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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Manage Your MIND, Change Your MIND

Manage Your MIND, Change Your MIND

So, we want to CONTROL OUR MIND?  Are you discouraged by the NOT SO encouraging outcome of 2023 in your life?  OR maybe you want to STOP thinking about a recent 'falling out' in your relationship whether with your partner/spouse or at the workplace with your boss.  Manage Your MIND, Change Your MIND, that's the long and short of itπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—

Indeed, UNWANTED thoughts can haunt us over and over again. Worse, it can trigger frustration and distress.  BUT hey, DON'T feel despair because you're NOT alone in wanting to make them go away.  It is just normal to have trouble convincing yourself to look up WHEN feeling downcast in the face of stress and other challenges.  And while actual MIND CONTROL belongs in the realm of science fiction, you can work to CHANGE your mindset although it will absolutely take some effort to learn the trick of regaining CONTROLπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

True, there will be a lot of things we WON'T understand outside.  There will be people we WON'T understand.  And there will be situations we WON'T understand as well.  Yes, there are a hell lot of things we WON'T understand.  And that is OK, seriously, because at the end of the day, WHAT happens outside of ourselves is something we CAN'T control.  We can influence it BUT we simply CAN'T control it 100%.  Sometimes, it will happen their way.  And at times, it will happen our way.  BUT it CAN'T happen always the way you want it.  Such is the nature of life.  A little bit your way.  A little bit their way.  And at times, either scenarios may happen in streaks, not necessarily alternatingπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Yes, at times, you will get frustrated or even quite disappointed WHEN you wanted things to go the way you planned it BUT it does NOTWHAT do we do then?  REGAIN YOURSELF.  Consider to close your eyes and focus on your breathing and never get tired to remind yourself that you are in CONTROL of your mind.  Experts advise that by doing so, it will allow you to train your mind to understand that there are scenarios we fully just CAN'T CONTROL❌❌❌

Our takeaway today?  Identify the thoughts you want to CHANGE.  It goes without saying that you have to figure out WHAT's on your mind before you can begin to CONTROL it.  True, nearly everyone experiences discouraging thoughts OR emotional setbacks from time to time.  And IF you're currently experiencing some life challenges, you might find it even harder to maintain control over your spiraling thoughts.  MANAGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR MIND, dude❗❗❗

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Is CRYING Good OR Bad?

Is CRYING Good OR Bad?

Across cultures and ages, my observation is that we often feel a stigma around CRYING which is unfortunate because studies by experts all tell us that TEARS have a remarkable power to heal.  And to quote experts, CRYING is a natural and instinctual emotional response that allows us to release and process our FEELINGS.  The question bugging now: Is CRYING Good OR Bad❓❓❓

For some reason that still seems mind-boggling, there's this stigma around it, as if CRYING  signifies weakness OR vulnerability.  Ironically, all societies across tell us to be 'STRONG' and to suppress our tears, leading us to believe that crying is something to be ASHAMED of???  BUT not to despair because all studies tell us to recognize that CRYING is NOT a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength and courageπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And frankly, it takes great strength to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and to express our emotions openly.  And studies continue to peddle the fact that embracing the healing power of TEARS is essential for our well-being.  And WHEN we cry, we're NOT only releasing our pent-up EMOTIONS but we are also allowing ourselves to process and heal from painful experiences❎❎❎

CRYING is a natural way for our bodies and minds to cleanse and RESET.  It provides us with a much-needed release, allowing us to LET GO of emotional 'baggage' and instead, find solace within ourselves.  So, WHY do we need to challenge this STIGMA surrounding CRYING and embrace it as a healing process.  So, instead of suppressing our TEARS, let us encourage one another to express ourselves AUTHENTICALLY and without judgment.  Let us endeavor to create a safe space WHERE tears are welcomed and acknowledged as a natural part of our human experience.  Experts encourage us because by doing so, we can tap into that incredible HEALING POWER of tears and embark on a journey of emotional growth😊😊😊

Now, here's a bit of surprise to some of us.  CRYING has its physiological benefits.  Primero, CRYING helps to release pent-up emotions and stress.  To quote experts, WHEN we CRY, the eyes produce tears that hold CORTISOL, a stress hormone, which are then expelled from our system.  This process NOT only helps us feel better emotionally BUT it also has a direct impact on our health.  Segundo, experts mention EMOTIONAL DETOXIFICATION as CRYING also plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins from our body and promoting emotional well-being.  On top of these, we CAN'T miss out the PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits as it improves to reduce stress and improve mood, i.e. when we CRY, our body releases endorphins, which are natural feel-good hormones.  Then, these endorphins can help to alleviate FEELINGS of sadness, anger, and even frustration  So, IS CRYING GOOD or BADCRYING is absolutely GOOD✅✅✅



Do we agree that the same task or activity can lead to two or more different results simply because that 'DECISION FACTOR' Matters?  Let's play out very boring role play.  You wake up, you drink water, you exercise, you read a few pages, you dress up, and kickstart your work.  NOW let's look at our second scenario.  You wake up, alarm ringgggs, you hit the snooze button 5 times !@#$%? Then you scroll through your smartphone for an hour, still feeling sleepy, and finally OUT OF BED, eat some processed food [a.k.a. GARBAGE], then go to NETFLIX, then rush up to workπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, IS THAT IT?  That the rest of our day gets dictated by our own behaviors and DECISIONS right when we wake up!  Same day.  Same scenarios.  Different outcomes.  Different result.  Now let's swing to our workplace scenario where you did a client presentation but it seems to be a FLOP the way your clients did NOT warmly received your presentation.  WHY?  Is it because your client was NOT appreciative❓❓❓

The Aussies and Brits will retort, that's RUBBISH.  WHY?  You just DIDN'T take charge.  You DIDN'T do your activity diligently enough to help you present to your client with aplomb.  BUT you let it happen to you.  In chess, you're CHECKMATED.  You just CAN'T blame anyone, NOT your boss, NOT your client.  NOT the world.  So WHAT's our FIX?  Either you correct it OR you just let that cycle repeat every god damn day.  In a nutshell, the BALL IS IN YOUR COURTBUT BTW, one bad day WON'T define your life BUT one BAD habit can totally flip your life upside down.  Meanwhile, you WON'T even get the game, all simply because you lost CONTROL of things.  Food for thought here.  TAKE CHARGE and you get OR regain the CONTROL of the game in your hands✅✅✅

WHAT's our takeaway?  If you know something is either BAD or inimical to you, WHY can't you just stop it? Without singling out smoking [except as an example], about 70% of smokers say they would like to quit.  Even drug and alcohol abusers struggle to give up their addictions that hurt their bodies and worse, even tear apart families and relationships.  And from a health perspective, many of us [and I'm guilty of that MANY TIMES in the past] have unhealthy meals and intake.  Even scientists are alarmed as to WHAT happens to our brain when HABITS form.  And they've found clues as to WHY BAD HABITS, once established, are so damn difficult to 'KICK OUT'❌❌❌

Now, let's state the obvious.  HABITS can arise through repetition.  They are a normal part of life and are often helpful.  So, WHEN our behaviors become 'automatic', it gives us an advantage because our brain does NOT have to use conscious thought to perform an activity.  In effect, this literally FREES UP our brain to focus on different things.  So, dude, this is where that 'DECISION FACTOR' really matters, dude❗❗❗

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life

The RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life

Good day folks.  Here's a giveaway question for the day.  Is it true that WHEN THE WRONG PEOPLE LEAVE YOUR LIFE, THE RIGHT THINGS START HAPPENING?  Somehow, this anonymous quote holds water but I'd rather NOT use that as a blanket and categorical statement.  To be on the pragmatic side, I'd rather claim there are RIGHT & WRONG Things In Life.  And if it happens that you ended teaming up with the 'rotten' egg OR fruit, things can go awry.  BUT wait when that 'rotten' egg OR fruit is taken away, things will likely shine up for youπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

NOT to blame us though, the RIGHTs and WRONGs in life seem contained in a rubik's cube.  WHETHER something is RIGHT or WRONG, sometimes it is HOW we do it that tends to translate and influence things to become either RIGHT or WRONG.  Ironically, whether something is RIGHT or WRONG, that is heavily influenced by either situations OR people.  As a hypothetical example, if your life now is like a fairytale with happiness all around and I ask you if GOD is RIGHT?  Surely, you'll retort, GOD is RIGHT!  Let's reverse things.  Assuming you had a major failure in life recently and I ask you if GOD is RIGHT, surely you will disagree and stand up that GOD is WRONGπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

WHAT's our safest conclusion?  WHETHER something is RIGHT or WRONG, it heavily hinges on your current situation.  And BTW, this happens to us all.  That spontaneity to react to a situation bypasses the very basic concepts of RIGHT and WRONG.  At the workplace, if I ask you if your boss is RIGHT or WRONG, I can be absolutely certain that your response will be based on your current 'TUNING' with him.  That day WHEN he applauds you OR offers you incentives or initiates your promotion, he is RIGHT [absolutely at that!].  BUT that day he screams at you OR overburdens you with work, that same boss is WRONG.  Indeed, WHAT a paradoxπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

WHAT could be our realizations here?  It seems we are just another person WHO makes a choice as per your convenience of time and situation.  BUT hey, DON'T feel guilty about this because all of us [that includes moi] are doing this and we're all guilty!@#$%?  Your RIGHT or WRONG is molded as per time and situation❎❎❎

So, WHAT's our takeaway here?  It is all about your priorities and you need NOT feel sorry about it.  Let's face it, it is the practicality of the real world we are in.  And there is NOTHING much you can change about it.  So, let us STOP judging people and situations and STOP labelling them as RIGHT or WRONG.  The thing is, if your LIFE is loaded with materialistic options, you might that thinking always about the monies is WRONGBUT GOD forbid, WHEN you cannot fulfill your necessities of your life, all you want is monies.  So, whether you are RIGHT or WRONG, let us do an in-depth realization❗❗❗

So, Where Does Your ATTENTION Go?

So, Where Does Your ATTENTION Go?

Heard of this typical story.  There's this I.T. executive who is happily married, with children, works 12 to 14 hour-days, and perpetually feeling exhausted, leaving him with very little, if at all, energy left to engage with his family in the evenings.  And that made him feel guilty and dissatisfied.  Then, he slept poorly, rarely ate healthy meals, more often grabbing a bite to eat on the run OR while working on his desk.  So, WHAT's left of him?  WHAT happened to his ENERGY? Despite his focus at work, what seems to be ailing him?  Is he missing something serious enough to impact both his work life and his personal life?  So, Where Does Your ATTENTION Go❓❓❓

Oh, they say, 'when it rains, it pours', suggesting that maybe at times, challenging situations often get to hit us in rapid succession.  Then, it can feel like a never-ending cycle of disappointment, one problem piling one another.  It's as if you are trapped on a treadmill, endlessly encountering negative circumstances.  And in the face of such circumstances, we got two choices, namely, we can either fixate on the hardships OR accept them while taking charge of WHAT we can control.  WHICH path will you take?  It's like, oh it's only the beginning of the week, but here you are, feeling drained right on a Monday.  Then, this vicious cycle repeats week after week❌❌❌

Thing is, most of us respond to rising demands in the workplace by putting in longer hours, which inevitably, take a toll on us in all aspects, i.e. physically, mentally and even emotionally.  Then, where does lead us to?  That leads us to declining levels of engagement and conversely increasing the levels of distraction as we take on tasksπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

BUT the core problem with working longer hours is that time is a finite resource.  BUT ENERGY  is a different story.  From a layman's perspective, our own energy comes from a combination of our body, emotions, mind and spirit.  And studies show that ENERGY can be expanded via specific ritualsπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

What's our takeaway here?  Let us establish the rituals and behaviors that will that will help us to better manage our transformed ENERGY in our life.  Like you set an earlier bedtime, waking up more rested, then more motivated to start a new day.  In due time, you will find time to sit down and engaging with your family thereon.  So, WHERE does your attention go?  It goes to the rituals and behaviors you allow, plain and simple❎❎❎

Monday, April 29, 2024

So What's Wrong With Being 'AVERAGE'?

So What's Wrong With Being 'AVERAGE'?

So What's Wrong With Being 'AVERAGE'?  Since when did being AVERAGE carry such a STING, an unspoken STIGMA so much so that being AVERAGE in life is shunned off by almost all of us [and may I confess, this is a very late realization for me because I'm equally guilty for [VERY WRONGLYriding on that bandwagon because there's NOTHING wrong with being AVERAGE in all aspects of lifeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

After enduring an almost lifetime of shunning off being AVERAGE in any aspect of life, I humbly admit that I now long for the freedom of NOT caring whether I'm good enough.  Trying so damn hard all the time can indeed be draining and exhausting and for WHAT reason?  To grab that chance of being better than AVERAGE?  So, WHY can't we accept AVERAGE?  And frankly, WHY can't we settle for AVERAGE?  That, in itself, is telling, AS IF being AVERAGE is something we settle for BUT not something we aspire toπŸ’΅πŸ’·πŸ’Ά

Now, let's work with facts.  By the LAW OF AVERAGES, most of us are AVERAGE.  So, there is just NOTHING wrong with AVERAGE, yet I expect more from myself, you yourself expecting more from yourself?  Is that FAIR?  Is that a FAIR ASK?  Let's be brutally honest here.  Most of my friends are AVERAGE people, living in AVERAGE homes, with AVERAGE jobs.  BUT, do you know WHAT's not AVERAGE in them❓❓❓

Their hearts, their souls are, frankly, off the charts, exceptional.  They 'sprinkle and sparkle' in ways the top percentile of mankind could only be left dreaming of, probably.  Now, what drives us into this dilemma?  Is it RELEVANCEBUT if we're NOT RELEVANT, are we then irrelevant? Now, let me admit, within my core, I carry a rock of irrelevance, a primal belief that sometimes may burden someone of being worthless OR unwanted❎❎❎

WHAT's our takeaway today?  THAT it's okay to be part of the crowd.  THAT we DON'T need to stand out and dazzle like a diamond.  Sometimes, being a piece of coal brings more warmth and meaning anyway.  DON'T get me wrong, though.  We're NOT espousing that we remain AVERAGE in life.  In the spirit of performance and living life to the fullest, WHO does not relish being at the top of the totem pole, whether in terms of work performance OR being successful in life.  BUT if we stumble across someone AVERAGE, let us embrace the AVERAGE❗❗❗

'BUSYNESS' Is Not A Physical State

'BUSYNESS' Is Not A Physical State

'BUSYNESS' Is Not A Physical State,  And all studies are aligned to this given.  WHY?  Because, in unison, everyone says that 'BUSY" is simply a FEELING and moreover, we can control that FEELING.   Now, please DON'T get me wrong.  I'm NOT trying to stir here a sandstorm because, fact is, everyone has a lot of things to do each day [and BTW, that list will NEVER end].  And millions of people all over the world could have same OR similar routines everyday seven days a week, in fact.  So, do we agree that 'BUSYNESS' Is Not A Physical State❓❓❓

Despite the frenetic paces of our daily lives, have you heard some 'noises' like.... A beshie/BFF blurting out to her BFF:  You forgot to INVITE me your housewarming/blessing OR the head of the family scratching his head as he forgot to 'fund' his bank account for a cheque to be cleared that day OR at work, you forgot to ensure that a deliverable to your client gets done latest today❓❓❓

So, WHAT could have caused those misses?  This is NO mind-boggling thing but the most common woe everyday is that someone just DIDN'T WRITE IT DOWN.  It's true we have automated DINGs reminding us but how come sometimes it gets missed? NOT writing down WHAT you have to do means you are solely relying on your brain to manage ALL the things you need to do.  BUT hey, our brains are simply 'damn terrible' at being a To-do List Manager.  BUT hey, that title OR designation is simply non-existent.  Our brain does NOT and CAN'T just compartmentalize what needs to be done & WHENπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

BUT true, sometimes our brain REMINDS us to reply to an email [WHILE you're brushing your teeth before going to bed].  Sometimes, it reminds you that you need to do a quick 'car wash' [which you wanted to] BUT your brain reminds you that while you are in the midst of your presentation at work.  So HOW?  Go, get yourself a simple ring-binder notebook and carry it with you everywhere so you can write things on-the-fly.  OR maybe you have your own systems in place but it's just too complicatedπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

Heard of To-do List with dependencies cutting across a fraction of a day or after 2.5 days.  OR when tracking your bank balance, you need to be alerted each time the running balance decreases between $100 to $200?  OR maybe you're NOT efficiently using your calendars on your laptop or smartphone.  OR maybe you just CAN'T say 'NO' to anyone who throws ad hoc requests to you?  At the end of the day, where does this lead you?  Probably, you drive and reach home, down and drained.  BUT hey, 'BUSYNESS' IS NOT A PHYSICAL STATE!@#$%?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Is GRATEFULNESS Foreign-sounding?

Is GRATEFULNESS Foreign-sounding?

Is GRATEFULNESS Foreign-sounding?  It seems I guess because experts say that generally, there are MENTAL ROADBLOCKS like feeling impatient, having high expectations OR thinking that the subject may be too sentimental.  BUT devoting enough time to the practice can help CHANGE one's mentality about GRATITUDE.  So, question to us all:  Are you the type WHO wants to enjoy the benefits of GRATITUDE but are finding it quite a difficult habit to adoptπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

BUT before we look for the FIXES, let's combine hands to figure out as to WHY feeling GRATITUDE can be quite hard for many of us.  Studies cite three common reasons.  First, GRATITUDE can seem touchy and in our daily rat race, people can blurt, 'I DON'T NEED THAT.  AND BTW I'M BUSY'.  BUT for those with earnest efforts to exert, you might be just procrastinating to even start  OR that habit probably has yet to catch on❔❔❔

Second common reason for us feeling challenged to find GRATITUDE may be attributed to our high expectations [which we feel, are NOT met].  Let's take a real-life scenario.  You call a handyman contractor to fix your plumbing issues at home and by the time the handyman left, he did fix your issues BUT with your high expectations, you feel that that handyman's services was NOT enough.  Worst, if you are in the midst of anxiety OR depression, you just CAN'T turnaround fast to have that GRATITUDEπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So, WHAT simple ways can we have GRATITUDE?  First, if satisfaction is WHAT you seek, GRATITUDE is certainly one key ingredient.  The more we seek out feelings of GRATEFULNESS, the more rewards it will bring to our life.  Second, psychologists claim that GRATITUDE is a form of SELF-CARE and SELF-CARE is as important as ever.  Three years into that pandemic, the value of SELF-CARE should catch our attention❗❗❗

Third, while GRATITUDE may seem difficult at first, that challenge to feel GRATEFUL will subside behind one's regular and constant efforts.  The fourth reason should be an EYE-OPENER to us all.  It's best to have LITTLE or NO expectations for WHAT a GRATITUDE practice may bring.  Expecting too much from a GRATITUDE practice may just disappoint you.  Next, making GRATITUDE a habit [just similar to exercise] is easier when considered fun or enjoyable.  Let's endeavor to bring our FOCUS to feelings of appreciation for whatever you find.  Do SAVOR [that] APPRECIATION.  And BTW, GRATITUDE strengthens relationships.  WHEN feeling lonely or isolated, you can use GRATITUDE to strengthen relationships.  Yes dude, GRATEFULNESS is NOT foreign-sounding, after all✅✅✅

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Can We Temper Over-thinking?

Can We Temper Over-thinking?

Can we temper over-thinking?  Yes we can.  BUT if indeed we want to control our mind, this will take a bit of determination [and NOT gargantuan efforts] because sometimes, the reality we're staring it is just a tough nut to crack.  A major family conflict.  A recent breakup.  A financial 'fiasco'.  These are just the 'most major' stuff we CAN'T be blamed to keep over-thinking.  And then, factor-in those 'UNWANTED' thoughts which can cause plenty of frustration and distress.  And BTW, you're NOT alone in wanting to make them go awayπŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“™

It's just normal to have trouble convincing yourself to 'LOOK UP' when feeling downcast in the face of stress and other challenges.  And while actual mind control belongs in the realm of 'science fiction', let's face it, you can work to CHANGE your mindset.  And psychologists always harp that, first things first, we need to identify the THOUGHTS we want to CHANGE✅✅✅

It goes without saying that you have to figure out WHAT's on your mind before you can even begin to control it.  And nearly everyone experiences discouraging thoughts OR even emotional setbacks from time to time.  And if you're currently experiencing some life challenges, you might find it even harder to maintain control over those spiraling thoughts OR even your overall mindset.  True, occasional intrusive thoughts are just normal BUT it can be distressing too❌❌❌

Other mental behaviors that may lead you to detect possible troubling thought patterns include:

RUMINATION - those looping thoughts

NEGATIVE SELF-TALK - a.k.a. nonsense

FIXED PESSIMIST- this is a RED flag

Indeed, identifying specific thoughts and patterns can help you make the most out of the other common tips we have.  Sometimes, though, psychologists do encourage us to accept UNWANTED thoughts.  While it's human nature to flinch away from pain, yet pushing away such UNWANTED thoughts ISN'T the way to gain [OR regain] control.  Our takeaway:  ACCEPT those UNWANTED thoughts.  Acceptance can offer clues why such specific thoughts keep coming up.  Maybe you keep thinking of a fling who GHOSTED you?  CHANGE your perspective and SELF-TALK can go a long way to help change your mindset.  More often, over-thinking never stops because we never stop it❗❗❗

Friday, April 26, 2024

Harsh On Yourself?

Harsh On Yourself?

Our childhood is donkey years behind us BUT suddenly I realized that WHEN we were children, more often than NOT, we felt confident.  We seem to have that 'SPARK' of innocence and joy and we DIDN'T know WHAT it was to feel inadequate.  BUT as we grow up, our worlds get bigger and more complex.  As a result, we start to wonder if we're good enough.  So, are you Harsh On YourselfπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

We might even end up comparing ourselves to others OR we might end up setting unrealistic expectations to ourselves based on other people's standards.  This is particularly the case WHEN it comes to perfectionism.  WHENEVER we want to do something, it has to be done just right, even if it means spending hours on end agonizing over WHAT simple word should go in a sentence, or WHICH outfit looks best. HOW can we stop being so hard on ourselfπŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘

Studies show that one of the best ways to stop being HARD on ourself is to understand the very roots of one's PERFECTIONISM.  For some, it might be that they never got the support they needed growing up.  For others, it might be their fear of failure.  WHATEVER the reason is, understanding WHY you are so hard on yourself is the first step to overcoming itπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

If you can relate to someone being hard on oneself, it may also mean you're hard on yourself.  And this can take the form of harsh, punitive judgments, overanalyzing shortcomings and rumination over minor missteps, worry and assuming fault.  Perhaps you have thought that self-criticism is WHAT keeps you sharp BUT sensitive strivers often use it as a form of MOTIVATION, so they get compelled to perform❎❎❎

BUT numerous researches show that self-criticism is what really keeps one sharp enough.  The downside is that self-criticism is deemed as a 'poor strategy' by experts.  WHY?  Because when used excessively, it is associated with LESS MOTIVATION, worse self-control and greater procrastination.  So dude, will you still be harsh on yourself❔❔❔

Straight from my thought processes...

Trust The Process

Trust The Process Question:  Anyone PATIENT in the room now?  Unfortunately, many of us DON'T really practice or manifest PATIENCE .  We...

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