Spend MORE Time To Listen To Yourself
This world we live in can quite rowdy and cacophonous. I have said this many times and allow me to repeat it: IF YOU GOT TEN PEOPLE IN THE ROOM, EXPECT TEN DIFFERENT OPINIONS HOVERING ALL OVER YOU. And I hope that is NOT debatable because that's the fact, the harsh reality we live in. Spend MORE Time To Listen To Yourself. Indeed, fear and anxiety about life are challenges for everyone of us. To be more philosophical, I always believed that in this planet, there are 3 human goals that I have understood quite well enough. THAT we need to love our fell humans. THAT we need to learn for us to grow in knowledge and wisdom. And THAT we got to protect our environmentπππ

Admittedly, until now, I always endeavor to look for ways to best listen to myself. And I WON'T hesitate to dissect in figuring out WHY I behaved that way, WHY I am manifesting that stuff, WHY I reacted [quite NOT in a normal way] in a particular incident. Oh yes, I did come across an article about self-confidence and even today, whenever I read a content-heavy stuff, I want to absorb it and that article just reminded me to reinforce my self-motivation, THAT there is NO tapering off. The simple thing to listen to ourselves is to follow WHAT our conscience tells us. And if there is a non-debatable consensus within the psychology community, it is the fact that LISTENING to one's conscience is one hundred percent correct action. YES, it's quite different if we only depend on the thoughts in our headsπ§π§π§

And I CAN'T agree less with the experts who tell us that the mind has indications to reveal even the untruths. THAT the mind has indications of NOT speaking the truth. As a result, we state something THAT is NOT based on facts. And THAT WHEN an individual wants to make a decision and he does NOT use or follow his conscience BUT only relies on the thoughts in his head, the results of the decision tend to be tainted by our emotions, WHICH is NOT right❌❌❌
Looking back, starting sometime my high school years, I attempted to crystallize my goals in life, immature and quite off-track it may be during those years. I then started diving into a new pool of life and I had to be able to find ways so that I can easily adapt to the new environment. And many dilemmas came into my mind every night during those early years, sometimes even creeping into my dreams. And admittedly God knows WHAT the cause was. Maybe, those times I was NOT listening to myself. OR NOT following WHAT I want❎❎❎Our takeaway: Everything boils down to self-confidence. If anxiety seems to manifest every night, the dilemma about WHETHER the life we live is useful OR not, is caused by doubt and lack of confidence. We must always be able to listen to ourselves. Because WHEN we succeed in listening to the basic things we want, it will give us self-confidence. BUT HOW? Listening to yourself is a kind of REFLECTION. REFLECTION to listen to WHAT we want so that we DON'T get tired easily, so that we DON'T worry easily. And in my perspective, self-confidence is about belief and that belief evolves when you SPEND MORE TIME TO LISTEN TO YOURSELFπππ