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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Are JOKES The Very Antidotes To Stress?

Are JOKES The Very Antidotes To Stress?

Are JOKES The Very Antidotes To Stress?  Well, let le me share this post by Victoria Hardesty @Quora.com.  Shortly afer 9/11, anyone travelling in the U.S. will go through a grim if NOT terrifying experience with TSA/airport security then. And at the airport, their baggages will be manually checked by grim-looking security personnel as the people doing the checks had no smiles.  Until she turned to her husband, spoke out loud and asked him if he'd pull all the sex toys in her suitcase๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

That seemed to break the moods of both the queueing passengers and the baggage checkers and the poor young woman previously grimly checking the baggage just couldn't stop giggling.  WHAT's the moral of this story?  It really seems to prove that lighting up things can even turn upside down all the grim and stress into an entirely light interaction.  Alas, many of us [and I've been guilty of this many times in my life] would sometimes get so buried deep in a hole, unable to lighten up things๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Can we imagine that unfathomable situation wherein, in the midst of stress, we will end up clutching on straws with what Pharmacology offers us?  NOT to downplay the upsides of it but the sad truth is that many of us end up to be vulnerable once we start staking all our marbles in that Russian Roulette game because the best scenario is a stalemate at best❎❎❎

Thing is, all these would boil down to our poor coping skills.  WHAT aggravates matters is that we ourselves are even unaware that such is the case.  Factually, stress relief from laughter is NO JOKE.  WHEN it comes to relieving stress, more giggles and guffaws are just WHAT the doctor ordered.  WHY?  WHETHER you're guffawing at a sitcom on TV OR quietly giggling at a newspaper cartoon, laughing does you good.  Laughter is a great form of stress relief and that's NO JOKE.  True, a good sense of humor CAN'T cure all ailments BUT research data is mounting about the positive things laughter can do for us.  A good laugh has great short-term effects๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

WHEN you start laughing, it DOESN'T just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body.  Studies have proven that laughter can stimulate many organs as laughter enhances one's intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.  Our takeaway:  The benefits span even the long-term.  So, laughter ISN'T just a quick pick-me-up.  Experts are one i saying that it can improve one's immune system even as it increases one's personal satisfaction which in the end, does improve your mood.  So, ARE JOKES THE ANTIDOTES TO STRESS?  Absolutely, dude❗❗❗

Monday, December 23, 2024

Of Winners & Whiners

Of Winners & Whiners

How can one letter be so damn powerful, akin to separating the waters in the Red Sea?  Yes, that letter 'H' is that damn powerful.  You insert 'H' in WINNERS, you end up with 'WHINERS'.  Simply put, the person WHO wants to do something will find a way [WHATEVER it takes].  On the other hand, the person WHO DOESN'T will never fail find a reason [call that 'EXCUSE'?] to extricate him/herself out of that situation?   Indeed, Of Winners & Whiners๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Oh oh, I CAN'T disagree further from this poster, just 100% true and factual.  So, the puzzling question is what does that letter 'H' got to do, to create this huge divide between WINNERS versus WHINERS?  Many studies have been undertaken and they all ended up with the same conclusions.  THAT there's a huge difference between those two groups the way they THINK, TALK and ACT.  In terms of the way they think, WINNERS keep an open mind.  They consciously refrain from thinking a particular goal is impossible๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
With WINNERS, as long as they continue to think something is possible, their subconscious minds continue to to work towards the achievement of their goals.  Contrast this to the WHINERS who we'll hear "THAT WON'T WORK" and they start thinking of all kinds of reasons WHY they shouldn't try farther.  And they will then rationalize their lack of effort OR their feelings of fear by telling themselves those 'RATIONAL LIES'.  Moreover, WINNERS talk differently.  WINNERS speak out positive words of affirmation.  They even memorize words OR self-motivating sentences and say them out loud over and over again๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ
The TALE OF THE TAPE says it all.  And clearly, the Red Sea sets them far apart.  In real life, we all experience NOT just the UPs but the DOWNs.  Times WHEN the harvest is low.  Times WHEN business is down.  Times WHEN we are jobless.  Times when we are struggling because someone in the family is seriously medically ill.  BUT while WHINERS tend to commiserate, we will hear from WINNERs those encouraging words like 'NEVER COUNT THE MIGHT-HAVE-BEENS OR YOU'LL BE DEJECTED'. Just NEVER look at WHAT you have lost.  BUT instead, look at WHAT you have left.  Really, that kind of mindset will make one envious of WINNERS [if ever he/she is a WHINER]๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
Our takeaway:  If we have swept you off your feet to agree that we should all be WINNERS than WHINERS, let's 'pooh-pooh' everything we hear from the former and instead, let's stick to our guns and commit ourselves to the WINNING qualities we want to master, embodying qualities on PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE and CONFIDENCE.    I remember the champions tell us, speak out those three words every morning and evening, say each word 50 times each and you will NOT be far from that path to be a WINNER [and NOT a WHINER]❗❗❗

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Are Our Desires 'KILLING' Us?

Are Our Desires 'KILLING' Us?

Per se, DESIRES are NOT wrong, NOT that bad either.  BUT let's attempt to link DESIRES and DESTINY.  While DESIRE derives from the Latin word 'DESIDERARE', which means 'to long OR wish for', WHICH itself derives from the 'DE SIDERE'  [which means, 'from the stars', suggesting that the original sense is 'to await WHAT the stars will bring'.  True, DESIRES constantly arise from within us, only to be replaced by yet more DESIRES.  Without this continuous stream of 'DESIRING', there would NO longer be any reason to do anything.  As they say, life would grind to a halt, as it does for people WHO lose the ability to DESIRE.  WHEN things turn from bad to worse, an acute crisis of DESIRE corresponds to boredom and a chronic crisis towards depression.  Oh no. Are Our Desires 'KILLING' Us?  True, it is DESIRE that moves us and gives our life direction and meaning, perhaps NOT meaning in the cosmic sense, BUT meaning in the more restricted narrative sense๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
Nope, NOT all DESIRES are bad.  WHY?  It's simply because we were all born out of DESIRE and cannot remember a time WHEN we were without it.  We are so used to DESIRING that we are NOT conscious of our DESIRES, which only register with us WHEN they are very intense OR WHEN they come into conflict with our other DESIRES.  That's the paradox of DESIRE๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
So, HOW do we get around this paradox of DESIRE, that even the DESIRE to stop DESIRING is itself a DESIRE?  To get around this paradox, psychologists conceived that 'CESSATION OF DESIRE' via enlightenment, and NOT as the culmination of an intentional process BUT as a simple accident.  The problem with DESIRE is that if DESIRE is life, WHY should we then seek to control DESIRE?  For the simple reason that we seek to control life, OR at least our life, to make it more pleasant OR less painful, and more constructive as well๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•
The thing is, all suffering can be framed in terms of DESIRE.  If unmet DESIRE becomes painful, so are fear and anxiety, which can then be understood in terms of DESIRES about the future, and anger and even sadness which can understood in terms of DESIRES about the past.  That mid-life crisis is nothing if NOT a crisis of DESIRE as well❎❎❎
Our takeaway:  If indeed DESIRE itself is hurtful, so are its by-products.  The accumulation of properties in life [DON'T get me wrong, all along I wanted things that way as well], cars and other riches robs us of our time and tranquility, both in their acquiring and in their keeping, NOT to mention in their losing.  BTW, I DON'T mean that we should shun riches,  merely that we should NOT set out for, or set store by, them.  Are our DESIRES 'killing' us???

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Maybe, What We Lack Is NOT Purpose But FOCUS?

Maybe, What We Lack Is NOT Purpose But FOCUS?

Maybe, What We Lack Is NOT Purpose But FOCUS?  Me thinks almost everyone of us do have our own purposeful lives.  WHO would live without it in the first place?  BUT the looming scare that runs incognito is that WHAT's lacking is the needed FOCUS to the very PURPOSE which we would often concretize into action verbs and action plans.  YET, WHAT causes many of us to get stalled?  Maybe, we lack FOCUS, after all๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜
If our problem is staying on a task at hand OR paying attention to the details, things could be as simple as eliminating distractions like your smart phone OR trying techniques like 'SMART' goals may help.  And if there's one thing we could all probably use a lot more of, it's our ability to FOCUS. BUT here's the thing.  Telling yourself to stay FOCUSED on a task, especially a mundane one, is often easier said than done.  BUT I'll take exception with Japanese because I envy their ability to be FOCUSED.  While on a holiday in Japan, we explored even the remote cities of Kyoto, Nara and Kobe and I envied the Mochi Maker [@ Nara] WHO was so consistently FOCUSED every step of the way despite tourists swarming all over the place๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
BUT WHAT causes our sometimes poor attention to detail?  True, all people can experience poor attention to detail OR having trouble FOCUSING sometimes.  And the most common superficial contributing factors could be as simple as being hungry, being tired, having a poor quality of sleep, being stressed, feeling worried OR anxious OR being distracted by something around one's environment.  True, managing the cause of your inability to FOCUS can help resolve the issue๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง
Good news, according to experts, losing that FOCUS may be a result of either a symptom related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], anxiety, depression, autism, learning disorders like dyslexia, conditions that affect the quality of one's sleep, like insomnia OR sleep apnea, conditions that cause fatigue, like hypothyroidism, a post-traumatic stress disorder OR a concentration deficit disorder, amongst others❎❎❎
Our takeaway:  Losing one's FOCUS can indeed be caused from A to Z but HOW and WHERE can we get help to fix it?  Start off by isolating if it is a medically-related issue that is causing you to lose FOCUS.  Otherwise, the problem could have been caused within the periphery if one is unable to remember things that occurred a short time ago?  OR even having difficulty to seat still?  OR even having a difficulty to think clearly?  OR is it your inability to make decisions?  OR is it making sheer careless mistakes?  Either ways, do figure it out because WHAT YOU LACK IS NOT PURPOSE BUT FOCUS, and that's NOT a longshot to think of๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Friday, December 20, 2024



WHEN we think of PROGRESS, we often think of moving forward, making improvements and even achieving success.  However, defining PROGRESSION can be challenging as it may mean different things to different people.  PROGRESSION can refer to personal growth, societal advancement OR even technological innovation.  So, the question is, Why MOVING FORWARD Is PROGRESS!!!
From a personal perspective, PROGRESSION may mean improving oneself through education, career advancement, OR personal development.  As an example, someone may consider progressing in their career by achieving a promotion OR learning new skills to advance in their field.  On the other hand, someone else may view progression as achieving inner peace OR finding fulfillment in their personal life.  From a much broader societal perspective, PROGRESSION can refer to social, economic, OR political advancements.  For instance, a society may PROGRESS by providing equal opportunities for all citizens, reducing poverty OR even protecting human rights๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ
Thing is, PROGRESS comes in different forms and shapes.  And NO one can claim his own strides of PROGRESS is the sole definition of what moving forward can be equated to PROGRESS.  BUT beyond all the talk about PROGRESSION, there are basic pre-requisites for it to shape up and happen.  First off, PROGRESSION requires vision.  Defining PROGRESSION requires having a clear vision of WHAT we want to achieve.  And that involves setting goals, even identifying obstacles and creating a plan to overcome them๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Close to the heels of setting one's vision, PROGRESSION requires ACTION no less.  It's a no brainer here.  ACTION is needed to turn that vision into reality.  And that involves putting in the effort, taking risks, and making sacrifices to achieve our goals.  NOT far behind is the need for us to learn from failures.  Fact of the matter is that PROGRESSION is NOT always a linear path.  We may encounter setbacks and failures along the way, WHICH can provide valuable lessons for us๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
Our takeaway:  Lost in the maze in our discourse about PROGRESSION is the obvious need for collaboration.  PROGRESSION often involves working with others towards a common goal.  Collaboration would allow and enable us to pool our resources [and efforts], skills and knowledge in a concerted approach to achieve greater and more impacting results.  WHETHER it is for personal growth, societal advancement OR technological innovation, PROGRESSION is all about making positive changes and moving forward in our path to achieve our goals in life.  WHOEVER says that he feels embarrassed because he/she keeps moving forward with no PROGRESS is sheet baloney because MOVING FORWARD IS PROGRESS!!!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

When Communications Clash

When Communications Clash

All along, WHAT we knew was that COMMUNICATIONS is the solution to almost all 'disconnects' that happen in life.  BUT it does befuddle me that sometimes [or likely many times], COMMUNICATIONS itself becomes part of the problem.  HOW can that be?  Indeed, it does become that ironical When Communications Clash.    WHEN in fact, we were always taught that COMMUNICATIONS is an art that everyone of us must master to find success.  Unfortunately, some poor methods of COMMUNICATIONS are so common [and quite chronically prevalent] that many of us AREN'T even aware of it, which causes things to go uphill๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

This conundrum has even brought about the need for COMMUNICATIONS coaches and a common refrain we hear from coaches is that a coaching client WON'T realize they need to break a BAD COMMUNICATIONS habit until their coach brings it up to them.  So, WHAT can we do to break them?  One of the worst ways to COMMUNICATE is by demonstrating a lack of empathy, particularly WHEN the message could impact another person๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Through the years, I've witnessed first-hand [and many times I was guilty of this as well] WHEN messaging kicks-in even without first reflecting on the possible reaction of the receiving party.  Indeed, that is a surefire way to cause a dent OR even a damage to COMMUNICATIONS between two or more persons.  And BTW, how often do you react and respond in a quick 'lightning' speed simply because we want to sound that smart???

C'mon dude, taking a few minutes before responding to the issue [especially in a heated verbal exchange] can help build trust and even create space for more meaningful COMMUNICATIONS.  Problem is, BAD COMMUNICATION habits are often something that we are NOT aware of even within ourselves.  One bad habit that is often overlooked is interrupting others WHICH means, we do NOT allow them to finish their thought and can even make them feel unheard OR worse, feel ignored.  Next time, they may not even speak❌❌❌

Our takeaway:  Taking either extremes of the spectrum is bad enough.  LIKE speaking too fast without even pausing.  HOW can we give the listeners the opportunity to digest WHAT was said OR to even ask questions?  In our desire to share as much information as possible, it is easy to forget that silence is a necessary component of COMMUNICATIONS.  Indeed, when COMMUNICATIONS clash!@#?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

When Expectations Can Either Be GOOD Or BAD

When Expectations Can Either Be GOOD Or BAD

This is not an EITHER OR stuff kind of thing but throughout our life, we'll all go through the gamut, sometimes savoring our WINs, at times struggling When Expectations Can Either Be GOOD Or BAD.  BUT we won't waste time on the GOOD stuff.  BUT instead let's deep-dive as to WHAT triggers the trajectory of our EXPECTATIONS to go on an upswing, sometimes, too steep for even the top-notch Mt Everest climber๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Hardships can push someone to have higher EXPECTATIONS because they want to improve their life circumstances.  While others, WHO have an easy life and obtain things without OR with very little effort, if at all, may NOT have that drive to achieve MORE in life.  BUT the real downside of higher EXPECTATIONS is that it can cause frustration, disappointment, anger, anxiety, stress, discouragement, resentment and sometimes that sense of FAILURE❎❎❎

WHAT's palpable here is an apparent disconnect because EXPECTATIONS are WHAT we think will happen WHILE reality is WHAT actually transpires.  And WHILE we hope these two will match up, they often DON'T.  This disparity of EXPECTATIONS versus reality can often lead to feelings of discontentment, and worse, even unhappiness.  The long and short of it, everything boils down to EXPECTATIONS๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
While EXPECTATIONS can play an important role in determining WHAT happens and can contribute to goal-directed behavior, they can also lead to disappointment WHEN reality does NOT match up to WHAT you hoped would happen.  Some signs that one might hold EXPECTATIONS include anticipating a certain outcome, holding a vision in your mind of HOW things will play out OR having a set idea of WHAT you want OR need from a situation.  YES, when EXPECTATIONS are NOT met, it can lead to feelings of disappointment, frustration and worst, even anger๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Our takeaway:  DON'T get me wrong though despite this litany of downsides arising from EXPECTATIONS because let's admit it, we need EXPECTATIONS.  WHY?  They anchor us.  They help us navigate the world better because we can expect certain things.  Hindsight can sometimes be 20/20.  Admittedly, from my past, when I did apply half myself, I got half the results.  It's just that people like it BUT aren't loving it.  And when I fully applied it in the past [and even till now], I got full results.  It's just that people would either love it OR they WOULD hate it.  Now, much as there are universal laws, I like the idea of having the EXPECTATION that if I follow my core values, priorities and desires, if I follow my meaning and purpose, I will experience joy.  This is one of the upsides of EXPECTATIONS after all๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

No Place for Self-destructive Behaviors

No Place for Self-destructive Behaviors

At some point in our lives, everyone of us should have been guilty [at the very least once OR twice] for condoning our own SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS.  In fact, just about everyone has.  And most of the time, it's NOT intentional and indeed, many times, it DOESN'T become a habit.  In fact, SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behaviors are those that are bound to be detrimental to you, to oneself, either mentally, emotionally OR worst, even physically [and even if it happens unintentionally].  No Place for Self-destructive Behaviors๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Besides being unintentional most of the time, sometimes we may know exactly WHAT we're doing BUT that urge is too strong to even avoid OR control it.  At times, it may be due to earlier life experiences.  And albeit scaringly, sometimes it can also be related to a mental health condition such as depression OR anxiety.  BUT before we delve into it, let's align in defining SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORs๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

And contrary to a widespread misconception, SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS are not just limited to compulsive activities [like gambling OR gaming], OR even overusing alcohol and drugs BUT those SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS can be seemingly harmless like INTERRUPTING OTHERS WHEN YOU WANT TO SPEAK, like making everything about themselves, like creating UNNECESSARY DRAMA, like initiating JOKES AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS, among others๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ

Does this sound like you?  If it's you making jokes about others, pay attention to how your words are hitting.  Try to put yourself in their own shoes and HOW do you feel if someone talked about you that way.  And if you go much deeper, let's ask yourself if you have an issue with that person?  OR are you simply nervous and trying to be funny just to break a brewing tension?  Either way, it behooves that you CUT and CUT CLEAN from a seemingly petty BUT quite SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behavior❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  It  may seem to be a non-issue but without really nitpicking, it will help to look around to recognize some traits that people around you OR you interact with exhibit OR manifest any of these SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behaviors.  By increasing our awareness and incisiveness around us, we need to be mindful that we CAN'T just ignore our own imperfections and simply focus on others.  That just WON'T get us far ahead.  As NOT one of us is even near-perfect, we are duty-bound to identify the areas we need to improve and work on.  The next time [IF EVER] you feel the urge to manifest any of these SELF-DESTRUCTIVE behaviors, remind yourself of HOW it makes you feel WHEN you are on the receiving end.  There's simply NO PLACE for SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS❗❗❗

Monday, December 16, 2024



Once upon a time, I was a PEOPLE-PLEASER, indeed a real pushover.  Honestly, I DIDN'T know WHERE other people ended and began and my decisions were based on WHAT would make other people happy OR comfortable.  I remember I was a neophyte in the workforce and here I come stepping into the confines of a blue-chip global organization.  And alas, for the very first time in my life, I was getting introduced in working with expat executives from the U.K., the Netherlands, Venezuela and Japan.  And for quite a number of years, I was literally going with the flow.  WHEN a social 'instigator' will organize an out-of-town sortie, I remember being one of the first to signup to every suggestion, every idea, every proposition. All along, I thought that made me easygoing, likable, and generally pretty cool.  Little did I know that it really just made me lost, confused and pretty much unlikable.  I realized that WHEN you go through life as a PEOPLE-PLEASER, you AREN'T living on your own terms.  Unfortunately, I learned that years after.   Let's Stop Being PEOPLE-PLEASER๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

All along, I [wrongly] thought that I was being nice, likeable, agreeable and even 'drama-free'.  BUT years after those 'lost years', I realized that keeping  your true self beneath the surface DOESN'T do anyone any favors.  Instead, it just results in you being surrounded by rude, selfish, and sometimes unforgiving people WHO, instead of appreciating that you've put their needs first, things end up with them treating you like a doormat.  Indeed, that was despicable to say the least๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

My personal realization in my past ordeals is that we CAN'T use PEOPLE-PLEASING in the same way other people use drugs, alcohol or even chronic shopping as a way to avoid the discomfort of others' disapproval.  And WHEN it came to being disliked, invalidated OR perceived as being in the wrong side of things, I thought I was a 'BIG BABY' then.  Those times, I could get into my 'child traumas' and the events that prompted my need to PLEASE PEOPLE๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

BUT what is of most paramount importance in all these is the real story how I [STILL] ended up overcoming my PEOPLE PLEASING dilemma.  Because if you're anything like I was then, you know that at some point, you just have to STOP trying to PLEASE others and do something for yourself for a change, at the very least.  Sitting around and praying for people to understand how much pressure they put on you, OR hoping they'll one day lessen their demands [OR call it drama?] is futile.  Without changing their own  behaviors this kind of wishing and hoping ISN'T just foolish, it's straight up counterproductive.  Good grief, my own realizations DIDN'T come so late, otherwise I could be like a 'wreak', huhu❎❎❎
My takeaway:  To reach my realizations, I went back to bare knuckles basic rudiments in life.  Like becoming SELF-AWARE as WHEN we invite our thoughts and feelings into awareness, we have that opportunity to learn from them.  Doing this, it gave me a better handle on my impulse to please and allowed me to notice WHEN I WASN'T being helpful.  To cap it off, I did realize that doing too much hurts, rather than helps, even relationships.  WHY?  Because even if your intentions were good, they ultimately hindered the overall effectiveness of relationships.  LET'S STOP BEING PEOPLE-PLEASERs๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Sunday, December 15, 2024

You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL....

You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL....

Martin Luther King, the famous and respected American minister and activist was widely quoted: "IF YOU CAN'T FLY, THEN RUN.  IF YOU CAN'T RUN, THEN WALK.  IF YOU CAN'T WALK, THEN CRAWL BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, YOU HAVE TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD".  This brings us a full-circle back to life and frankly to our own health.  Whatever is your life journey, and even if you end up successful in your endeavors be it in the corporate world OR in your burgeoning entrepreneurial forays, we all share a common denominator and that's our HEALTH!!!  Frankly though, if we take a random survey across and inquire about each of the problems that beset us NOW, each of us could be holding on to a mile-long list of problems.  Imagine that hodge-podge list of problems ranging from family problems to financial problems to legal problems, and YES, even those "IN-LAW" problems, so on and so on.  BUT dude, You Can Have A Thousand Problems UNTIL ONE DAY, knock on wood, you will get hit with a HEALTH PROBLEM and suddenly, YOU GOT ONE PROBLEM

This time, please allow me to quote American author and coach, Tony Robbins, WHO says:  A HEALTHY PERSON HAS A HUNDRED WISHES BUT A SICK PERSON HAS ONLY ONE. Whew!  This is an eye-opener, right?  HOW and WHY in the world, in our normal lives, we're so preoccupied with a thousand things [or probably a hundred stuff], cracking our head to find an answer for each one.  For that pitiful fellow languishing with an illness, VERY LIKELY, he's got only ONE SINGLE WISH, and it's about his health
Surely, there's NOTHING to argue OR debate that we are all aligned that our HEALTH is the 'primus inter pares', the first among equals, assuming you have tons and tons of priorities in life.  So, ISN'T it just fair and rational that we consider to endeavor simplifying our respective complex [and sometimes, ultra complex] situations BY just having our HEALTH at the top of the totem pole, and everything else sharing the bed crumbs of our attention?  While I have the lowest credibility to share medical advice, all studies and researches have consistently confirmed that our preoccupation with that mile-long list of problems INDIRECTLY [ IF NOT directly] either initiate, plant the seeds OR simply worsen a 'bad' situation, all because of this five-letter magic word spelled S-T-R-E-S-S???

And knock on wood, WHEN a health issue does hit us, only then we would realize that we should NOT be consumed with wealth, with properties, with intra-family squabbles, with workplace woes and NOT even financials [much as that is damn basic] because everything gets relegated at the background, all because of health issues.  Ironically, even medical experts opine that STRESS [which is exacerbated by our tons and tons of problems, again NO thanks to that long list of so called 'problems' that is consuming us mentally, emotionally and even psychologically.  At the end of the day, everything 'RESETS' once we get hit with a health issue

Our takeaway:  Let's spare a minute OR two and do a look-up of this 'mind map' I grabbed.  The messaging is plain and simple, cutting all the unnecessary crap.  THAT we got to endeavor to achieve that HAPPINESS [which sometimes can be elusive] regardless if we tend to be disturbed OR distracted with that slew of problems that can practically consume us and 'eat us alive'.  Heard of narratives WHERE someone dutifully saved and saved for the 'rainy days' and WHEN he was hospitalized for an illness, the hospital bills simply gobbled up all those savings in ONE BIG BANG.  And at that point, he went into a RESET, not thinking anymore of his previous preoccupation with worries and issues related to family, financial, work, legal and even community-related issues.  WHY?  By then, he realized that he's got only one single problem to grapple with, and that's his HEALTH.  Yes dude, YOU CAN HAVE A THOUSAND PROBLEMS UNTIL YOU GET HIT WITH A HEALTH PROBLEM!@#$%?

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