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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Your Health Is Your BASELINE

Your Health Is Your BASELINE

Can we equate Your Health's BASELINE to your life's BASELINE?  Absolutely.  They run in parallel, akin to Siamese Twins.  NOT to delve into the medical field [because that's NOT my domain], still, I firmly believe in the significance of understanding our health BASELINE and equate that to our life's BASELINE.  Although even doctors declare that every human body is unique by itself, it's primarily because NONE of us eat exactly the same, exercise to the same degree OR live identical lifestyles.  Instead, medical experts enjoin us to determine our personal health BASELINE.  In case you are NOT sold [yet] to the need for our health's BASELINING, let's dissect with reference to WHAT the SME's [Subject Matter Experts] say๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Culling from the layman's version from the experts, a health BASELINE is a breakdown of our basic health level [which is gleaned from both BASELINE tests and from analyzing certain aspects in our life].  In many cases, health BASELINEs are used to determine whether you are suffering from one OR more chronic conditions OR if you are at risk for developing chronic conditions in the future.  In many households, I observe a disturbing eerie silence when health BASELINE becomes a topic๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Simply put, we are espousing a proactive approach towards establishing one's health BASELINE for one compelling reason, i.e. we want to drastically reduce that probability of someone suddenly falling seriously ill OR worst, fatally losing one's life because of a chronic and fatal illness that sprung out of nowhere.  The past 6 months alone, at least 6 people whom I know first-hand, lost their lives.  And WHAT's their commonality?  They DIDN'T have a health BASELINE and a sudden illness knocked them off❌❌❌

Should this raise the alarm bells?  Absolutely.  Because unless we have the BUY-IN from everyone towards a establishing a no nonsense health BASELINE, these HIGH RISKS will be untenable as there will be little leeway to mitigate them.  And at best, we will end up handling things in REACTIVE mode, e.g. rushing to the medical specialist to report an unusual manifestation, taking emergency medical lab test and diagnosis๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Our takeaway:  If one will take this piece seriously today, I would expect someone [reacting within himself] that, HEY IT'S TOO LATE to make a move.  And I won't agree less on that BUT as the old cliche goes, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.  In short, understanding our body is the very first step towards optimizing our health.  A health BASELINE takes the guesswork out of WHAT can help you feel even better.  Moreover, it can even help you get preventive [and that's PROACTIVE] care before conditions develop OR you end up experiencing symptoms from chronic issues.  Yes dude, establishing your health BASELINE is 'non-nego', dude❗❗❗

You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE

You Are In-charge Of Your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE

Heard this a zillion times.  Your BLUEPRINT FOR LIFE defines the kind of LIFE you are going to have.  It tells the kind of decisions you will take, KIND of friends you will make, KIND of success you will have, KIND of failures you will face, and HOW you will react to all of them.  In a nutshell, it becomes the very BASIC IDEA about your life.  And BTW, LIFE IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.  LIFE does NOT spring up like the natural springs from mountains with water flowing and finding its way from the the time it flows from the waterfalls down to the streams.  This is YOU as YOU are IN-CHARGE of your BLUEPRINT IN LIFE๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Yes you can paste and post all those Post-it-Notes, plastered across all your walls 360 degrees BUT unless you have that BLUEPRINT IN LIFE, sadly, pitifully, you have NOWHERE TO GO dude.  Eventually, everyone comes to a FORK in the road eventually.  To the left lies the path that points to your dream such as that dream is a reality that could even exist.  Down the trail lies those unforeseen risks and dangers.  For some, it may just be some potholes and some overgrown brambleweed.  For others, a cliff face and torrential weather.  BTW, in life, there could be NO map, NO guarantee that the traveler will ever reach his/her destination, NOT AT ALL❎❎❎

BUT instead of scaring and threatening you, the truth is that there are PATHS anyone of us can walk.  On the right, the road is paved.  There are signs, landmarks and even rest stops [call it PIT STOP for F1 drivers].  That way lies a different horizon and be warned that perils persist BUT rest assured the trail you will thread will be clear enough.  BUT having said this, there is NO right answer.  Nobody can be told with absolute certainty WHICH way they should turn to.  Especially, as many find at a certain stage in LIFE then they're NOT alone.  Whenever  a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint that serves as the pattern and guide for the building๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
If I may suggest some of the things that should begin your LIFE's BLUEPRINT.  Numero uno should be your deep belief in YOUR own dignity, YOUR worth and YOUR own 'somebodiness'.  DON'T allow anybody to make you tell that you're a nobody.  ALWAYS feel that you count.  ALWAYS feel that you have that worth, and ALWAYS feel that your life has ultimate significance.  Segundo, in your LIFE'S BLUEPRINT, you must have as the basic principle that determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ
Eventually, you're you're going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold WHAT you will do in life, WHAT your life's work will be.  Set out to do it well enough.  Our takeaway:  Doors are opening to you, doors of OPPORTUNITIES that were NOT open to your parents before and the great challenge ahead facing you is to be ready to face these doors as they open.  Dude, YOU ARE IN-CHARGE OF YOUR BLUEPRINT IN LIFE๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Friday, June 28, 2024

it's How You React That Matters

it's How You React That Matters

They say we human beings are creatures in search of meaning.  BUT the thing is, everything that happens must happen FOR A REASON.  And that explains WHY we keep going day after day.  Sadly, WHATEVER hits us, we're always on the lookout for the underlying reasons, to gain a better understanding of the chain of events.  BUT really, It's How You React That Matters.  BUT what are our favorite reactions?  Karma, divine blessing OR wrath, luck OR misfortune.  BUT without being experts, a closer look at the chain of events reveal that many of the things that happen to us are the results of the 'LAW OF ATTRACTION' in both the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE ways.  BUT can we agree that we are all the SUM of ALL our daily actions, the aggregate of the concrete steps we have taken for the whole day๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

This is where the LAW of ATTRACTION kicks in because it is basic and simple math.  If I keep writing lines and lines everyday to become a writer, I will be increasing my chances to be a writer.  And if I keep hurting someone, I will be increasing my chances of hurting that someone.  BUT apart from the ordinary beneficial and NEGATIVE events that strike us, it can happen that an immense happiness OR unhappiness strikes us, independently of all our actions to date๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Thing is, there is NO easy way to say it and NO need to sugar coat the truth that for many could be LIFE-CHANGING, so we should all be reminded that IT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU BUT HOW YOU REACT TO IT THAT MATTERS.  Usually, you know this to be true and yet it is so hard to let offenses, real and imagined, go without a fight OR at least a great comment๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

A fact of life is that events are powerful enough to change the course of one's destiny.  And these events do happen without distinction.  As if we'd been the BIG winners OR losers in a lottery, these events turn our lives upside down and call into question everything we believe in.  HOW often do we hear someone blurt 'WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS? So, WHY that kind of question?  Precisely๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

Many times, history has proven that a major, and some cataclysmic event, is enough to push people to rise up, even stronger.  Our takeaway:  In the face of EXTREME PAIN and sometimes unprecedented PAIN, mankind will manifest and show up its resilience, ingenuity and even progress.  They then make up for their shortcomings and finally see their BLIND SPOTS, learning from their mistakes.  So, dude, IT IS HOW YOU REACT THAT MATTERS๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

The Power Of Play [& NOT Power Play]

The Power Of Play [& NOT Power Play]

I am NOT into play of words BUT how often do we hear adults [oh oh, do I hear POLITICIANS?] getting involved in POWER PLAY?  BUT before we unconsciously veer into the worldly world of politics, let's get back on track for today wherein it's The Power Of Play [& NOT Power Play].  Meaning, we need to drill-down why we ADULTS are encouraged to get into PLAY, all because of the POWER of PLAY๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

BUT WHAT's reality though? In our frenetic and hectic daily lives, many of us [in fact, MOST of us] focus so heavily on work, business and family commitments such that we NEVER seem to have time for pure FUN.  Somewhere between childhood and adulthood, we seemed tp have stopped PLAYING.  WHEN we carve out some leisure time, we're more likely to zone out in front of the TV, computer or smart phone devices than engage in FUN, rejuvenating PLAY like we did as children.  BUT PLAY is NOT just essential for kids๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

It should NOT be a steep mountain to climb to convince us adults that PLAY is an important source of relaxation and stimulation for adults as well.  WHETHER it is PLAYING with your romantic partner, your friends, your co-workers, pets and children is a sure [and FUN] way to fuel your imagination, creativity, and even your problem-solving abilities and emotional well-being as well.  Adult PLAY is a time to forget about work and commitments and to be social in an unstructured , creative way.  This explains why, in our organization, since Day-1 [when I joined about thirteen years ago till to date], in our teambuilding initiatives, FUN kicks in at the start till the event wraps up✅✅✅

Let's admit it.  ADULT PLAY is a time to to forget about work and commitments, and to be social in an unstructured, creative way.  In fact, as we speak now, my calendar shows that tomorrow, our team will be having our quarterly teambuilding at a Karaoke Place.  Call that event anything but you CAN'T take away FUN from that teambuilding.  In fact, a simple PLAY could be like simply goofing off with friends, sharing jokes with a coworker, throwing a frisbee on the beach, dressing up on Halloween๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Our takeaway:  While we always tagged PLAY for children, it is also beneficial for people of ALL ages.  PLAY can add joy to life, relieve stress, supercharge learning, and connect you to others and the world around you.  PLAY can also make work MORE productive and pleasurable.  Are you aware as to why the office environment layouts and structures of successful organizations feature more homely and casual tones like HOT SEATS, NO physical dividers OR divisions between desks, with an office pantry just a few steps away?  It's because this adds to the PLAYFUL nature to soften up the rigidness of an office environment.  So dude, this is the POWER OF PLAY❗❗❗

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Are You [STILL] In A 'ZERO SUMM' Game?

Are You [STILL] In A 'ZERO SUMM' Game?

here's a frank question:  Are You [STILL] In A 'ZERO SUMM' Game?  UNLESS you are into poker, chess OR bridge.  UNLESS you are involved in the markets and financial instruments, future contracts and even options are ZERO SUMM GAME as well.  Otherwise, NO sirrrrs, life is a NOT a ZERO SUMM game.  From one perspective [of pessimism], life is rather a NET NEGATIVE because we are always needing to work to avoid OR prevent us from a loss OR suffering.  Oh, that was quite fuzzy๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

BUT hey, the conflicting demands of work vis-a-vis our personal life have always been with us.  People have always had children and elderly parents to care for.  They have always pursued hobbies and even devoted some time to their community [probably].  In the past, even managers dealt with it in a curt manner like:  WHAT YOU DO IN OFFICE IS OUR BUSINESS.  WHAT YOU DO OUTSIDE IS YOUR OWN.  It was assumed that employees would put the company's interests first. A ZERO-SUMM, right???

BUT have times changed?  I'll surmise YES and NO.  BUT in recent years, even in our organization, we have approached the work-life question with much more reason, more empathy.  That is when organizations operate under the assumption that work and personal life are NOT competing priorities BUT complementary ones instead.  In essence, this is the WIN-WIN philosophy we would frequently hear these days.  And the way things are churning out, I strongly believe that this most recent practice has been well vindicated.  In fact, studies have shown that this new approach has yielded concrete and tangible payoffs and benefits for both the organization and the employee him/herself.  WHAT's interesting to hear and learn is HOW today's managers and leaders are guided by these principles✅✅✅

Fact is, life is NOT a ZERO SUMM game at all.  True, people get jealous of others simply because they are in better positions.  They envy people WHO win.  They think that there CAN'T be more than one winner.  And they believe that it is NOT fair that others have stuff you deserve.  They might even think that IF someone is already in a place that we want to be in, they CAN'T be there.  BUT that's just bullshit, right???

Our takeaway:  it is utterly disgusting WHEN I do observe some people WHO believe that for them to win in life, someone else has to lose.  No sirrrrs, it should NEVER be that way [although I frankly admit that I had this kind of [disgusting] mindset at one point in the past.  That was WHEN I had a ZERO SUMM mindset.  BUT I did a 180-degree turn and realized that life is NOT a ZERO SUMM game.  Someone DOESN'T have to lose for you to win and vice-versa.   So, if you're still in a ZERO SUMM game bail out quickly, dude❗❗❗

Seize Opportunities, Period.

Seize Opportunities, Period.

As life is for living, we have been given this numerous OPPORTUNITIES in life which includes, amongst others, to have those UPs and those DOWNs, to learn, to grow.  Now, for us to maximize our experience we call 'LIFE', it is important that we make seizing the OPPORTUNITY one of the highest priorities in our life [and that is NOT just limiting to those random OPPORTUNITIES].   We got to Seize Opportunities, Period✅✅✅

BUT I'd like to qualify that this encouragement for us to grab OPPORTUNITIES does NOT include all those OPPORTUNITIES with either an ill-intent or anything that borders on BAD FAITH or inimical to yourself [like, WHY accept offer whose terms are NOT acceptable to you?].  Instead, we're encouraging you to seize those OPPORTUNITIES that life itself presents to you.  It's like, you can either go through this life and get to the end and realize that you are living with that REGRET of things NOT done, that you REGRET for time wasted, that you wasted your life๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—

Looking back my past years, allow me to share these moments when I seized OPPORTUNITIES:

  • WHEN at a raw age of 18, I realized I can wiggle out from the clutches of my parents so I can explore for OPPORTUNITIES out there in the metro
  • WHEN after finally transitioning to live in the metro, I wasted no time to find a fixed-income job even when I was at that raw age of 18
  • WHEN my career stabilized, I decided to aim for a managerial job [and presto, I got that plum job]
  • WHEN I realized I hit the ceiling in the local market and decided to explore career options in Singapore
  • WHEN I realized my career life in Singapore has 'plateaued' and it's time to 'normalize' my life๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
I heard this one-liner before, 'IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME'.  Yes, this suggests a straightforward path between people and the things that are good for them.  Present individuals with favorable OPPORTUNITIES and the theory goes, they will SEIZE those OPPORTUNITIESWHAT's the bottom line for all these?  You and me have those OPPORTUNITIES that are presented by itself.  And once we have those OPPORTUNITIES, we can go out in the world, be WHAT you want to be, do WHAT you want to do๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
Our takeaway:  NOT a threat BUT if you ignore OPPORTUNITIES, then the quality of your life will likely degrade.  And as a domino effect, you will feel like you AREN'T growing and worse, that deep inside you could be 'dying', figuratively speaking.  Note that we were put in this planet to go after everything in life that means 'something' to us.  We should be going out and striving to do the things that we really care about.  Another way of saying OPPORTUNITIES KNOCK ONLY ONCE❗❗❗

Why Social Media Matters

Why Social Media Matters

In today's technological climate, practically everyone is into SOCIAL MEDIA.  Even in the Third World's most remote villages, surveys show that majority are into SOCIAL MEDIA.  While the percentages of SOCIAL MEDIA users in the age brackets from teens to 30s and 40s are at an all-time high, you'll be surprised that even for those ages from 50s to 60s, a stunning 65% are into SOCIAL MEDIA.  What does this tell us?  It is the reason Why Social Media Matters๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

For the 50s to 60s generation WHO didn't grow up with the internet technology, those statistics are indeed surprising to say the least.  And that helps to explain the prevalence of SOCIAL MEDIA use across all cultures and ages.  With this pervasiveness of SOCIAL MEDIA across all ages, more attention needs to be given to WHAT it's doing to us as individual users.  The endless stream of communication and connection provided by SOCIAL MEDIA is indeed changing the way we think and absorb information๐Ÿ’ง

NOT to our choice OR preference, this unparalleled pervasiveness of SOCIAL MEDIA across all ages [and even cultures] has given us NO other choice but to realize that more attention needs to be given to WHAT it's doing to us as individual users.  This endless stream of communication and connection provided by SOCIAL MEDIA is changing the way we think and absorb information.  As it is, people re currently developing SOCIAL MEDIA HABITS that can simultaneously benefit and harm even their mental health๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

WHAT's perplexing even to psychologists is the impact of SOCIAL MEDIA to our very own brain.  With this unabated trend of extended SOCIAL MEDIA use, more researchers are joining the fray to analyze and understand the psychology of SOCIAL MEDIA in our constantly connected cultures.  To quote the experts, from a neurological perspective, SOCIAL MEDIA affects different brain functions in various unique ways.  And it contains many combinations of stimuli that can trigger different reactions and because of this, SOCIAL MEDIA's effects on the brain appear to surface in a variety of ways❗❗❗

Our takeaway:  We CAN'T deny the impact of SOCIAL MEDIA to our brain, both in POSITIVE and NEGATIVE perspectives.  To quote experts, POSITIVE attention on SOCIAL MEDIA affects multiple parts of our brain.  And this research findings is quite shocking:  Accruing LIKES on Facebook, Twitter OR Instagram causes that so called 'activation in our brain's circuitry,  Our take here is that we need to MANAGE our use of SOCIAL MEDIA before SOCIAL MEDIA manages us!@#$%?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

DIRTY TRICKS [Way Before Treat Or Trick Happens]!

DIRTY TRICKS [Way Before Treat Or Trick Happens]!

All throughout my boyhood, I always heard from my grandma, my parents and even from school that GOD NEVER SLEEPS.  And obviously, I believed them hook, line and sinker.  BUT please DON'T get me wrong as I am NOT disowning my age-old concurrence BUT is there anyone in our thread now WHO will disagree with me that SCAMMERS NEVER SLEEPYES, I can stand four-square behind my supposition because DIRTY TRICKS [Way Before Treat Or Trick Happens] are with us again [even as we speak].  And hey, you're spot on, they are burning the midnight oil to be a hundred or a zillion steps ahead of the technology pack.  BUT WHAT's scarier is that they have become so creative๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—

Breaking news yesterday, a new malware distribution campaign uses FAKE [yes, FAKE indeed] Google Chrome, Word and OneDrive errors to trick users into running malicious 'FIXES' !@#$%? that will eventually install malware.  And WHAT complicate things, that new campaign was observed being used by multiple 'threat actors' including those behind ClearFake, a new attack cluster called ClickFix and that TA571 threat actor๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

This latest attempt to lure Chrome end-users to install that malicious malware on their computer comes in the form of FAKE ERRORS.  And YES, those same FAKE ERRORS have been replicated across even to Word and OneDrive.  And these threat actors also utilize JavaScript in HTML attachments [Ouch, please DON'T be so speedy to click and download those attachments and later on, those errors will prompt end-users to click a BUTTON to copy a supposed 'PowerShell FIX' into the clipboard and then paste and run it in a "RUN" dialog, whew๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

YES, WHAT error display that can throw us off from our chair the moment we receive that 'NO INTERNET' blackened screen!  Because that sets us up to be pushed into PANIC mode and although that 'ATTACK CHAIN' requires significant user interaction to be successful, today's social engineering is so damn clever to present someone with WHAT looks like a real problem and solution rolled into one❌❌❌

Pasted herein is a latest sampling of that FAKE Google Chrome error prompt that seems, sounds and looks so user-friendly so as to instantly offer an INSTANT SOLUTION.  Our takeaway:  Beware of these SCARE TACTICs of scammers WHO intend to hit us [and hit us hard] via our Achilles Heel.  And the bottom line here is that we need to keep up with the frenetic pace of these scammers before we end up as their latest prey in this damning vicious cycle๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹

Everything Starts With One SMALL Step

Everything Starts With One SMALL Step
More often, we would hear 'THINK BIG, THINK BIG' [and I CAN'T disagree with that wishful thinking].  BUT if you look around you, what's the MORTALITY RATE of those who, all along in the past, have been blurting 'THINK BIG, THINK BIG'?  I can bet my salary for a month that very easily, somewhere 30% [at the very least] are NOWHERE from WHAT and WHERE they thought they will be after embracing the 'THINK BIG' motto.  So, WHAT's wrong?  WHERE's the disconnect here?  Everything Starts With One SMALL Step, that's the short and long answer to that frank prognosis.  So, while I myself I unequivocably embrace the 'THINK BIG' motto all throughout my life journey, I stand four square with my mantra that Everything Starts With One SMALL Step, NOT a big-bang thing, NOT a GIANT first step most of the time๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—
So, for today, WHAT we'd like to harp is the POWER of SMALL ACTIONS.  Taking SMALL STEPS consistently can lead to BIG changes over time.  Frankly, this is all about us ourselves taking responsibility for your own life.  That importance of taking responsibility for our own lives and NOT relying on others to make it happen for us.  In short, we have that POWER to create the life we desire through our very own actions๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
Experience-wise, I would admit that we will always face resistance from our very own selves and that resistance is compounded by our SELF-DOUBT as it holds us back from taking action. By acknowledging and addressing these internal barriers, it is beyond doubt that we can move and progress forward to take the necessary steps towards our goals.  Experts would counsel us to FOCUS on the PRESENT MOMENT.  By focusing on the PRESENT MOMENT, and taking SMALL ACTIONS, we can even preempt and avoid getting overwhelmed by the 'BIG PICTURE' and increase our chances to succeed๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
So, HOW do we progress forward?  Break down your BIG goals into smaller and much smaller tasks.  In our project management practice, we call this as the WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE [WBS].  Why should we break things down to smaller tasks:
  • TASK DEFINITIONS become clear and precise
  • TASKS can be tracked on a per task level
  • TASKS can be time-lined independently
  • Ease of detecting potential slippages especially it may cause a 'ripple effect'
Our takeaway today:  Get this embedded within yourself.  Grandiose ambitious and gargantuan plans are laudable BUT never lose sight to break it down to the level of a task.  I remember that time when I started to entertain thoughts of exploring my options [to work and reside in Singapore].  First and foremost, I asked myself, WHAT is my budget.  HOW can I come up with my budget.  And WHEN can I produce that budget in hard cash.  Until and unless I really got satisfied with my answers to those three most basic pre-requisite interrogatives, I kept reminding myself that EVERYTHING STARTS WITH ONE SMALL STEP❗❗❗

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Never Assume The Worst!

Never Assume The Worst!

Yessssirrrs, it's our human tendency to ASSUME THE WORST.  WHEN you receive an email from your boss reminding you to be more careful next time to avoid mistakes in your report, you would blurt 'He really hates me'.  WHEN you cause one foul-up along the road and another foul-up when you reach your workplace, you'll blurt 'Enough.  Today is NOT my day'.  WHEN you hit a cash flow problem, you'll complain 'Do I have to work forever like this?'  A jobseeker might have an interview the next day.  Some might prepare for that interview by thinking of possible questions.  For others, the thought of an interview will cause them to toss and turn all night thinking of every worst-case scenario possible no matter how outlandish it is.   Never Assume The Worst❗❗❗

If you're someone WHO has that tendency to do the latter, you are prone to CATASTROPHIZING, defined as that tendency to assume the worst will happen WHEN imagining the future situation [even if you have evidence that this is NOT the most likely outcome].  People WHO like to feel in control [WHICH means they are intolerant of uncertainty] are MORE likely to CATASTROPHIIZE.  And experts have linked this to anxiety, suggesting that frequent CATASTROPHIZING may be  a factor in developing certain mental health problems.  CATASTROPHIZING comes from the belief that by imagining WHAT might go wrong, we're better able to protect ourselves from harm, both physical and mental๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Problem is, this tendency is only helpful IF you're able to correctly predict WHAT will happen in a certain situation and HOW it will make you feel.  As we imagine future events, we tend to experience an emotional reaction to almost every story we are creating, and then we tend to use that response to determine HOW we will feel in the future.  BUT this way of predicting the future is MORE often wrong since we're NOT able to imagine everything that might happen.  This can lead to us creating the wrong emotional response for future situations๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Cautionary note though.  This belief in WHAT will happen in the future can have a big difference on our behavior,  LIKE when people are optimistic [OR even realistic] about the future are MORE likely to be willing to try new things.  They are also likely to notice WHAT has gone well in new situations.  On the flip side, though, people WHO CATASTROPHIZE about WHAT might go wrong are less likely to try new things.  And WHEN they do try something new, they are more likely to notice WHAT has gone wrong❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  Let us be conscious with the way our very own experiences get stored in our memory as it will tend to add to the reasons WHY we SHOULDN'T try new things in the future.  As a result, CATASTROPHIZING can lead to undue stress and anxiety and may stop you from doing the things you might enjoy OR you might learn from.  So, let us NEVER ASSUME THE WORST๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

Straight from my thought processes...

Who Says Scammers Are Gone?

Who Says Scammers Are Gone? Who Says Scammers Are Gone?  I myself, there is NO week that passes with my mobile phone not receiving SMS messa...

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