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Monday, June 10, 2024

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?

Anyone Peddling TIME MANAGEMENT?  If someone is still pitching TIME MANAGEMENT to you, you may want to be diplomatic enough BUT in no uncertain terms, advise the peddler that TIME MANAGEMENT is and will NOT be the talking point these days because over and over again, it has been proven that it is NOT time that should be managed but instead ourselves, OUR energy, OUR motivation📗📙📘

Now, anywhere, anytime, you would bear witness that STRESS is lurking everywhere.  Whether you are just a handyman, a manager, a businessman or a pastor.  And as per studies by experts, a confirmed major source of STRESS for many of us is the pervasive feeling that there is NEVER enough time.  As a knee-jerk reaction, many of us [and that includes me in the past] turn to TIME MANAGEMENT.  WHAT happens next is we endeavor to squeeze hour-long meetings into half-hour sprints to be 'MORE EFFICIENT'!@#$?

And when it comes about our TASK MANAGEMENT, we slot smaller tasks into gaps in our calendar to minimize unproductive time.  And yet, paradoxically, TIME MANAGEMENT [ironically] often increases the STRESS that we all face instead of reducing it instead.  And even as we become more efficient, we make room for even more tasks and feel even more pressure.  And WHEN we tend to feel overwhelmed, we should be better served by attacking the very ROOT CAUSES like the sheer volume of tasks and workload, decision-making required and to spin things in frenzy, the untold and nonstop distractions coming from social media via, ironically, today's technology💧💧💧

So, what our takeaways?  Let us GO BACK TO BASICs and manage our energy and NOT time.  BTW, numerous studies have declared that 'ENERGY IS THE CURRENCY of MOTIVATION'.  Most of the productivity and habit building advice you hear, offers tips and tricks for better and improved TIME MANAGEMENT [all over again].  So, we're back to the same conundrum💥💥💥

With promises of making you more efficient at work, the preachers of TIME MANAGEMENT will suggest all sorts of techniques and strategies for carving up and dividing your day to manage your time better.  BUT to quote numerous studies, 'MOTIVATION IS NOT THE PROBLEM.  IT'S AN ENERGY PROBLEM'.  In brief, you can have all the time in the world BUT if you're doing things that drain your ENERGY, you're NOT going to feel MOTIVATED and then, you will go back and seek refuge with TIME MANAGEMENT all over again❓❓❓

That Habit Of WORRYING

That Habit Of WORRYING

Here we go again, That Habit Of WORRYING.  HOW's things?  Are you still plagued by constant WORRIES, fears and anxious thoughts, especially ABOUT things you seem you CAN'T control?  So, it seems we're back one full circle [again], now for us to figure out WHAT and HOW to find the final FIX if only it is feasible for us to eventually stop WORRYING and thus, end the endless loops of our anxious thoughts💦💦💦

It's true that WORRIES, doubts and even anxieties are a normal part of life.  WHO does NOT and did NOT have one in one's life?  The family man would probably worry about the unpaid bills.  The teenager might WORRY about his first date.  The jobseeker is obviously WORRYING about his next upcoming job interview [after NOT hearing at all from all the previous job interviews].  BUT please do NOT get me wrong, those WORRIES are legit💎💎💎

BUT here's the big BUTWHEN 'normal' WORRIES do become excessive or more frequent or worst, habitual to a point that it becomes persistent and uncontrollable, then we have a legit issue at hand.  WHEN you worry almost every day about "WHAT IFs" and worst-case scenarios, you CAN'T get anxious thoughts out of your head and then, it tends to interfere even with your daily life.  Constant WORRYING, negative thinking and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.  It may even sap your emotional strength, then leave you feeling restless and jumpy and worse, it may cause insomnia, headaches, tension and it may impact your concentration to the activities you pursue💧💧💧

Worse, you may even take your NEGATIVE feelings out on the people closest to you, and even self-medicate with either drugs OR alcohol, OR try to distract yourself by ZONING out in front of screens.  Chronic WORRYING can also be a major symptom of Generalized Anxiety Disorder [GAD].  And while GAD is a common anxiety disorder, it impacts even tension, nervousness and a general feeling of unease that colors your whole life, unfortunately.  BUT all is NOT lost at that point though💥💥💥

Now, let's take a step back.  At some points in our life, surely, each of us was/were an incessant WORRIER.  Allow me to confess that in the past, I was a master of WORRYING.  BUT here's the catch.  WHAT IF an experienced WORRIER tells you that there is a simple method that puts a permanent end to your WORRYING?  So, is it hard to stop WORRYINGYES and NONO because we can figure it out, that is, if you want to.  Let's take a leaf from what experts advise us [based on their studies]:

  • Create a 'DAILY WORRY' period.  Define a fixed window [like 500pm to 530pm].  During this period, YES you can WORRY
  • Now, CHALLENGE ANXIOUS thoughts.  If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worry, chances are you look at the world n ways that make it seem more threatening than it really is.  And when a new WORRY comes, ask yourself if you can control it?  Running a problem makes you worry BUT WORRYING and problem solving are two different things to fix.  That HABIT OF WORRYING❌❌❌

Sunday, June 9, 2024



As it sounds, PRODUCTIVITY seems to be one of the most boring topics to cover BUT what if we tackle more about HABITS And Not HACKS, will it be more interesting?  BTW, becoming more productive ISN'T about more productivity hacks OR yet another time management framework.  In fact, those things are usually distractions from addressing the real issues with productivity.  As experts scream in unison, the honest to goodness productivity is all about HABIT and not HACKS.  Problem is, many of us are getting mixed-up, [wrongly] thinking that HACKS are the way to go forward📗📙📘

We're halfway with 2024 and probably we're already struggling to keep up with our 2024 GOALS?  Yes, I know HOW you feel.  It's a welcome relief though because we got a good ten months down the road.  Problem for now is that it's common for most of us to assume that HABITS are all-or-nothing [i.e. you either work out everyday OR you will live a sedentary life for the rest of your time].  BUT this skewed thinking is quite dangerous for us because, likely, this will prevent us from achieving goals.  Psychologists also confirmed that skipping a behavior for a single day had NO effect on habit formation at all.  And this was recently confirmed in a research that skipping once WON'T affect OR impact one's HABIT formation📌📌📌

All those studies, even WHEN compiled, tell us that you should NOT worry about missed opportunities.  Instead, we should endeavor to work towards avoiding a second missed opportunity for action.  True, even successful athletes and even musicians and artists sometimes DON'T get into their regular practice schedules for a day.  And psychologists comfort us that we all have BAD days and those days are LESS important to our GOALS than we think they are💥💥💥

And WHAT's the key?  As per the sage advice of experts, NEVER SKIP A HABIT ONCE or TWICE.  Consistency is more important than perfection, so DON'T lose time OR energy mulling over that missed opportunity.  Instead, continue to reinforce in focusing your mind on getting back on track.  And since consistency is the most important thing for HABIT formation, experts advise us to START EASY.  HABITs and NOT HACKS matter💧💧💧

Our takeaway?  If our GOAL is to implement a new workout regime into your routine, you should aim for a behavior that has the least friction.  It's akin to the so called "LAW OF LEAST EFFORT" , like instead of going to the gym for an hour, you should start by simply putting on workout clothes and going for a short walk everyday at the same time.  This will make you make it a HABIT and NOT a HACK❗❗❗

Saturday, June 8, 2024



Do We Have A PRIVACY NIGHTMARE?  Dude, it's a loud YES and YES.  Technology is creeping through our lives way faster than we thought and anticipated.  Let's take a look at ChatGPT which has taken the world by storm.  Within two months after it got rolled up, there were 100 million users, whew, making it the fastest growing consumer application ever launched.  Yes, hundreds of millions of users both got attracted to the tool's capabilities BUT at the same time, concerned with its potential cause for DISRUPTION📗📙📘

BUT ChatGPT is just a fraction of the potential onslaught of PRIVACY concerns we will [and in fact, are facing] face very soon today and even tomorrow.  Saying that GOOGLE is a PRIVACY nightmare probably ISN'T telling you anything you still DON'T know. WHY?  Because it is an open secret that one of the biggest tech companies in the world is now gobbling up our data [WITH and WITHOUT OUR CONSENT].  WHAT next❓❓❓

We DON'T need to be Silicon Valley techies to increase our awareness with all these creeping PRIVACY concerns.  404media, a digital media company is focusing on its investigative reports, longform features, including hacking, cybercrime, surveillance and PRIVACYBUT thanks to 404media, brace yourself, GOOGLE has that capacity to shock us that for the past six years, PRIVACY and security reports in an internal GOOGLE database included unreported PRIVACY incidents numbering into the thousands💥💥💥

And 404media reports show that PRIVACY issues are affecting children and YouTube users.  One claim suggests GOOGLE exposed over one million email addresses from Socratic.org alone following the acquisition of the company and it's highly probable that those users' IP addresses and geolocation data were also exposed.  Another claim says a GOOGLE speech service logged all audio for an hour and that recording included information of 1,000 children💧💧💧
Many more incidents involved YouTube, including Nintendo's YouTube account which was mildly compromised after a GOOGLE employee was able to access its private videos.  That employee then leaked news that Nintendo was preparing to reveal in an upcoming announcement [although GOOGLE claimed that the incident was 'non-intentional'.  REALLY?  Does it matter?  NOT to scare us all, even YouTube's blurring feature also left uncensored versions of pictures available for view and videos uploaded as UNLISTED or PRIVATE had a short window WHEN they were publicly viewable.  Our takeaway here:  Let us remain constantly cautious, if NOT cynical, as technology continues to creep through our lives❗❗❗

Now for the real, legit breaking news.  NOT many are aware that in Windows 11, there is a feature that periodically takes snapshots of WHAT appears in your screen.  Oh Oh, do we really want a database of screenshots of everything we do in our PC?  BUT hold on for this shocking info.  Windows actually scrapes the texts from those screenshots and stores it all in plain text.  If this is NOT the icing on the cake of this PRIVACY NIGHTMARE, I DON'T know WHAT it is❎❎❎

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?

Feeling Stuck?  Not to panic, though, because at one or some points in our respective lives, surely each of us went through that ordeal.  BUT I think it's worth it to be enlightened as to WHY do we end up getting STUCK?  LIKE when you felt STUCK in a rut, seemingly on the go BUT never getting anywhere?  Yes, you're NOT alone in that boat.  We all have moments WHEN it feels like life has hit the 'PAUSE' button and we start to wonder HOW to hit the 'PLAY' button again📗📙📘

BUT here's the thing.  Life is NOT holding us back.  BUT our behavior is.  We are often our worst enemy WHEN it comes to progress and growth.  And I'm sure once you are aware that you are STUCK in a rut, you'll like to BREAK FREE BUT before we get into that path, let us figure things out as to the possible root causes of us getting STUCK in that rut💥💥💥

To piggy-back on the studies by experts, topping the list is that probably we were taught [IN THE PAST] to settle for less.  Sometimes, a life we feel STUCK in comes from learning that growing up we must do and be certain things and NOT others.  We've mistakenly created a life that DOESN'T even match WHO we are.  That instead matches other people's ideas of WHAT we would be💧💧💧

OR we are always feeling STUCK in life because we are highly self-critical.  Ironically, experts qualify that sometimes, it's even NOT true that we are STUCK BUT rather, we just have such a harsh criteria for ourselves.  In the end, we tend to refuse to see the progress we make.  OR as experts coined, maybe we have that IMPOSTOR SYNDROME and we DON'T believe we've done anything of value AT ALL.  Then we end up as perfectionist, endlessly comparing ourselves to those with far more life experience or opportunity than us❎❎❎

Our takeaways?  Let's hear all these from experts:

  • Accept RESPONSIBILITY for the problem.  Experts tell us that what truly STUCKS us in life is that 'VICTIM MENTALITY'.  But when we take that responsibility for what we can, effectively we untie our own hands and be empowered again.  Still FEELING STUCK?  Make your move, dude📌📌📌

Friday, June 7, 2024

More Focus At Work?

More Focus At Work?

Ever since we got hit by that Covid-19 pandemic,  many organizations have openly embraced the hybrid work setup between onsite and work from home setups [and it works!]. BUT the question is, is working from home optimized enough?  Me thinks in a loud NO.  I DON'T think so.  So, do we need MORE FOCUS AT WORK? Absolutely dude.  Everyone of us just need to toe the line, no questions here [supposedly]📗📙📘

To be fair, to give MORE FOCUS AT WORK is NOT being triggered by just our hybrid work from home setup.  Regardless of your political leanings OR views, let's admit it we are distracted by the changes and activities occurring across most countries.  Finland.  Indonesia.  Pakistan.  Just amongst those in the midst of their respective national elections.  Ironically, there seems similar noise and turmoil whether it's pre-elections [e.g. Indonesia] or post-elections [e.g. Pakistan].  WHEN this much change is occurring around us, it can affect our abilities to think, plan and stay focused💧💧💧

I DON'T need to look far BUT instead ask myself, WHAT have I done to 'destress' and get more focused especially when working from home?

  • I 'upped' the height of my workstation from two feet to three feet.  WHY?  That allowed me to alternately stand when working [because of the higher desk].
  • I do talk a quick walk [even within my home] around every half an hour.  DON'T get stuck seating down.
  • I would stick to my To-do List [as much as possible]
So, WHAT really is our problem?  It's that we tend to get distracted while working.  Sometimes we feel like the tasks at hand is just too much OR that you DON'T know WHETHER you will finish it OR not.  The bigger the task, the more you tend to procrastinate.  And the more you procrastinate, the more you lose confidence in finishing tasks.  True, sometimes, procrastinating sometimes help us think before taking action BUT more often, we end up missing a task💥💥💥
Our takeaway?  Most of the time, we are to be faulted when missing tasks.  THEN we end up getting disappointed at work.  THEN we might even question ourselves if we lost that passion, that drive.  THEN you end up facing a problem WHERE it actually doesn't really matter right now, BUT you already think about it too much.  At the end of the day, it's your WILLPOWER that will tilt for you to have MORE FOCUS AT WORK😀😀😀

Thursday, June 6, 2024



For alignment, please allow me to extract Mr Google's definition of TIPPING POINT, defined as "Those events or experiences which lead to irreversible changes in one's life."   In simpler terms, it could refer to moments when something catches on and spreads like wildfire.  And that could be anything from a new product OR trend to an idea OR behavior.  And once it reaches a critical mass, it becomes unstoppable , causing a 'seismic shift' either in opinion OR behavior.  So, why say Never Miss That TIPPING POINT?  Ok Ok Ok.  The TIPPING POINT is like a line in the sand and once it gets crossed, the momentum becomes unstoppable.  Think of it from the 'domino effect' perspective💵💴💷

Let's go back to that 'domino effect' thing.  One domino falls, and it triggers a chain reaction that topples all of the other dominos.  The same thing happens with that TIPPING POINT.  Once an idea, behavior, or product reaches critical mass, it suddenly takes on a life of its own, spreading rapidly and widely.  The power of the TIPPING POINT lies in its potential to create real change on a large scale.  By understanding HOW it works, we can gain insight into WHY certain things in life become popular WHILE others DON'T [at all].  We can also learn HOW to harness its power to create POSITIVE shifts in behavior and even in perception📗📙📘

The next time you something suddenly take off in popularity, remember that it might just be riding the wave of the TIPPING POINT.  So, let's dissect much deeper.  How do TIPPING POINT happen?  Experts claim in their studies that at its core, the TIPPING POINT is caused by a combination of factors including, BUT not limited to, social context, motivation and influence.  And in order for a TIPPING POINT to occur, there needs to be a favorable social context in which people are motivated💦💦💦

So, what exactly triggers a TIPPING POINT?

  • An IDEA or BEHAVIOR with a potential for widespread influence
  • A population MOTIVATED to act on an idea
  • A favorable SOCIAL CONTEXT
  • A catalyst who can SPARK ACTION
  • A trigger event that sets off a chain reaction
If any of these components are missing, it is unlikely for a TIPPING POINT to occur💥💥💥
What''s our takeaway?  The power of even SMALL CHANGES can be in a TIPPING POINT, so the ASK is how to nudge  a TIPPING POINT in your favor?  Experts advise that you start with the right mindset.  Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the scale of a challenge, break it down in SMALL, achievable steps.  This will make it easier to take action and build momentum. And please be PERSISTENT because CHANGE does NOT happen overnight BUT with consistent efforts, YES YOU CAN reach your own TIPPING POINT💧💧💧

Think Small?

Think Small?

Think Small?  Yes folks, underneath the surface, there is a raging BUT subtle debate WHETHER we should think BIG or SMALL?  In a perfect world, now that we're approaching mid-2024, that would mean that we are roughly halfway through our 2024 goals, right?  BUT WHAT about if you're someone WHO constantly struggles with achieving your goals?  Do you know WHAT's standing your way?  Do you think your goals are just too big to accomplish?  OR do you feel it's sheer bad luck❓❓❓

OR is it that you just DIDN'T want it that bad enough or are you doubting if any of these are the reasons?  And this is were I'll play devil's advocate and argue that the greatest problem that's been preventing you from accomplishing your biggest GOALS is that you're NOT thinking SMALL enough.  Yes sirrrrrrs, that is NOT a typo.  Probably you're NOT thinking SMALL enough.  BUT hey, in setting goals, there's NO shortage of books, blueprints and seminars that offer results for your dreams to come true💧💧💧

Let's admit it.  There is a sense of building despair that comes with repeated FAILURES.  Who wants FAILURES anyway?  We feel our spirit getting drained with EVERY flop in life, every mistake, EVERY rejection, EVERY frustration.  It's true FAILURE is good if we view it for the value it holds. BUT at some point, we need to see some semblance of SUCCESS, if at all.  In fact, any form of SUCCESS, for our sanity if anything at all💥💥💥

Let's call a spade a spade.  WINS will make us feel GOOD, period.  And feeling GOOD feeds and drives us forward, saturating our own soul with a creative power.  And being aware and knowing that we can achieve enough is LIFE-GIVING by itself.  Believing in ourselves and having that faith that we can achieve even the smallest success is vital.  I can speak from experience, how it feels to buckle under the weight of FAILURE.  Been there, done that and it's a point in life that's toughest to crack❌❌❌

Our takeaway?  Believing in ourselves and having that bottomless pit of FAITH that we can achieve even the SMALLEST SUCCESS is vital.  GOALS GOALS GOALSWHAT's wrong in most of our goal-settings?  It is when GOALS set are unsurmountable.  We got to see that in our mind's eye.  We need to know that we can do things that contribute directly to our self-growth everyday.  Easier said than it sounds but we got to restart and reboot somewhere.  NOT that bad to THINK SMALL, dude😌😌😌

Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Have you ever wished you'd listened to that sage advice OR wished that you would have taken that hard-to-swallow pill? MAYBE if you had, things would have turned out a bit better.  MAYBE it was something like that, that it DOESN'T determine the entire course of your life OR being nice is sometimes more important than being right.  No matter WHAT age or stage of life you're in, it is NEVER too late to learn some new tricks.  Yes, some LESSONS LEARNED LATE💦💦💦

As we take stock of things now, the most common MISSED LESSON is that TIME FLIES, as in.  Many of us [and I'm guilty of this at one point in the past]  WON'T bother to value time, NOT until it went way past you.  And the sad thing is that no amount of monies and wealth can buy TIME.  I've come across people WHO realized it was TOO LATE for them to attend school, TOO LATE to find a decent work, TOO LATE to settle down comfortably, TOO LATE to take care of their health, TOO LATE to LEARN LESSONS in LIFE❌❌❌

Oh Oh, this "LESSON #1' poster looks on the wrong spot, right?  Because if this is LESSON #1, this should be atop the totem pole.  And I agree that this is LESSON #1 in life.  Allow me to qualify though that this is quite prevalent in non-western cultures, especially in the Third World, where generally, their cultures influence most behaviors.   Close to the heals is our own HEALTH.  You got to take care of it way early in life, else it WON'T take care of you💥💥💥

Much closer to the heels is realizing that NO amount of hobby, interests OR work can replace or override the importance of PEOPLE.  The ones you will spend the rest of your life till you grow old are the PEOPLE you deserve to be with.  Risk to isolate and live alone, you will risk being by yourself even in your latter years WHEN the least you need is to spend that homestretch of your life with PEOPLE you trust and deserve to be with💙💛💚

Oh Oh, this is interesting.  MONEY TALKS.  It knows how to say "GOODBYE' if you DON'T manage and plan your finances you need later in life.  I ran out counting hurtful stories of people I know who, at the very least, are struggling during the homestretch of their life simply because they did NOT give the importance of planning ahead financially.  Another missed lesson?  Most of us are so engrossed with ASSETS such that at the peak of your earnings, the biggest chunk goes to your payments and before you know it, those possessions own you [and NOT the other way around].  Indeed, tough LESSONS LEARNED LATE in life😖😖😖

WHY Friends Matter

WHY Friends Matter

Numerous researches linked FRIENDSHIPs and social to better physical health outcomes, including lower rates of heart disease.  One particular study revealed that young men and women WHO discussed DIFFICULT parts of their lives had a lower pulse and blood pressure WHEN a supportive friend accompanied them.  Indeed, FRIENDSHIP is an important factor in our physical well-being BUT what effects does it have on our mental health?  So, all along, all these explain as to WHY Friends Matter📗📙📘
BUT here's a word of caution we must NOT overlook.  While GOOD FRIENDS can support you even through traumatic events and are able to help you to quit bad habits, toxic friendships can leave you feeling drained, stifled, anxious and often unequal.  Indeed, FRIENDSHIPS are unique because they are tied to so many aspects of your life, be it your family, your work, and even your hobbies  WHEN you get into that kind of a toxic FRIENDSHIP, these feelings can permeate all of these areas as well.  If a particular FRIENDSHIP ISN'T meeting your needs, it may be time to reassess WHETHER it deserves a space in your life💎💎💎

Another word of caution.  The strong bonds in a FRIENDSHIP should refer to REAL FRIENDS, and NOT social media friends or connections.  So WHAT if you have a million followers in FB or LinkedIn?  Frankly, very likely, 99.99% of them are hardly your real-meaning FRIENDS, much less close FRIENDS.  Latest researches are also giving us another caveat as these studies tell us that approximately only a half of the people you consider as FRIENDS consider you as FRIEND.  Does that sound quite harsh❔❔❔

And frankly, no matter how you and me will define a 'FRIEND', in reality, there just ISN'T time to have one too many FRIENDS.  Let me quote Oxford scientist Robin Dunbar whose theory says that we can maintain at most 150 or so maximum number of connections BUT take note those are connections and NOT FRIENDSHIPS.  And in Dunbar's theory, we have different layers of FRIENDS, like one or two TRULY best FRIENDS [like your significant other and maybe one other person].  Then, maybe ten people with WHOM you have 'great affinity' [a.k.a. closeness] and interact with quite frequently.  The rest will be all sorts of people  you're FRIENDLY with BUT who aren't your FRIENDS💧💧💧

Our takeaway?  I can't disagree with Dunbar's Theory because looking into my life, that theory's layering of FRIENDS gets reflected in my life as well.  That's why WHEN someone would ask me HOW many BEST FRIENDS I have, it's one OR two at most and another around five with WHOM I'm close by affinity.  At the end of day, allow me to piggy-back on that old cliche which says, TELL ME WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE AND I'LL TELL YOU WHO YOU ARE💥💥💥

Straight from my thought processes...

Problem With TIME?

Problem With TIME? Problem With TIME?  BTW,   that's NOT news anymore.  We've been hearing that same refrain zillion times from ever...

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