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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Nothing Is Impossible!

Nothing Is Impossible!

After taking my warm water as the first order of my day, I was skimming through ChannelNewsAsia, I stumbled across the news about that 4,800 kilometer trek of Victor Atencio who escaped from the difficult life in his native country of Venezuela and finally reaching the United States.  His was a story that really floored me because of that feat he has shown from the time he left Venezuela on foot last July 30th.  Really, Nothing Is Impossible❗❗❗

Literally on bare foot, he trekked through the jungles of Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua until he reached Mexico where he had to cross and survive the currents of Rio Grande to get through Texas, finally setting foot on U.S. soil.  And while he admitted that the most difficult part was surviving through the jungles, what was a real eye-opener were the urban jungles where all kinds of criminals and gangs did gang-up on him, extorting and robbing him of all his monies. Picture source: Channelnewsasia, SEPT 24 2023πŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

The one-liner from Victor Atencio which I never heard or read in the past was his realization that "ANIMALS BEHAVE BETTER THAN MEN".  My God, what a testimonial but we got to believe his words because he just went through that almost 5,000 kilometric-journey that exposed him to the worst tests one can expect in lifeπŸ’΅πŸ’ΆπŸ’΄
For the curious ones, here's the link to my source regarding Venezuelan Victor Atencio @ https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/endless-one-venezuelans-arduous-odyssey-us-3795646.  What this tells us is that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, and even if you have NOTHING.  As long as your resolute pursuit is NOT hollowed one and you remain focused, YES YOU CANπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™

While we shared this very admirable feat of Victor Atencio, let's take a long at that achievement of India to have its lander named VICRAM finally land on the moon last August 23, 2023.  It used to be that realm was the monopoly of the United States.  So, how can a Third World country like India get through that breakthrough similar to a behemoth like the United States?  By sheer coincidences, the Venezuelan I featured today is named VICTOR while the Indian Lander is named VIKRAM.  No pun intended, VICTOR and VIKRAM both ended VICTORIOUS as they proved NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE✅✅✅

Friday, November 3, 2023



For the longest time, we have been so 'comfy' within our comfort zones but now is the Time To Open Up To NEW FRONTIERS because there's NO turning back and there is just NO way to block the avalanche of NEW FRONTIERS now all over our global village.  These are times when and where locking up ourselves out is just unthinkableπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Moving into the third decade of the twenty-first century, our world now offers challenges way beyond what we could have ever imagined [much less handle].  Broadly, it might be prudent for us to investigate things and determine how they impact us.  Word of caution though.  We DON'T want to hear "OH NO, THAT'S NOT FOR ME, LEAVE THAT TO THE NEXT GENERATIONS [of the millennials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha]πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

With the mile-long list of new frontiers, I'd limit to rattle it off down to AI, virtuality, social change, gig work, diversity, leadership and work-life balance.  These 7 contexts are but a few of the most pressing issues now✅✅✅

In a world confronted with endless crises impacting health, equity and even morality, it is critical for us to meet these challenges with a forward-thinking approach since the flood of information brought about by enhanced access to technology has led us to an overwhelming volume of information that too often rewards the style rather than the substance.  At its worst, this never-ending deluge of data has led us to less precise conclusions and even ill-advised decisions in life,  The recent pandemic alone brought forth the work-life balance way long after we were hit hard by the pandemic itselfπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

In the business world alone, the NEW FRONTIERS brought forward is this digital transformation which involves finding and developing new technologies to be strategized when factoring-in all variables of the equation including the practices, challenges and opportunities related to the digital transformation.  If these NEW FRONTIERS are NOT to our liking, frankly, you and me DON'T have much choice❗❗❗

Not For The Faint-hearted

Not For The Faint-hearted

Lots of things in life are for everyone.  BUT there are turfs and things that are NOT for everyone though.  Acrimonious divorce. Bankruptcy.  Crisis.  Death-defying situations.  Emergencies.  High Risks.  Near-death.  Life-changing conflicts.  Most of these, if NOT all, are Not For The Faint-hearted.  It takes someone who's battle-scarred and a proven survivor who can be counted in.  But the rest of us, at best, it's a fighting chanceπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Not to look down on the Third World countries but the burning question is, what keeps the DIVIDE between the First World and the Third World countries to continue widening.  And within the Third World countries, what can explain the enormous gap between the HAVEs versus the HAVE NOTs?  Hold your breath, as of 2021 statistics, there are almost 12% Americans living in poverty and that equates to a 38-milion population, whewπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
And why are the business magnates and moguls continue to have their war chests zooming up way beyond what statistics can explain?  It's because they DON'T belong to the Faint-hearted.  Why are business conglomerates gobbling up markets unabatedly?  Simple.  NO one else is ready enough to pick up the mantle❌❌❌
So, for the Faint-hearted, what's the journey they can plot to embark to turn around things?  First off, DUMP your fears out there.  Any doubts and apprehensions DO NOT have a place for any Tom. Dick and Harry willing to pick up the gauntlet.  Secondly, ensure you have the sound fundamentals of your trade.  You just DON'T buy a major franchise if you DON'T have that business acumen, period❎❎❎
Thirdly, hope for the BEST but be prepared for the WORST.  Think of the most daunting nemesis you can ever face, yet 'prep' yourself NOT even have your eyes to blink at all.  Lastly, plot your journey towards your pre-set goal BUT ensure to have a feasible alternative plan of action once you HIT THE WALL because time is of the essence in your long, arduous journey❗❗❗

Thursday, November 2, 2023



I vividly remember our childhood When It's FULL MOON, that's the time when children will run out of their houses after dinner and have fun with endless games, all played underneath the FULL MOONBUT the lack of awareness creeps in only when the moon starts to wane right after FULL MOON.  That's where we will draw the parallelism in life.  After the best of things, the only way to go is down southπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, where's the miss here?  It is us enjoying every bit of happiness that can be squeezed during the FULL MOON, totally overlooking that in due time, the FULL MOON will start to wane till it's gone and gone.  In our life, that has been a common scenario.  Everyone seems oblivious when things are nice and dandy.  NOT UNTIL when things turn around, by that time, the realization comes lateπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So what pricks the balloon after all the fun?  It is that eventuality that GOOD THINGS DO LAST [only until a certain point].  We CAN'T get drank with the coziness of things only to wake up when it is too late to really awaken ourselves to the reality that creeps in at the next corner.  On the other hand, there are those who are aware of the benefits to enjoy when it's FULL MOON but they tend to overlook it, till it WANES and it's gone❗❗❗

So, WHEN exactly should we make a move such that we DON'T end up doing all the catch up?  Good question.  In truth and in fact, we got to be on our toes even way before the FULL MOON shapes up.  Being a few laps ahead of things will give us the headway and breathing space way before things come to crunch and grind to a halt.  In life, that's our common miss.  We tend to do lots of catch up because when the FULL MOON is up there, we get immersed and consumed by its luster and beauty, missing that sooner that FULL MOON will waneπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
What's our lesson[s] here?  DON'T enjoy the fullness of things way beyond what is just right and reasonable.  DON'T let your guard down as if you are a retiree with a full chest of retirement funds enough till your last breath.  DON'T have too much of things.  TOO MUCH of anything is akin to having an overdose of medicines.  Anything in life has to be lived and enjoyed in moderation.  Never enjoy things by pushing yourself till you reach the edges of the cliff only to realize that all it takes is just one ill-advised step and you're done in life❎❎❎

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof

Rain Falls Harder On A Leaky Roof, that's a common expression in Japan.  Simply put, this Japanese proverb points to the obvious need that our FOUNDATIONS in life should be robust and sturdy enough to withstand the unknowns and even the unpredictables in the future, else, worse things can turn to worstπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
And what are the FOUNDATIONS in our personal life?  It all bolls down to our relationships with our partner/spouse, our immediate family and loved ones, our colleagues and bosses at work, our customer base from our commercial operations.  We can equip and ready up ourselves for any future eventuality but NOTHING equates or supplants the importance of laying the groundwork for solid and strong foundations of relationships in our life⏳⏳⏳
People who end up mas casualties of the difficult phases in life which were not pre-empted, they would claim FORCE MAJEURE, that it is beyond their control.  Dude, when you hear that, that is a HALF-TRUTH because by then it is a fact that things are BEYOND CONTROL but the bigger and puzzling question is as to WHY and HOW you ended up in that FORCE MAJEURE situation.  WHAT have you laid down to prepare yourself when the heavy rains would simply throw you awash and offtrackπŸ“˜πŸ“™πŸ“—
Let's play devil's advocate.  So what happens when you laid out the right foundations that are robust enough for whatever rainfall and typhoons that might hit you?  That makes you READY enough.  That leads you to RESILIENCE.  That leads you to be a step ahead of whatever unknown variables that might hit you down the road.  By that time, you have buttressed your defenses in a proactive way, anticipating the worst✅✅✅
Borrowing the age-old Japanese way of doing things, when compared to the western world wherein people spend 20% planning and 80% for the execution, Japanese best practice shows us approximately 80% planning and 20% execution.  What's the rationale for that big chunk of time + effort spent during planning?  They're preparing their roofs to be sturdy enough WHEN RAIN FALLS HARDER❗❗❗

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

FRAUD & SCAM Advisory: 11.01.2023

FRAUD & SCAM Advisory: 11.01.2023

Taking a break from our various threads, today please allow me to re-share our FRAUD & SCAM Advisory: 11.01.2023.  Acknowledging that I culled and consolidated the following information from various technology and banking sources.  One of the most common and popular activities these days are web-based transactions.  This is NOT a marketing stunt but I'm mentioning McAfee WebAdvisor as one of the popular tools to check the legitimacy of an online store and this offers free downloadπŸ“—πŸ“˜πŸ“™
Bottom line is, NEVER initiate a web-based online transaction NOT UNTIL you have confirmed the legitimacy of the website.  Coming close to the heels of the risks and uncertainty of online stores and websites is the legitimacy of a company.  Even in the United States where technology is at the forefront, one in ten U.S. adults will fall victim to a FRAUD or SCAM every yearπŸ’΄πŸ’·πŸ’΅
To protect yourself, re-sharing these TIPS:
  1. Ensure the URL bar is secured via 'https'  
  2. Check the CONTACT US page.  Validate it.
  3. Review the company's social media presence
  4. Double check domain names like 'Yah00.com'
  5. Watch out for grammar & typos, that's a no-no
  6. Verify the site's WEBSITE PRIVACY POLICY.
  7. Run a scan for virus, phishing and malware
  8. Validate the site with the Google Safe Browser Transparency Report and it's free @ https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search  
  9. Lastly, WALK AWAY if it's too good to be true
For those using either of these browsers [Internet Explorer 11.0 or later, Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Windows 10 Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox OR Google Chrome], the free download of McAfee WebAdvisor works fine with these browsers
TIPs to check if a company is genuine:
  1. Do a GOOGLE SEARCH.  Look into the customer review and feedback pages will tell on a company's TRUSTWORTHINESS
  2. Check the company website.  Look for RED FLAGS [e.g. doubtful contact info]
  3. Check the company's legal webpage.  Every legit company has a LEGAL PAGE
  4. Check for SECURE modes of payment
  5. If feasible, visit the company address

The World Is HUGE [BUT We're Small]

The World Is HUGE [BUT We're Small]

The World Is HUGE [BUT We're Small], indeed it is.  We'll just NEVER have enough time for everything we want to do in our limited years.  And that stark TRUTH can bring despair if we constantly fight against it.  BUT instead of struggling, Bertrand Russell, the respected British philosopher, was quoted "LET YOUR INTEREST BE AS WIDE AS POSSIBLE AND LET YOUR REACTIONS TO THE THINGS AND PERSONS WHO INTEREST YOU BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FRIENDLY RATHER THAN HOSTILE"πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Russell's key message here is that instead of struggling, he advises us to pick up areas of interests that captivate us [like AI [Artificial Intelligence] and the electric cars of Elon Musk] BUT basketball or chess would just as well.  In that way, we could temporarily slip the constraints of time and find momentary HAPPINESSπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
Modern research agrees with Russell that OPENNESS is very much linked to both creativity and intelligence and even to slow down MENTAL AGING.  Being open to new experiences seems to help us to keep our mind 'YOUNG'.  So, apparently, even science has found new benefits to being FRIENDLY rather than HOSTILE to new people, interests and ideas.  And should that initial CURIOSITY develop into a hobby, so much the betterπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Studies do show that having diverse interests helps us to develop a broader SENSE of SELF.  Like you're NOT just an entrepreneur or a dad but you could be a bowler and a surfer as well.  Which means that whenever we run into difficulties in one of these areas of life, we can draw STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE from others.  As they say, WHEN BUSINESS GETS ROCKY, THE SURFING WAVES MUST BE ROCKING❗❗❗
Indeed, exploring the world with a sense of wonder, developing a portfolio of interests and identities plus allowing ourselves to get 'LOST' in them regularly is the kind of HAPPINESS ADVICE just about anyone can implement.  Indeed, nothing can make our life less fleeting or even removing all the stress from our lives.  But with all the challenges [and noise] we face in our daily life, it seems like it could help if we can squeeze more HAPPINESS from our 'GOOD DAYS' and then, 'BUFFER' it for some of the 'BAD DAYS'.  We can till make things happen even if THE WORLD IS HUGE [BUT WE'RE SMALL]✅✅✅

Tuesday, October 31, 2023



Has anyone secured immunity or exemption from Our 'TRUTH BOMBS' In Life?  Certainly and absolutely none.  WHY?  Because TRUTH BOMBS are always the second variable of our equations in life.  We can make up stories, mock up things, build a fictitious facade, lead a charade in life, live a 'double' [or triple] life BUT at the end of the day, we have to pave the way for Our 'TRUTH BOMBS' In LifeπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
Even the very much maligned Former U..S. President Donald Trump did drop the TRUTH BOMBS about Hunter Biden, the businessman-son of current U.S. President Joe Biden.  So, even the incumbent president of the most powerful country in the world [which makes its president the most powerful man on Earth] cannot just wear the veneers of teflon because he CAN'T be immune from TRUTH BOMBS.  Enough of U.S. political affairs though.  Let's swing back to our personal lives and look back, because very surely, at some point in our respective past, we did had our own TRUTH BOMBS which we had to dropπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜
We can rattle off a sampling of our very own TRUTH BOMBS in our past.  THAT time in school when your parents had set the bar high with regard your academic performance only to end up with a blight.  THAT time when your parents entrusted you a certain budget for a specific purpose but you ended up squandering it for another thing.  THAT time when as a teen, you impregnated your fiance.  THAT time when everyone thought you were having a nice career until one day you were given the pink slip by HR😈😈😈
We can go on and on, we may need to burn the midnight oil just for sharing our list of TRUTH BOMBS from our past.  BUT the biggest question you might ask me, are TRUTH BOMBS akin to the nuclear bomb such that it will lead to the end of the world?  Let me reply back with a loud NO.  TRUTH BOMBS are NOT the death knell in our life but the severity of the issue at hand gives us a challenge that we need to face up❗❗❗
So, for TRUTH BOMBS, it is common that we eventually get to values, especialluy the ones we hold about TRUTH and honesty.  We tend to have a mixed relationship with TRUTH and honesty.  And many of us have found ourselves flailing in the aftermath of the damage when we drop that TRUTH BOMB on someone, sometimes to our partner/spouse, sometimes to our immediate family, sometimes to our boss.  When it becomes messy, handle it deftly✅✅✅

WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction?

WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction?

TRACTION?  Does it ring a bell?  For quite a plurality, TRACTION is NOT even a talking point.  You would hear naysayers just shrugging it off and retort "WHAT TRACTION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WHEN WE'RE TALKING?"  And this is where the disconnect lies. Many of us take that as long as things are ongoing or some form of communications does exist, then everything is within control and there are no potential roadblocks that seem to be surfacing albeit in a subtle way.  But WHAT IF You Don't Gain Traction? Isn't that a potential roadblock already❓❓❓

The disconnect here lies in the misconception that as long as things have kickstarted, then it will be like that airborne flight now on auto-pilot BUT that's absolutely NOT the case down here on Planet Earth.  Kickstarting things out remains as such, kickstarting.  What follows suit will be tons and tons of sweat and efforts for it to progress and more often, initially, things will progress until it reaches a snail's pace.  So when should we expect to GAIN TRACTION❓❓❓

Now, here's a visual question. WHO wants to be like this wheels, stuck and unable to inch and move forward?  And if take this as an example as to why the vehicle seems stuck?  It's downright due to the fact that the vehicle's tires miserably failed to gain TRACTION.  Now, let's swing back to our own life as it is here where we're drawing such parallelismπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

So, frankly, when could one be GAINING TRACTION?  If one is literally progressing towards his goal, be it a literal example of going up the stairs or progressing towards a pre-set goal or a project or initiative you commenced is really literally progressingπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

So, here's a WHAT IFWHAT IF we do not GAIN TRACTION?  The implications are fairly simple.  That ongoing initiative or journey, if you may call it, is NOT progressing from Point A to Point B.  From a project-standpoint, if you have reached Point B way a week ago and if based on your timelines, a week after you should be hovering somewhere Point E already, you are NOT GAINING TRACTION, period.  What behooves then is for you to extricate yourself from that deep morass, dude✅✅✅

Monday, October 30, 2023

Speak Up!

Speak Up!

Speak Up!  Everyone of us would always remember our first-day jitters, whether in school, at work, at a public event, at social events.  BUT that's never an issue because no one is exempted from going through the wringers in those first-day jitters.  BUT beyond the first day, when do we Speak Up

Let's look back the first time we joined a new organization.  It seemed THRILLING yet DAUNTING.  That EXCITEMENT of meeting new colleagues and making new friends.  The 'HIGH' of taking on new challenges.  The opportunities to learn things you never knew before

And the swag.  WHO doesn't like coffee mugs and laptop sleeves and that blazing t-shirt telling the world the great place you work in?  BUT as a newcomer, you also want to prove that you aren't completely raw.  From understanding HOW meetings are run to reading your boss since being new requires a level of focus to UNLEARN the norms of your previous job and train yourself anew based on the needs of your new organization

A very common 'refrain' we hear is that they DON'T know much because they are new in the organization.  What is being sorely missed here is the point that being NEW is NOT the same a being a NOVICE.  There is an apparent 'danger' in that belief because we might be tempted to let things slip under the guise of 'NOT UNDERSTANDING'

What is quite disturbing is that studies show that when people adopt a mentality of "THAT'S JUST THE WAY THINGS ARE DONE HERE" OR "I DON'T WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT", they are less likely to Speak Up.  Even in the confines of your home, if your partner/spouse does somethin or acts in a way that is quite concerning to you, you need to Speak Up instead of just shrugging off like "THAT'S THE WAY HE IS" because, with no bad faith intended, you end up condoning your partner/spouse's behavior or action if you deemed it had to be flagged.  Do Speak Up❗❗❗

Straight from my thought processes...

Pick Your Lane!

WHY so progress in our respective journeys differently?  WHY do others end up leading the pack?  WHY do some remain to be cellar dwellers ...

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