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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Have Those 'NOISE CANCELLING' Earphones In Life

Have Those 'NOISE CANCELLING' Earphones In Life

Oh oh oh, this might sound debatable as our piece today.  Wny not Have Those 'NOISE CANCELLING' Earphones In Life?  But you might get back to me, what has earphones and headsets got to do with our life?  Good question, valid one.  Now, let's agree that in life, there are one TOO MANY NOISES, whether we like it or NOT.  Those NOISES would come in different forms and shapes.  And sometimes, they're incognito such that you WON'T even recognize that such noises do exist.  Oooooops, I'm sure this is when things seem murky enough as how can there be incognito NOISESπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

We're not even talking here about life at the metropolitan area of today's megacities.  You could be living in the lowly-populated island of Hokkaido but noises will be noises and they will be there pestering you, like it or not. When you are with your partner/spouse, loved ones, close friends and workmates, noises will be intrinsically part of the equation.  You just CAN'T shun them off because they seem to carry such NOISESπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Let's face it.  It can seem our lives are filled with 'busyness', noise, distractions and sometimes, meaningless activities.  WHAT IF we could filter out all that noise and focus on the meaningful?  WHAT IF we could find 'stillness' instead of such constant distractions?  But again, much of the noise is there by choice but we've fallen into patterns over the years and it seems we're unable to change themπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So how do we fix all these noises?  Try to take the rest of today to notice what noise you find in your life.  Even better if you take a little time to make a list.  Example, the noises that come in my life comes from emails, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Viber, Whatsapp or Telegram.  Of course those SMS and text messages come in as NOISES alongside [even] Messenger, Netflix, name itπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

Whoah, there you go, a plethora of NOISES that are very much part of our daily lives.  So you might blurt, HOW CAN NOISE CANCELLING happen with these realities.  Simple.  First off, TURN OFF notifications.  That is the crucial first step that does NOT take much effort.  Secondly, cut down on redundant communications platforms.  Ask yourself, DO YOU REALLY NEED Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram and all that stuff?  Seriously, please consider TO HAVE 'NOISE CANCELLATION' earphones in your life✅✅✅

Saturday, February 25, 2023

DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW

DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW

Famous American soccer player Heather O'Reilly said: 'DON'T Let The Highs Go TOO HIGH & The Lows TOO LOW'.  It may sound a humdrum, another dull and boring quote but please join me to dissect what she says for us to have an insightful appreciation of it.  First and foremost, she's just stated one of the most obvious truths that in life, there are HIGHs and LOWs and that hypothetically, things go TOO HIGH [that's when we are at the zenith of our successes] or TOO LOW [when we get badly battered with those really hard falls which sometimes may prove fatal]. So, should we claim that those TOO HIGHs or TOO LOWs are 'force majeure'?  Not so fast, dude.  That just doesn't add up.  Let's do an apples-to-apples comparison   While there will be outliers and exceptions, by and large, we always have strong influences that push our HIGHs way TOO HIGH and the LOWs get pushed way TOO LOWπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Let's patiently dissect this on a piecemeal basis.  First off, let's peg the HIGHs to our successes.  So, you might debate, what's the fuzz if the HIGHs get TOO HIGH?  Ok, let me share a move I made two decades back.  One time, I lured a very technical guy to join my team and I lured him with a salary offer that was 600% higher than his current payπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

To cap off my story, while my technical recruit did 'deliver the goods' at work, in his personal life, unfortunately, things just went on a downturn.  In the shortest words, his success in his career DIDN'T translate to an appropriate uptick in his personal life.  It's indeed a puzzle why things turn up [downward] that way but to go back to Heather O'Reilly, DON'T let those HIGHs get TOO HIGH because you might be unable to catch up and cope with stratospheric changes in life.  Swinging over to our LOWs, the caution is DON'T let things go down TOO LOW because it will be damn difficult to recover from such TOO LOWs⏳⏳⏳

There's that clear and present danger when the LOWs get way TOO LOW.  But hold on, how can LOWs get TOO LOW.  There are zillion scenarios that can play out.  Let's look at couples who start off with OFF & ON arguments and quarrels and as it gets more frequent, the quarrels turn to screams and shouts and one day, things turn to physical till one day, they had to go separate waysπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, where do we go from here.  With those HIGHs, yes you deserve to celebrate it BUT don't let those 

kampai's go way too long.  DON'T get choke.  DON'T start to be complacent.  Pick up lessons from your success.  And after all the celebrations, decide if you're fine where you're now or do you want to move the goal post and aim higher?  Where you hit the LOWs,  fix it ASAPDON'T leave a single stone unturned so that such LOWs DON'T go TOO LOW because by then, probably only God knows if you can still recover at that pointπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Friday, February 24, 2023

Is CHAOS Your Friend?

Is CHAOS Your Friend?

Is CHAOS Your Friend?  Sorry about that, this is NOT to put down CHAOS because it is part and parcel of the realities in life.  BUT before we start putting down CHAOS as a no-no, there are very understandable cases why some are indeed a friend of CHAOS.  I may not be a U,S, resident but over there, it's just normal for some families relocating every few years.  And while they may not live out of moving boxes, how can you restore order if in another year or two, you're on the moveπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

In brief, growing up in CHAOTIC conditions like those regular relocations will exact its toll on us no less.  And under those circumstances, it's pretty normal to hear a HOUSE IS NOT A HOME since it was just a house.  So, it's always kinder to remember that there's a reason than to fall back on judgment.  But other than circumstance like this, we should abhor CHAOS because it will do more harm than good in a normal lifeπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

But the 'rat race' we're in continuously pushes ourselves in situations of being squeezed.  So, as we continually find ourselves squeezed, what's left for us to is to find alternatives other than just being in that 'squeezed' situation that would then lead to CHAOS.  And as we are led towards CHAOS, we must be conscious enough for us to pre-empt it, if at all

So, when we feel squeezed, there's a tendency for mind to become small.  We then feel miserable, like a victim, like a pathetic, hopeless case.  Yet, believe it or not, at that moment of hassle or bewilderment or embarrassment, our minds could become bigger.  Instead of taking what's occurred as a statement of personal weakness or someone else's power, instead of feeling we are stupid or someone else is unkind, we could drop all those concerns about ourselves and others.  We could be there, feeling off guard, not knowing what to do, just hanging out there with the raw and tender energy of the moment.  That then becomes the point where we can pre-empt CHAOSπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, what's left of us?  COUNTERACT CHAOSHOW?  Clinical studies led to developing a simple practice called NOTING and it's often used in mindfulness meditation.  It's a simple practice of NOTING your experience in the current moment.  That NOTING practice brings an awareness to our mind's incessant wanderings while taking the vulnerability out of it.  One key highlight here is STAYING PRESENT when you feel overwhelmed because that's when CHAOS creeps in and takes over you❗❗❗

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Timing Is 'EVERTHING' 

Life is too complex.  There are no canned answers for repetitive questions.  NO guaranteed solution for every problem.  WHY?  It's simply because there are one too many iterations you need to churn out before you deep-dive into that plethora of data akin to data mining but many of us still fail and fall flat.  WHY?  It's because of the fact that Timing Is 'EVERTHING' whatever is your pursuit in life right now⏳⏳⏳
A week ago in the NBA game between Miami Heat and the Houston Rockets, the game-winning shot was an alley oop play that was perfectly executed by Jimmy Butler with the 'PERFECT TIMING'.  Yes, the inbound pass of Guard Gabe Vincent was excellent.  And so is Jimmy's agility to literally leave behind his guard for him to 'eat his dust' in 0.3 [or one third] of a secondπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Outstanding sportsmen who have been lording it over the competition, it's true they spend tonnes and tonnes of time in their punishing training regimens but at the end of the time, when it's GAME TIME, in most cases, it is in the execution when TIMING IS EVERYTHING.  That's the moment of truth which can make or break one's back and even credibilityπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
As opportunities are all over the place, many of us [wrongly] think that we DON'T need to grind and kick our butts hard enough.  That job you have been angling.  That promotion you have been hoping for.  That sales transaction you have been hoping your prospective client will sign up.  That major discounted SALE you wanted.  TIMING IS EVERYTHINGπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
BTW, never miss out the 'emotional piece' in the equation.  You DON'T seek the sweet nod from the girl you've been wooing when you were a 'NO SHOW' in your confirmed dinner.  You DON'T push for your prospect to signup the sales transaction when the economy is depressed.  You DON'T persuade your spouse on your proposal after a big quarrel.  At the end of the day, TIMING IS EVERYTHING❗❗❗

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Humans Are 'SELECTIVE'

Humans Are 'SELECTIVE'

Nawh sirrrrrs, today's piece is NOT about these babies.  They are just so 'picture perfect' they're worth sharing.  Anathema to us [as compared to babies], we humans are 'SELECTIVE'.  I can rattle off adjectives choosy, fussy, picky, discriminatory, I'll ran out of adjectives.  But the truth is, we humans are just 'SELECTIVE' enough once any of our senses 'go to work'πŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

Allow me to share this Quora post by Gaia L.  An elderly couple was vacationing in the West.  Sam always wanted a pair of cowboy boots and seeing it on sale, buys it, wears them home, walks proud enough into their room and tells wifey:  Notice anything different sweetie?'  And she says, 'Nope' then Sam says excitedly 'Come on sweetie, take a good look.  Notice something different?'  She blurts out 'Nope'πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Frustrated, Sam storms back to the bathroom, undresses and walks back into the room completely naked except for the boots and frustratingly, he blurts again, 'Notice anything different?'  Then sweetie finally says it all: 'Sam, what's different?  It was hanging down yesterday, it is [STILL] hanging down today and it will be hanging down tomorrow!'.  Furious, Sam yells, 'And do you know why it's hanging down, sweetie?  It's hanging down because it's looking at my new boots'.  Sweetie replies, 'Should [yah] bought a hat, Sam'πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Truth is, we can have ALL [as in ALL] the fruit varieties right staring our face but the likelihood is, we humans will look for something else NOT laid out before our eyes.  That vacationing couple story may be fiction but essentially, it seems non-fiction because it can't be farther from the TRUTH anyway.  So what's our lesson here?  DON'T assume people see what they must see.  DON'T assume they will hear what they should hear.  You got it all wrong there⏳⏳⏳

You can be out there in the job market, so confident your solid work credentials puts one foot of yours inside already.  OR your CV/Resume just seems so top heavy, only 'divine intervention' will prevent that from happening.  But no sirrrrs, lest you forget, the recruiter/hiring manager is a human, so give him that elbow room to be that 'SELECTIVE'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Bang For The Buck

Bang For The Buck

Yesirrrrrs, from time to time, we do receive INVITES for a free lunch.  You'll get it from accounts and sales folks who are akin to predators lurking out there for opportunities.  But do we know that there is NO such thing as free lunches but instead it's always Bang For The Buck and that's non-negotiable.  The Latin expression says it all:  QUID PRO QUO.  Something has to be taken, something has to be given.  There really is NO bonafide free lunches except when we talk about TREAT or TRICKπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

Even when we go to the supermarket, it's all VALUE for MONEY.  We really DON'T splurge because it all boils down to figuring things out to eke out a Bang For The Buck.  If you're out in the job market, you've got to convince the recruiters and employers that you undoubtedly offer Bang For The Buck and where there is a perceived potential shortfall, things can't be a GOπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

In fact, to earn those bucks, you got to do what it takes to 'MAGNETIZE' those bucks over to your end.  In relationships, it can't be that far.  You just DON'T get the 'sweet nod' of the girl your wooing, NOT until she's fully convinced that you got the Bang For The Buck.  If you're an entrepreneur, it becomes equally challenging.  You just CAN'T sweet-talk potential clients.  You got to 'MAGNETIZE' and pull them over to your end⏳⏳⏳

Even with social engineering much embedded in our daily life now, your Bang For The Buck should not hinge on you, on us leveraging on social media.  At the end of the day, those behind social media are humans like us.  Who doesn't want to hear and see the potential intrinsic value in exchange for something that will be given in returnπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

BTW, before we get too euphoric, likening ourselves to be atop that flying aircraft, let us take a serious PULSE CHECK then those results should be inputs to our REALITY CHECK as we closely reassess ourselves, sizing up the odds in and against our favor.  Let us NOT be too cocky, too confident thinking that we DON'T need to lift our finger enough to get what we want.  We got to grind and grind, dudeπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

Monday, February 20, 2023

No Moral Victories In Defeat

No Moral Victories In Defeat

Sometimes [and sometimes it comes in streaks], DEFEAT would hit us in our life [and that's fine as it is part and parcel of life].  What is NOT fine is we end up [habitually] claiming Moral Victories In Defeat because in essence, there is No Moral Victories In Defeat.  A 'L' [Loss] is NOT a 'W' [Win] because you got to eke a WIN to claim that victory.  But sometimes, we tend to flip thingsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Problem is, when we end up getting hit with a streak of defeats a.k.a. failures, we shrug it off like 'OH THAT'S A ONE-OFF' until that one-off does NOT end up as such when defeat a.k.a. failure keeps recurring.  And instead of ending up to motivate us further, we would take it as a moral victory [even in failure].  No sirrrrs, a failure is a failure, period.  DON'T even window-dress it because that ends up like a square peg you're pushing in a round hole.  
In sports, an often used phrase is 'THERE ARE NO MORAL VICTORIES' and that phrase is extolled by coaches, fans and players alike whenever their team loses a contest.  It places primacy on the score as the only outcome worthy of acknowledgment.   If at all, we need to challenge ourselves and pursue three things as we move forward.  Firstly, let us NOT 'sacrifice the future on the altar today'.  Secondly, let us love our future self as much or more than we do to our current self.  And lastly, let us recognize the genuine miracle it was that they were present in this moment [despite our day to day grind] and never forget this and understand your responsibility.  There are just NO excuses to put in hard workπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Bottom line is, to quote American General Colin Powell. 'THERE ARE NO SECRETS TO SUCCESS.  IT IS THE RESULT OF PREPARATION, HARD WORK AND LEARNING FROM FAILURE'.  Hearsay CEO Clara Shih says it further, 'TO WIN, YOU HAVE TO SWIM UPSTREAM EARLY ON - AND THAT REQUIRES HARD WORK and LONG HOURS.  THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS'.  Indeed, all these quotable quotes are 'content heavy'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Yes, defeats and failures are part of the harsh realities in life but no can argue that indeed 'HARD WORK PAYS OFF'.  You can have nothing now.  You are probably scrambling to go straight to the faucet during meal times because you got NO meals on the table.  But that's NEVER the 'end of the world'.  As much as several doors of opportunities may have shut down on you, look around because one or two windows [of opportunities] will open up for you.  There are just NO MORAL VICTORIES IN DEFEAT❗❗❗

Sunday, February 19, 2023

When NOT To Make Decisions

When NOT To Make Decisions

Ooooops, I might get bashed if I now lobby when NOT to make decisions because all along, we have advocated that we should act fast based on swift decisions but now, do I seem to take back my words?  No sirrrrrs, our resoluteness to reach swift decisions remains atop the totem pole BUT hey, those were NEVER unconditional words because such statements remain ifffffy.

Topping the list of NO-NOs for you to make your decisions is when you're either emotional or worst, angry.  Note that being emotional could mean being ecstatic and euphoric.  But either way, such emotions are extremely powerful and it can skew our thinking in such a way that end up saying or doing things we would NOT normally do.  And that goes along with rewarding a person after an outstanding performance.  Who knows that was a 'flash in the pan'❓❓❓

At the workplace, you could get exhausted towards the end of day.  And hey, fatigue can result in making decisions that may feel right at that moment of exhaustion but may NOT feel so good once the fatigue has lifted.  So when you are feeling burned out, be cautious and careful regarding making decisions you choose to make and that gets complicated if you're anxious because anxiety can be brutal in the sense that it can take your mind captive and overwhelm your judgmentπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Such anxiety can be so distressing that people will make any decision just to end it.  However good it may feel at that moment, such decisions are often regretted later on when the anxiety simmers down.  So, better take caution when making decisions while battling a bout of anxiety.  Sometimes, the aftermath of a 'grave loss' deep within you can reshape our normal thought process.

Now let's swing to those moments when we seem to be in 'CLOUD 9'.  As nothing feels more energizing than a great success, those are the moments when all that is needed to get our nod is a slight nudge.  When we're euphoric enough, we become vulnerable to end up with ill-advised decisions.  Never forget WHEN NOT TO MAKE DECISIONSπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Have We Forgotten To Be "CHILDREN"?

Have We Forgotten To Be "CHILDREN"?

Have We Forgotten To Be "CHILDREN"? A silly question?  Not so fast.  Instead, why DON'T we pause for awhile and think nothing but all the manifestation of children in their daily life.  APPRECIATIVE.  GRATEFUL.  POSITIVE.  SIMPLE.  And most of the time, 'LIVING IN THE MOMENT'.  Whereas, let's swing to our adulthood.  How often are we APPRECIATIVE, GRATEFUL, POSITIVE and SIMPLE [in expectations that DON'T require the moon and the stars

Post-it-Notes all over?  No problem.  BRING IT ON and I won't let you down.  Swinging to our adulthood, there we go, name it, we have it.  SENSITIVE.  COMBATIVE.  LESS FORGIVING.  And where do all those lead us to?  That's when we are pushed in the abyss, into that dark corner, having very few options to wiggle in the elbow room.  And in the end, we seem to stand on shaky grounds atop the incognito sinkholeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

It's true we all have our lives to live, priorities to focus on but if there's one area we adults have significantly regressed is that of being PLAYFUL.  All along, we stereotyped being PLAYFUL just to children.  It's like it's a no man's land.  But let's think about it.  If we could reclaim back at least 30% of our PLAYFULNESS as children, would we be LESS stressed and LESS vulnerable like children    

Heard of PRIDE across children?  Nada.  Nitchs.  Rien.  It just doesn't ring a bell.  Children can mingle across the open field and instantly, you would see them playfully enjoying the company of another kid he/she came across that very moment in the wide open field.  Whereas what happened to us adults.  We develop our own turf.  We put up those imaginary fences to separate us from anyone we feel doesn't deserve to interact with us.  And before we know it, we're ensconced up there in the ivory tower, shielded from anyone we DON'T want.
When was the last time we were grinning from ear to ear?  Probably when we did hit the Lotto jackpot.  OR when we landed our first job.  OR when we had our first brand new car.  OR when we got promoted.  OR when we flew out of the country for the very first time.  So, WHY DON'T we reclaim back the glorious days the children have enjoyed day-in day-out❓❓❓

Friday, February 17, 2023

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE?  But before we get bogged down with that serious discourse, let's align with Oxford's definition of PATIENCE as that 'capacity to accept or tolerate either delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset'.  So, indeed, intolerance and impatience does afflict our lives.  Why are we so impatient❓❓❓

I'm no linguist but besides 'DANKE' in German, there is this wonderful word  to describe children who can't sit still and the word is 'ZAPPELPHILIPP'.  That story of Fidgety Philip tells about the tale of a boy who simply can't sit still.  Rocking his chair at the dinner table, he falls backwards, dragging the tablecloth and everything on it.

On the other hand, this 'picture perfect' shot of a doting father patiently teaching his daughter the basics of biking says it all.  So while IMPATIENCE is NOT always helpful especially when it is aggressive or probably causing fear or worse, stress, it can be dangerous.  A concrete example is driving with that aggressive impatience, tailgating and worst, hooting a cautious driver.  When such a manic driver ever overtakes me when my family and myself are in the family car, that would be the closest shave I will endeavor my family not to agonize withπŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ 

On the other hand, the challenging question I had to pause before responding to, was: 'IS PATIENCE A VIRTUE'?  I'll leave it for my readership to reserve their own answer.  But what kind of troubles me is if we seem to have lost sight of the value of PATIENCE because countless studies have shown that PATIENCE enables people to accomplish things otherwise not possible.  In some of my past 'darker moments', I avoided dwelling on questions like 'WHY ME?' because that could be a pathway to negative feelings of self-pityπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

At the end of the day, let's have this analogy with the multi-fibered rope.  No matter how sturdy it is, one day it will get snapped.  And that's exactly the threshold we'll encourage you to think about.  Be PATIENT but not when that breaches the threshold when things will boomerang back to you.  Stretch your PATIENCE only when it is fair, rational and reasonable.  Beyond that, cut the crap✅✅✅

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SMALL Steps Can Lead To BIG Outcomes

SMALL Steps Can Lead To BIG Outcomes HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!  SMALL Steps Can Lead To BIG Outcomes. WHO can argue with that?  These days, ask aro...

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