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Friday, November 24, 2023

SKILLS We Should NOT Miss In Life

SKILLS We Should NOT Miss In Life

Around the internet, we can find many SKILLS that will be in demand in the future.  In fact, we can look at them to dive into trends BUT we will NOT be able to blindly follow them.  Often, the SKILLS in such lists are very general and quite voluminous.  WHEN you look at them, you think it will take FOREVER to master even half of the list.  In such a situation, we need to prioritize and be as flexible as possible.  We need to be ready to constantly retrain and manage our career.  WHAT we need to agree on is that there are SKILLS We Should NOT Miss In Life๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Many studies have a common denominator.  One SKILL most of those studies ended up with is PROBLEM SOLVING a.k.a. troubleshooting.  I have to admit that it is really sheer coincidence that the very first SKILL I learned in my work life is PROBLEM SOLVING.  At that time, my job role is focused on TECHNICAL SUPPORT of Shell's IBM-based mainframe environment๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
WHICH meant that as TECHNICAL SUPPORT, our very core skills revolve in TROUBLESHOOTING.  In fact, many experts are in unison to agree that that is the MOST important SKILL that will allow one to stay "RELEVANT" in IT, management, and generally anywhere is the ability to solve problems.  And WHILE this SKILL is very extensive, this is a CLEAR VECTOR๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต
Despite the myriad of SKILLS, let us focus on six core groups of SKILLS:
  1. SELF ORGANIZATION - This is the SKILL of personal effectiveness, self-management in life
  2. COMMUNICATION - These are writing and speaking SKILLS, including persuasion/negotiation
  3. PROJECT APPROACH - The SKILL to organize people & resources for project-based activities
  4. ADAPTABILITY - The SKILL of working in unforeseen and unpredictable conditions
  5. LEARNABILITY - That SKILL of building an effective process of learning NEW things 
  6. PROBLEM SOLVING - That SKILL to dig into a problem, fixing it and finding the ROOT CAUSE
Looking at the above-mentioned core groups of skills, please take note that there is NO single specific technical skill[s].  Instead, the skills core groups cover a much broader spectrum which starts with one's "SELF SKILLS"  all the way to "PROJECT-based SKILLS".  Bottom line is you can't ignore OR overlook any of these six skills core groups.  Ignore it and you will risk developing the foundational needs of your capability because there are SKILLS WE SHOULD NOT MISS IN LIFE❗❗❗

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Need A Distress Call?

Need A Distress Call?

Need A Distress Call?  Not so fast.  Before we jump the gun, much as we DON'T want to be a bearer of ARMAGEDDON scare tactics, let us admit that there are really extreme stressful events we can experience in life.  BUT it might be helpful to increase our awareness that there are TOP STRESSORS in life which may eventually trigger us to make a DISTRESS CALL ๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜

NOT so surprisingly, topping the list of studies that identify the TOP STRESSORS in our life, six of the TOP TEN STRESSORS are closely inter-twined to one's loved one/partner/spouse.  Obviously, WHEN our life is very closely intertwined with a person, losing them can be agonizing and may even lead us to experience other changes in life, our lifestyle, our daily routines, and even living arrangements๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ต

Even divorce, if both partners/spouses agree that it is the for their mutual benefit, let's admit it that it will be difficult to deal with it, especially because it requires us to readjust our routine and lifestyle.  To make matters worse, legal tussles will complicate even a divorce supposedly amicably settled.  Add-on custody battles of children will really drive us damn crazy.  And during this age of labor diaspora [especially in Third World countries], that means at least one of the partnered couple/spouses will travel thousands of miles away to earn $$$$$ and in return, he/she WON'T be back, maybe after a year or two.  Tough times indeed❎❎❎

For a very small percentage, some may get incarcerated.  What else do we expect BUT instantly, the person will have to go through LONELINESS and ISOLATION.  And the lack of access to better health safeguards and even nutrition will just push things down deeper. And when a major injury or illness befalls either partner/spouse or an immediate family member, besides the expensive medical bills, surviving that medical debacle is like a death knell❌❌❌

Knock on wood, if any of us get hit with any of these TOP STRESSORS in our life, leveraging on your support structure may become a MUST-DO even if it's akin to calling MAYDAY, calling 911 or screaming for HELP in the high seas.  Much as we will all fervently hope and pray that not one of these TOP STRESSORS may hit us one day, to be FOREWARNED is to be FOREARMED❗❗❗

Emotional Issues?

Emotional Issues?

Emotional Issues?  Well, most of us hear the term EMOTIONALLY STRONG and then we would assume that it means the ability to ignore your EMOTIONS or NOT feel them.  But studies are flagging that down as utterly wrong because EMOTIONAL STRENGTH is NOT about getting rid of difficult feelings but instead, it means we know HOW to respond to them in a healthy way๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

So HOW?  Let's be EMOTIONALLY strong in the face of anxiety by learning to accept our anxious thoughts and feelings rather than constantly running away from them.  Let's be EMOTIONALLY strong when we're grieving because it means we're willing to feel that sadness and accept our loss instead of distracting ourselves from it.  Let's be EMOTIONALLY strong when we're angry because that validates our anger rather than denying it๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ด

BUT let's face it it's HARD WORK to cultivate a healthier relationship with our EMOTIONS, one that allows us to be resilient and strong in the face of painful feelings instead of being FRAGILEBUT yes that is possible though.  And the most effective way to do it is to build consistent habits that promote a more tolerant and accepting attitude to our feelings๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So HOW really?  First, let's CONTROL OUR ATTENTION [and NOT our emotions].  Like anything painful, our automatic response to difficult EMOTIONS is to try and control them, usually in an attempt to escape them or 'FIX' them.  In many areas of our life, it is helpful and productive to exert control over our problems. BUT here's the thing.  EMOTIONS are NOT under our direct control.  Reality is, there are ridiculous experiments to run because you DON'T have a 'HAPPINESS DIAL' you can just adjust at will❗❗❗

Frankly, if ever we try to CONTROL things we DON'T have CONTROL over, like your FEELINGS, you'll only create more pain and suffering for yourself in the long run.  Without pressuring ourselves, let us start to take CONTROL over our ATTENTION and what to FOCUS on.  Emotional issues CAN'T linger and pester you forever❎❎❎

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Do Jockeys Matter In Horse Races?

Do Jockeys Matter In Horse Races?

Do Jockeys Matter In Horse Races?  Oh well, I'm NO horseracing aficionado BUT I do have some fundamentals about it.  While many experts claim that for a good horse to put in a good performance, a good jockey is essential.  BUT they claim that a good jockey CAN'T do much for a poor horse.  BUT here's the final caveat.  He can help a great horse win as the best jockeys know an animal's STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES.  In the end, a jockey takes various factors info account to adjust his STRATEGY๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

The Miami Heat ballclub in the NBA is a classic case.  Many, if not a majority, of players [including star players] covet being part of Miami Heat.  WHY?  Because of their vaunted "MIAMI HEAT CULTURE" where many things that are loose and 'flexed' in many ballclubs are clearly defined and regimented in Miami Heat.  From the first day a new player get onboarded and onwards๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

So, who's the 'ARCHITECT; of such successes whether it's in horseracing or in NBA basketball?  It's the JOCKEY.  Its the COACHWHY?  By knowing so well the horse or his team like the palm of his hands. he can SQUEEZE HIGH and DRY his horse or his team until the last drip because he knows what it takes to win over the game๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Amongst the 15 greatest coaches in NBA history stands Filipino-American Erik Spoelstra.  How he got touted to be one of the best in NBA history is no surprise because year after year, even if Miami Heat fail to land a superstar and they decide to RUN IT BACK, his team never hit the cellar.  In fact, the past four years, twice Miami Heat reached the NBA Finals❗❗❗

Swinging back to our life, NEITHER do you need an Audi or a BMW to drive over to your job interview NOR take an Audi or BMW to go and woe the girl of your life.  All it takes is how you deftly leverage on what you have, exploiting it to the hilt to help boost your chances of prevailing.  Frankly, even if one is penniless or jobless now, he is NOT guaranteed FAILURE.  He just needs to pick up the pieces and move forward✅✅✅

FIXED Income = FIXED Mindset?

FIXED Income = FIXED Mindset?

Why are there more FIXED INCOME earners than VARIABLE INCOME earners in the world?  Simple answer.  Most of us belong to the FIXED Income = FIXED Mindset equation.   For the longest time, I'll admit that I was breathing IN and OUT with a FIXED MINDSET.  And when a variable gets into the situation, I shove it off away simply because I was happy with a FIXED MINDSET๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Problem here is that one common misconception in entrepreneurship is that you either have what it takes to be an entrepreneur OR you DON'T.  But studies have proven that in reality, entrepreneurial skills can be learned and strengthened like any other skill.  Do we have to be young, OR technical OR a college dropout❓❓❓

Studies have shown that the MINDSET, that ability and intelligence can be achieved through sheer effort and that equates to a GROWTH MINDSET.  And Experts say that someone with that GROWTH MINDSET views intelligence, abilities and talents as LEARNABLE and capable improvement through effort.  On the other hand, someone with a FIXED MINDSET views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.  If you're an aspiring entrepreneur, obviously you need basic finance skills but with FIXED MINDSET, you'll say "I'VE NEVER BEEN GOOD IN MATH, I'M NOT CUT OUT TO RUN MY OWN BUSINESS".  With a GROWTH MINDSET, you'll say "I DON'T HAVE A BACKGROUND IN FINANCE BUT I CAN LEARN IT"๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Now, l let's lay down everything on the table so that we would know whether the GROWTH MINDSET really needs some hard-selling.  So why GROWTH MINDSET?  Primero, it will position us to move into new fields, when needed OR when an opportunity arises.  Bluntly we got to INVEST in ourselves✅✅✅

Segundo, the GROWTH MINDSET has been proven over time to be one of the best way for us to foster our RESILIENCE, that capacity to recover and move through difficult situations, that has always been deemed as damn critical in the entrepreneurial world.  When challenges, setbacks, and failures inevitably arise, your business's survival depends on our own ability to persevere and learn from difficult situations.  We want to dump away that FIXED MINDSET which can prevent us from learning our own mistakes while a GROWTH MINDSET can empower us to perceive mistakes as learning opportunities.  FIXED INCOME = FIXED MINDSET❓❓❓

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Life Is NOT Played On Paper

Life Is NOT Played On Paper

It's true we have our vaunted strengths as a person.  We can even rattle off aptitude results to vet our intellect.  We can even share a copy of our university transcript of records [and that doesn't include yet the diploma].  We can even beat our chest and proclaim that we are the scion of a business magnate and we're the next-generation managers BUT Life Is NOT Played On Paper๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท

Yes we can play the 'X' and 'O' game but that's NOT life either because life does not offer us just 'X' and 'O' options.  Quite often, there are three or more options.  By a stretch, sometimes in life, we are left with ZERO options.  The REAL DEALS happen in the ROUGH and TUMBLE life out there, outside our homes, way beyond our comfort zones.  Sadly, some of us  still embrace [wrong] the off-track mindset๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™

Yesterday, the NBA Teams hosted their respective MEDIA DAYS.  Obviously the cameras were zoomed on the vaunted title contenders, those who have considerably beefed up their rosters while other teams [like the MIAMI HEAT] will RUN IT BACK. albeit with minor add-ons.  But many basketball analysts were one in declaring that while there's so much ado with the roster changes, Life Is NOT Played On Paper๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Not to devalue talent and aptitude but sometimes we'll hear someone blow his horns and declare "I'M GOOD IN MATH" or "I'M REALLY DAMN GOOD" but again, our Life Is NOT Played On Paper but instead, we need to ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES and get down in the middle of life's arena.  I've known some who are ALL TALK, period.  Pity it is๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Yesirrrrrss, what is expected from us is that when the buzzer sounds, we actively raise our hands to volunteer as part of the game itself because Life Is NOT Played On Paper.  Let us NOT lose by DEFAULT by remaining in the sidelines, seemingly suited but deeply inside, we would rather prefer the COMFORTS of cheering the play rather than be the ones playing out there.  Unfortunately, LIFE IS NOT PLAYED ON PAPER❎❎❎

Ever Been Caught With Your Pants Down?

Ever Been Caught With Your Pants Down?

Ever Been Caught With Your Pants Down?  Yes, I've been there, done that.  And when that happens to us, it is something we DON'T even want to remember at all.  Where possible, it's like working on our laptop, we'd like to cleanup and wipe-out the local drive, leaving NOT even an iota of information that may be useful for forensics.  BUT let's face it, some "PANTS DOWN" situations are our very own undoing.  In short, we're the culprit and there's just NO way for us to pass the buck because that buck ends up on our table, period.  BUT our bigger problem is that some of us even end up totally unaware that he's now caught with that Pants Down๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ท

Two decades back, I did get caught with my Pants Down because of my own undoing.  I allowed 'market predators' to push me as a 'willing prey' when they exploited me by using my professional credentials for them to bid out for a project under the RFP [Request for Proposal] Phase.  When our market bidders fell short of winning the contract, the HR executive didn't waste an extra business day to give me the pink slip.  That HURT, badly in fact๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

When we get caught with our Pants Down, what happens next is just natural.  We end up red-faced and of course, being red-faced is just a manifestation of the boiling anger simmering deep inside us.  Indeed, those are moments that are way beyond our control for us to avert it.  BUT when 'lightning strikes' us, WHAT matters is HOW do we cushion things, HOW do we soften the IMPACT because obviously, we DON'T want to end up BLACK & BLUE๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Oh, most apples are sweet and scrumptious but what happens if you Ever Get Caught With Your Pants Down, all because of that tempting apple?  There's just NO way you can UNDO things after you have bitten and digested even a small portion of that tempting apple.  Point is, life is littered with temptations that are cloaked like that scrumptious apple✅✅✅

So, next time we turn red-faced, two ways to handle it.  IF you're NOT guilty, then just shrug it off.  BUT where your own conscience seems to kick on you, ADMIT it [in GOOD FAITH and NOT out of DURESS], then be remorseful, hoping that the party who got offended can give you a LEASE of LIFE [which sometimes BTW, you got to beg for], given your predicament❗❗❗

Monday, November 20, 2023

Surviving Swimming is Surviving Life

Surviving Swimming Is Surviving Life

No sirrrrs, our thread today has nothing got to do with aquatic sports.  Instead, we'd like to deep-dive a bit and understand as to How Can You Swim To Survive in life.  First point here, our struggles in life can be best pictured out when we are 'in distress' in the waters.  Sadly, there is a very high mortality rate for those attempting to survive in the middle of the water๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“—

Even as swimming teaches and lends each of us many important messages, we all know the stereotypical things that we learn from swimming [although I am NO swimmer] like TIME MANAGEMENT and LIFE-SAVING skills.  BUT again, these are just doing the analogy and comparisons at the SURFACE-level.  What is most noteworthy is that swimming teaches us so many important skills that, if we are conscious enough, we should use and apply it in our life๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

At the very core of swimming is the TRUST that binds a swimmer and his coach.  That relationship is built on RESPECT, but most importantly it is built on TRUST.  If a swimmer does NOT TRUST the judgment of his coach, they will FAIL.  And for one to succeed, even the swimmer has to TRUST himself, TRUST your body and your abilities๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Oh, I grabbed this simple logo which says it all.  SWIM TO SURVIVE.  Life is HARD as swimming is.  We push ourselves everyday to our body's physical and mental limits.  This is something that most non-athletes never become comfortable doing and are NOT comfortable with at young ages like many swimmers.  Swimming teaches us to set goals and do everything in our power to get ourselves there๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Now comes something many of us DON'T want to talk about, that HEARTBREAK.  On the surface, swimming teaches us HOW to succeed and be happy with ourselves but more importantly, it teaches us HOW to deal with DISAPPOINTMENTS and HEARTBREAKS.  So, let's cut the crap here.  swimming darn hard is akin to living life the hard way and reaping the FRUITS of your labor towards the end✅✅✅

Dreamers Forever, Anyone?

Dreamers Forever, Anyone?

Please DON'T get me wrong.  NOTHING wrong in DREAMING.  I myself. since my boyhood days, I kept DREAMING.  Believe it NOT, as innocent kids when we were on 1st and 2nd Grades in elementary school, myself and my first cousin were trying to outwit each other because both of us dreamt to be a priest, hew!  Of course, those were childish dreams.  But as we turn around the corners in life, any Dreamers Forever, Anyone๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

The worst disconnect many of us have is this very crooked belief that it's much easier TO DO than TO THINK.  But truth is, there are tons of reasons why it's important for us to clarify our personal and professional vision.  And you might ask WHY do we need to see how big of a role our memories, past experiences and emotions play in the VISION we choose for ourself?  So, it's a given that our commitment and courage to break through our DOUBTS and FEARS, build momentum, influence powerful ACTIONS and push hard to accelerate our SUCCESS.  Seriously, it does NOT matter WHERE we are now, your age, your level of education, your lifestyle preference, your financial status, your health.  All those WON'T matter๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ด

Seriously, we need to clarify our VISION to accelerate our SUCCESS because our VISION is NOT what you see BUT how you see it.  Indeed it is easier said than done but it is imperative that we achieve our highest level of SUCCESS when we reflect and empower our current beliefs, values and roles in life plus discover your very own "FEAR STRATEGY" prior to clarifying your VISION.  We got to learn how to RETRAIN our subconscious mind and tame our INNER VOICE and clarify our SUCCESS strategy๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

Allow me to ZOOM-IN to my own past.  I may NOT have ended up ensconced at the CxO-level but I'm happy where I am now because I strongly feel I attained close to 95% of my VISION till to date.  But for me to reach 95% ACHIEVEMENT. it was not a WALK IN THE PARK as I had to toil the hard way, for me to inch closer until I reached the precipice of that 95%❗❗❗

So, you can bluntly ask me:  Did I ever envision myself to be a DREAMER FOREVER?  No sirrrrs, not at all.  If I had that VISION till now, I'll readily admit that I am now a classic FAILURE because rightfully, we should NOT be DREAMERS FOREVER.  If you count yourself as one of the DREAMERS FOREVER, please scamper towards the nearest EMERGENCY EXIT because you got to VERY VERY quickly map out a RECOVERY PLAN for you to get back on track, to at least give you the china man's chance to wiggle out of that trench and turn around the situation to translate into results your DREAMS.   And that has to happen FAST, PRONTO, because it seems you got a ticking time bomb❎❎❎

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Is There A Chance After Failure?

Is There A Chance After Failure?

FAILURE has many faces, iterations and versions.  So, which FAILURE should we dread most?  I'l quickly quip:  I dread most that FAILURE where the chance to retry again is simply NONE, keiner [in German], aucun [in French] and ninguna [in Espanol and in one word, I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.  You might challenge me back when I kept harping TRY AND TRY UNTIL YOU SUCCEED.  Yes you're absolutely right BUT we never guaranteed and etched on stone that those chances to retry is akin to infinity.  No sirrrrrrs.  Is There A Chance After Failure? So, for now, let me answer conditionally YES because those chances will keep popping up until such time we have run out of luck, and that's when the water would finally stop from flowing from the faucet⚓⚓⚓
So, do we have a problem at hand?  YES we do and that's how to avert hitting the wall which tells us that we've ran kaput, that that's the end of the line.  So HOW?  Primero, to quote American Essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson, NOTHING GREAT WAS EVER ACHIEVED WITHOUT ENTHUSIASM.  In short, DON'T let anything discourage you.  Interestingly, "ENTHUSIASM" takes its roots from the Greek words "en" and "theos" and it means, IN GOD๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š
Segundo, TRY and TRY WITH PERSISTENCE.  Simply put, keep DOING and keep MOVING.  And most importantly, if the efforts you exerted in ATTEMPT #1 is @ gauge20, in your ATTEMPT #2, your exerted efforts should NOT just be @ gauge21 or gauge22.  'UP THE ANTE' by several notches.  A token attempt will be self-defeating๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“˜
Truth is, many give up after they have tried a few times.  A last final try is built upon many earlier attempts and all of them go into the making of success.  Allow me to quote the respected Former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge:  NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN TAKE THE PLACE OF PERSISTENCE".  He added that talent or genius can take the place of PERSISTENCE๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ท
Lastly, we should TRY AND TRY AGAIN with that earnest HOPE.  We just CAN'T and SHOULD NOT give up HOPE.  We should HOPE for a better tomorrow.  We should HOPE that there will be light at the end of the tunnel [and HOPE that that light is NOT an incoming train].  HOPE that your attempts will finally nail down SUCCESS✅✅✅

Straight from my thought processes...

Those LITTLE Things Are BIG Ones!!!

Those LITTLE Things Are BIG Ones!!! Often, we hear that life is WHAT happens WHEN you're busy making other plans.  You can have an idea ...

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