Nothing Is TOO HARD, Seriously
Stress levels are way too high everywhere as according to a report, 35 percent of people worldwide said they were STRESSED and 35 percent confirmed that they experienced WORRY the day before they were surveyed. So the bigger question is, WHY is it things seem much harder than it really is? You might find yourself pondering WHY everything feels so hard. Perhaps you're comparing yourself to your peers so hard? And maybe you're noticing that they DON'T seem to be experiencing the same level of anguish. Yes, this is one huge gaping hole and there could be multifarious factors in it. BUT to simplify things, let's agree that everyone's journey is different. BUT just because your peers DON'T seem to be struggling now, they may have it privately📗📙📘
As recent as the 2021 Gallup Survey, four in ten adults worldwide experienced a lot of worry [42%] or stress [41%] and physical pain [31%] while sadness [28%] and anger [23%] prevailed on the rest. Yes, there's a myriad of factors that can contribute to life feeling singularly harder for us than for others. We may be in that 'developmental' phase of our life that involves a big change, because change, even under the best of circumstances, is seldom easy. It could be like finally leaving home for the first time to attend college in the city OR changing jobs, getting married, having children, getting divorced or even having your adult children [finally] move out. Part of why CHANGE IS SO HARD is because it involves us changing our behavior. In fact, research shows that changing our behavior ISN'T a linear process. Instead, it is one full of clumsy starts and stops, leaps in progress only to regress to former behaviors quickly💧💧💧
if anything, the fact that things are feeling HARD in the face of CHANGE can be an indicator that you're working to CHANGE your behavior and that is a process that, by design, ISN'T easy. WHEN acknowledging the impact of personal challenges, we'd be remiss to speak about this feeling of life being extraordinarily difficult without acknowledging HOW personal challenges impact hardship. We all have different circumstances that can increase the intensity of our hardships though. Experts point to FAMILIAL DYSFUNCTION as the most common circumstance that can increase the intensity of life feeling HARD. Like you could be navigating a breakup or having lost someone in the family. Alternatively, you may find yourself 'gridlocked' in conflict with your boss. Thing here is that we need to thrive in community. Without it, we may end up in social isolation💦💦💦