Curiosity, Anyone?
One obscured fallacy that has been lingering around is that CURIOSITY is the exclusive domain of babies, toddlers and kids. But today, while I was attending an L&D session, lo and behold, one of the TOP SKILLS for 2023 is CURIOSITY. Yet, the mother of all ironies is that, of all the SKILLS at hand, CURIOSITY is something we DON'T need to be schooled and trained. It's for us to ENABLE and ACTIVATE itSo, WHAT's the fuss about CURIOSITY? It's NOT because of CURIOSITY per se BUT it's because CURIOSITY is the ultimate pre-requisite for us to get into LEARNING. LEARNING? Yes folks, LEARNING is it because LEARNING is a lifelong process. Throw away CURIOSITY out in the window, and you're like throwing away LEARNING as your opportunity. BTW, let us NOT equate LEARNING with our years in school because LEARNING is a lifelong process. I can attest to having bump with people I know first hand. Lo and behold, they seemed to have either gotten stalled OR stagnatedAs our global village constantly shifts, the speed of CHANGE creates all the constant innovations, requiring us to learn and adapt. The person WHO knows and tells BUT lacks the humility to be CURIOUS, learn and grow will likely find themselves irrelevant and lacking critical skills and perspectives needed to thrive in this eraIf there is a windows screen we're most familiar with, it is this SHUTDOWN screen but can we agree that after that SHUTDOWN occurs, everything freezes, NOTHING happens? We'd like to compare this when our CURIOSITY shuts down, the key factors are THINKING we know everything and having that UNCHECKED EGOSo, these are the very culprits when our CURIOSITY shuts down. WHEN we think we know all the answers and look upon ourselves as an expert. Instead of fostering CURIOSITY, we tend to foster competition with experts we can't match at all. Throw in a bloated EGO, we [wrongly] think we're safe and powerful enough to be CURIOUS and learn more. Blunt question: DOES IT MEAN this CURIOUS cat is better off than you❓❓❓