FAIL or we SUCCEED.  For those who [WRONGLY] believe that they're smart, they will go into a 'HOLDING PATTERN' so that they won't be tagged as having FAILED.  Truth is, that [UN]smart person is simply delaying the prognosis and the obvious END-GAME resultπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Dashun Wang, the professor at the Kellogg School of Management believes that what we have heard from all the supposed success stories of Henry Ford and the like does NOT simply mean that WHO learn more as they go have the much better odds of succeeding in life.  Instead, Wang insists that there is that 'TIPPING POINT' and that is your ability to build on your earlier attempts which have all failed [because that's the takeoff point]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

But Wang remains adamant that one's earlier attempts should be above a certain threshold as that gives you the inside track to succeed in the end.  But if it's even a hair below that threshold, one may be doomed to keep churning out FAILURE after FAILURE forever.  Wang highlighted that people on those two sides of threshold could be exactly the same kind of people but they will likely end up with different outcomes⏳⏳⏳

A growing body of research supports the idea espoused by Wang that FAILURE can make you better off in the long run.  Wang himself even found that an early career setback often set up scientists for a later SUCCESS.   But pick your SUCCESS story, whether it's about Bill Gates or Elon Musk, their respective roads to SUCCESS involved more than just a couple of debacles, failures and setbacks✅✅✅

Another school of thought which has been shot down was that SUCCESS arose out of either LUCK or LEARNING.  But scientists disproved this fallacy because although we do improve over time, we still FAIL more often.  But studies have proved that some people learn from their FAILED attempts more than others, with those who 'LEARN MORE' incorporating more components of their FAILED attempts into their later attempts.  This sheds light as WHAT HAPPENS BEFORE FAILING or SUCCEEDING❗❗❗



Is Our ATTENTION SPAN Alarming?  You may NOT agree with me but me thinks it is indeed ALARMING.  In one diabolical study @ the California State University, psychologists brought heavy and moderate smartphone users into the Lab for a unique experiment, hooking participants to skin conductor monitors measuring levels of arousal and took away their phones.  Then the researchers texted them multiple timesπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
That time, their phones were close enough to hear BUT too far away to check.  When their phones buzzed, the participants' arousal level ALL spiked [and that caused their anxiety].  What's our conclusion here?  Turning off notifications is a good way to reduce distractions [what a CLASSIC TIP!] but it DIDN'T totally solve the problem.  Researchers found that external distractions accounted for only half of the interruptions n focus.  The other half was prompted by an 'INTERNAL MOTIVATION' to switch tasksπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Interestingly, when the number of external interruptions waned, the number of self-interruptions rose.  The conclusion was that when we get into that 'pattern' of having short attention spans, when we're NOT interrupted by something external to us, we tend to switch gears and begin to interrupt ourselvesπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
The hypothesis of the researchers was that those 'URGES' are caused by STRESS.  Research shows that heavier smartphone use is correlated with higher levels of 'CORTISOL' and other markers of STRESS.  Rising anxiety could become an internal signal to look at your texts or Twitter, even without that notification chime or vibration.  When there are NO notifications, people tend to 'GET A STRONG INTERNAL SIGN' from their anxiety systemπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Researches also showed that we grab our phones because we need a break.  Simply put, our brains AREN'T capable of focusing for long periods of time.  Sustaining attention and resisting distractions uses up cognitive resources and we need to replenish them periodically to regain focus.  So, why DON'T we run a check of our own ATTENTION SPAN if it's alarming❓❓❓

Friday, September 22, 2023

So What If We're RESILIENT?

 So What If We're RESILIENT?

So What If We're RESILIENT?  Indeed that has been debated many times.  Even naysayers claim that NO one knew what RESILIENCE is or was in the past [and we all survived]!  Indeed that is TRUE, even before RESILIENCE was added by Mr Webster, RESILIENCE was there existing.  The difference was, that time, we were all unaware that that existed [then].  Voila, today we tend to be self-proclaimed experts, whew⏳⏳⏳

Heard of narratives like, 'AGAINST ALL ODDS, SHE'S STILL ALIVE'?  Yes, they may seem outlier narratives but the truth is, such narratives do happen and it's primarily because of RESILIENCE.  Before anything else, studies did dispel that RESILIENCE is related either gender and/or a combination of age and even culture.  As per studies, NOT TRUE.  Instead, those studies have found out that there were two primary drivers of RESILIENCE which, when taken together, lead to an interesting descriptionπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

First, this is a shocking finding, that RESILIENCE is a reactive state of mind created by exposure to suffering.  Looking back at the recent pandemic, the studies showed that 'PROXIMITY TO COVID-19 INCREASES RESILIENCE'.  It seems what drove that level of RESILIENCE was how intimately one was exposed.  In short, the more you're exposed, the higher your RESILIENCE level wasπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

This strongly suggests that we tend to discover our RESILIENCE only when we are forced to meet unavoidable suffering full in the face.  It's when we face that reality and see ourselves and how we respond to it, that we tend to find the basis for RESILIENCE.  Frankly, the REAL is almost always less scary that the IMAGINED, and the reality of the disease helps us with knowing that we're capable of, which is strengthening✅✅✅

I can attest to it with humility.  As I have gone through the 'wringer' numerous times, I always credit those gut-breaking challenges to have molded and built my RESILIENCE levels [and I CAN'T ask for more because I would have NOT earned my spurs in any other lesser experience.  So what's our take for today?  Let us leverage on every single difficulty we face because that leads us to stand at the very precipice of RESILIENCE❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others]

Listen MORE To Yourself [MORE Than Listening To Others] Fear and anxiety about life are challenges for every individual.  And talking about ...

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