When Things Are Beyond Your 'PAY GRADE'
Oh this dilemma happens quite often in our life and the catch is that there is NO ONE SIZE THAT FITS ALL because sometimes, it becomes a double-edged sword, like a damn-if-you-do and damn-if-you-DON'T-do thing When Things Are Beyond Your PAY GRADE In real life, it is very situational. Sometimes, if it's Beyond Your PAY GRADE, you got to pull the brakes for a full stop whereas sometimes, that Beyond Your PAY GRADE situation offers you that opportunity to be grabbed.Now, things can become murkier because some scenarios are not as BLACK or WHITE as it should be. Start off in the workplace where a certain approval needs to be secured before proceeding because the activity seems to have gone beyond scope. That's when you scream, hey hey hey, sorry folks, we got to wait for the GO Signal from the boss because that's Beyond my PAY GRADE. Turn things around, your colleague whose job role is unique from yours, calls sick for the day and there's a deliverable. And it happens you're the backfill. That's when you kick in and you can't take an exit and excuse yourself because it is Beyond Your PAY GRADE.