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Saturday, February 4, 2023

'Slay Your Demons Before You Slay Dragons'

 'Slay Your Demons Before You Slay Dragons'

'Slay Your Demons Before You Slay Dragons', my apologies I have to write this one-liner in quotes because while I can't figure out who said this, surely from the longest time, this has been one of those quotable quotes.  And who says he has NO inner demons?  Everyone has, in fact.  The huge gap does exist because while many of us accept this harsh truth, a similar plurality NEVER acknowledges and accepts that they have such inner demons that do exist in the first place.  And that is NOT just pitiful but worst, it is pathetic because NO one can slay dragons UNLESS he slays his inner demons firstπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

To our dear readers of Chinese descent, please DON'T get me wrong.  I DON'T intend to taint or besmirched the dragon because in the Chinese culture, the dragon does represent good luck, strength, health and the male element of Yang.  But in real life, let's face, when we utter dragons to slay, we're referring to challenges in our life that is so formidable to overcome, hence we hear 'SLAYING THE DRAGON'πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
But let's start with our 'INNER DEMONS' which from the Harry Potter Series were referred to as 'DEMENTORS'.  They suck the happiness out of you, leaving you with sadness and worst, anxiety.  Instead of letting this dragon control your life, you've got to tame it and keep them in control.  Or else life becomes tough with negativity.  And trust me, you DON'T need negativity in your lifeπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή
So, how do we move forward?  First off, have that gumption to ACKNOWLEDGE IT.  Refusing or rejecting that it does exist is the FAUX PAS you cannot UNDO.  In fact, let them be.  Listen to them and note what they're trying to tell you.  Then, CONFRONT them because they act as a signal to tell you that your own thoughts and actions are trying to stop you from achieving the achievable.  Being SELF-AWARE is the first step to tackling themπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
And when your demons are trying to pull you down, you've got to concentrate on your happy memories, everything positive in the past.  That will likely help you to get back into your 'HAPPY ZONE'.  And that will help you realize that you're capable of doing great things in life.  What happens next?  Guess what?  Your inner demons will eventually get tired of tearing you down, tearing you apart.  So, let's start slaying our inner demonsπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Friday, February 3, 2023

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?

Still Struggling With SELF-DOUBT?  As the song of the late great singer Michael Jackson goes, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  There are many of us in that same boat [including myself in the past].  But that is NOT a LOST CAUSE for us to abandon and given up as there is still that 'light at the end of the tunnel' [and BTW, it is NOT an incoming train].  Challenge is, how do we figure things out to throw away out to the window that SELF-DOUBTπŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

Yes, everyone catches SELF-DOUBT from time to time.  And indeed, it can be a terrifying feeling when you catch it out of nowhere and wonder if you're good enough, smart enough or worthy enough to make positive progress in your life.  SELF-DOUBT cap sap your energy and make you feel as though you have nothing left to offer.  So, what is the way out if we are into this dilemma?  What is the best way to tackle this SELF-DOUBT❓❓❓

Truth is, the most common culprit is our tendency when we let the BAD outweigh the GOOD.  The amount of BAD stuff that you're thinking about is way more than the amount of good stuff that you're thinking about.  That's NOT to say that the BAD stuff doesn't exist because it does.  We all have problems and issues that we have to deal with on a daily basis.  But instead of focusing on the BAD, try to find the GOOD⏳⏳⏳

Find the little little things that you're doing well and that others are noticing.  Focus on those and let the bad stuff go.  And here's the fact. You got to believe in yourself and in your abilities.  Believe in what you can achieve because that belief will help you to overcome SELF-DOUBT and reach your full potential.  If you DON'T believe in yourself and what you have the potential to do, you're more likely to give up when the going gets toughπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

At the end of the day, despite the myriad of colors we have in life, realistically, life's colors is simply either BLACK or WHITE.  Either HOPE or HOPELESSNESS.  Either SELF-ESTEEM or SELF- DOUBT.  Either POSITIVITY or NEGATIVITY.  There's NOT much choice in life.  And the scary thing here is that if you DON'T do anything, you will lose by default because of SELF-DOUBTπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Thursday, February 2, 2023

How Much Thread Is Left On Your Tires?

How Much Thread Is Left On Your Tires?

How Much Thread Is Left On Your Tires?  Wear and tear are the realities NOT just of tires but of life itself.  There's NO tall tale we can hear that someone just kept chugging and chugging like a coal-fired locomotive fit to traverse the longest stretch.  Truth is, we got to really TRACK & MONITOR the mileage or kilometrage of our tires.  Yes I DO that all the time.  
That version being peddled around that we DON'T need to worry because the THREAD WON'T CUT, that's no less than fiction.  Through wear and tear, life's threads become thinner and more fragile, leading it to snap at any given time.  So, do we wait for things to snap off?  No sirrrrs.  Nothing beats proactiveness and shortly, I'll share my 'close shave' with such risk⏳⏳⏳
About a year ago, I consulted my surgeon regarding the latest results of my ultrasound which showed that my gall stones did grow.  Without mincing words but serious enough with his messaging, he told me that I don't want to complicate if my gall stones will cause a 'bloody turmoil' across my other organs once it does rupture, whewπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
The parallelism here between the THREADS of our life vis-a-vis the THREADS of a tire cannot be any much closer than this.  I myself I had my fair share of hiccups and flops in life, all simply because I didn't RETHREAD proactively but eventually I did learn my lessons, except that I learned my lessons the hard way.  And I can't fathom where I would be now if I did NOT embrace reality and eventually RETHREADEDπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
BTW, as you go on with your journey, you will receive a cacophony of advices and counselling.  And we encourage you to keep your ears and eyes wide open to all inputs [especially those UNSOLICITED ADVICES] but never miss out to validate things especially the need to figuring out when to RETHREAD because flat tires are the worst snap offs❗❗❗

DON'T Get Lost In The Sauce

DON'T Get Lost In The Sauce

So sorry sirrrrrs, today's piece is not into the culinary.  It's just a subtle reminder that we DON'T Get Lost In The Sauce at any point in time in our life when we are at the peak of fame, money, power or success all rolled into one.  This is our #1 human frailty [and we are NOT immune from this] because this is all about our achilles heel which has caused untold setbacks to us all [regardless of your calling or even standing in society]πŸ“•πŸ“—πŸ“˜
In particular, MONEY leading us often to a combination of fame, affluence and/pro power, several sociological studies have shown that wealth may be at odds with EMPATHY and COMPASSION.  Before I get bashed by the higher tier of society, the same studies show that people of lower economic status were much better at reading others' facial expressions than wealthier people.  Huh❓❓❓
It seems that a lot of what we see is a baseline orientation for the lower class to be more emphatic and the upper class to be less so.  The same studies explained that lower-class individuals have to respond chronically to a number of vulnerabilities and social threats.  It's like you really need to depend on others so they will tell you if a social threat or opportunity is coming and that makes you more perceptive of emotionsπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
And this one hurts.  Studies claim that 'WEALTH CAN CLOUD MORAL JUDGMENT and indeed, it does NOT surprise us that wealth may cause a sense of moral entitlement.  Another critical study tells us that merely thinking about money could lead one to unethical behavior.  The Harvard Research further claims that even if we're well-intentioned, even if we think we know RIGHT from WRONG, there may be factors influencing our decisions and behaviors that we're not aware ofπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Mother of all surprises, studies claim that "WEALTH HAS BEEN LINKED TO ADDICTION".  While money itself doesn't cause addiction or substance abuse, wealth has been linked with a higher susceptibility to addition problems.  Same studies even claim that affluent children are more vulnerable to substance abuse issues [potentially because of high pressure to achieve and isolation from parents].  Indeed, these horror stories can go on and on but nothing is lost and late for us to ensure we DON'T Get Lost In The Sauce, regardless of fame, finance or power we may have in life❗❗❗

Wednesday, February 1, 2023



Are You The BAKER For The 'BUTTERED BREAD'?  Or have you offloaded yourself from that role?  BTW, that is NOT just a role [of your choice] but in life, that is a responsibility you NEITHER can delegate to NOR a responsibility you can just run away because this is one of the [harsh] realities in life which is a GIVEN and is NEVER a choice to makeπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή

BTW, today's piece is NOT about culinary arts.  This is all about LIFE and from the time you effectively cut off that umbilical cord symbolic of your dependence to your parents, from the time you turn to LEGAL AGE, you have taken on that mantle to be the BAKER of your lifeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Truth is, as your very own BAKER of your life, you will be grappling with tons of ingredients that will lead you to countless iterations and combinations. And just to forewarn us all, many times, especially in your 'rookie' years, you will end up with a lot of 'flops', your 'baking outputs' that won't even be worth for consumption because it fails to meet the very basic
Easily, some of us will instantly blurt out, "NO WAY, THAT'S NOT MY CUP OF TEA".  Unfortunately, to steer our life forward, we do NOT have that luxury.  Surely, we have known folks born with a 'silver spoon' so does that EXEMPT them from learning the rudiments of a BAKER considering that they can go on 'AUTO-PILOT'?  No sirs, no such 'AUTO-PILOT' in life⏳⏳⏳
Yessssss dude, go for it, for that LEAP of LIFE because that will MAKE or BREAK things for you.  On a first-person account, I can attest I have seen lives literally WASTED.  But NOT because they had 'no cards' to play.  And NOT because they had 'no options' to pick on.  And NOT because they are totally hapless and helpless.  Instead, I've witnessed people who wanted the BEST option, the PERFECT option.  BTW, you might ask, where are they now?  So sorry, your guess is as good as mine ever since they refused and defaulted to be the very BAKER for their BUTTERED BREADπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Giving Back The Credit To Our Readers

Giving Back The Credit To Our Readers

Securing today another milestone achievement as our readership across the global footprint has now breached NINETY FOUR [94] countries, we'd like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued following of our blogsite.  This is just another modest way for us to be Giving Back The Credit To Our Readers for the burgeoning success of our blogsiteπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Withour rattling off the mile-long list of countries from where our kind readers reside, please allow us to express our SPECIAL THANK YOU to our readers ifrom the continents of both UNITED STATES, RUSSIA and CANADA, from the Nordic countries of SWEDEN, FINLAND & NORWAY, from Western Europe countries of IRELAND, U.K. and FRANCE, from the Central Europe countries of ROMANIA and MALTA, from Seychelles and from the Asian countries namely JAPAN, SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA, PAKISTAN amongst othersπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

With the faith emanating from all our readers across our global village, please allow me to reaffirm my commitment to KEEP THE FIRE OF YOUR FAITH BURNING, regardless of our UPs and DOWNs.  Thankfully, we are grateful that you and your respective families have remained steadfast in protecting your health and your loved ones from the Covid pandemic the past years.  My sincere thanks again❗❗❗

That Jolt In Life

That Jolt In Life

Who needs That Jolt In Life?  Many of us will likely shrug their shoulders and just shun off that need for That Jolt In Life.  In real life, however, That Jolt In Life is not even a choice.  Many times in life, that jolt just kicks in and indeed That Jolt In Life happens, not as our choice at all.  So, how does That Jolt In Life happen❓❓❓

BTW, That Jolt In Life comes in different shapes and forms.  It could be as simple as our grocery experience at the supermarket.  WHEN inflation goes up and local prices just shoot up, That is a Jolt In Life.  WHEN Covid pandemic hit is, That was Jolt In Life,  WHEN you've been in the job market for quite sometime and still waiting for that job offer you're angling, That is another Jolt In Life.  WHEN you continue to struggle in your day-to-day life [despite all the hard work you're putting up], That is another Jolt In Life.  God forbid, when you've been medically ill, off and on, That is another Jolt In LifeπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
When you get Jolted with all the challenges in life, what else is the best way to admit that getting Jolted In Life is [not our choice though] our very WAKEUP CALL to rectify things before it goes from bad to worse.  The mother of all blunders in life [which I have witnessed on a first-person account] is that some really DON'T get jolted despite the severity of their current situation⏳⏳⏳
It is both lamentable and pitiful if despite that 'WAKEUP CALL' now confronting us, we tend to be in a STATE of DENIAL.  Instead, we shrug it off as just a hiccup that will die its natural death the next day.  But hey dude, there are very few problems that do die a natural death.  And if there are such that dissipate in thin air, it could be something as petty as a foul odor.  BUT that's not a problem in the first place.  Worse, some of us tend to cloak a problem so that, superficially, he can't get impacted but again, that's hardly scratching the surface because definitely, it will haunt you back, trust me
Pun not intended, ironically, that JOLT IN LIFE could be as simple as egging you to catch ['minimumly'] sufficient  sleep because you're losing sleep as a result of the triggers in life that are jolting you but you refuse to be JOLTED.  Dude, get both of your feet back firmly in the ground pleaseπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Monday, January 30, 2023



I am NOT an avid Shakesperean but allow me please to quote the great William Shakespeare that 'EXPECTATION IS THE ROOT OF ALL HEARTACHE'.  Surprisingly, despite the fact that this one-liner does NOT sound so poetic, its message really caught me by my lapels.  And I can't find a reason to disagree, realizing of late that indeed, that 'EXPECTATION is the ROOT' not just of heartaches but even relationships that have once blossomed in the past only to have a miserable end⏳⏳⏳

Akin to the plants recently planted, we tend to put so much expectations in life.  Instead of roses and romance, it's not a shocker if what you have now is NETFLIX + NACHOS.  Call it minimal effort but if in any way, those small niceties will enrich one's relationship [instead of sabotaging it], go for it dude.

Obviously, it's altogether a different thing when it involves politics or business, those moments when the negotiators on the negotiating table are hard-nosed enough.  But you'll be surprised, these negotiators have both their feet firmly on the ground such that they know the realistic expectations versus the ideal onesπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
For account managers and sales folks, their customer-facing stance is a stark difference from what reality is.  So you should NOT get surprised if most of them are constantly working under pressure, too much in fact.  Why?  Because they're NOT transparent enough to the client to admit that there's a huge and heavy burden they need to struggle just to 'deliver the goods', so to speak.  So who's at fault here?  Is it the demanding client?  No sirrrrrrs, as an account manager, you dug that deep hole yourself so you got to extricate yourself out because NO one dictated the terms except youπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
BTW, this dilemma impacts every facet of our life, especially our relationships with our spouse/partner, work supervisors/managers and even business partners.  And what's the culprit of these all?  It is our tendency to put the BEST FOOT FORWARD when in fact, doing so is NOT within your capability or at worse, it is NOT realistic enough for you to 'deliver the goods' based on terms and conditions either onerous or just not realistic from your end.  So, would you rather paint a rosy picture now even if it means you will end up as a BIG LETDOWN to the people with whom you set expectationsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Quality Matters Over Quantity

Quality Matters Over Quantity

Who says QUANTITY is a thing of the past?  Everyone adores quantity.  Volume matters.  Even as I speak as a layman in terms of Economics, productivity is the very engine that has become the barometer of every country's economy.  But hey, hold on, we're not into macro economics but instead more about whether Quality Matters Over QuantityπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Once we swing over to our life, QUALITY is the hands down winner over QUANTITYNOT because QUANTITY does NOT matter anymore [because it does, till now BTW but rather because whether you're just doing household chores or your tasks in the workplace or the background preparations before your business opens its curtains during its business hours, anytime your output raises QUALITY issues/concerns, rest assured that is a setback that will literally drive you several steps backward even after you moved forward by a step. 

Anyone belittling QUALITY and pushing it back behind must be doing a great disservice to himself because that might mean he's digging his own 'grave' because it could precipitate the "START of the END"πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Regardless the nature of your work, while we do hear work quotas to monitor productivity at work, QUALITY now hovers over QUANTITY.  You can be the productivity leader but if your QUALITY SCORE is hugging around the cellar, that is NOT the best spot to stand now in the totem pole.  Why?  QUALITY issues may impact customer.  QUALITY may mean rework [and rework means doubling the production costs, whew].  At work. as much as you need to meet the productivity quota, push QUALITY up the totem pole of your work ethics.πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

When the pandemic hit us, logistical deliveries right at your home's doorsteps became the norm.  After two years, which logistical companies still lorded it all over the market?  Name it,  the old market players like DHL and FEDEX [instead of innovative market players like GRAB].  Why?  What's the score?  It all boiled down to Quality.  When I initiated my online order for a premium wristwatch from Singapore Airlines' KRISSHOP, I was receiving SMS updated every few days right until the very last SMS advising me that the DHL delivery van has now arrived outside my home.  Talk about QUALITY❗❗❗

Saturday, January 28, 2023

How To Get Back On Track

How To Get Back On Track

Falling and Failing is NEVER  'un-normal'.  I myself I have fallen down and failed several times in my life, some of which were HARD FALLS a weaker soul would not have survived.  Even failing recurred in me many times in my life.  Alas, as the old clicke goes, "I'M STILL ALIVE AND KICKING".  So let's discuss How To Get Back On TrackπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Thing is, NEVER take NO or NON or NEIN as a show-stopper.  NO is NOT an option at all.  It really doesn't matter if you faltered or failed.  And while it's common for us to assume that habits are ALL-or-NOTHING [which means you either work out everyday OR you're sedentary for the rest of your life], a crooked thinking like this cam be dangerous and prevent us from moving on.

Some got misguided, in fact, by purposely missing out one opportunity, [wrongly] thinking for example by NOT working out for a day WON'T affect habit formation.  Studies have proven that wrong,  Instead, studies tell us that we should endeavor working towards avoiding the second missed opportunity. Avoiding a 'second mistake' is really key for us NOT to fall in the same trap again

The key here is that we should NEVER skip a habit twice.  Consistency is more important than perfection, in fact.  Just DON'T lose time or energy mulling over the missed opportunity.  Instead, focus your mind on getting back on track.  STARTING EASY is another simple proven trick as confirmed in studies.  If for example your goal is to implement a new workout regime into your routine, you should aim for a behavior that has the least friction. 
A very common mistake we do is trying to do a 'CATCH UP'.  Example, if you skipped to work out for a day, the next day, you might work out for a period twice as long as you normally would.  CAREFUL!  That could backfire as you're adding MORE FRICTION to a behavior that is NOT yet a habit.  So, KEEP IT SIMPLE and START SMALL as that should ease up things for you to GET BACK ON TRACK with much lesser odds❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Patience Helps, Seriously.

Patience Helps, Seriously. I live in a metropolis WHERE its traffic gridlock is part and parcel of daily life for 363 days a year.  That exe...

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