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Friday, December 29, 2023


When Things Come Back To You

Most people know about KARMA, which translates to:  WHAT YOU GIVE OUT, YOU GET BACK IN THE SAME FORM.  That being said, are you giving attention to WHAT you are projecting in terms of your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions?  It is a universal law that you REAP WHAT YOU SOW.  Moreover, you are a reflection of your predominant thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions.  You are WHAT you think about and you receive according to your predominant thoughts.  HOW ABOUT GIVING OUT WHAT YOU MOST WANT TO GET BACK?  Do you want more LOVE?  Give out an abundance of LOVE.  Do you want people to CARE about you?  Spend more time showing people you CARE.  The SMALLEST ACTIONS YIELD THE GREATEST RETURNSπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

Truth is, LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.  That should be as clear as the water in social media.  Whatever you want in your life, focus on that and you will likely receive ore of the same in return because it is a universal principle.  You can have WHAT you want in your life.  Your desires can come true  IF they are realistic and you understand the principles involved to get them.  The MATERIALISM of your desires is NOT magic.  Instead it is based on universal laws.  Bottom line is, I have to admit that I do WALK THE TALK despite my frailties and all my faults, I fully subscribe to all theseπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Through the years, if there is one thing I fully embraced is exactly NOT just wishing GOOD for others but in my own modest ways, to extend in whatever form and shape how I can influence and help that 'WISH GOOD' for others will come into fruition.  Once I step out of home, my mantra is always to treat people on even keel.  Our company driver, security personnel or even janitorial people are NO less than me, than us.  Even for out of town sorties, I can share my room with our company driver, share a meal with them on the road, and treat them in the way I want to be treatedπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

GIVING itself is something that endears much to me, to my values.  Not to beat my chest but we have shared valuable home assets to less fortunate people because we felt that they deserve to be uplifted in their daily life and our humble sharing would hopefully help alleviate their day-to-day situations in life✅✅✅

In concrete terms, do you want more success?  Write it down, journal it, and get clear on what ROCKS YOUR BOAT.  Spend more time thinking about these things.  Do you want more money flowing into your life?  I am NO magician but we can encourage you to maintain a prosperity consciousness and simultaneously sow into other people's lives that are in need.  Entertain thoughts of LOVE & COMPASSION while focusing your attention on your desires.  The SMALLEST ACTIONS YIELD THE GREATEST RETURNS❗❗❗

When You Struggle On The Bases

When You Struggle On The Bases

How often do we struggle with feelings of UNWORTHINESS?  To avoid a mix-up, let's align that SELF-WORTH is far different from SELF-ESTEEM.  You could be happy in life BUT you might have that deep sense that something was wrong with YOU?  Heard of those who would mix it up in parties, then enrolling in dance and yoga classes, then enrolling in MBA classes, all these When You Struggle On The BasesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

BUT did you hear sad narratives that tell us that NONE OF THOSE WORKEDTHAT busyness, THOSE parties.  THOSE MBA classes.  Even THOSE relationships, they were nice for a moment BUT they did not last.  What do studies tell us?  Let us cultivate unconditional SELF-WORTH and embrace yourself, then you'll realize that that new path is liberating, enlivening and life-giving.  So, UNCONDITIONAL SELF-WORTH is the sense that you deserve to be alive, to be loved and cared forπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Now, to ensure we DON'T mix-up SELF-WORTH with SELF-ESTEEM, the latter is derived from our abilities, accomplishments and social positions and stuff we believe and we can achieve.  We can then improve our SELF-ESTEEM by improving our skills or performance, then our SELF-ESTEEM goes up and down depending on how we're doingπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

WHEREAS, SELF-WORTH is distinct from our abilities and accomplishments.  It's NOT about comparing ourselves to others BUT it's NOT something that we can have more or less of.  Unconditional SELF-WORTH is that sense that you deserve to be alive, to be loved, to be cared for, to take up space✅✅✅

Adverts tell us we need to buy things to be LOVED.  Our educational system teaches us that our WORTHINESS is based on our grades or test scores.  Our parents may have implied that they would love us more IF we made it to the honor roll.  And as social media pervades our lives, we have also begun to feel that our WORTHINESS is based on the number of FOLLOWERS and LIKES we get !@#$% So what keeps us from cultivating unconditional SELF-WORTH especially WHEN WE STRUGGLE ON THE BASES❗❗❗

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Why Life Gets MISERABLE?

Why Life Gets MISERABLE?

Why Life Gets MISERABLE? Good question folks.  Many studies tell us that a big chunk of factors that make our life MISERABLE is our very own selves.  And there are three [3] theories that precisely describe the nature of man.  A lot of people believe that if someone behaves a particular way, it is because they were conditioned like that.  Those theories related to genetics, psychic and even environmental.  For genetics, let's say you have a 'HIGH TEMPER', people will assume that it's in your DNA.  My gosh, since your grandparents were like that, you inherited being short-temperedπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

On the other hand, PSYCHIC reasons explain that one's childhood experiences have shaped your entire adult life and that your UPBRINGING was done in such a way that you are now afraid to be in large groups and that you CAN'T afford to make mistakes, else you would feel terribly guilty about it.  The third one related to ENVIRONMENTAL says that the ENVIRONMENT is the reason why you behave that way like, 'THAT BRATTY TEEN DID THIS TO ME' or 'MY MEAN BOSS DID THIS TO ME' or 'MY SPOUSE DID THIS TO ME'πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Studies show that while we humans are reactive, WE CAN CHOOSE NOT TO.  A subject of a research had a history of torture as a Jew during World War II so obviously, he could NOT do anything about what happened to him in the past BUT he could change the way he perceived and responded to his surroundings.  He had the freedom to choose his response.  BUT when he realized that he could choose NOT to be miserable, everything changed.  BUT that required a hell lot of strengthπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

That experience made people realize the fundamental nature of a man.  THAT between stimulus and response, man has the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.  And that's WHAT makes us PROACTIVE.  Humans are different from animals because they can choose their response to circumstances.   They can choose to take RESPONSIBILITY [or NOT]❌❌❌

As humans have independent will and self-awareness, we can use our imagination to create things beyond reality.  We have that CONSCIENCE that guides us through what is RIGHT versus WRONG.  Of course, NO one is saying that it's easy.  Becoming PROACTIVE is the hardest thing to do WHEN you have been conditioned to REACT [and worse, BLAME or CRITICIZE your grandparents, parents or the environment].  BUT there is always that possibility for us to REPROGRAM ourselves.  Sadly, a lot of people are playing the 'BLAME GAME', like 'YOU AND I DID THAT, and THAT'S THE REASON FOR OUR MISERY'.  So, WHY LIFE GETS MISERABLE❓❓❓

When Things Get Interesting In Life

When Things Get Interesting In Life

We all find our lives becoming a little dull sometimes, the days can become mundane and we seek something more interesting .  Nobody hopes to look back on their lives and reminisce fondly about how BORING it was.  Now given our issue [if NOT a problem] at hand, WHAT's our FIX? Make Things Get Interesting In Life and no less than that.  And that's when we should consider that variety is more than just a spice of life because it expands our experience and makes our lives more fulfillingπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Unfortunately, what's the harsh reality especially if we're into urban living within the metro areas.  Many of us are then bound to tight and overwhelming schedules that leave little, if at all, room for even an adventure.  The flip side of things, though, leads us to the GOOD NEWS that making your life more INTERESTING is easy if you are willing to veer away, at least slightly, from the normsπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

Some very simple yet practically fun ways I picked up along the way starts with you greeting the next dawn.  Prepare for that moment picking out a view point and think how things usher a a new beautiful day.  Stepping out of your home, literally try other paths, even those narrow alleys.  Take that conscious effort.  Then plan a 'ME' time.  If that means driving for a mini road trip by yourself or hopping for a quick local tour [yes, even for locals, ironically, it makes sense]πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Then, let's go on to online streaming.  Tired of listening to the same old song?  Apps like SPOTIFY [I'm sorry this is NOT a commercial pitch] allows users to preview different artists and listen to entire albums for FREESPOTIFY can also give suggestions for other music based on the genres you enjoy most.  WHO knows where this quest will you to✅✅✅

Oh yes, go for a digital detox at least for half of a day, meaning the whole daytime.  Much as social media is now embedded in our daily lives, at best it is still a PASSIVE activity.  Instead, browse for news and entertainment, even if that leads you to Hollywood stuff.  Our takeaway here is that our life should NOT be that routinary, that boring, that predictable one day-in day-out.  If you're grinding hard to earn monies, you deserve more WHEN THINGS GET INTERESTING IN LIFE❗❗❗

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Should AMBITION Give Way To Continuous Improvements?

Should AMBITION Give Way To Continuous Improvements?

Should AMBITION Give Way To Continuous Improvements? Or is the other way around?  Truth is, fostering a healthy level of ambition is NOT easy and amidst so much uncertainty prevailing in our life, it may seem like a low priority.  BUT do consider hitting the 'PAUSE' button as it has been in most of our lives.  And that leads us to a wonderful time to step back and do a self-reflectionπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

What is essential is doing the balancing act between AMBITION and setting realistic GOALS.  So, it all boils down how you approach your goal setting.  Deciding on the GOALS that will contribute to your life's vision and genuinely make a difference is what matters most.  WHAT is most important is that one's GOALS are relevant to our own AMBITIONS, and NOT someone else'sπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Let's just be mindful of common mistakes when setting GOALS.  And the most common one is SETTING TOO MANY GOALS.  While it's natural to have lots of things we want to achieve, it is crucial that we're selective with our GOALS.  Setting too many goals at once will result in you ending up in a MULTITASKING situation to try and work towards them all at onceπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
And when your attention is being pulled in so many different directions, it's likely we'll end up with a mediocre job instead of one great job.  And once you laid out each of your GOALS, break each goal into smaller steps.  And so as you DON'T stumble right at the starting line, endeavor to set a minimum baseline for ambitious GOALS✅✅✅
Along the way, take time to reflect on GOALS you didn't meet or achieve.  Let's face it, some GOALS are hard to achieve, for whatever reasons.  And that self-reflection might be an opportunity for you to reconsider tweaking that goal into a CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT initiative because the foundations have been laid out.  This is where AMBITION may give way to CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTSπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ



Our BOUNDARIES are the GUARDRAILS to our life.  When we consider them intellectually, most of us feel really clear about our BOUNDARIES what we absolutely will and WON'T accept.  Yet when we go back to work, sometimes we're really quick to disregard them. Especially when it comes to BOUNDARIES that protect our time and our bandwidth.  NOT until When We're OFF THE RAILSπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

BUT we've got a bigger problem looming in the background and that's WHEN we ignore our BOUNDARIES, that's When We're OFF THE RAILS.  If we know this is something we struggle, then I'm right there with you readers.  The haunting question that keeps lurking behind us is WHY do we keep going for as long as we could?  Too often we say YES to things that violate our very own BOUNDARIES, when every warning sign inside us is already signaling, like 'YOU'RE GETTING CLOSE TO THAT GUARDRAIL, DON'T CRASH"πŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Sometimes, those SIGNS are physical manifestations like a tightness in our chest , a pit in our stomach, holding your breath or feeling our heart pound.  Worse, when violating those BOUNDARIES becomes habitual, we get ourselves into that weight LOSS, hair LOSS, sleep LOSS zones.  So, as much as these signals tend to be physical, they can also be emotional.  TEARS, ANXIETY, RESENTMENT, or racing thoughts that just WON'T stop, not until you realize When We're OFF THE RAILSπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Experts claim that we have every right within our means to cross BOUNDARIES both when saying YES and saying NO.  And if we've ever say 'YES' to do something and found yourself immediately engulfed by a tidal wave of dread, that's it you've gone OFF THE RAILS or even like overly doing that 'verbal gymnastics' of completely over-explaining OR justifying a 'NO' to a client or colleague, or boss, then you've gone OFF THE RAILS✅✅✅
So, what's perplexing is this.  If our BOUNDARIES are damn too important to us, WHY do we allow ourselves to go OFF THE RAILS?  Tough question but studies cite BAD habits.  First, when we let INSECURITY masquerade as 'rational thought'.  Second, we fear disappointing others and Thirdly, we get rewarded for disrespecting our BOUNDARIES.  Time to get back back on the rails, dude❗❗❗

Tuesday, December 26, 2023



More TOUGH Days Than BREAKTHROUGH Days?  Very true, indeed, there are MORE TOUGH DAYS ahead BREAKTHROUGH DAYS.  So WHAT explains that phenomenon?  BUT before deep-diving into it, let's ask ourselves, do you really need a BREAKTHROUGH?  If so, WHAT sort of BREAKTHROUGH do you need to happen, if at all.  No easy question thoughπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Maybe we need to a magnifying glass to figure things out if indeed we really need a BREAKTHROUGH in the first place.  Thankfully, there are tell-tale signs in life that would tell us a BREAKTHROUGH has to happen.  Lingering unresolved problems.  Status quo stalled for quite some time.  Goals and targets that remain more elusive than ever❓❓❓
Sometimes, TUNING and TWEAKING is what matters BUT the challenge is, what's our cue that indeed only some TUNING or TWEAKING is needed?  In the simplest terms, demand from yourself IMMEDIATE CLARITY on where you need to grow, where to progress,  Now, if you are stuck in a rut and your life is not going how you want it too, then it's safe that you need a personal BREAKTHROUGH, something that changes the course of your life going forward and ensures that things will be the same for you againπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Most of what a BREAKTHROUGH requires is for you to have that courage to STOPS settling for second best.  Like when everything you need in your life already exists and the problem is often that your mind s blocking you from seeing the SUCCESS tools you need to catapult your life into the right direction.  BREAKTHROUGH has some triggers and DON'T miss those out❗❗❗
WHEN you hit a LOW POINT in life, a BREAKTHROUGH can be triggered from there.  OR analyze your own narrative.  Before even thinking of a BREAKTBHROUGH, analyze your own story.  Then it's crunch time, make a DECISION like no BREAKTHROUGH can occur unless you cut off from all other options and decide that you must CHANGE your life RIGHT NOWBUT do note that making that decision is the hardest part of a BREAKTHROUGH.  BUT the last question, would you prefer to weather the TOUGH DAYS rather than find your BREAKTHROUGH❓❓❓

Why SMALL WINS Matter More

Why SMALL WINS Matter More

No doubt we all dream of BIG WINS.  I won't be a hypocrite that I'll grab a top LOTTO jackpot over any other thing.  BUT the biggest question is WHAT'S MY PROBABILITY of grabbing that plum?  Probably 0.000000001.  So this question kicks in, much as I want to avoid: Why SMALL WINS Matter More  Let's think about this a zillion times before you exit this webpage, PLEASEπŸ’΅πŸ’΄πŸ’·

Sadly, we often become so caught up with our everyday routines that we forget to STOP and APPRECIATE our LITTLE WINS.  We miss those smaller victories along the way because we are so preoccupied with obtaining our main goals.  Taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate those modest WINS can impact our daily livesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

IRONICALLY, many times the past months, I never stopped being grateful with the pandemic. WHY?  Because I never stop counting the numerous LITTLE BLESSINGs and SMALL WINs I managed to reap.  DON'T get me wrong though.  I hate and I fear that dreaded pandemic but on a personal note, I am celebrating those SMALL WINsLIKE having realized that I can be equally [or MORE] productive when working from home.  LIKE having realized quite a bit of 'monetized' benefits of saving almost a full tank of fuel per day because I DON'T need to drive to and from work everydayπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

LIKE saving tons and tons of fatigue I would have endured everyday [just to share, my minimum driving time between home and office is TWO [2] hours barring rains, barring accidents along the way, barring road works along the way.  To me, that translates, in fact, to a BIG WIN when I sum up the four to five hours of driving time I would have endured everydayπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
So, WHAT's our takeaway today?  Let us endeavor to cultivate APPRECIATION, to change our perspective from one of WHAT we lack to one of WHAT we have.  We need to start valuing those SIMPLE things that we frequently take for granted and we start to have a more optimistic outlook.  This explains WHY SMALL WINS MATTER MORE❗❗❗ 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Multitasking, Anyone?

Multitasking, Anyone?

Anyone pushing you hard for Multitasking?  I won't blame them. Likely, they see all of its upsides and very little, if at all, of its downsides and I'll confess that many years back, I was so gung-ho Multitasking until, one day, when I was attending my battery of IBM trainings, I learned that although IBM was aggressively marketing MPP's [massive parallel processors], deep into its architecture, the processor was breaking up processes into MULTI-THREADSπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Even this comparative chart shows us an apples-to-apples comparison of our brain when Single-tasking versus Multitasking and what does this tell us?  THAT doing only a thing at a time is a surprisingly powerful way to become more productive.  ON the surface, this makes zero sense on the premise that doing more is the faster path to productivity❓❓❓

BUT today, I will stand my ground and vehemently argue that that ISN'T the case here.  Doing more than one thing at a time is a great way to become busier and it's usually a more engaging way of working.  When we try doing multiple things at the same time, our brain is more stimulated and it releases DOPAMINEπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

BUT study after study has shown that while MULTITASKING can be stimulating, and may even make us feel more productive, it invariably makes us less productive.  WHY?  Because the attention we can give to WHAT'S in front of us gets limited.  Every moment, our brain is flooded with information [and that includes sights, sounds, words, thoughts] BUT it can only focus on so much✅✅✅

The very rich history of chess as a game is peppered with stories of chess greats, amongst which is American Bobby Fisher and today, Norwegian Magnus Carlsen is lording it over the field.  BUT how come even the best super-grandmasters spend anywhere from two to six hours just for one game when all along they are SINGLE-TASKING?  It's because that myth about MULTITASKING has been shattered and destroyed even as we speak now❗❗❗

How Competitive Are You?

How Competitive Are You?

Please DON'T get me wrong.  I am neither a sportsman nor a gym buff.  Even during my non-work times, you would likely see me on my laptop than being out there in the field.  But if you ask me as to How Competitive I am, allow me to humbly admit that I am super-COMPETITIVE in life.  I hate seating under the tree, waiting for the fruit to drop on me.  I loathe being dependent on good tidings and bearers of good news via friends who sometimes are harbingers good news.  I detest being served on a silver platter because that's NOT how I got molded through the years [including the difficult times]πŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅

So, probably, the more brutally frank question I want to ask my readership is 'WHAT PERCENT COMPETITIVE ARE YOU?' This is NOT for me to pass judgment on you.  And BTW, there are NO wrong answers to my innocent question because even if you openly admit that you assess your COMPETITIVENESS only at one percent, that is still perfectly fineπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

WHY?  Because even at your current state of 1% COMPETITIVENESS, you've got a starting point to kickstart things.  CONGRATULATIONS then for being honest enough because that self-assessment is just damn essential for us and for YOU, to be specific, to realistically plot as to HOW far and HOW much more you need to recoup to be within the thick of the fight, at the very least.  Nothing could be better than thisπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Quo vadis?  You might ask me, WHAT THEN, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?  Simple answer is that only YOU would know [like the palm of your hands] as to HOW far you need to catch up to be COMPETITIVE enough and get that fighting chance to inch closer the lead pack✅✅✅

Fact is, COMPETITIVENESS is a measure of a person's desire to surpass others.  A highly COMPETITIVE person is more likely to see a situation as a COMPETITION even when there is NO explicit WINNER or LOSER.  A teenage may compare his/her social media popularity to their friends' rankings even though there is NO explicit reward for having the most followers.  And likely, those friends may NOT even be aware that they seem to be competing.  BUT these are the moments when the SEEDS of COMPETITIVENESS are planted and nurtured.  Let's go dude❗❗❗

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Listening Does NOT Mean Agreeing

Listening Does NOT Mean Agreeing Just the other day, the revered late Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was given the memorial services  be...

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